M.Shayin,IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh Order under Section144 Cr.PC upto 22.11.2014

No. DM/MA/2014/23746 Dated:-22-09-2014

WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to me that a number of persons are living in the city of Chandigarh as Paying Guest an d not strictly as tenants. These persons are students pursuing various courses, are patients undergoing treatment and  also are citizens pursuing various vocations. As they are not tenants, they are not expected to be registered with the police. This in turn, may allow anti-social elements to reside in Chandigarh under the formal arrangement namely "Paying Guest". This arrangement involves charging for food and accommodation both. As the arrangement does not strictly fall in the category of tenancy or even the premises not in the category of Guest House or Hotel, at present, this category of residents are not been accounted for and, therefore, there is a likelihood that, this arrangement is abused by anti-social elements who can hide themselves in the city and can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility. In addition, there are also reports that immoral activities are being indulged in by some of the Paying Guest which cause nuisance to neighbourers and other concerned.AND Whereas, I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh am of the opinion that some check is necessary on the landlords/owners or managers of such 'paying guest accommodation' so that anti-social elements in the guise of paying guest do not cause harm to the citizens. Now therefore, I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with me under section 144 Cr.
PC direct all the persons who intends to offer accommodation to paying guests should inform in writing the particulars of such guest to the Station House Officer, concerned in whose jurisdiction the premises fall, within one month from the issue of these orders, failing which they shall be liable to be prosecuted under section 188 IPC.
In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general.
This order shall come into force with effect from Zero hours on 24-09-2014 and shall be effective for a period of 60 days up to and including 22-11-2014.This order shall be promulgated by the announcement through publicity vans and by affixing copies thereof at the Notice boards of the office of District Magistrate, Chandigarh and publication in the newspapers having circulation in the area.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court this 19-09-2014 .
ORDER U/S 144 Cr. PC No. DM/MA/2014/23716 Dated:22-09-2014
Whereas it has been made to appear to me that a large number of commercial places/shops have come up in Chandigarh popularly known as Cyber Cafes and a large number of people visit these places to use the facilities available there including e-mail facilities. And, that certain anti-social elements, criminals and terrorists may use these facilities to mislead the security/investigation agencies, create panic in the public, endanger the security of general public, VIPs and government institutions, and help the terrorist activities directly affecting the security of the State. And whereas, I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh am of the opinion that immediate action is necessary to take speedy recourse to prevent danger to human lives from any terrorist act which may effect the security of the State and disturb the public peace and tranquility. Now therefore, I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate , Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with me under section 144 Cr. PC, hereby direct the owners of the Cyber Cafes to strictly comply with the following:-
(i) prohibiting the use of Cyber Cafes by unknown person whose identity has not been established by the owner of the café;
(ii) maintaining a register for identity of the visitor/user;
(iii) make an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning name, address, telephone number and identity proof. The visitor/user shall also sign the register kept for this purpose;
(iv) the identity of the visitor/user shall be established through identity card, voter card, ration card, driving license, passport and photo credit card;
(v) activity server log should be preserved in main server and its record should be preserved for at least six months;
(vi) if any activity of the visitor is of a suspicious nature, the owner of the Cyber Cafe will inform the police station;
(vii) record be maintained about the specific computer  used by the person.
4. This order shall come into force with effect from the zero hour on 24-09-2014 and shall be effective for a period of 60 days upto and including 22-11-2014.
5. In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general.
6. This order shall be promulgated by announcement through publicity vans and by affixing copies thereof at the Notice Board of the Office of the District Magistrate as well as the District Courts, Chandigarh, and publication in the ne
wspapers having circulation in the area. Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this__19th _day of Sept, 2014
No. DM/MA/2014/23702 Dated:22-09-14 ORDER UNDER SECTION 144 Cr.P.C.
Whereas it has been made to appear to me that there is an apprehension that anti-social elements may make their hideouts clandestinely in the residential areas of the Union Territory of Chandigarh if suitable measures to prevent the same are not taken and the unlawful activities of these people can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides posing grave danger to human life and safety and injury to public property.
2. AND WHEREAS I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh, am of the opinion that some check is necessary on landlords/tenants/owners or managers of commercial establishments so that anti-social elements in the guise of ordinary tenants may not cause harm to the citizen and that immediate action is warranted in this regard.
3. NOW THEREFORE, I, M. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh in exercise of the power vested in me u/s 144 Cr. P.C.do hereby order as an emergency measure that no landlord and owner or manager of commercial establishment shall rent out any accommodation to any person unless and until he has furnished the particulars of the said tenants to the Station House Officer concerned. All the persons who intend to offer accommodation on rent shall inform in writing the particulars of tenants to the Station House Officer concerned in whose jurisdiction the premises fall.
4. In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general.
5. This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 24-09-2014 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days upto and including 22-11-2014.
6. This order shall be promulgated by the announcement through publicity vans and by affixing copies thereof at the Notice Boards of the Office of the District Magistrate, Chandigarh and publication in the newspaper having circulation in the area.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this day of _18th _Sept, 2014.
No. DC/MA/2014/23732 Dated: 22-09-2014
Whereas, it has been made to appear to me that because of possibility of law & order problem, security threats and possibility of misuse of weapons by anti-social elements and others can create panic in the public, and as such there is every apprehension of breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides danger to human life and safety by the display of weapons.
And whereas I, Mohd. Shayin, IAS, District Magistrate, Chandigarh, am of the opinion that carrying of fire arms and lethal weapons including spears within the Union Territory, Chandigarh in connection with the aforesaid matters would cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed, disturb public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.
Now, therefore, I, Mohd. Shayin, IAS, District Magist rate, Chandigarh do, hereby, prohibit as measure of emergency, the public generally or any member thereof from carrying of fire arms and all kinds of lethal weapons including spears within the limits of Union Territory of Chandigarh for a period of 60 days.
Provided that the above order shall not apply to:-
1. Police or military or para-military personnel and other Govt. servants if called upon to carry fire arms in connection with their duties subject to the following conditions:-
a. That the police/military/para-military personnel shall be in their service uniform.
b. That the exemption is applicable in relation to the above said personnel only when they are on official duty.
c. That the above personnel shall carry their identity cards and authorization cards authorizing them to carry the fire arms in connection with their official duties, issued by the Competent Authority.
2. Carrying of fire arms and lethal weapons for which permission in writing of the District Magistrate, Chandigarh has been obtained.
This order shall come into force from the zero hour on 24-09-2014 , and shall be effective up to and including  22-11-2014
In view of the emergent nature of this order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general. This order shall be promulgated by announcement through publicity vans and by affixing copies thereof  at the notice board of the court of the District Magistrate as well as the District Courts, Chandigarh.
Given under my hand and seal of the Court on this _19th day of September, 2014.

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