19వ కోళ్ళు కుక్కల జనాభా లెక్కలు

Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department - Conduct of 19th
Livestock Census 2012 – Allotment of responsibilities on different Officers and staff
engaged in the Census work – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Rt. No. 336 Dated: 02/08/2012.
Read the following:-
1. From the Director (AHS), Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture,
Deptt; of AH,D &F, New Delhi, File No.26/125-corres LC (19)
2012– AHS, dated 14/6/2012.
2. Sri.A.K.Mathur Advisor, Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture,
Deptt; of AH,D &F, New Delhi, D.o.No.26-125-corres LC (19)
2012-AHS, dated 21/6/2012.
3. From the Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Hyderabad
Lr.Roc.No.4500/LCC/2012, dated 28/6/2012.

The 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census 2012 is proposed to be conducted in
the State as part of All India programme by the Animal Husbandry Department as per
the instructions of Government of India. The census will provide the latest data on
Livestock, Poultry, Livestock Implements and also on certain relevant particulars on
availability of Veterinary Services and infrastructural services in the villages of
Andhra Pradesh.
2. The Director of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh has informed in his letter
3rd read above, that the Government of India have communicated the time schedule
for the conduct of the 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census 2012 during the
enumeration period from 15.09.2012 to 14.10.2012 with 15th October’ 2012 as
reference date. Accordingly, the Director of Animal Husbandry has submitted detailed
proposals for issue of orders authorizing the concerned Officers at various levels as
Livestock Census Officers in the State.
3. Government after careful consideration, accept the proposals of the Director of
Animal Husbandry and issue the following orders:-
a. The Director of Animal Husbandry is designated as the State Livestock
Census Officer for conduct of 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census 2012. He
shall supervise all arrangements and ensure that all the preparatory actions
are completed at the earliest to enable successful timely completion of
enumeration work. He shall take all the steps required for completion of the
census within the time frame. He shall regularly inform the progress of the
enumeration work to Government of A.P and Government of India, New Delhi.
b. The District Collectors are designated as District Livestock Census Officers for
conduct of the above census and shall ensure completion of the work as per
the guidelines within the time frame.
c. The Divisional Assistant Directors (AH) are designated as the Divisional
Livestock Census Officer for conduct of the above census.
d. The Mandal Animal Husbandry Officers (AH) are designated as Mandal
Livestock Census Officer for conduct of the above census.

e. In case of Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, the Assistant Director (AH)
in-charge Veterinary Hospital functioning in that area (except Hyderabad) are
designated as Livestock Census Officers for their respective jurisdictions.
f. For Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad the District Collector, Hyderabad is
designated as the Livestock Census Officer.
4. All the Heads of the Departments and Officers mentioned in the address entry
are requested to extend their fullest cooperation to the Livestock Census Officers of
all levels for the successful conduct of the 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census
5. The calendar of operation at the District and lower Levels are indicated in
(Annexure – I) and the duties and responsibilities of the several agencies involved
in conducting the 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census 2012 in Andhra Pradesh are
indicated in (Annexure-II) to this order.
6. The District Collectors shall ensure that training classes are conducted at all
levels in time and the entire process of Livestock Census is taken up as per
7. The Director of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall issue
necessary instructions to all the Officers concerned with the census work and
ensure that the above census work is carried out as per the stage wise time
schedule fixed.
8. The Secretariat Departments of Revenue, Panchayat Raj, Municipal
Administration & Urban Development, Environment Forest Sciences & Technology
Departments, Agriculture & Cooperation, and Animal Husbandry, Dairy
Development & Fisheries are requested to issue suitable instructions to their Heads
of Departments to share the responsibility and participate in the successful conduct
of 19th Quinquennial Livestock Census 2012 in Andhra Pradesh.

CENSUS, 2012
The Director of Animal Husbandry, Andhra Pradesh is the State Livestock Census
Officer and he will be in over all charge for the census of livestock, 2012. He shall
guide, supervise and coordinate the census operations in the State through the
District Collectors, Joint Directors (AH) in the Districts and other staff of the
Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Hyderabad. He is responsible for the
successful conduct of the census in the State, transmission of consolidated
figures to the Government of India and also for the preparation and release of the
State Livestock Census reports, 2012.
For the purpose of conducting the census of Livestock, 2012 the District Collector
shall be the District Livestock Census Officer for his District and will be
responsible for the proper conduct of the census in his District as per the calendar
of operations indicated in Annexure – I. He will be assisted by the Joint Director
(AH) for the successful conduct of the Livestock census operations in his District.
The District Collector may draft the services of personnel (working/retired) of
Animal Husbandry Department in the District both for Enumeration and
Supervision. If they are inadequate in number, he may draft the services of
personnel of other department in the District both for enumeration and
supervision. He has to arrange for the collection and compilation of the figures at
District level with Mandal wise, Village wise breakup for both rural and urban
areas and send the consolidated figures to the Director of Animal Husbandry,
Andhra Pradesh, as per the time schedule fixed for the purpose.
The Divisional Assistant Director (AH) shall be the Divisional Livestock Census
Officer. The Divisional Assistant Director should plan, monitor and coordinate with
the Officials of Line Departments at Divisional Level and Joint Director of Animal
Husbandry Department at District level for successful conduct of 19th Livestock
Census, 2012. The Divisional Assistant Directors should consolidate Mandal /
Town wise reports for onward submission to District authorities. They should also
monitor the Tabulation work for analyzing the data for various para meters.
The Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer is responsible for the successful conduct of
the Livestock census in his Mandal. The Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer shall
be the Mandal Livestock Census Officer for his Mandal and will be responsible for
imparting training to enumerators and supervisors. The Mandal Animal
Husbandry Officer shall plan, monitor and coordinate with the officials of Line
Departments at Mandal level and Divisional Assistant Director (AH) at Divisional
level for successful conduct of the 19th Livestock Census, 2012 at the Mandal

The Assistant Director (AH) I/c Veterinary Hospital functioning in that area is
responsible for conducting the Livestock Census work in Municipal Areas by
utilizing Animal Husbandry Departmental staff and by drawing staff from Line
departments in consultation with the Municipal Commissioners concerned. In the
case of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, the Commissioner, GHMC,
Hyderabad will be responsible for conducting Livestock Census with the
assistance of the Regional Joint Director (AH), Hyderabad. The Commissioner
will arrange to draw suitable staff for Census Operations, with the assistance of
Regional Joint Director (AH), Hyderabad.
In the cantonment area the cantonment board shall be responsible for organizing
the census work. This may be done with the co-ordination of Animal Husbandry
The Enumerators have to perform the enumeration work under overall
supervision and guidance of their Supervisor. They should follow the instructions
of enumeration as passed on by the supervisor/higher authorities written or
otherwise. They should ensure availability of sufficient number of schedules and
other related materials in their possession. They should also keep informed the
concerned Supervisor about the progress of the work and also bring any problem
faced to the knowledge of the Supervisor for their prompt solution. The
Enumerators shall facilitate inspection from the Supervisor and the higher
authorities where ever such officials visit their location. They should finally hand
over the filled in schedules and other related materials to the Supervisor in the
manner asked for.
Rural Areas :
The Enumerators will be appointed by Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer (Mandal
Livestock Census Officer) in consultation with the local Veterinary Assistant
Surgeon. The appointment of enumerators shall be confined to Animal Husbandry
Departmental Staff such as Veterinary Assistant / Livestock Assistant / Junior
Veterinary Officer / Veterinary Livestock Officer / Retired Veterinarians /
Paraveterinarians. If they are inadequate the services of para professionals such
as youth trained in Animal Husbandry related activities (Gopalamitras,
Jeevamitras, Community Managed Livestock Extension Workers (CLEWs),
Adarsha Rythus, unemployed youth who are well versed with Livestock, educated
Self Help Group women etc., shall be utilized. The Enumerator shall handover
the filled up forms (Schedule 1 to 3) to concerned Supervisors as per the time
schedule. The Divisional Assistant Director (Divisional Livestock Census Officer)
shall keep few number of Enumerators and Supervisors as Reserve for utilizing
their services as and when necessary during Enumeration period.
Urban Areas :
In urban areas, wards will be delimited into blocks or groups of blocks, which can
be conveniently visited for enumeration purpose by the enumerators. For each of
such units, one enumerator will be appointed by the Assistant Director (AH) I/c
Veterinary Hospital from Animal Husbandry Departmental Staff such as Veterinary
Assistant / Livestock Assistant / Junior Veterinary Officer (working / retired) and if
they are inadequate, the services of different personnel as mentioned above may
be utilized.

The Supervisor shall ensure that all enumerators appointed under him/her report to
their duties under the census work. The Supervisor shall appoint on an average,
one Enumerator for every 1500 households in plain area / for every 1000
households in difficult and hilly areas. Notwithstanding the criteria of 1500
households, efforts are to be made, as far as possible, to appoint one enumerator
for one village/hamlet/ward of city/town. In large villages/hamlet where number of
households is too large to be managed by one enumerator, more than one
enumerator could be appointed with well demarcated boundary of their areas.
Absenteeism in unavoidable circumstances should promptly be brought to the
notice of the Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer / Divisional Assistant Director (AH)
and suitable arrangement may be made after consultation. They should solve the
problems, if any, faced by the enumerators in their work of enumeration. They
should ensure availability of sufficient number of schedules and other related
materials to the concerned Enumerators. They should organize, supervise and
monitor the enumeration work of the Enumerators under them. They should
randomly check some (at least 10% work of every enumerator) of the filled in
schedules. Also facilitate inspection from the higher authorities whenever such
officials visit their location. They should finally collect the filled in schedules in a
manner asked for and deposit the same to the Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer /
Divisional Assistant Director (AH) for further necessary action.
Rural Areas :
The Veterinary Assistant Surgeons working in the respective Mandal shall be
appointed as Supervisors by the concerned Divisional Assistant Director (AH)
(Divisional Livestock Census Officer). In case of shortage of staff due to
vacancies, the services of neighbouring Veterinary Assistant Surgeons (excess in
other Mandals) shall be utilized. Each Supervisor will be assigned a group of
reasonable number of Enumerators at least 6 per one supervisor so that they can
effectively supervise their work. Each Supervisor should randomly check at least
10% of households under his jurisdiction.
Urban Areas :
In the urban areas, Assistant Director (AH), I/c Veterinary Hospital shall be
appointed as Supervisor by the District Livestock Census Officer. He shall
supervise the census work of all the Enumerators in the concerned Town /
Municipality / Municipal Corporation. The Supervisor shall randomly check at least
10% of households under his jurisdiction.
In case of Reserved forest areas, nearby Veterinary Assistant Surgeon / Mandal
Animal Husbandry Officer shall be appointed as supervisors. They should work in
co-ordination with the Forest Range Officers and the Foresters.
The Supervisors will collect the Schedules 1 to 3 along with the abstracts in the
prescribed form from the concerned enumerators in their jurisdiction. The
Supervisors after ensuring that all the Villages / Wards in their respective
jurisdictions are covered, will consolidate the census data for their respective
areas and check the totals for the respective columns of the schedules. These
abstracts have to be sent to the Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer who in turn, will
prepare an abstract for his Mandal giving figures separately for urban and rural
areas and furnish the same to the Divisional Assistant Director (AH) (Divisional

Livestock Census Officer) in case of Rural Areas. In Urban Areas, the Assistant
Director (AH) in-charge Veterinary Hospital appointed as Supervisor shall furnish
the Ward wise totals of the Town / City to the concerned Divisional Assistant
Director (AH) (Divisional Livestock Census Officer), who inturn will furnish the
provisional and final figures for both rural and urban areas separately to the Joint
Director (AH) of the District as per the dates prescribed.
In order to have Livestock Census data with high precision and accuracy,
monitoring at different levels is envisaged. The Additional Directors (AH) working
in the Directorate of Animal Husbandry should monitor the Livestock Census work
by visiting the Districts / Field and checking at random the data collected. The
Monitoring Officers shall guide the Field functionaries for getting Data with high
precision and accuracy. At Field level, the Joint Director (AH) and the Divisional
Assistant Directors (AH) should monitor the Census work of Enumeration and
Supervision through periodic / surprise visits. The services of other Animal
Husbandry Departmental Officers who are not appointed as Supervisors such as
Deputy Directors (AH), Assistant Directors (AH) in-charge ADDLs / Frozen
Semen Banks / Livestock Farms / Training Centres etc., shall also be utilized for
effective monitoring.
Various functionaries engaged in the 19th Livestock Census for Enumeration,
Supervision shall submit the reports in the prescribed forms within the scheduled
time to the higher authorities. Livestock Census Cell shall be formed at District
and Divisional Levels for effective conduct of Livestock Census.
In Rural areas, the Mandal Animal Husbandry Officer (Mandal Livestock Census
Officer) shall be kept as Custodian for the filled-in Census Schedules handed
over by the Enumerators and Supervisors in that Mandal and in case of Towns /
Municipalities / Municipal Corporations, the Divisional Assistant Director
(Divisional Livestock Census Officer) shall be kept as the custodian. The District
Joint Director (AH) shall be kept as the custodian for the consolidated Livestock
Census Data reports of the District. Further, a copy of the abstract of the
Livestock Census data in Schedule – 2 (Village/Ward Profile) covering all the
villages / wards in a Mandal shall be available with the Mandal Animal Husbandry
Officer (Mandal Livestock Census Officer) and similarly a copy of the schedule –
2 for all the jurisdiction villages / wards having Mandal / Townwise abstracts shall
be maintained at Divisional and District level.
In order to obtain quality data, it may be desirable that the provisional Livestock
Census Data collected and reported in each District will be evaluated by the Joint
Director (AH) of neighboring Districts.

Various Line Departments like Revenue, Panchayat Raj, Rural Development,
Municipal Administration & Urban Development, Agriculture and Forest
Departments at District level have to coordinate the conduct of the Livestock
Census under the overall supervision of the District Collector (District Livestock
Census Officer) from the training level to completion by issuing suitable
instructions to the staff under their control, and also ensure that Livestock
Census is conducted in a successful manner in their respective areas.
The instructions, guidelines issued by the Director of Animal Husbandry (State
Livestock Census Officer) from time to time for effective conduct of 19th
Quinquennial Livestock Census, 2012 Operations should be followed
scrupulously without any deviation.

Census Calendar for completion of various activities of
19th Livestock Census, 2012
Sl.No Description of the Activity Time Frame
1 Formation of Livestock Census Cell at State, District and Divisional Level                                  
                                                                                 20th June to 30th June, 2012
2 Translation & printing of Instruction Manual        20th June to 15th July, 2012
3 Translation and printing of Inquiry schedules      20th June to 31st July, 2012
4 Identification and Appointment of enumerators and supervisors 
                                                                                        1st July to 31st July,2012
5 Distribution of Inquiry Schedules to District, Divisional and Mandal level
                                                                              1st August to 15th August, 2012
6 Training at State level for Master trainers                1st July to 15th July, 2012
7 Training at district level for supervisors and enumerators 16th July to 15th August, 2012
8 Wide publicity on Livestock Census                  15th August to 15th October, 2012
9 Actual enumeration of households along with House listing operation
                                                                         15th September to 14th October,2012
10 Verification of the data collected and recording the changes, if any (REFERENCE
DATE)                                                                                                    15th October, 2012
11 Post Enumeration checks                                  16th October to 31st October, 2012
12 Scrutiny of data                                   1st November 2012 to 15th December, 2012
13 Setting up of data entries Centre at State Headquarters
                                                                            1st December to 15th December, 2012
14 Transferring schedules to data entry agency   1st December to 31st December,2012
15 Data entry, Validation of data & checking for missing schedules 
                                                                         1st January to 30th April, 2013
16 Data processing & Report generation by data processing agency as per tabulation
plan                                                                         1st May to 31st May, 2013
17 Consistency check by GOI                           1st June to 30th June, 2013
18 Report writing & publishing                           1st July to 31st August, 2013


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