Amendments to A.P. Co-operative Societies Rules, 1964

Cooperation Department – Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Societies Rules, 1964 –Certain Amendments – Orders – Issued.
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G.O.Ms.No. 219 Dated: 24.12.2012.

Read the following:-
1) G.O.MS.No.1941, Food & Agriculture Department, Dated: 27- 07 -1964.
2) G.O.MS.No.30, Information Technology & Communications Department,Dated: 09- 08 -2012.
3) From the Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Cooperative Societies, A.P.Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.19843/2012 /UBL – 1, Dt. 15/11/2012.
O R D E R:
The following Notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh State Gazette

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of section 130 of the Andhra Pradesh Cooperative Societies Act, 1964 (Act, 7 of 1964), the Government hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Societies Rules, 1964 issued in G.O. Ms. No.1941, Food & Agriculture Department, dt.27/07/1964 and as subsequently amended from time to time.


In the said rules,
(1) in rule 2, after clause (p), the following shall be added, namely;-
(q) “Electronic Auction (e-Auction)” means “an online Auction
which is conducted on Internet of an authorized agency
identified by the Government”.

(r) “Electronic Auctioneer (e-Auctioneer)” means “an agency
appointed as an auctioneer to assist sale officer in the process
of e-Auction through their official Website”.

(2) in rule 52,
(a) under sub-rule (5),-
(i) for clause (i), the following shall be substituted namely :-

“(i) The sale officer shall on the day previous to and on
the day of sale cause a proclamation of the time and
place of the intended sale to be made by beat of drum in
the village in which the defaulter resides and in such
place or places as the Registrar may consider necessary
to give due publicity to the sale or through any other
mode of advertisement deem fit to give wide publicity.
No sale shall take place until after the expiration of a
period of fifteen days from the date on which sale notice
has been served or affixed in the manner prescribed in
clause (a):                           

Provided that where the property seized is subject to
speedy and natural decay, or where the expense of
keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value, the sale
officer may sell it at any time, before the expiry of the
said period of fifteen days, unless the amount due is
paid earlier or a stay order is obtained”.

(ii) for clause (j), the following shall be substituted namely :-

“(j) At the appointed time, the property shall be sold in
public auction / e-Auction in terms of one or more lots
as directed by the sale officer and shall be disposed of to
the highest bidder:

Provided that it shall be open to the sale officer to
decline to accept the highest bid where the price offered
appears to be unduly low or for other reasons”.

(iii) for clause (l), the following shall be substituted namely :-

“(l) The property shall be paid for in cash at the time of
sale or in case of e-auction shall be paid for in cash
within three working days from the date of sale or as
soon thereafter as the sale officer shall appoint and the
purchaser shall not be permitted to carry away any part
of the property until he has paid for it in full. Where the
purchaser fails in the payment of purchase money, the
property shall be resold”.                      

(b) under sub-rule (11),-

(i) for clause (d), the following shall be substituted namely :-
“(d) Where attachment is required before sale, the sale
officer shall if possible, cause a notice of attachment to
be served on the defaulter personally. Where personal
service is not possible, the notice shall be affixed in
some conspicuous part of the defaulter’s last known
residence, if any. The fact of attachment shall also be
proclaimed by beat of drum at some place on or
adjacent to such property and at such other place or
places or through any other mode of advertisement
deem fit to give wide publicity as the Registrar of the
district may consider necessary to give due publicity to
the sale. The attachment notice shall set-forth that
unless the amount due with interest and expenses be
paid within the date therein mentioned the property will
brought to sale. A copy shall be sent to the decreeholder,
where the sale officer so directs the attachment
shall also be notified by public proclamation in the
district gazette”;

(ii) for clause (e), the following shall be substituted namely :-

“(e) Proclamation of sale shall be published by affixing
as notice at the office of the Registrar of the district and
taluk office atleast thirty days before the date fixed for
the sale and also beat of drum in the village on two
consecutive days previous to the date of sale and on the
day of sale or through any other mode of
advertisement deem fit to give wide publicity. Such
proclamation shall, where attachment is required before
sale be made after the attachment has been affected.
Notice shall also be given to the decree-holder and the
defaulter. The proclamation shall state the time and
place of sale and specify as fairly and accurately as

(i) the property to be sold;                  
(ii) any encumbrance to which the property is liable;
(iii) the amount for the recovery of which sale is ordered;
(iv) Every other matter which the sale officer considers
material for a purchaser to know in order to judge the nature and value of the property.
(iii) For clause (f), the following shall be substituted,namely:-

“(f) When any immovable property is sold under these
rules, the sale shall be subject to the prior
encumbrances on the property, if any. The decreeholder
shall, when the amount for the realization of
which the sale is held , exceeds one hundred rupees,
furnish to the sale officer within such time as may be
fixed by the sale officer or by the Registrar of the
district, an encumbrance certificate from the Registration
Department for a period of not less than twelve years
prior to date of attachment of the property, sought to be
sold or in a case falling under the proviso to sub-rule

(10), prior to the date of the application for execution.
The time for production of the encumbrance certificate
may be extended at discretion of the sale officer or the
Registrar of the district, as the case may be. The sale
shall be by public auction / e-Auction to the highest
bidder, provided that it shall be open to the sale officer to
decline or accept the highest bid where the price offered
appears to be unduly low or for other reasons and
provided also that the Registrar of the district or the sale
officer may, in his discretion adjourn the sale to a
specified day and hour, recording his reasons for such
adjournment. Where a sale is so adjourned for a longer
period than seven days a fresh proclamation under
clause (e) shall be made, unless the judgment-debtor
consents to waive it. The sale shall be held after the
expiry of not less than thirty days calculated from the
date on which notice of the proclamation was affixed at
the office of the Registrar of the district. The Mode, time
and place of sale shall be fixed by the Registrar of the
district and the place of sale shall be the village (or town)
where the property to be sold is situated or such
adjoining prominent place of public resort as may be
fixed by the said Registrar:

Provided that in cases where an encumbrance certificate
is not obtainable owning to the destruction of the
connected records, an affidavit from the village karanam
in regard to the encumbrance known to him supported
by a certificate from the Registration Department that the
encumbrance certificate cannot be granted owning to the
destruction of the connected records, shall be accepted
in the place of an encumbrance certificate”.

(iv) for clause (g), the following shall be substituted, namely,-

“(g) A sum of money equal to fifteen per cent of the price
of the immovable property shall be deposited by the
purchaser which the sale officer at the time of the
purchase or in case of e auction other date as
prescribed by the Sale Officer but not more than Three
days from the date of sale and in default of such deposit,
the property shall forthwith be resold:
Provided that where the decree-holder is the purchaser
and is entitled to set off the purchase money under
Clause (k), the sale officer shall dispense with the
requirement of this rule”.

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