Job chart for PG/Diploma/Super Speciality Doctors

Medical Education – Compulsory Government Service – Prescribing certain guidelines formulating job chart for the PG Degree / Diploma / Super Speciality Doctors to undergo Compulsory Government service – Orders – Issued.



G.O.Ms. No.107                                                            Dated. 18-7-2013
                                                                                 Read the following:

5.    From the Registrar, Dr. NTRUHS, Lr. No. 5126/A2/2012,
     Dt. 2-11-2012.
6.    From the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. NTRUHS, Lr. No. VC-2/2012,
     dt. 7-11-2012
7.    From the DME, Lr. Rc. No. Spl /DME_A/2012, dt. 17-11-2012.
O R D E R :

In the letter 5th read above, the Registrar, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada has reported that the University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada constituted an ‘Expert Committee’ to formulate job chart and to suggest the emoluments for  the PG Diploma Doctors posted in the Secondary/Tertiary Health care centers, as per Govt. orders.

2.       In the letter 6th read above, the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada has forwarded the Expert Committee report regarding the Guidelines to formulate job chart for the PG Degree/Diploma/Super Speciality doctors to undergo Compulsory Govt Service for taking necessary action. The above mentioned Expert Committee report was sent to Director of Medical Education vide Memo. dated:16.11.12 for his specific remarks on the recommendations of the committee.

3.       In the letter 7th read above, the Director of Medical Education has requested that the purpose of this Compulsory Govt. Service  for the trainee doctors is to see that the deficiency of the Specialist Doctors is  reduced at primary and secondary health care level.  Specialist Doctors are supplementing resources in a unique manner. Presently,  the IMR in India is 54 per 1000 live births and MMR is 195 Per 1.00 lakhs live births . The XII Five Year Plan puts the targets as the IMR  as 18  per 1000  live  births  and MMR as 54 per 1.00 lakhs live births.  To achieve this target by 2017,  this scheme of Rural Postings should be implemented strictly. 

4.       The Director of Medical Education has also stated that the trainees will certainly have more chances for handling the cases independently and take decisions independently, thereby the training is essential for their own professional precision to handle the patients in normal non sophisticated atmosphere and is simultaneously very much useful to the patients in the rural setting.  Violation of their bond shall invite them to stern disciplinary action as per regulation 8.2 under Chapter 8 of the Indian Medical Council (Provisional conduct of Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002 amended up to December, 2010.

5.       It is further stated  that the Specialists trainees should maintain strict discipline and stick to most ethical and legal clinical practice.  The trainees are instructed to strictly follow the hospital working hours.  Any behaviour of indiscipline, absenteeism and absconding from responsibility / duties will be viewed seriously. They should not  get involved  in any anti social activities  or any political activities.  They are not entitled for any sort of private practice during the period of training.  As far as the security and safety is concerned, the same security and safety provided to the Senior Doctors already will be provided to these trainees also.  As the honorarium is almost equal to the 1st salary of Civil Assistant Surgeon / Tutor / Assistant Professor, the accommodation and housing shall be taken care by the trainees only.  In case if accommodation is available in the hospital premises, they can be offered in the hospital premises where they are working.

6.       All the trainee doctors shall maintain a log book and submit at the end of the training to the Director of Medical Education (Academic)  duly signed by the local in charge of the concerned hospitals. The trainee doctors will show utmost care and concern for those patients coming to the Government Hospitals and maintain cordial relations with the patients and patient attendants. The trainees shall bring to the notice of the higher authorities from time to time the deficiencies found by them in the centre where they are working as a feed back for immediate rectification, for improvement of overall working atmosphere in the hospital.  Hence these trainees will be invited to meetings of Hospital Development Society.  The trainees also take it as an experience to work culture to serve the patients in odd and emergency circumstances. 

7.       The Government after examination of the recommendations of the Committee on the formulation of  the guidelines for postings, job chart and responsibilities for the  Residents and also the suggestion of Director of Medical Education in consultation with all the authorities concerned, recognizing  that this valuable service of a specialist is of  significant advantage to the Medical Institution issue following guidelines:-

    I.    Suggested the guidelines for posting

a)        Nomenclature for Residents posted at various levels of compulsory service:

1)    Junior Resident – To be filled by those who have passed MBBS degree.

2)    Resident Specialist (Degree)
Resident Specialist (Diploma)

Resident Specialist (Degree -  *)
Resident Specialist (Diploma - *)

* Who could not complete the Degree.

3)    Resident Dentist (PG)

4)    Resident Super Specialist

b)   The Compulsory Government Service shall be  undergone  after successful completion of Medical  Post Graduation/Diploma/DNB course / Super Speciality Degree courses and Dental Courses(except service quota candidates) including all Government & Private colleges and Minority colleges.

c)    The Doctor will be appointed in the institutions under Director of Medical Education/APVVP/and Director of Health.

d)    The above conditions will be applicable for all Doctors who come through All India quota as and when applicable.

e)    The Doctor should normally complete Compulsory Government Service posting within a period of 12 months itself from the date fixed in the posting orders. They will be eligible for weekly off, post duty off and twenty days of casual leave. They will not be eligible for any other leave. i.e., the Doctors should complete 345 days of duty including weekly off/duty off. The Director of Medical Education (Academic) will issue completion certificate for the “Compulsory Government Service” based on the report received from District Medical and Health Officer/Director of Health/Commissioner, APVVP/Director of Medical Education/Principals of Medical Colleges.

f)     Extension or long leave beyond 20 days of casual leave will be given only on pregnancy/maternity related grounds. Only the Director of Medical Education have the power to sanction such extension for a particular period from the date of posting on genuine and unavoidable grounds subject to the specific condition that they will complete the Compulsory Government Service after the extension period is over.

g)    If they violate the bond condition either by not joining or by not completing the stipulated service period of one year within a maximum period of 18 months after obtaining the PG Degree/Diploma/Super Speciality,               Rs. 15,00,000/- for Diploma and Rs. 20,00,000/- for PG Degree candidates shall be levied as penalty from those who violate the bond conditions. In addition, violation of their bond shall invite them to stern disciplinary action as per regulation 8.2 under Chapter 8 of the Indian Medical Council(Provisional conduct of Etiquette and Ethics)Regulations 2002. Candidates failing to fulfill the government service within the stipulated time or extended time will not be permitted to undergo further studies in any government institutions or enroll in government jobs in the State. The details of such candidates will be reported to the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India for appropriate action. In addition to this, compensation and other expenses met through public money for their studies shall be recovered through revenue recovery procedure from such defaulters/sureties, as fixed by the Government.

h)    Besides above fines, Doctors who do not comply with the provisions of the Act will not be given additional degree registration in the permanent registration of the AP State Medical Council and AP Dental Council to carry on their profession in the State. The  Principals of the Colleges shall not forward for registration unless the Compulsory Government Service is completed. The Principals concerned  shall not release the original certificates deposited in the colleges at the time of joining in PG/Super Speciality Courses, unless the Compulsory Government Service is completed.

Such candidates who  appear for entrance examinations for DNB / PG, will be issued their original certificates upon their qualification for admission with a bond  worth of Rs.20.00 lakhs ( twenty lakhs ) stating that, they will complete their remaining period of compulsory Govt. Service  after completion of the further studies. If a candidate gets into super specialty degree immediately after completion of PG degree, he/she has to do the compulsory Govt. service after completion of Super Specialty Degree.

i)     The candidates who have done one year of Compulsory Government Service under bonded obligation with the government after MBBS will not have to do Compulsory Government Service again after the completion of PG degree/diploma/Super Speciality courses. However, those who could not complete or have not done Compulsory Government Service posting for one year after MBBS/BDS for any reason will have to do the Compulsory Government Service after PG/Super Speciality Course for remaining part of one year obligatory service. Thus, the cumulative effect of Compulsory Government Service under bonded obligation shall be one year only.

  II.    Regulations for posting

A separate cell shall be established under the Director of Medical Education (Academic).  A committee  with the following composition shall be constituted :

i. Commissioner, Family Welfare – Chairperson
ii. Director of Medical Education (Academic) Vice-Chairperson
iii. Mission Director, NRHM
iv. Commissioner of APVVP or Representative
v. Director of Health or Representative.

2.       The Registrar, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences shall send an updated list of all eligible candidates with merit scored in the PG theory examinations marks to the Principals of all Medical colleges within one week after announcing the results. The Registrar Dr. N.T.R University of Heath Sciences shall also send an updated list of eligible candidates after successful completion of the   PG Degree / Diploma / Super Specialty / DNB, to the Director of Medical Education ( Academic ) for further processing. Then, the Director of Medical Education(Academic) shall start the process of counseling for posting of the Doctors for Compulsory Government Service. The Doctors concerned shall apply to the Director of Medical Education in a prescribed format (indicating contact mobile/phone/e-mail/residential address/alternate telephone numbers) through office of the concerned Principals speciality wise. The entire process of counseling and posting shall be completed in a period of two to three weeks from the announcement of the results. In circumstances of delay in posting for any reason, the period will be deemed as on duty.

3.       Allotment of postings for Compulsory Government Service posting will be made by the above Committee. After counseling, the Doctors will be allotted to Principals of Government Medical and Dental colleges, District Medical & Health Officers, Regional Directors, Superintendent of APVVP hospitals. Non clinical Postgraduates shall be given posting in any of the Government colleges in the State including RIMS.

       Super Speciality Postgraduates shall be given posting in Government Medical Colleges, or Super Speciality Hospitals subject to availability of the facilities and requirements of the concerned departments. Dental Postgraduates shall be posted to Dental Medical Colleges, Government Medical Colleges and District Headquarters hospitals.

4.       Posting orders will be issued by Director of Medical Education, Academic with a copy to CFW,  in consultation with the committee.  The final attendance register will be maintained in the O/o the DME. The Honorarium   will be paid by the DME on line every month before 7th like a central pool.

5.       In case, any resident Doctor does not report for posting within 15 days, the concerned District  Medical  & Health Officer,/ District Co coordinator of Hospital Services  / Principals/ Dean or Director of RIMS Hospitals  shall report to DME Academic, with a copy to DPH / Commission APVVP / Commissioner Family welfare,  for further action.

6.       Grievance Redressal: In matters of any grievance, the first representation shall be made to the Director of Medical Education: next authority shall be Commissioner, Family Welfare: Final authority shall be the Secretary, Medical and Health, Andhra Pradesh.  All the Grievances must be routed through the Director of Medical Education( Academic) for redressal.

III.            Job chart and responsibilities of the Doctors working in the  Compulsory Government Service

a.    They shall attend to outpatient duties.
b.    They shall attend to inpatient duties.
c.    They shall do evening rounds.
d.    They shall do night duties as per the schedule fixed by the HOD of the department / Superintendent.

d   (a) The Specialists trainees shall attend the OPD work, inpatient rounds and also attend the surgical  treatments and must do evening rounds and also  do the night duties as per the schedule fixed

e.        They shall attend to pre operative and post operative care of the patients in surgical specialities. They shall attend to the responsibilities allotted in operation theaters.

f.         They shall attend to academic work like case discussions, workshops, CMEs, seminars, journal clubs, publication and research activities.

g.        They shall attend to Camps, Government Programmes, National Health Schemes as scheduled by the Head of the Institution.

g  (a) While the  Specialists Trainees working in Area Hospitals / Community Health Centers / Dist. Head Quarters Hospitals shall primarily attend their Speciality work, they shall  fully share the common responsibilities and general duties of that particular hospital under the supervision and guidance of the in-charge of the hospital.  A Specialist Trainees shall not avoid general duties under any circumstances for smooth running of the hospitals.

h.        They shall work under the Assistant Professor/Civil Assistant Surgeon in assisting Medico Legal work.

i.          The Doctors in Forensic Medicine shall do postmortem work.

i  (a)Junior Resident and Resident will assist in   conducting the postmortem work without fail.

j.         The Doctors in non clinical subjects shall do the work in their departments as per the work allocation by the Head of the Department/  Superintendent.

k.        In Medical colleges, they shall work under the Senior faculty members in the unit like Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor.

l.          In hospitals under Medical Colleges, they shall be under the direct control of the Superintendent who will maintain their attendance and forward the same  to the Principal.

m.      In smaller hospitals, they shall work under the Senior Medical Officers/Superintendents/Regional Coordinators

n.        In APVVP hospitals they shall work under the Superintendents/DCHs/Civil Surgeon specialists.

o.        The Residents (Degree / Diploma/Super Speciality) who fail to complete the course shall also perform the compulsory Govt. service and the period so rendered will be deducted  from the one year mandatory service to be  rendered by them after completing the course.

Emoluments :-

The following consolidated monthly remuneration to “Resident Specialists’ who are under compulsory Govt. service is proposed:-

1.    Resident Specialist
a)    Resident Specialist Degree (PG) Rs. 30,000/- P.M.
b)   Resident Specialist Diploma (PG) Rs. 28,000/- P.M.
c) Resident Specialist (Degree  *)   Rs. 25,000/- P.M.
d) Resident Specialist (Diploma *) Rs. 24,000/- P.M.

               * Who could not complete the Degree/Diploma , as the case  may be.     

2.    Resident Dentist  (PG) Rs. 28,000/- P.M.
3.    Resident Super Specialist  Rs. 35,000/- P.M.

8.       The Director of Medical Education, A.P. Hyderabad / Registrar, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.

9.       This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide  their U.O. No. 6592/PFS/(R&E)/2013, dt. 12-7-2013.

                                                         L.V. SUBRAHMANYAM


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