Handing Over and Taking Over


Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 – Transition Plan – Operational Guidelines – Handing Over and Taking Over – Orders – Issued. 

G.O.Ms.No. 246                               Dated: 01-06-2014. Read the following: 

1. The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014, No 6 of 2014.
2. The Gazette of India No 560, dated: March 04, 2014.
3. GO Ms 80 of GA (SR) Department, dated: 15-03-2014.
4. Memo.No.9469/SR/A1/2014 of GA (SR) Department, dated:07-04-2014. 
5. G.O.Ms.No.123 of GA (SR) Department, dated: 02.05.2014.
6. G.O.Ms.No.194 of GA (SR) Department, dated: 29.05.2014.
7. G.O.Ms.No.196 of GA (SR) Department, dated: 02.05.2014. 

1. In the reference first read above, the Government of India has notified the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act 2014 (Act 6 of 2014), upon receiving the President of India’s assent. In the reference second read above, the Government of India has notified June 02, 2014, as the Appointed Day, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of Section 2 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 (6 of 2014). 

2. In the reference sixth read above, the operational guidelines for effecting transition from united Andhra Pradesh to successor states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh were issued.  Further, in the reference seventh read above, orders were issued provisionally allocating Blocks for the Secretariats of the successor States.  Similar orders were also issued in respect of Heads of Department Offices also.  

3. Government of India has issued orders for the employees who would be serving the state of Telangana from the Appointed Day. As these employees would be handing over charge and taking over charge in the successor state of Telangana, the following protocol is hereby ordered to be adopted.  

Office Layout

4. The Transition Committee would first organise the office space allocated to them.  As most of the floors in Secretariat are allotted to more than one Department, the senior-most Secretary would be responsible to allocate office space in a particular floor to staff. A clear layout plan, allocating rooms and workspaces to staff should be prepared by 2nd of June. This floor plan should indicate rooms for Secretaries, for other senior staff and workspaces for sections. It should also indicate the location of record room. As most of the office space is furnished, effort should be made to limit disruption to the minimum. The customisation of workspace to suit the requirement of the Department may be taken up. The minimum furniture and storage required for this may be procured by following normal procedures. The communication facilities such as telephones, faxes, computers, printers should also be made fully functional.  

Subject Allocation to Staff  

5. All Secretaries and Heads of Departments are required to allocate subjects amongst the employees ordered to serve the state of Telangana and the remaining employees of Andhra Pradesh. As both the successor states would have less number of employees, the subjects are to be allotted by clubbing similar topics. This exercise is to be completed by 3rd of June. A proper office order with the approval of the competent authority is to be issued allocating subjects amongst the employees ordered to serve the State of Telangana and the remaining employees of Andhra Pradesh. 

Files/Assets Handing over/Taking over Protocol

6. The employees who are ordered to serve the state of Telangana are to be relieved on 2nd of June. However, they would be responsible to hand over all the files, movable assets and all other items under their custody to their identified counterpart in the State of Andhra Pradesh. It is to be understood that such orderly handing over would take some time on or after 2nd June and should be finished by 9th of June. The Transition Committee is to identify counterparts for each employee based on the work allocation order. Each employee of Andhra Pradesh State should have a counterpart (s) in Telangana State and vice versa. The current files and closed files which belong to a particular successor state would be handed over and taken over under proper acknowledgement. The common files – either soft copies or printouts along with soft copies are also to be handed over and taken over under proper acknowledgement. The data uploaded in State Reorganisation website in Annexure A and B is to be used to keep a count of the files which are exchanged. The Transition Committee would work out the logistics of movement of files and other movable assets. 

7. In Secretariat, certain departments are allocated the same office space that they are currently occupying. In such cases, the Committee should make sure that space is created for incoming staff and new departments allotted to that floor. The movement of files and other movable assets can take place once such space is earmarked.
No Due Certificate

8. All handing over and taking over is to be done under proper certification by each employee who is handing over and his /her counterpart taking over from the other state. Such acknowledgements should be duly certified by the next higher level officer. The responsibility of the employee for any material – files, assets, records, etc. does not cease the moment he/she takes charge in Telangana. He/she would be responsible till complete hand-over of all the material under custody to the appropriate counterpart. Only after such complete hand-over, a “No Due” certificate may be issued by the officer in charge of OP section. The production of No Due certificate is mandatory for drawing salary for the month of June. 

Daily Reporting

9. It is expected that most of the transition would be completed by 9th of June. The Transition Committee is to review on a daily basis and sort out any issues and submit a daily progress report to Chief Secretaries of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh till 9th of June (and thereafter, if required).  


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