Certain Amendments to A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I

Certain Amendments to A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I - Orders – Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 214 Dated: 21.11.2014
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.304, Finance (TFR) Department, dated 24.04.2003.
2. From the Senior Accounts Officer, O/o. the Principal Accountant General (A&E),
A.P. Hyderabad letter No.PM/III/2012-13/DTO-MEET/40388, dated 29.05.2012.
3. This Department’s Memo.16146/248/TFR/2012, dated 20.06.2012.
4. From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad letter No.D1/100010/2012, dated 30.07.2014.

O R D E R:
In the G.O. 1 st read above,  orders were issued that as a part of administrative reforms and decentralizing the powers hereby delegate all administrative sanction powers to the concerned Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of the administrative departments of Secretariat concerned to the Pensioner/Family Pensioner in so far as sanction of arrears of un-drawn pension and family pension duly verifying the rule position envisaged in S.R. 86 (b) , 87(a), 89 (a) under T.R. 16 of A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I read with Article 55 of A.P. Financial Code Volume-I.
2.  In the reference 2 nd read above, the Senior Accounts Officer, O/o. the PrincipalAccountant General, (A&E) A.P. Hyderabad has informed that the present conditions where theminimum pension is more than the limits prescribed, it is felt that these limits are unrealistic and
need to be changed/enhanced to cater to the need of the situation. The pensioners are put to a lot of hardship in claiming the arrears which remain un-drawn even for one month and a pragmatic view need to be taken in this issue and necessary action may be taken to enhance these limits
prescribed long back.
3.  In the reference 3 rd read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad was requested to furnish her remarks on the request of the Senior Accounts Officer, O/o. the Principal Accountant General (A&E) A.P .Hyderabad.
4.  In the reference 4 th read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad has submitted the proposal for increase in the financial limits/period in respect of undrawn pension.

5.  Government after careful examination of the matter hereby issues the followingamendments to A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I:
(1)  Existing SR 86 (a) of TR 16 A.P.T.C. Volume-I
(1) SR 86 (a) of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I shall be substituted by the following:

If pension payable in India remains undrawn for
more than one year, the pension shall cease to be payable. (Article 957, Civil Service Regulations).

If a pension payable in India remains undrawn for more than three years, the pension shall cease to be payable. (Article 957, Civil Service Regulations).
(2) Existing SR 86 (b) of TR 16 under A.P.T.C.Volume-I

(2) SR 86 (b) of TR 16 under APTC. Volume-I
shall be substituted by the following:

If the pensioner afterwards appears, the disbursing
officer may renew his payments if no objection is
found as a result of police enquiry envisaged in
Instruction 60. He shall not, however, pay the arrears, if the pension in arrears is to be paid for the first time, or if the amount of arrears exceed Rs.5000/- without the previous sanction of the
authority which sanctioned the pension or when the
pension was sanctioned by the Government the
previous sanction of any subordinate authority to
which the Government have delegated the power to
sanction the payment of such arrears, (Article 957,
Civil Service Regulations). The disbursing officer
make the payments if the amount of arrears does
not exceed Rs.2,500/- or with the previous sanction
of the Collector of the District in which the pension disbursing officer is located if it exceeds Rs. 2,500/-but does not exceed Rs.5000/-. If however, the Accountant General considers that the suspension of payment was due to an error of neglect on thepart of any Government Officer, he may direct thatthe arrears be paid on his own authority.

If the pensioner afterwards appears, the disbursing
officer may renew his payments if no objection is
found as a result of police enquiry envisaged in
Instruction 60. He shall not, however, pay the arrears, if the pension in arrears is to be paid for the first time, or if the amount of arrears exceed Rs.5,00,000/- without the previous sanction of the authority which sanctioned the pension or when the
pension was sanctioned by the Government the
previous sanction of any subordinate authority to
which the Government have delegated the power to
sanction the payment of such arrears (Article 957,
Civil Service Regulations). The disbursing officer
make the payments if the amount of arrears does not
exceed Rs.5,00,000/-. If however, the Accountant
General considers that the suspension of payment
was due to an error of neglect on the part of any
Government Officer, he may direct that the arrears
be paid on his own authority.

(3) Existing SR 87 (a) of TR 16 under A.P.T.C. Volume-I

(3) SR 87 (a) of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I shall be substituted by the following:

A  pension  chargeable  under  the  head
“55.Superannuation Allowances and pensions
(other than ‘Pensions for distinguished and
meritorious services for political considerations’
and ‘Charitable Allowances’ )” not drawn for three years shall cease to be payable without the previous sanction of the Accountant General.

A pension chargeable under the head “2071.Pension and Other Retirement Benefits (other than ‘Pensions for distinguished and meritorious services for political considerations’ and Charitable Allowances”) not drawn for Five years shall cease to be payable without the previous sanction of the
Accountant General/District Audit Officer, State Audit concerned.

(4) Existing SR 87 (c) of TR 16 under A.P.T.C.

(4) SR 87 (c) of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I shall
be substituted by the following.

The Treasury Officer shall examine the files of pension payment orders carefully every month and remove all the pension payment orders relating tocases of the kind mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) above. He shall return disburser’s halves of the pension  payment  orders  concerned  to  the
Accountant General with a half yearly statement of
such cases. The statement shall be prepared in two parts; the first part should show the names of all service pensioners entitled to pensions adjusted
under the head “55. Superannuation Allowances
and  Pensions  (other  than  ‘Pensions  for distinguished and meritorious services or for political  considerations  and  Charitable Allowances’ )” who have not drawn their pension for three years and the second part should show the names of service pensioners other than those
included in the former part who have not drawn their pensions for more than one year. The reasons for the non-drawl,if known, shall be stated against each name.

The Treasury Officer shall examine the files of
pension payment orders carefully every month and
remove all the pension payment orders relating to
cases of the kind mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) above. He shall return disburser’s halves of the pension  payment  orders concerned  to  theAccountant General with a half yearly statement of such cases. The statement shall be prepared in two parts; the first part should show the names of all service pensioners entitled to pensions adjusted
under the head “55. Superannuation Allowances
and  Pensions  (other  than  ‘Pensions  for distinguished and meritorious services or for political  considerations  and  Charitable Allowances’ )” who have not drawn their pensionfor five yearsand the second part should show the names of service pensioners other than those
included in the former part who have not drawn their pensions for more than one year/three years as the case may be .The reasons for the non-drawl,if known, shall be stated against each name.

(5) Existing Instruction 60 of TR 16 under A.P.T.C.

(5) Instruction 60 of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I
shall be substituted by the following;

When a pensioner has failed to receive his pension for one year, the Disbursing Officer should make enquiries through the District Police, as to the cause of his non-appearing stating clearly where the
pensioner was residing, and the pension should not
be paid till the enquiry is completed and the payment of pension shall be continued if no objection is found as a result of the enquiry.

When a pensioner has failed to receive his pension
for one year/ three years as the case may be, the
Disbursing Officer should make enquiries through
the District Police, as to the cause of his non-
appearing stating clearly where the pensioner was
residing, and the pension should not be paid till the
enquiry is completed and the payment of pension
shall be continued if no objection is found as a
result of the enquiry.

(6) Existing SR 89 (a) of TR 16 under A.P.T.C.

(6) SR 89 (a) of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I shall
be substituted by the following:

After the death of a pensioner, the disbursing
officer may pay any arrears actually due to the  pensioner’s heir or heirs, provided that they apply
within one year of the date of death – see subsidiary rule 87 (b) above . If the application is made later, the arrears shall not be paid without obtaining through the Accountant General the
previous sanction of the authority which sanctioned
the pension or when the pension was sanctioned by the Government, the previous sanction of any
subordinate authority to which the Government
have delegated the power to sanction the payment of such arrears. If, however, the arrears of pension do not exceed Rs.3,000/- and the case presents no peculiar features, the Accountant General may
direct that the arrears be paid on his own authority.

After the death of a pensioner, the disbursing officer may pay any arrears actually due to the pensioner’s heir or heirs, provided that they apply within one year of the date of death – see subsidiary rule 87 (b) above . If the application is made later, the arrears shall not be paid without obtaining through the Accountant General the previous sanction of the
authority which sanctioned the pension or when the
pension was sanctioned by the Government, the previous sanction of any subordinate authority to
which the Government have delegated the power to
sanction the payment of such arrears. If, however,
the arrears of pension donot exceed Rs.1,00,000/-
and the case presents no peculiar features, the
Accountant General may direct that the arrears be
paid on his own authority.

(7) Existing SR 89(b) of TR 16 under A.P.T.C.

(7) SR 89 (b) of TR 16 under APTC Volume-I shall
be substituted by the following:

After paying the arrears of pension due on account
of a deceased pensioner, the disbursing officer shall
return both halves of the pension payment order to
the Accountant General (through the District
Treasury if the payment was made at a Sub-Treasury) with a note of the date of the pensioner’s death.

After paying the arrears of pension due on account
of a deceased pensioner, the disbursing officer shall
return both halves of the pension payment order to
the Accountant General/ District Audit Officer of
State Audit concerned (through the District
Treasury/Headquarters  Treasury,Hyderabad with a note of the date of the
pensioner’s death.

(8) Existing Note 1&2 under SR 89 (b) of TR 16 of APTC Volume-I

(8) Note 1&2 under SR 89 (b) of TR 16 of APTC
Volume-I substituted as follows:

“Note: In case the pensioner dies before the issue of the pension payment order the period of one year shall reckon from the date of the issue of pension payment order”.

Note: 1. In case the pensioner dies before the issue of the pension payment order the period of one year shall reckon from the date of the issue of pensionpayment order.

Note: In cases of doubt whenever the Pension
Disbursing officer refers the claims of pension in respect  of  deceased  pensioner,  the
Tahsildars/Deputy  Tahsildars in-charge of Taluks or Sub-Taluks as the case may be, should enquire
into the matter and furnish a certificate about the
legal heir ship of the claimant. If the Tahsildar/ Deputy Tahsildars are not in a position to give a certificate after enquiry they may inform the same to the pension disbursing officer. In such cases the pension disbursing officers will have to insist on a succession certificate issued by a Court of Law or the Administration Certificate issued by the Administrator General of the State under
Section 29 or 30 of the Administrators General Act,

Note:2. In cases of doubt whenever the Pension
Disbursing Officer refers the claims of pension in
respect  of  deceased  pensioner,  the
Tahsildars/ Deputy Tahsildars in-charge of Taluks or Sub-Taluks as the case may be, should enquire into the matter and furnish a certificate about the legal
heir ship of the claimant. If the Tahsildar/Deputy
Tahsildars are not in a position to give a certificate
after enquiry they may inform the same to the
pension disbursing officer. In such cases the pension disbursing officers will have to insist on a succession certificate issued by a Court of Law or the Administration Certificate issued by the Administrator General of the State under Section 29or 30 of the Administrators General Act, 1963.

6.  These instructions are also available in Andhra Pradesh Government Websitehttp://www.apfinance.gov.in. / http://goir.ap.gov.in/.

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