Notification for Mango, Banana (Fruit), and Cashew-nut Crops in certain Districts of Andhra Pradesh State for implementation of the Scheme

AGRICULTURE – National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP) – Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) –Rabi 2014-15 - Notification for Mango, Banana (Fruit), and Cashew-nut Crops in certain Districts of Andhra Pradesh State for implementation of the Scheme - Notification - Orders – Issued.

G.O.Rt.No631 Dated:19-11-2014
From the Commissioner & Director of Agriculture, AP, Hyderabad Letter No.Crop. Ins (2)/35/2014, dated 29-10-2014.
O R D E R:
The following Notification shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh State Extra-ordinary Gazette dated 19-11-2014.

                                       N O T I F I C A T I O N

The Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby notify the following Crops and Districts during Rabi 2014-15. The main features / Operational Modalities of the scheme alongwith Term Sheets vide Annexure I to IX in respect of Mango, Annexure I to XVII in respect of Banana (Fruit) and Annexure I to XI in respect of Cashew-nut crops are appended to this order.

2. The claims under NCIP – WBCIS shall be settled on the basis of the Weather data furnished by the
APSDPS/State Govt. Mandal Level Rain Gauge Stations/IMD Weather Stations for the notified crops & districts and not on the basis of individual declaration of crop damage Annavari Certificate/Gazette notification declaring the area Drought/Flood/Cyclone affected etc., issued by the Government.

3. The Commissioner & Director of Agriculture, Hyderabad shall take further action in the matter.


Notification of Mango, Banana & Cashewnut Plantations under National Crop
Insurance Programme (NCIP) - Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) during Rabi 2014-15 season in Andhra Pradesh.


The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India notified National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP), a central sector scheme in order to insulate the farming community against agricultural risks and issued the administrative instructions for implementation vide letter No. 13015/02/2012–Credit–II, dated 21st February, 2014. Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) is one of the components of NCIP and the objective of this scheme is to mitigate the hardships of the farmers against likelihood of financial losses on account of anticipated crop loss resulting from the incidence of adverse weather conditions of weather parameters like Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity etc. The State Level Coordination Committee on Crop Insurance convened a meeting on 29th September, 2014 and decided to implement NCIP – WBCIS for Rabi 2014-15 season in respect of Mango, Banana and Cashewnut Plantations in the selected districts of Andhra Pradesh.


(a) MANGO PLANTATIONS in selected mandals of Srikakulam,
Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari,
Krishna, Prakasam, Chittoor, Kurnool and YSR Kadapa districts.

(b) BANANA PLANTATIONS in selected mandals of Vizianagaram,
East Godavari, Kurnool, Guntur and YSR Kadapa districts.

(c) CASHEW NUT PLANTATIONS in selected mandals of Vizianagaram
and Srikakulam districts.

The lists of Reference Unit Areas (RUAs) in the respective districts notified along with a list of
corresponding Reference Weather Stations (RWS) and Back up Weather Stations (BWS) for Mango Plantation is annexed (Annexure - II.1.a to II.10.a), for Banana Plantation is annexed (Annexure – VI to X) and for Cashew nut Plantation is annexed (Annexure - III & IV). In case of non-availability of weather data from the respective Reference Weather Stations or Back up Weather Stations, as an alternative, State Govt. Mandal level Rain gauge Stations/IMD Weather Stations data will be considered for weather data updating as well as for claims computation.

Reference unit areas are linked to specific reference weather stations and the reference unit areas are the Geographical areas situated around the reference weather stations, which is deemed to be reflective of the Reference Weather Stations’ for weather data. To the extent feasible, such Reference Unit-Area shall be restricted to Mandal for notified weather parameters.

All the cultivators (including sharecroppers and tenant cultivators) growing the Notified Plantation i.e., Mango, Banana &Cashew nut in any of the Reference Unit Areas shall be eligible for coverage. The Scheme shall be:

Compulsory: For all LOANEE APPLICANT CULTIVATORS i.e. those who have sanctioned Credit Limit from Financial Institutions (Co-op Banks, Commercial Banks including private commercial Banks, RRB’s etc.,) for the Notified Crops in a Reference Unit Area.

Voluntary: For NON -LOANEE CULTIVATORS i.e. those who have not availed Crop Credit from any Financial Institutions for the above said plantations.

5. PERILS COVERED: Following are the weather perils, which are deemed to cause “Adverse Weather Incidence” affecting crop health, leading to crop loss, would be covered under the Scheme:

For Mango Plantation:
i) Excess/Unseasonal Rainfall
ii) Pests & Diseases (High Relative Humidity & Low Temp.)
iii) Daily Temperature Fluctuation
iv) Daily Maximum Wind Speed

For Banana Plantation
i) High Relative Humidity
ii) Excess Rainfall
iii) High Temperature
iv) High Wind Speed

For Cashew Nut Plantation
i) Unseasonal/Excess Rainfall
ii) High Temperature
iii) Disease congenial climate
iv) High Wind Speed

For Mango Plantation: Risk period commences from 15th Dec, 2014 and will be
in force till 31st May, 2015 and the table containing the coverage periods at different phases are given here:
Table-1: Coverage details:

(a) Insurance coverage of Loanee Applicant Cultivators shall be through
the existing network of Financial Institutions (FI) at the grass-root level using
Nodal Bank systems as in National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS).
Guidelines to the Financial Institutions are annexed herewith (Annexure IX,
XVII and XI respectively for Mango, Banana and Cashew nut plantations).
Nodal Bank Branches shall be paid by AIC a service charge of 4% on the
actual premium amount remitted by them.
(b) Insurance coverage of Non-loanee cultivators shall be through the existing
network of (FIs) at the grass-root level; the designated Insurance
Intermediaries/PSU General Insurance Companies/Micro Insurance Agents of
AIC. It is mandatory for the Non Loanee cultivator to provide the bank account
details in the proposal form and submit Xerox copy of the bank passbook,
Pattadhar Pass Book / 10-1B Adangal. It is also mandatory to submit Crop Sown
Certificate by the Revenue Officer/ Agricultural Officer/Horticultural Officer of the
State government at village level.
For Mango Plantation: .450/- per tree in the age group of 5-15 years
and .800/- per tree in the age group of 16-50 years.
Loanee Applicant Cultivator’s: `Area under cultivation’ for the Notified
Plantation as already declared by him/her in the Loan Application form for the
purpose of fixing his/her “Maximum Borrowing Limit (MBL) “by the Lending
FI, multiplied by the stipulated Sum Insured per hectare i.e. On average for 100
mango trees coverage.
Non-Loanee Cultivators: The Cultivators shall declare the number of trees
proposed for insurance and `area under cultivation’ in the Insurance Proposal
Form. The number of trees proposed for insurance should be multiplied by the
Sum Insured per tree (the coverage per hectare means average of 100 mango
trees ) .
For Banana Plantation: .1,00,000/- per hectare.
Loanee Applicant Cultivator’s: `Area under cultivation’ for the Notified
Plantation as already declared by him in the Loan Application form for the purpose
of fixing his “Maximum Borrowing Limit (MBL) “by the Lending FI, multiplied by the
stipulated Sum Insured per hectare i.e., Rs.1,00,000/-.
Non-Loanee Cultivators: The Cultivators shall declare the `Area proposed for
Insurance ’ for the Notified plantation in the Insurance Proposal Form and multiply
by the stipulated Sum Insured per hectare i.e., Rs.1,00,000/-.
For Cashew Nut Plantation: . 50,000/- per hectare.
Loanee Applicant Cultivator’s: `Area under cultivation’ for the Notified
Plantation as already declared by him in the Loan Application form for the purpose
of fixing his “Maximum Borrowing Limit (MBL) “by the Lending FI, multiplied by the
stipulated Sum Insured per hectare i.e., Rs.50,000/-.
Non-Loanee Cultivators: The Cultivators shall declare the ‘Area proposed for
Insurance ’ for the Notified plantation in the Insurance Proposal Form and multiply
by the stipulated Sum Insured per hectare i.e., Rs.50,000/-.
In case of any of the above crops, the Non-loanee farmers will have
flexibility to insure smaller amounts within maximum limit, but not less than
50% of limit of Sum Insured
A ready reckoner of Crop-wise Premium rates, subsidy portion of State and
Central Govt. and farmer’s Contribution is presented in the table. The farmer’s
contribution is exactly 50% of the total premium. The balance premium shall be
shared by Central Govt. and Government of Andhra Pradesh on 50:50 basis and
released as upfront subsidy and for AIC the risk incepts only upon receiving the
full premium.
The premium shall be remitted through Demand Draft favouring “AIC of India,
payable at Hyderabad”. Separate Demand Drafts need to be obtained for
coverage of Loanee and Non-loanee farmers.

12. COMPENSATION PAY-OUT: Pay-out computation would be based
on the notified weather parameters and the details of triggers which are
specified in the term sheets as shown in item 17. Maximum pay-out will
be limited to Sum Insured.
Claims under WBCIS will be settled on the basis of weather data
provided by the Departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh
(as mentioned in above para 2) and not on the basis of Annavari
Certificate / Gazette notification declaring the area as Drought /
Flood / Cyclone affected etc., by the District Collectors or any
other Govt. Official.
TRIGGER WEATHER: Trigger Weather is pre-defined and being
notified as per annexure with reference to the weather parameters and
Reference Unit Area as detailed above and has been fixed so, keeping
in mind the broad weather parameter requirement of Mango in the
selected mandals of all these 10 districts being notified. The relevant
term sheets applicable for these mandals of the said districts are
annexed herewith in Annexure I.1.ato I.10.a. For Banana in selected
mandals of Vizianagaram, East Godavari, Kurnool, Guntur and YSR
Kadapa Districts. The relevant term sheets applicable for the selected
mandals of the said districts are annexed herewith in Annexure I.a to I.i,
II.a to II.g, III.a to III.g, IV.a to IV.f & V.a to V.e respectively. For
Cashew Nut in selected mandals of Vizianagaram and Srikakulam
Districts the relevant term sheets applicable for the selected mandals of
the said districts are annexed herewith in Annexure I.a to I.n & II.a to
II.h respectively.
will be provided by Automatic Weather Stations set up by Andhra
Pradesh State Development Planning Society (APSDPS) of Planning
dept., of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh to AIC on day to day basis for the
insured period i.e., from 15th December 2014 to 31stMay, 2015.
Automatic Weather Station operating for the particular Reference Unit
Area i.e., Mandal (as detailed in the annexure) operating for the relevant
Reference Unit Area for generating the Weather Data during the current
season based on which pay-outs are processed.
BACK-UP WEATHER STATION (RWS): It is a substitute Weather Station
to be used only in case the weather data from the specified Reference
Weather Station for the current season is unavailable /defective for any
reason. In the extreme case of absence of BWS data, data of BWS of BWS
or alternate data (Manual rain gauge station data for rainfall) may be
adopted. Names of both Reference and Back-up Weather Stations are
detailed in annexure (II.1a to II.10a (Mango), VI to
X (Banana) & III, IV (Cashew nut)).
(a) Pay-outs would be made by AIC to the Nodal Banks in respect of
loanee farmers for onward credit to the individual farmers account. In
case of non-loanee farmers who are enrolled directly or through other
channels, the claim amount will be credited electronically to their
individual bank accounts.
(b) So far as the Insured is concerned, the Pay-out procedure shall be
automatic; that is to say, Pay-outs would be computed by AIC on the
basis of Actual Weather Data received and the Pay-out would be
automatically credited to the Insured’s Bank account
The Scheme shall be administered by AIC whose responsibilities are
subject to the discharge of the roles and responsibilities of the other
Agencies/Financial Institutions/Govt. Departments/Committees as laid
down in the Scheme Document and its Operational Modalities.
Dept. of Horticulture/Agriculture would take up wide publicity and
awareness camps in coordination with AIC to popularize the scheme
and mobilize coverage of maximum number of loanee and non-loanee
The term sheets contain the details of triggers for Excess/Unseasonal
Rainfall, Average Relative Humidity, Maximum & Minimum Temperature
and Maximum Wind speed wherever applicable and are annexed for
each notified crop and each notified Reference Unit Area.
(a) The Scheme is NOT a Yield Guarantee Scheme, and is based on
“Area Approach” as opposed to “Individual Approach” – whereby
assessment of compensation would be made on Reference Unit
Area Basis and not on the basis of every individual insured who
might have suffered a loss:
(b) The Scheme shall be null and void and no benefit shall be
payable in the event of untrue or incorrect statements,
misrepresentation or on non-disclosure in any material fact in the
proposal form/ personal statement/ declaration and connected
documents, or any material information having been concealed, or a
claim being fraudulent or any fraudulent means or devices being
used by the Insured or any one acting on his behalf to obtain any
benefit under this Scheme.
(c) Whenever, any clarification in respect of Declarations submitted
by FIs is sought by AIC, the same must be submitted within two
weeks. Thereafter, AIC is not under obligation to accept the same,
including reopening of claims. Declarations received after the
prescribed cut-off dates will be rejected and the responsibility/liability
for such proposals rests with the nodal banks/FIs. The FIs shall only
be responsible for all omissions/commissions/errors committed
by them.
(d) Further, the claims under National Crop Insurance
Programme - Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
(W.B.C.I.S) shall be settled on the basis of the weather data
furnished by the APSDPS/State Govt. Mandal level Rain
gauge Stations/IMD Weather Stations, as applicable, for the notified
crops & districts and not on the basis of individual declaration of crop
damage Annavari Certificate/Gazette notification declaring the area
Drought/Flood/Cyclone affected etc., Issued by the Government.

For Mango Plantations:

1. Annexure I.1.a to 1.10.a -- Term
Sheets for the 10 districts
being notified
2. Annexure II.1.ato II.10.a -- Notified
RUAs & List of AWS/BWS for the 10
3. Annexure III
4. Annexure IV
5. Annexure V
6. Annexure VI
7. Annexure VII
8. Annexure VIII
9. Annexure IX
-- WBCIS Proposal Form
-- WBCIS Declaration Form (Loanee)
-- WBCIS Declaration Form (Non-loanee)
-- WBCIS Declaration Form (Insurance Intermediary)
-- Performa of List of Cultivators - Loanee Farmers
-- Performa of List of Cultivators - Non-loanee Farmers
-- WBCIS Guidelines for Bankers
---Termsheets for the Vizianagaram district
---Termsheets for the East Godavari district
---Termsheets for the YSR Kadapa district

For Banana Plantations:
1.Annexure I.a to I.i
2.Annexure II.a to II.g
3.Annexure III.a to III.g
4.Annexure IV.a to IV.f
5.Annexure V.a to V.e
6.Annexure VI to X
7.Annexure XI
8.Annexure XII
9.Annexure XIII
10.Annexure XIV
---Termsheets for the Kurnool district
---Termsheets for the Guntur district
---Notified RUAs& list of AWS/BWS for the 5 districts
---WBCIS Proposal Form
--- WBCIS Declaration Form (Loanee)
---WBCIS Declaration Form (Non-Loanee)
---WBCIS Declaration Form (Insurance Intermediary)
---Performa of List of Cultivators-Loanee farmers
--- Performa of List of Cultivators-Non-Loanee farmers
--- WBCIS Guidelines for Bankers

F or Cashew nut Plantations:
1.Annexure I.a to I.n
2.Annexure II.a to II.h
3.Annexure III
4.Annexure IV
5.Annexure V
6.Annexure VI
7.Annexure VII
8.Annexure VIII
9.Annexure IX
10.Annexure X
11.Annexure XI XV
12.Annexure XVI
13.Annexure XVII
--- Termsheets for the Vizianagaram district
--- Termsheets for the Srikakulam district
- -- Notified RUAs& list of AWS/BWS for the Vizianagaram
--- Notified RUAs& list of AWS/BWS for the Srikakulam
--- WBCIS Proposal Form
- -- WBCIS Declaration Form (Loanee)
--- WBCIS Declaration Form (Non-Loanee)
--- WBCIS Declaration Form (Insurance Intermediary)
--- Performa of List of Cultivators-Loanee farmers
- -- Performa of List of Cultivators-Non-Loanee farmers
--- WBCIS Guidelines for Bankers

See full GO

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