Conversion of Success Schools into full – fledged English Medium Schools from 6th to 10th classes from the Academic Year 2015-16

School Education Department – Conversion of Success Schools into full – fledged
English Medium Schools from 6th to 10th classes from the Academic Year 2015-16 –
Orders Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 53 Dated: 14-08-2015.

Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.76 Edn (SE Trg) Department, Dated:10-06-2008.
2. From the C&DSE, AP., Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.24/Esstt.III-1/2015,
dated:24-02-2015 &15.05.2015.


During the year 2008 in the combined State of Andhra Pradesh, after
widespread consultations with various stake-holders, 6,500 Government / Zilla
Parishad / Municipal High Schools were identified for introduction of English Medium
under the SUCCESS (Strengthening and Universalization quality and access to
Secondary Schools) Programme. Out of these 6500 success schools, at present 3428
schools are functioning in the State of AP.

2. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government had issued instructions for introduction
of English Medium Sections in a parallel section in 6500 identified Govt Sector (ZP /
Govt / Municipal High Schools in the State) and also to prepare schedule for training
of teachers to improve English Language skills and strengthening the District Centers
for English in all Districts.

3. From the analysis of the 2014-15 DISE data and from the preliminary
rationalization exercise undertaken during July, 2014, the following are found:

• Out of the 4,976 High Schools (Government / Zilla Parishad / Municipal),
3,428 are the designated SUCCESS Schools with parallel English Medium.

• Total enrollment in both Telugu and English Medium in the SUCCESS
Schools is 13,39,180

• Out of the total enrollment, enrollment in English Medium sections is
4,20,066 (31.36 %)

• 1647 SUCCESS Schools have more than 100 students enrolled in English
Medium sections.

• 1781 SUCCESS Schools have less than 100 students enrolled in English
Medium Sections.

4. It is a fact that 31.36% students enrolled in SUCCESS schools are pursuing
English Medium. The rising enrollment in English Medium in unaided private schools
clearly indicates the trend that there is tremendous aspiration among rural
communities for English Medium education for their wards. Introduction of English
Medium is the overall necessity of providing equitable opportunity of the children
studying in the rural areas / belonging to disadvantage families.

5. In the above context, the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Hyderabad
has requested the Govt for permission to convert all the 3428 High Schools functioning
as Success Schools as full-fledged English Medium Schools from 6th to 10th Classes from
the Academic year 2015-16.

6. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby permit the
Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad, to convert SUCCESS Schools as
full-fledged English Medium School from 6th to 10th from the Academic Year 2015-16
with the following course of action :

I. Only those SUCCESS Schools where the enrollment in English Medium is more
than 100 be converted to exclusive English Medium in phase-I. The Telugu
Medium sections shall be shifted to nearby High School within 2 Km. distance.

II. If there is no High Schools within radius of 2 Km. and if one UPS is existing with
adequate class rooms, the same shall be upgraded into High School to
accommodate Telugu Medium students.

III. In case two High Schools (one for Boys and one for Girls or both Co-Education)
are functioning in the same premises Gram Panchayat / Location one school
shall be converted exclusively as English Medium School. The Second School
shall be made as Exclusive Telugu medium. In such case, both the school will
become Co-Education schools. This is to prevent any likely drop out of students
due to conversion as exclusive English / Telugu medium Schools.

IV. Admissions for 2015-16

a From the academic year 2015-16, the admissions in 6th Class in those
schools converted exclusively as English Medium SUCCESS Schools
shall be made in English Medium only and this shall be made to
progressively move to full-fledged English Medium by the time they
reach IX and X Class.

b. Medium of Instruction for VII and VIII Classes in these Schools is English.

a. Students in IX and X Class in these exclusively converted English
Medium SUCCESS Schools shall be allowed to continue their studies in
Telugu Medium, so as not to disturb their level of preparation for the
SSC Common Examinations in 2015-16 & 2016-17.

V. Teacher related.

a. DEO’s shall be instructed to identify teachers who are eager and
enthusiastic to teach in English Medium schools and who already trained
in English. Such Teachers shall be posted in the proposed full-fledged
English Medium Schools.

b. All required handholding be provided to Teachers to update their skills
and competencies to teach in English, by way of refresher training in
English and English Teaching. This shall be done through partnerships
with UNICEF, British Council, English & Foreign Language University
(EFLU), Regional Institute of English (RIE), Mysore. To make them ready
and prepared for the next academic year, the training shall be imparted
during Summer Holidays by giving eligible compensation for the same.
This should enable them to teach in English with ease from 2015-16.

c. In all future DSCs, English Medium shall be made mandatory at least 3
levels for Teacher recruitment.

d. All efforts shall be made to strengthen DIETs to meet the English training
needs of the Teachers in the District.

e. The requirement of teachers as per the staffing pattern and as per
teacher pupil ratio is to be provided in the upgraded Upper Primary

f. The teachers in the both the High schools will be as per staffing pattern
prescribed and as per teacher pupil ratio. If found surplus teacher will
be shifted to other needy schools.

g While giving posting orders to teachers in exclusive English Medium
Schools, Telugu Medium teachers with English Medium background i.e, in
Degree & P.G. levels & willing to teach in English shall be given

VI. Text Books, Teacher Handbooks & Training –

a. Students enrolling in VI or moving to Class VII and Class VIII will be
provided English Medium Text Books only. A revised indent shall be sent
to Text Book Press keeping the revised need for English Language Text
Books. The Director, Text Book Press shall be instructed to print and
supply sufficient number of English Medium Books before the
commencement of the academic year.

b. Supplementary Teachers’ Hand Book / Module shall be developed and
printed in English covering all the subjects on priority by SCERT and Text
Book Press. These shall be supplied to all the teachers teaching in
English Medium with teachers Handbooks and Workbooks in bilingual.

c. Fifteen Days of Training in English Teaching to teachers posted in
exclusive English Medium schools shall be done in different spells
throughout the year.

d. Support of NGOs and professional organizations shall be put in place for
these English Medium Schools for improving English teaching skills of the

e. All the required posts for English Medium for VI, VII, VIII Classes in the
said schools shall be filled up. Where vacancies persist, Academic
Instructors educated and trained in English Medium teaching shall be
hired on temporary basis.

VII. Examinations & CCE :-

a) Examinations system shall be modified in a manner to prepare the
student to gradually adopt to English Medium. Students be given an
option to take Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) & Final
Examinations wholly or partly in English Medium. Those desiring, the
concession be allowed to take the CCE and Final Examination Subject
Papers in Telugu on a sliding scale as ordered below:

i. During 2015-16, Class VI, Class VII & Class VIII students be
allowed to write the Subject Papers in Telugu to the extent
of 75%. Balance 25% (covering multiple choice, fill in the
blanks, essay comprehension questions, etc.) be mandatorily
written in English.

ii. During 2016-17 - 50% Telugu and 50% in English Medium

iii. During 2017-18 – 25% in Telugu & 75% in English Medium.

b) By ensuring such mandatory, but gradual induction of English Medium is
expected to make students fully prepared for studying in English Medium
by the time they reach Class IX.

c) Class IX & X Students be allowed to continue to take the examinations in
Telugu Medium for 2015-16 and 2016-17.

d) Students opting to study only in Telugu Medium be continued to do so in
the other neighborhood schools.

VIII. Libraries – The Libraries in these SUCCESS Schools be strengthened with funds
from RMSA by supplying easy to read/comprehend English books and reference
books for Teachers.

7. The Commissioner of School Education, AP., Hyderabad shall take further
necessary action accordingly.


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