Rationalization-Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Praja Parishad Schools – Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) in 13 Districts


School Education – Resource Re-Distribution – Rationalization - Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Praja Parishad Schools – Establishment of Adharsha Pradhmika Paatasala (Model Primary School) in Ananthapur District - Orders - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.39                                                                  Dated: 07-08-2015
                                                                           Read the following:-

1.   G.O.Ms.No.55, Edn. (Ser.III) Dept., dated:23-04-2011.
2. G.O.Ms.No.61, Edn. (SE.SER.III) Dept., dated:16-04-2011.
3.   From C.S.E., A.P., Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015, Dated:30/06/2015
4.   From C.S.E., A.P., Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015,     (Ananthapur), Dated:30/06/2015


The Commissioner of School Education, AP, Hyderabad in the reference 3rd and 4th read above has informed that School Education Department constituted a Working Group to study and report on the Teacher – Pupil Ratio and modalities for Resource Redistribution Rationalization (RR-R) of Schools and Teachers working in Primary (Govt./MPP) in the State.

2.       The Working Group examined (a) the Aadhar Mapped U-DISE and Child Information Data (b) children yet to be enrolled in new academic year (c) No. of Schools (d) No. of Teachers (e) No. of Gram Panchayats, (f) Schools in each Gram Panchayat (g) the scope of positive consolidation of the schools within the Gram Panchayat were the enrollment is less than 30 in each school (h) availability of Schools within 1 Km radius in respect of Primary Schools, 3 KM radius in respect of Upper Primary Schools, 5 Kms radius in respect of High Schools/Success Schools, (i) the scope for Resource Redistribution – Rationalization in  terms of infrastructure and human resources etc.

3.       The Working Group also took into consideration the performance of Andhra Pradesh in terms of Key Education Indicators, Key Findings relating to the learning levels of students in Government schools in the State as per the National level Annual Status of Education Report 2014 (ASER) and State Level Achievement Survey 2014-15 (SLAS).

4.       The Working Group noted that while the Teacher – Pupil Ratio (TPR) at the State and district level is higher than the national average, at the School level it needs to be improved. Further, it found that there are some schools with higher student strength vis-à-vis the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand some schools with uneconomic strength of students have more teachers. 

5.       The Working Group also noted that there are several Primary Schools within a radius of 1 Km with less than 30 enrollment and with more than 30 enrollment. The Working Group recommended that positive consolidation of such Schools and staff/posts in these schools may be done by pooling them to develop as a Model Primary Schools in the Gram Panchayat / Municipality. Such Resource Redistribution – Rationalization help in making best use of the available resources – infrastructure, teachers, etc. It will make it possible for ensuing one Teacher for one Class and minimize multi grade teaching by single teacher which is resulting in poor learning levels.

 6.      In the above context the Working Group recommended the following norms for undertaking the positive consolidation and for developing a Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) in every Gram Panchayat/Municipality.

 The Concept of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary Schools).  

1. Establishment proposed for each Model Primary School
a.            Under one teacher, One Class room norm, five (5) Secondary Grade Teachers for Five (5) classes will be provided for Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) per GP/Municipality, provided the minimum enrolment from Class I to V is atleast 100. (However, for the year 2015-16 the required enrolment is atleast 80)
b.            One of the 5 teachers in the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) will be exclusively identified as English Teacher
c.            Beyond 130 students enrolled, 5 SGTs + 1 Head Master post will be provided.
d.          a.             If the enrolment is less than 80, 4 Secondary Grade Teachers shall be provided, and on increased enrolment, the norm as at 1(a) shall be made applicable.
e.       Comprehensive infrastructure facilities to be provided for Model Primary School are (a) Adequate class rooms, (b) Toilets & Water supply, (c) Furniture, (d) Library room with adequate books, (e) Audio-Visual equipped class rooms and (f) attached Early Childhood Center (ECE) as feeder Center.
f.       Academic support will be provided on priority for Model Primary School for, quality enhancement and improving learning levels of students, special Training in English Teaching to the identified Teacher, Academic Coordination & Monitoring support by additional teachers (if required) and adequate Teaching-Learning Material will be provided to the Model PS.
g.       Any of the teachers to be adjusted after allocation to the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School), such teachers services will be utilized as an Academic Support to M.E.O. / Dy.E.O. / D.E.O. / D.I.E.T. / S.S.A etc., and as Cluster Academic Coordinators in Special projects for enhancing learning levels.
2. The basic Norm for consolidation of schools as  Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School)

1.   To take Gram Panchayat / Municipality as a Unit.
2.   Identify the Number of Primary schools (Govt.,/MPP/Mpl)functioning in the Gram Panchayat / Municipality.
3.   Where there are multiple Primary Schools in a Gram Panchayat / Municipality within 1 km radius and with < 30 students enrolled, they may be consolidated as one Model Primary School.
4.   1.   The Schools with less than 30 enrolment is to be consolidated with the schools with less than 30 enrolment (or vice-versa) within 1 KM radius in the Gram Panchayat
5.   The identified school to be designated as Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) shall be Centrally located and accessible.
6.   Primary School may be identified and designated as Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) for that GP/Municipality.

7.   The identified Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) must have adequate land for future expansion.
8.   There will be no multi grade/class teaching by 1 Teacher in the Model Primary School.
9.   In no instance should any Primary school beyond 1 Km be included in this positive consolidation exercise.
10.        The basic data for positive consolidation of Primary Schools   shall  be “Child Info – Aadhar seeded enrolment data”.
11.        Exceptions for positive consolidation are  (i) where there is only one primary school in the whole Gram Panchayat  (even with 1.less than 30 enrolments), (ii) Schools which have Physical barriers – Canal, National Highway, Railway track, etc., (iii)schools located in Primitive Tribal Groups’ habitations,(iv) Minor medium schools, (v) Primary Schools in exclusive SC, ST colonies. If the minor media schools and the schools in SC/ST colonies prefer to be consolidated with the Model Primary School of the Gram Panchayat such request may be agreed to.
12.        The scope for identifying more than one Model Schools in a GP/Municipality if the enrolment after consolidation is over 150 in the first Model Primary School.
13.        Other Primary Schools that continue to function within 1 Km in the same GP/Municipality where positive consolidation is undertaken will be provided Teachers as per RTE norm of 1:30. One Class-One Teacher norm will be applied when enrolment improves in these schools.
14.        The Premises of the Primary School which is consolidated with the Model Primary School in the Gram Panchayat can be used as an attached ECE (Early Childhood Centre). This will help in improving enrolment in the Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School). The necessary logistical support will be provided in coordination with the Women and Child Welfare Department.

7.       The Commissioner of School Education constituted a Mandal Level Committee to verifying the Physical Status and availability of Teachers, enrolment of students in each school in each Gram Panchayat, feasibility of consolidation of Primary Schools and Identifying the Proposed Model Primary Schools the Committee consists of following officers:
(1) Mandal Parishad Development Officer
(2) Mandal Educational Officer
(3) Headmaster of School Complex.
(4) Municipal Commissioner. (where there is Municipal Schools)

8.    The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in the reference 4th read above has informed that the District Educational Officer, Ananthapur has proposed Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and positive consolidation of schools.

9.       The District Educational Officer, Ananthapur proposed the list of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and the Positive Consolidation of Schools.

10.     After careful examination of the matter, the Government hereby approve the Establishment of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) as shown in Annexure-A and Positive Consolidation of Schools in Annexure-B to this order (The Primary Schools under Government / Mandal Praja Parishad). All other schools shall function as normal Primary Schools. With regard to Municipal Schools separate orders will be issued by the Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department.

11. Comprehensive Infrastructure facilities for model primary schools shall be provided from the existing Government Schemes. No additional funds will be provided.

12. The Commissioner and Director of School Education is requested to take necessary action in the matter.



Education(Ser.II)Department, Date: 07.08.2015
MODEL PRIMARY SCHOOLS :: Mandal Parishad Management


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