Strategy to Meet Demand of Doctors by 2020

Strategy to Meet Demand of Doctors by 2020
As per Medical Council of India (MCI) records, there are 9.29 lakh doctors registered in the Indian Medical Register as on 31.03.2014. Assuming 80% availability, it is estimated that around 7.4 lakh doctors may be actually available for active service. It gives a doctor-population ratio of 1:1674 against the WHO norm of 1:1000. Besides, there are an estimated 6.77 lakh AUH doctors in the country. If the Allopathic and AUH streams are considered together, it gives a doctor availability ratio of 1:855. 

The Government has taken the following steps in order to enhance the availability of doctors in the country:-

I. The ratio of teachers to students has been revised from 1:1 to 1:2 for all MD/MS disciplines and 1:1 to 1:3 in subjects of Anaesthesiology, Forensic Medicine, Radiotherapy, Medical Oncology and Surgical Oncology.

II. DNB qualification has been recognized for appointment as faculty to take care of shortage of faculty.

III. Enhancement of maximum intake capacity at MBBS level from 150 to 250.

IV. Enhancement of age limit for appointment/extension/re-employment against posts of teachers/dean/principal/ director in medical colleges from 65-70 years.

V. Relaxation in the norms for setting up of a medical college in terms of requirement for land, faculty, staff, bed/ bed strength and other infrastructure.

VI. Strengthening/upgradation of State Government Medical Colleges for starting new PG courses/Increase of PG seats with fund sharing between the Central and State Government in the ratio of 75:25.

VII. Establishment of New Medical Colleges by upgrading district/referral hospitals preferably in underserved districts of the country with fund sharing between the Central Government and States in the ratio of 90:10 for NE/special category states and 75:25 for other states.

VIII. Strengthening/ upgradation of existing State Government/Central Government Medical Colleges to increase MBBS seats with fund sharing between the Central Government and States in the ratio of 90:10 for NE/special category states and 70:30 for other states with the upper ceiling of the cost per MBBS pegged at Rs.1.20 crore. 


National Programme on Epilepsy
It is estimated that there are about 8-10 million persons with epilepsy in the country. While health is a state subject, the Government of India supplements the efforts of State Governments to provide health services including treatment of epilepsy.

General facilities for “early diagnosis and management” of epilepsy are available in government hospitals. Specialized treatment for epilepsy is available in institutions such as All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh and National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore. In addition, management of mental disorders including treatment for behavioral and psychological systems of epilepsy is also a part of District Mental Health Programme, being implemented in 241 districts of the country.

The treatment gap is attributable to stigma in the society towards epilepsy, inadequate knowledge among the public about availability of treatment, etc. As informed by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, workplace stigma is mainly due to lack of awareness among the employees and employers. This is being tackled through various Non-Government Organizations, mainly Indian Epilepsy Association (IEA). There are 22 chapters of IEA in the country and they are conducting number of awareness campaigns in the forms of lectures, film shows, street shows and various IEC materials for common people. 


Special Quality Inspection Team to Check Packaged Food Products
Samples of Nestlé’s Maggi noodles were found to be containing more than the permissible limit of 2.5 ppm of lead and also violating the labeling requirements about presence of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Based on the test results reported from different states, confirming presence of Lead beyond permissible limit, an order dated 05.06.2015 was issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) directing M/s Nestle India Ltd. to recall its Maggi Noodles.

The implementation and enforcement of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 primarily rests with the State/UT Governments. FSSAI regularly takes up the issue of enforcement of the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations there under with the State/UT authorities through written communications and interactions during the meetings of the Central Advisory Committee, which also comprises the Commissioners of Food Safety of all states and UTs, for effective implementation of the Act and the rules and regulations there under.

Surveillance, monitoring, inspection, random sampling and testing of food products are undertaken by the officials of Food Safety Departments of the respective States/ UTs to ensure compliance with the standards laid down under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, Rules and Regulations made thereunder. In cases, where food samples are found to be non-conforming to the prescribed standards/regulations, action is taken as per provisions of the FSS Act, 2006.

The FSSAI vide its communication dated 25th May, 2015 advised all the States/UTs to draw samples of the Maggi Noodles (Nestle) and get the same tested from authorized labs. The FSSAI had also advised the Commissioners of Food Safety of all the States/UTs vide its communication dated 8th June, 2015 to draw and test the samples of Noodles and allied products of other brands as well. 


Suitable Healthcare Arrangements for the Ailing Elderly

Keeping in view the recommendations made in the “National Policy on Older Persons” as well as the State’s obligation under the “Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007”, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had launched the “National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly” (NPHCE) during the year 2010-11 to address various health related problems of elderly people.
As per 60th Round National Sample Survey (NSS) report, the proportion of ailing persons per 1000 aged person are 283 and 368 in rural and urban areas respectively. Survey report also say that proportion (per 1000) of aged persons who cannot move and are confined to bed or home is 77 and 84 in rural and urban areas respectively. 
The major objectives of the NPHCE are establishment of Department of Geriatric in identified Medical Institutions as Regional Geriatric Centres for different regions of the country and to provide dedicated health facilities in District Hospitals, CHCs, PHCs and Sub-Centres levels through State Health Society.
Following facilities are being provided under the Programme:-

·         Geriatric OPD, 30 bedded Geriatric ward for in-patient care, etc at Regional Geriatric Centres.
·         Geriatric OPD and 10 bedded Geriatric Ward at District Hospitals.
·         Bi-weekly Geriatric Clinic at Community Health Centres (CHCs)
·         Weekly Geriatric Clinic at Primary Health Centre (PHCs).
·         Provision of Aids and Appliances at Sub-centres.
As on now, a total of 104 districts of 24 States/UTs and 8 Regional Geriatric Centres (RGCs) have been covered under the Programme.
Under CGHS, there is a provision for domiciliary Physiotherapy in respect of CGHS beneficiaries under the following conditions:-
1.    Orthopaedic disorders- Post Joint Replacement surgery in acute phase upto two weeks post discharge.

2.    Neurological conditions- for upto six weeks in the following conditions:-

i)     Post-stroke.

ii)   Traumatic brain injury.

iii)   Gullian-Barre Syndrome.

iv)   Spinal Cord injury with significant disability/deformity.

v)  Motor neuron disease.

3.         Locomotor disability with a disability of over 80% who are totally dependent on care-giver based on the advice of tow government specialist, by certified care giver (Care giver means Rehabilitation Council of India certified personnel + Physiotherapist and occupational therapist (duly qualified diploma/degree holder).

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