Acceptance speech by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the conferment of Honorary Doctorate by Al Quds University

Acceptance speech by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the conferment of Honorary Doctorate by Al Quds University 

Acceptance speech by the President of IndiaShri Pranab Mukherjee at the conferment of Honorary Doctorate by Al Quds University

Hon'ble Prime Minister, His Excellency Mr. Rami Hamdallah,
Hon'ble Minister of Education, His Excellency Mr. Sabri Saidam,
Hon'ble President of the Al-Quds University Mr. Imad Abu Kishek,
Members of the Faculty and the academic community,
Distinguished guests,

I thank the President of the Al-Quds University for his generous words. I would like to begin by reciprocating his warm sentiments. I am touched by the gesture of this prestigious University in conferring upon me an Honorary Doctorate.  I value it as a sign of friendship and regard of the people of Palestine for the people of India and for me. I accept this honour with deep humility in my capacity as President of India and on behalf of its people.

2.      I thank the Presidents and senior representatives of all the universities inPalestine, the Minister of Education and the  H’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Rami Hamdallah and  to convey to  them that I am proud to be associated with this premier institution of higher education.

3.      I am aware that this University has contributed significantly towards the pursuit of academic excellence. In this, it has been  inspired by the vision that only an educated and enlightened citizenry can safeguard the future of Palestine.  Your pursuit of scientific knowledge and advanced research places this University at the centre of Palestine's national development programme.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
4.      I am in Palestine on the first ever State Visit by an Indian President. It is therefore a great privilege for me to have this opportunity of visiting you.  My visit reflects the keen interest of India in further deepening the rich and historic relationship that we have with Palestine.

5.      India's solidarity with the Palestinian people and its principled support to the Palestinian cause is rooted in our own freedom struggle. Over the years our approach to Palestine crystallized into a policy with three  core  dimensions: solidarity with the Palestinian people; support to the Palestinian cause; and support to Palestine's nation building and capacity building efforts. The entire Indian political leadership remains steadfastly committed to these policies.

6.      India has always been at the forefront in promoting the Palestinian cause –India voted against the partition of Palestine at the United Nations General Assembly in 1947. We recognized the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in 1974; India was the first non-Arab country to recognize the State of Palestine in 1988. We spearheaded  the campaign for recognition of Palestinian statehood by the UN in 2012 . India  supported the successful resolution for flying the Palestinian flag at the UN Headquarters last month. We congratulate the people of Palestine on the momentous unfurling of their national flag at the United Nations - for the first time in history - on September 30, 2015.

7.      Ladies and Gentlemen, India had co-sponsored a draft resolution on "the right of Palestinians to self-determination" during the 53rd session of the UN General Assembly. India then voted in favour of UN General Assembly Resolution in October 2003 against construction of the separation wall by Israel and supported subsequent resolutions of the UNGA in this regard. India voted in favour of accepting Palestine as a full member of UNESCO.

8.      These strong foundations and our shared belief in peace, prosperity and development for the people of Palestine propel us to do more . One of the aims of my visit to Palestine is to suggest a framework for the future of our relationship. While we continue to follow our traditional policy on Palestine, we see that the framework of our partnership can be reinforced through three principal pillars. These are:
First, closer political interaction;
Second, deeper economic engagement and academic collaboration;
Third, wider cultural contacts and people-to-people exchanges.

9.      India shares the perception that the Palestinian issue is at the center of Arab-Israeli conflict. Peace and stability in the region is in India's interest. Today the speed with which an event happening in one place of the world triggers a response in another, is unprecedented in terms of its impact and scale. Maintaining regular contacts at all levels is, therefore,  important. There are a number of areas of convergence in our relationship which we may step up further by intensifying  our exchange of information. At the multilateral level, we have already started the process with the League of Arab States.

10.    Ladies and Gentlemen, the  expansion of our  economic ties will surely present great new  opportunities. I know that brand India is popular here and inspires trust. Government of India’s 'Make in India' scheme welcomes all of you to manufacture in India.  India can facilitate  your journey  from being consumers to manufacturers. We are confident of the abundant talent and entrepreneurship of the Palestinian people. Apart from our bilateral trade in goods, there is vast scope for trade in services. India's strength in IT and IT-enabled services as well as consultancy can pave the way for  greater engagement in the IT sector.  I had the privilege to inaugurate the  India-Palestine Center for Excellence in ICT today. It will have a satellite centre in Ramallah and forward linkages with industry.India will build a similar Center in Gaza. We look forward to the success of the Techno-Park in Ramallah. It will be jointly built and operated by the Palestine Investment Fund and the Indian public and private sector.


11.    India has always been happy to partner Palestine in promoting  education. Over the years, around 12,000 Palestinian students have graduated from Indian Universities, many of them on scholarships offered by the Government of India. Today, these students serve as a bridge between our two countries.

12.    It is also a good sign that scholarships offered by the ICCR are usually utilized in full by Palestine. It gives me great pleasure to announce that my Government has decided to increase the number of these scholarships from 10 to 25 per annum.

13.    I also take this opportunity to announce the setting up of an India-Chair in the Al Quds University.

14.    Friends, India is proud to have built the  Jawaharlal Nehru Library at the Al Azhar University in Gaza city; and the Mahatma Gandhi Library-cum-Student Activity Centre at the Palestine Technical College at Deir Al Balah in Gaza. We are glad to have built the Jawaharlal Nehru Secondary School for Girls in Asira Al-Shamaliya. Today, I will inaugurate the Jawaharlal Nehru Secondary School for Boys in Abu Dees. India is also happy to have equipped seven Vocational Training Centres in Palestine.

15.    I have noted with satisfaction the successful conclusion of the first ever India-Palestine Academic Round Table this morning. I recognise the contributions made by H’ble Minister of Education H.E. Mr. Sabri Saidam, Presidents of the different Palestinian Universities and the representatives of premier Indian universities in making this event a success. This interaction marks a quantum leap in our academic relations. MoUs signed today will facilitate our continued engagement and pave the way for joint R&D and innovation, student and faculty exchanges etc. As Visitor of 114 central institutes of higher learning in India, I am aware of their enthusiasm for global partnerships.

16.    India has long been committed to the capacity building efforts of Palestineunder the ITEC scholarship Programme. As of date, 760 Palestinian nationals have availed training under this scheme. I am happy to announce that the Government of India has increased the ITEC slots for Palestine from 50 to 100 per annum.

17.    We welcome the interest of our Palestinian friends in Indian culture and, particularly in Yoga. Both our peoples cherish the fact that our cultural connections go back to our ancient history. The Indian Hospice located in East Jerusalem bears testimony to this fact. We look forward to strengthening these ancient linkages.

18.    With these words, I once again thank the Al Quds University for bestowing upon me this honour. I look forward to your continued friendship and fruitful exchanges with India. The youth of  Palestine are the future leaders of this  country. May you flourish  and  take your nation to new heights of progress and prosperity.  I wish all of you every success in your academic careers and a very bright future.

Thank you!


Al-Quds University confers Honorary Doctorate on President India's Solidarity with the Palestinian people and its principled support to the Palestinian cause is rooted in our own freedom struggle, says President 
Al-Quds University conferred Honorary Doctorate on President Pranab Mukherjee today (October 13, 2015) at a ceremony held in Ramallah.

Speaking on the occasion, the President said India's solidarity with the Palestinian people and its principled support to the Palestinian cause is rooted in our own freedom struggle. India has always been at the forefront in promoting the Palestinian cause – India voted against the partition of Palestine at the United Nations General Assembly in 1947. We recognized the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in 1974; India was the first non-Arab country to recognize the State of Palestine in 1988. We spearheaded the campaign for recognition of Palestinian statehood by the UN in 2012. India supported the successful resolution for flying the Palestinian flag at the UN Headquarters last month. India had co-sponsored a draft resolution on "the right of Palestinians to self-determination" during the 53rd session of the UN General Assembly. India then voted in favour of UN General Assembly Resolution in October 2003 against construction of the separation wall by Israel and supported subsequent resolutions of the UNGA in this regard. India voted in favour of accepting Palestine as a full member of UNESCO. 

The President said the strong foundations and India-Palestine’s shared belief in peace, prosperity and development for the people of Palestine propel India to do more. One of the aims of his visit to Palestine is to suggest a framework for the future of relationship between India and Palestine. While India continues to follow its traditional policy on Palestine, it sees that the framework of partnership can be reinforced through three principal pillars -closer political interaction; deeper economic engagement and academic collaboration and wider cultural contacts and people-to-people exchanges.

On the occasion, the President announced the setting up of an India-Chair in the Al Quds University. He said India has always been happy to partner Palestine in promoting education. Over the years, around 12,000 Palestinian students have graduated from Indian Universities, many of them on scholarships offered by the Government of India. Today, these students serve as a bridge between our two countries. 


Speech by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee in response to President Abbas' remarks at the state Banquet on October 12, 2015 at Ramallah 
Your Excellency, President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed a great privilege to be here on the first State Visit to Palestine by an Indian President.

2. I thank Your Excellency for your gracious words. I deeply appreciate the warm welcome and the generous hospitality accorded to me and my delegation. Your Excellency, the Palestinian leadership have displayed great faith and trust in relations with India. This has been evident during the visits of Your Excellency and late President Yasser Arafat to India.

3. At the very outset allow me to congratulate you on the historic installation of the national flag of Palestine at the United Nations on September 30, 2015. We share your pride and joy on this momentous occasion and also your sense of optimism that this is an important step towards the realization of the dream of the people of Palestine for a separate homeland.

4. Your Excellency, India attaches great importance to its long standing friendship with Palestine. India's empathy with the Palestinian cause and its friendship with the people of Palestine have become an integral part of our foreign policy. India has always stood beside Palestine. India's policy on Palestine has three core dimensions: solidarity with the Palestinian people; support to the Palestinian cause; and, partnership in Palestine's nation and capacity building efforts. The Indian leadership , across the political spectrum, remains unwavering and steadfast in its support for the Palestinian cause .

5. India is also keen to work with Palestine on the orientation and framework for our future relationship - based on the three pillars of closer political interactions: deeper economic engagement and academic collaboration; and wider cultural contacts and people-to-people exchanges.

6. Your Excellency, peace and stability in the region is in India's interest. We share the perception that resolution of the longstanding Palestinian issue will contribute to the peace and stability of the region. We are, therefore, concerned about the stalled peace process. India supports a negotiated solution, resulting in a sovereign, independent, viable and united State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. We would like to see the people of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, side by side and at peace with Israel, as endorsed in the Arab Peace Initiative, the Quartet road map and relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

7 We firmly believe that dialogue is the only viable option in the search for a just, durable, comprehensive and peaceful solution of the Palestinian issue. Diplomacy and statesmanship have to prevail over hatred and violence in the search for lasting and durable peace.

8. I would like to share my sincere hope of early resumption of the peace process between all relevant parties and pray that it will soon lead to the amicable resolution of conflict in this region.

9. Excellency, I am confident that the discussions we have had during my visit will lead to fruitful engagement and meaningful outcomes in all areas of our mutual interest.

10. In order to continue the tradition of friendly consultations between us, I would like to invite Your Excellency to visit India at a mutually convenient time. It would be an honour to receive you in New Delhi.

11. With these words, Excellency, I thank you once again for your gracious hospitality and wish you every success in your endeavours for peace and progress in Palestine.

12. I would also like to convey through you, the warm greetings of the people of India to their brothers and sisters in Palestine and our sincere wishes for their all round advancement, happiness and prosperity in the days to come .

Thank you!


India remains unwavering and steadfast in ITS support for the Palestinian cause, says President 
President Mahmoud Abbas of the State of Palestine hosted yesterday (October 12, 2015) a Banquet in honour of President Pranab Mukherjee in Ramallah.

In his banquet speech, President Mukherjee the President said India attaches great importance to its long standing friendship with Palestine. India's empathy with the Palestinian cause and its friendship with the people of Palestine have become an integral part of our foreign policy. India has always stood beside Palestine. India's policy on Palestine has three core dimensions: solidarity with the Palestinian people; support to the Palestinian cause; and, partnership in Palestine's nation and capacity building efforts. The Indian leadership, across the political spectrum, remains unwavering and steadfast in its support for the Palestinian cause.

The President said peace and stability in the region is in India's interest. India shares the perception that resolution of the longstanding Palestinian issue will contribute to the peace and stability of the region. India is, therefore, concerned about the stalled peace process. India supports a negotiated solution, resulting in a sovereign, independent, viable and united State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital. India would like to see the people of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, side by side and at peace with Israel, as endorsed in the Arab Peace Initiative, the Quartet road map and relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

The President said India firmly believed that dialogue is the only viable option in the search for a just, durable, comprehensive and peaceful solution of the Palestinian issue. Diplomacy and statesmanship have to prevail over hatred and violence in the search for lasting and durable peace. The President shared his sincere hope of early resumption of the peace process between all relevant parties and prayed that it will soon lead to the amicable resolution of conflict in this region.

The President also congratulated President Mahmoud Abbas on the historic installation of the national flag of Palestine at the United Nations on September 30, 2015 and said India shares Palestine pride and joy on this momentous occasion and also its sense of optimism that this is an important step towards the realization of the dream of the people of Palestine for a separate homeland. 

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