LRSAM Successfully Flight-Tested

LRSAM Successfully Flight-Tested

For the first time, Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM), jointly designed and developed by IAI, Israel and DRDO, has been successfully flight tested from an Israeli Naval Platform. The missile successfully engaged and destroyed the incoming air target. 

All the subsystems of the missile performed as predicted and achieved the desired goal of hitting the incoming target. DRDO has designed and developed Dual Pulse Propulsion System and other safe arm mechanisms for Solid Propulsion system for the first time. This test from Israel Naval Platform achieved the major milestone in proving the missile system with complete participation of the Ship Borne Tracking Equipment etc.

The missile configuration is same for both LRSAM/MRSAM. Further Operational Flight Trials (O.F.T) will be conducted shortly from Indian Naval Platform before induction into the service.

LRSAM will be inducted into Indian Naval Ships (P-15A).

The LRSAM programme consists of Missiles, MFSTAR (Radar), Weapon Control System, Vertical Launcher unit and Two- way data link. 


33rd Infantry Commanders Conference 
            33rd Infantry Commander’s Conference is underway from 26  to 28 Nov at The Infantry School Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. The conference is a biennial event aimed at taking a holistic review of operational, training and management aspects of the Infantry which are crucial to  retaining, maintaining & enhancing its role. The last such conference was held in September 2013.

            The objective of the conference is to  identify its strength and draw a road map for the future. Lt General Sanjay Kulkarni, Director General (DG) Infantry, addressed the conference in its inaugural session. Issues of modernisation of Infantry, training orientation and human capital development were discussed.

On 27 Nov 2015, General Dalbir Singh, the COAS was received by Lt General Sanjay Kulkarni, Lt General SL Narasimhan, Commandant Army War College and Lt Gen KH Singh, Commandant of The Infantry School. The conference was presided over by the COAS on 27 & 28 Nov 2015 and was attended by a cross section of Infantry Officers, including Colonels of the Regiments of Infantry Regiments, Infantry Formation Commanders and number of Commanding Officers.

The COAS called upon the Infantry Commander’s to lay emphasis on Junior Leadership and Human Capital Development. He expressed  confidence in the level of Operational Preparedness of the Army and stressed for officers to be dynamic in their thought process and approach to meet future challenges. The conference is providing an appropriate platform for eminent Formation Commanders and Infantry Battalion Commanders to share their thoughts, as also is giving an opportunity to introspect in an open and forthright manner on infantry related issues. Deliberations during this conference are bringing up innovative thoughts to ensure that Infantry contributes effectively in dealing with the emerging challenges of the nation’s security.

DRDO Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness – A Curtain Raiser 
DRDO is organising a one day workshop on 28 November 2015 with the objective to showcase technologies and products developed indigenously by the organisation which can be readily adopted or customized for disaster management. The use of these technologies will help in reduction of socio- economic and environmental impact of disasters. DRDO has in the past contributed to the various disaster management operations like Tsunami disaster in 2004, Uttarakhand flash floods in 2013 and J&K floods in 2014. Besides these, post event trauma management during tsunami disaster was also conducted by DRDO. As DRDO is developing many state-of-the art technologies, some of these can be adopted for future disaster management solutions.

It may be noted that due to variations in geography and climates, India is susceptible to various calamities/disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, cyclones, landslides and avalanches which may be man-made or of natural origin. Apart from these, vulnerability to emergencies arising out of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) material also exists. Disaster management broadly comprises the pre-disaster phase which includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness, while the post-disaster phase includes response, rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery.

The workshop will be inaugurated by Addl Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr. PK Mishra in the presence of Secretary Department of Defence R&D and Director General, DRDO Dr. S Christopher.

The stakeholders participating in the workshop are NDMA, NDRF, MHA, Armed Forces, CRPF, CISF, NSG, NIDH and others. To showcase the products and technologies, an exhibition is also organised where eleven DRDO laboratories are showcasing their products and making technical presentations. This will be followed by panel discussions amongst dignitaries of various stakeholders, with the objective to define trajectory of developmental activities of DRDO for future technological solutions to assist risk mitigation and preparedness against disasters. Apart from various stakeholders, several industry development partners are also participating in the workshop.

The workshop will witness lectures on different topics viz. combating disaster from R&D E (E) and VRDE, Management of Biological and Chemical Disaster by DRDE, Communication Technologies for Disaster by DEAL, Medical Management of Disaster by INMAS, Drinking Water Solutions by DLJ, Landslide Disaster by DTRL, Detection Technologies by NPOL, Avalanche Disaster by SASE, Food and Fire Fighting by DFRL and CFEES respectively.

The items to be displayed in the exhibition are CBRN mini UGV, Multipurpose Decontamination System (MPDS), Mobile Decon System (MDS) NBC Individual Protective Equipments (suit, mask, haversack, boot, gloves, casualty bag), First Aid Kits Type A & B, Tri-Colour Detector, Residual Vapour Detection Kit, Water Poison Detection Kit, Chemical agent detectors (IMS based CAM and ACADA, Flame Photometer based, GC-MS based), NBC Canister, ROV-DAKSH, UAV NETRA, Food and Fire Fighting equipment, Water Purification System, Snow equipment like bridge, net, shoes etc.

DRDO’s indigenous technologies can be easily adapted towards disaster management solution by various stakeholders. The Industry partners are locally manufacturing these products and technologies are readily available. Also by this workshop stakeholders will come to know of current developments and new developments can be taken up for providing better solutions in future. 

Workshop on Minimal Access Cardiac Surgery at Army Hospital (Research & Referral) 
The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Army Hospital (Research & Referral), New Delhi is conducting a two day workshop from 27 to 28th Nov 2015 on the issue of ‘Minimal Access Cardiac Surgery’ with the theme being “Small is Beautiful”.

About 50 cardiac surgeons and anesthesiologists from all over the country are attending the workshop, which was inaugurated on 27 November 2015 by Lt Gen M K Unni, Director General Medical Services (Army), an eminent cardiac surgeon himself.

Cardiac Surgery carried out with a small incision has come of age and more and more surgeons are embarking on this technique. This technique affords early recovery of the patient with less invasion without compromising on patient safety.

Brig R Kaushik, Consultant & HOD stated that the aim of the workshop is to train surgeons in this new technique and bring about a change in their mindset so that they can incorporate this in their armamentarium. 

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