Mining lease for Bauxite - Diversion of 1212.00 Ha. of forest land in Chintapalli and Jerrila

Forest Department - Diversion of 1212.00 Ha. of forest land in Chintapalli and Jerrila R.F of Narasipatnam Forest Division, Visakhapatnam District for mining lease for Bauxite, in favour of M/s. Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited.,
Hyderabad- Permission accorded - Orders - Issued.

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G.O.MS.No. 97 Dated:05-11-2015.
Read the following:-
1. From PCCF, A.P. Hyd. Lr. Rc.No.16035/2007/F2, Dt.14-9-2007
2. State Govt. Lr No. 7203/For.I(I)/2007-1, Dt.8-10-2007.
3. From GoI, MoEF, F.No.8-91/2007-FC, Dt. 12-8-2008.
4. State Govt. Lr No.7203/For.I(I)/2007, Dt.25-1-2011.
5. From GoI, MoEF, F.No.11-201/2010-FC, Dt.22-11-2011
6. From GoI, MoEF, F.No.11-201/2010-FC, Dt.22-7-2013
7. State Govt. Lr No.8742/For.I(I)/2013, Dt.4-12-2013.
8. From GoI, MoEF&C.C, Lr. F.No.8-91/2007-FC, Dt.17-8-2015
The Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, in their letter 8th read above, have accorded their approval (Stage.II) under Section-2 of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, for diversion of 1212.00 Ha. of forest land in Chintapalli and Jerrila R.F of Narasipatnam Forest Division, Visakhapatnam District for mining lease for Bauxite, in favour of M/s. Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited., Hyderabad, subject to certain conditions as stipulated therein.

2. Accordingly, Government after careful examination of the proposal, hereby accord permission to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, for diversion of 1212.00 Ha. of forest land in Chintapalli and Jerrila R.F of Narasipatnam Forest Division, Visakhapatnam District for mining lease for Bauxite, in favour of M/s. Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Limited., Hyderabad, subject to the following conditions:-.

i. Legal status of the forest land being diverted shall remain unchanged.

ii. The compensatory afforestation over non-forest land equal in extent to the forest land being diverted, shall be raised and maintained by the State Forest Department from the funds already provided by the user agency

iii. The non-forest land transferred and mutated in favour of the State Forest Department shall be notified by the State Government as RF under Section-4 (or) PF under Section-29 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 or under the relevant Section(s) of the local Forest Act, 1927 latest within a period of six months from the date of issue of Stage-II approval. The Nodal Officer shall report compliance in this regard along with a copy of the original notification declaring the
non-forest land under Section 4 (or) Section 29 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927, declaring as the case may be, within the stipulated period to the Central Government for information and record.

iv. Fencing, Protection and regeneration of the safety area (7.5 meter strip all along the outer boundary of the mining lease area) shall be done at the project cost. Besides this, afforestation on degraded forest land to be selected elsewhere, measuring one and a half times the area under safety zone, shall also be done at the project cost.

v. The plan submitted by the User Agency for undertaking mitigative measures to minimize soil erosion and choking of streams, planting of adequate drought hardy plant species and sowing of seeds to arrest soil erosion and construction of check dams, retention / toe walls to arrest sliding down of the excavated material along the contour, shall be undertaken at the project cost under the supervision of the
State Forest Department.

vi. The User Agency, in consultation with the State Forest Department, shall implement the Social Management Plan in phase- wise manner at the project cost as concurred by the State Government.

vii. Wherever possible and technically feasible, the user agency shall undertake by involving local community, the Afforestation measures in the blanks within the lease area, as well as along the roads outside the lease area diverted under this approval, in consultation with the State Forest Department at the project cost as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage-I approval.

viii. Where possible and technically feasible, the user agency shall undertake by involving local community, Afforestation measures having suitable species during reclamation and overburden management plan as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated
in the Stage-I approval.

ix. The user agency shall restrict their mining in 35.00 Ha / year and block by block in leased and diverted forest land as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage-1.

x. The user agency shall employ not more than 200 persons in the mining lease area as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage-I approval;

xi. The user agency shall close the mining for 45 days every year in rainy season as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the State-I approval;

xii. The period of diversion of the said forest land under this approval shall be for a period co- terminus with the period of the mining lease proposed to be granted under the Mines and Mineral (Development & Regulation) Act,1927 as amended or Rules framed there under;

xiii. The user agency shall pay the additional NPV, if so determined as per the final decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage- I approval;

xiv. The user agency shall implement the Comprehensive Wild Life Protection and Management Plan in consultation with State Forest Department as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage-I approval;

xv. The user agency shall obtain the Environment Clearance as per the provisions of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, if required, as already committed by the user agency through undertaking submitted in compliance of conditions stipulated in the Stage- I approval; 

xvi. The layout plan of the proposal shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Central Government;

xvii. No labour camp shall be established on the forest land;

xviii. User agency shall provide firewood preferably alternate fuel to the labourers and the staff working at the site so as to avoid any damage and pressure on the adjacent forest areas;

xix. Boundary of the forest land proposed to be diverted shall be demarcated on ground at the project cost, by erecting four feet high reinforced cement concrete pillars, each inscribed with its serial number, forward and back bearing and distance from pillar to pillar;

xx. Forest land shall not be used for any purpose other than that specified in the proposal;

xxi. The user agency shall submit the annual self- compliance report in respect of the above conditions to the State Government and to the concerned Regional Office of the MoEF&C.C, regularly;

xxii. Any other condition that the concerned Regional Office of the MoEF&C.C, Chennai may stipulate, from time to time, in the interest of conservation, protection and development of forests & Wild Life; and

xxiii. The user agency and the State Government shall ensure compliance of Acts, Rules, Regulations and Guidelines, for the time being in force, as applicable to the project of and also compliance of conditions of Stage- I approval for which undertaking have been obtained from the user agency;

3. The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is directed to take further necessary action in the matter.



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