Constitution of Expert Committee/Group in School Education Department to implementing the education reforms, strategies and plans

School Education Department – Constitution of Expert Committee/Group in School
Education Department for providing strategic and policy advice and guidance to the
Government in designing and implementing the education reforms, strategies and
plans – Orders Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 106 Dated: 07.12.2015

Read the following
1. Minutes of the meeting held by the Hon’ble Minister HRD with
the School Education on 07.11.2015
2. Govt. Memo. No. 83296/Prog.II/A1/2015, dated 10.11.2015
3. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.
Hyderabad Lr Rc. No. SPL/CSE/2015, dated 17.11.2015

            It has been proposed to take up educational reforms for enhanced quality in
elementary and secondary education in the State of Andhra Pradesh. To achieve
this vision and goal, among other things, it has been decided to constitute an Expert
Committee for providing strategic and policy advice and guidance to the
Government in designing and implementing the education reforms, strategies and
plans and for enhancement of quality in school education.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner of School Education,
A.P., Hyderabad has submitted a proposal for constitution of an Advisory Council in
the Education Department.

3. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby constitute an
Expert Committee/Group in School Education for providing strategic and policy
advice and guidance to the Government in designing and implementing the
education reforms, strategies and plans and for enhancement of quality in school
education. The committee will support the Chief Minister, Minister for Human
Resource Development (HRD) and Department of School Education in replicating
international best practices in School Education management. The Expert
Committee/Group is as follows:

1 Minister for Human Resource Development,
Government of Andhra Pradesh                                            : Chairman
2 Commissioner &Director of School Education,
A.P. Hyderabad                                                                      : Member Secretary
3 Bramhasree Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao,
Prominent Reader of Spiritual Pravachanams                      : Member
4 Sri B.V. Pattabhiram,
Familiar Hypnotherapist and Personality
Developer                                                                               : Member
5 Dr. N.V. Warlu,
Leading Motivational Speaker                                                : Member
6 Sri K.I.Varaprasad Reddy, Founder Chairman
& M.D. Santha Biotechnics                                                    : Member

Terms of Reference for Expert Committee/Group on School Education are as

1. Strengthening the capacities of GoAP in school education reforms, strategy
planning, policy development and implementation;

2. Provide advice on Global best practices and experiences in the
implementation of education reforms for enhanced quality in elementary and
secondary education in the State of Andhra Pradesh;

3. Provide guidance for the development of policy brief for the reforms and
development of the education system in the State.

4. Support review of the current Plan programmes under Elementary Education
and Literacy, in terms of access, enrolment, retention, dropouts and with
particular emphasis on outcomes on quality of education by gender, social
and regional classifications.

5. To advise Government of Andhra Pradesh to evolve a detailed perspective
plan and strategies with specific medium term monitorable targets in terms of
average years of schooling and for providing quality elementary education
upto Class VIII to all children in the age group of 6-14 years as per RTE Act
mandate and to suggest improvements in delivery mechanism for effective
implementation of various schemes/ programmes.

6. To advise Government of Andhra Pradesh to evolve a policy for providing
quality School education, educational infrastructure through public, private
cooperation/ partnership and involvement of Corporate Sector/ Civil Society/
NGOs in the promotion of elementary education of equitable quality.

7. Advise and support the Minister of HRD on improved management of
Schools, undertaking learning and teaching initiatives, enhancing academic
outcomes, programs and courses, and educational partnerships.

8. Recommend strategies for extensive use of Information Technology in all
areas of school education management.

9. Share their knowledge and expertise in integrating IT applications and tools in
the teaching learning process.

10. Advise on revisiting/ reviewing the curriculum and advise on integrating
Vocational Education at Secondary School level and for aligning it with the
latest global trends.

11. Help School Education Department to evolve detailed plan and strategies
with medium and long term monitorable targets for universal access,
retention and quality of education at primary and upper primary levels.

12. Advise on accessing particular high-quality resources – both for teaching
topics present in the current and the new curriculum, and those resources for
teaching new topics introduced by the new curriculum.

13. Develop a sustainable design for Continuous Professional Development and
training for Teachers.

14. Advise on developing/ improving effective tools for training in Evaluation and
Assessment and its dissemination – CCE.

15. To suggest ways and means to enhance effectiveness of school
management, supervision and monitoring with a view to impart quality
education and improving learners’ achievements.

16. To advise and support School Education Department to formulate an
operational strategy and action plan for convergence with other schemes,
provide advice on formulating strategies for progressively universalizing preschool
education for all children in the age group of 4-6 years with high
priority to disadvantaged regions including Scheduled Areas.

17. To suggest measures for improving implementation of RTE harmonized
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan
(RMSA) other Literacy Programmes for improvements/ restructuring of
literacy programmes for greater involvement of State Government, and
increasing transparency and accountability.

18. To undertake an in-depth review of the implementation of Mid-Day Meal
(MDM) Program, in terms of adequacy and effectiveness of the delivery
Systems and infrastructure and the impact of the programmes on school
attendance and on improvement in the nutritional status of children etc.

19. To review effectiveness of programmes addressing the needs of SCs, STs,
OBCs., Minorities, girls’ education and to examine the feasibility of
introducing alternative systems for imparting quality education to the poor
students including CCT.

20. To suggest measures for faster reduction in illiteracy in the state with
emphasis on gender, regional and social dimensions and also incentivizing
state with high literacy rates to achieve 100% literacy.

21. To suggest modifications in educational indicators, computation of education
index that captures ground reality, and also suggests measures for
improvements in management of educational statistics at district, state and
national levels and reduces the time lag in publication of educational statistics

22. Recommend feasible methods for timely selection and deployment of
teachers, to ensure conformity with the requirements laid down in the
Schedule to the RTE Act within the timeframes stipulated under the RTE Act.

4. The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall
take further necessary action accordingly.



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