Recruitment of VaidyaMitras and other staff Dr.NTRVaidyaseva – Qualifications framed

Health, Medical and Family Welfare - Dr. NTRVS – Recruitment of VaidyaMitras and
other staff Dr.NTRVaidyaseva – Qualifications for field staff other modalities framed
- Orders – Issued.

G.O.RT.No. 28 Dated: 20-01-2016

Read the following:
1. G.O.Rt.No.4271 Fin.(SMPC) Dept., dt.01-11-2008.
2. From the CEO, Dr.NTRVS Lr.Rc.No.03-DR.NTRVS/F-25-2015,dt:30.09.2015.
3. From the CEO, Dr.NTRVS, Lr.Rc.No.03-DR.NTRVS/F-25-2015,dt:02.12.2015

              Review was taken up by the Government on the ongoing NTR VaidyaSeva
Scheme. During the review, it is noticed that several formal and informal requests
are being received to modify the qualifications for filling up of the field staff of the
NTR VaidyaSeva. The main object of the scheme is to provide Medical facilities to
the BPL families. Due to non availability of fully trained (lack of domain knowledge)
and qualified VaidyaMitras and other staff of the NTR VaidyaSeva, the BPL families
who are approaching the notified hospitals of NTR VaidyaSeva are not getting full
information and assistance on the procedures under NTR VaidyaSeva.

2. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTRVaidyaSeva in his letter 3rd read above
has furnished the qualifications of the field staff of the NTR VaidyaSeva.

3. Government after careful examination hereby frame the following
Qualifications and Skills for Field Staff who shall be recruited through the
Outsourcing Agencies, subject to guidelines issued in the G.O. 1st read above for
effective implementation of the scheme.

Network VaidyaMithra (NVM):
(a) Qualifications:
B.Sc    Nursing,    M.SC    Nursing,   B          Pharmacy, Pharmacy  D,  B.Sc  Medical  Lab  Technology  with
good academic record.
(b) Skills:
i.  Excellent communication skills.
ii.Shoulread,   speak,   and   write   Telugu   and English.
iii.Should have computer knowledge and efficient in MS office.
iv.all       have   basic   understandinof   Medical
/Surgical specialities, and Hospitals administration.
PHC VaidhyaMitra (PVM):
(a) Qualifications:
B.Sc    Nursing,    M.SC    Nursing,   B          Pharmacy, Pharmacy  D,  B.Sc  Medical  Lab  Technology  with
good academic record.
(b) Skills:
i.  Excellent communication skills.
ii.Shoulread,   speak,   and   write   Telugu   and English.
iii.Should have computer knowledge and  efficient
in MS office.
iv.all       have   basic   understandinof   Medical
/Surgical specialities, and Hospitals administration.

Network Team Leaders:

(a) Qualifications:
B.Sc Nursing, M.SC Nursing, B Pharmacy, Pharmacy D, B.Sc Medical Lab Technology with good academic record.
(b) Experience:Minimum of 2 years of fulltime experience in hospital services.

(c) Skills:

i.    Excellent  communication  skills  and  leadership qualities.
ii.     Should read, speak,  and  write  Telug and
iii.  Able to handle difficult and complex situations.
iv.   Demonstrated experience with and knowledge of        computerized       data     collection,        management, reporting and analysis systems, and
v.Shal hav basi understandin o Medical
/Surgical specialities, and Hospitals administration.
(d)Additional Qualification:any PG, Experience in Hospital Administration will be preferred.
Divisional Team Leaders:
(a) Qualification:
B.Sc Nursing, M.SC Nursing, B Pharmacy, Pharmacy D, B.Sc Medical Lab Technology with good academic record.
(b) Experience:Minimum of 2 years of fulltime experience in hospital services.

(c) Skills:

i.    Excellent communication skills and leadership qualities.
ii.     Should read, speak,  and  write  Telug and
iii.  Able to handle difficult and complex situations
iv.   Demonstrated experience with and knowledge of  computerized  data  collection,  management,
reporting and analysis systems, and
v.     Shall have basic  understanding  o Medical
/Surgical specialities, and Hospitals administration. (d)Additional Qualification:any PG, Experience in Hospital Administration will be preferred.

4. Government have also examined the duties and functions of the District
Manager and District Coordinators of the NTR VaidyaSeva. The job chart of the
District Managers and District Coordinators are almost similar. Hence, the
Government is hereby discontinuing the post of (13) District Managers with
immediate effect as the same can be carried out by the District Co-ordinators with
better planning and use of IT. The post of existing Divisional Team leaders is also
hereby merged with the network team leaders for effective implementation of the
scheme as team leaders. The PHC VaidhyaMitras and Network Hospitals
VaidhyaMitras are merged as VaidhyaMitras.

5. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTRVaidyaSeva is hereby permitted to
identify the number of posts and communicate the same to the respective District
Collectors along with pay particulars to enable and notify the same.

6. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTRVaidyaSeva/all District Collectors are
hereby requested to follow the following guidelines.

a. The guidelines issued in G.O.Rt.No.4459 (Finance (SMPC) Department
dated 27-12-2006 and G.O.Rt.No.4271(Finance (SMPC)
Department, dated 01-11-2008 should be followed strictly.

b. The Government hereby accord permission to the District Collectors to
select the Outsourcing agency through the following committee duly
following the instructions and existing procedure.

1. District Collector .... Chairman
2. District Medical and Health Officer .... Member-Convenor
3.District Coordinator of Hospital Services .... Member
4. Superintendent of the teaching hospital
(in districts where teaching hospitals
are located) ... Member
5. Dr. NTRVaidyaSeva – District coordinator .... Member

c. The allocations of marks for the selection of the field staff is as follows.
1. Academic qualification : 65 Marks
2. Computer skills : 15 Marks
3. Interview (Subject) : 20 Marks

d. All the candidates should possess the certificates from the Recognized
universities by the UGC.

7. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTR VaidyaSeva Trust and All District
Collectors shall take necessary action accordingly.

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