TRIFED Plans to Scale up Marketing Functions

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TRIFED Plans to Scale up Marketing Functions
TRIFED, a PSU under Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India has been working with the main objective of promoting tribal art and craft for the benefit of tribal artisans of the country, under the scheme “Institutional Support for Development & Marketing of tribal products/produce” of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India.

In line with the objective TRIFED has planned to scale up Marketing of Tribal Products through increase of its Retail Outlets ‘Tribes India’ throughout India and other retail marketing activities. The brief of the Retail Marketing Activities of TRIFED is given below:

1.         Tribes India Retail Chain of Outlets:
TRIFED’s efforts for market development of tribal products envisage enhancing income of tribals by way of providing marketing support for the various hand-crafted products they produce. TRIFED opened its first showroom by the name of ‘Tribes India’ during April, 1999 at 9, Mahadev Road, New Delhi. Progressively, TRIFED established a chain of 42 Retail outlets out of which 29 are its own outlets and 13 outlets have been functioning in association with State level organizations on consignment basis. The sales have shown an increasing trend from 162.56 Lakhs in 2005-06 to Rs 1117.85 Lakhs during 2016-17.

2.         Product categories Available for sale:
       Metal Craft
       Tribal Textiles
       Tribal Jewellery
       Tribal Paintings
       Cane & Bamboo
       Terracotta and Stone Pottery
       Gifts and Novelties &
       Organic and Natural Food products.

3.         Exhibitions:
In order to promote tribal art and craft and also boost overall sales, TRIFED organises and participates in Domestic and International exhibitions. The details of the same are appended below:

3.1       Aadishilp:                  
TRIFED organizes National Tribal Craft Expo by the name of Aadishilp, in which individual tribal artisans, tribal SHGs, Agencies / Organizations working with tribals are invited to participate and showcase their rich tribal heritage. The main objective of holding these events is to provide an opportunity to tribal artisans to show their craft / art directly art lovers, getting feedback about customer taste and preferences, this helps them in modifying their product designs and creations according to market trends and needs. The event also at times includes tribal dance performances, which is an attempt to present tribal art and culture in holistic manner.

3.2       Aadichitra
TRIFED also organises exhibitions by the name of Aadichitra since 2010, in which tribal paintings only like Gond from Madhya Pradesh, Saora from Orissa, Warli from Maharashtra and Pithora paintings from Gujarat, are exclusively displayed and sold. The tribal artists are also invited to demonstrate their skills during such exhibitions.  The Aadichitra has received appreciations from all quarters of Art Lovers.

3.3       Participations in Domestic Exhibitions

TRIFED in association with tribal artisans also participates in exhibitions / craft melas organized by other Agencies of the Central/State Governments throughout the country with an objective to provide opportunity to tribal artisans to showcase and market their handicraft products. TRIFED participates in around 100 such exhibitions annually.

3.4       OCTAVE
TRIFED also participates in the OCTAVE - a dance festival of North Eastern Region, organized by Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. TRIFED is associated with this event since 2008-09. TRIFED facilitates participation of artisans from North Eastern region and provides them the opportunity to showcase and market their products.

3.5       International Exhibitions
TRIFED participates in international exhibitions/trade fairs through Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) and India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) in various countries for display and sale of tribal products sourced from tribal artisans. TRIFED participates in 2-3 International Exhibitions annually.

4.         Sourcing of tribal products:

4.1       TRIFED has developed a system of sourcing products made by empanelled tribal suppliers. The suppliers comprise of individual tribal artisans, tribal SHGs, Organisations/ Agencies/NGOs working with tribals, who are empanelled as suppliers of TRIFED as per the guidelines for empanelment of suppliers, a copy of which is available on TRIFED website.

4.2       Tribal Artisan Mela (TAM)

In order to increase the number of tribal suppliers and associate them with our Retail operation, TRIFED organizes Tribal Artisan Melas (TAMs) at district / tehsil level so as to reach tribals located in interior tribal areas and source tribal art and craft directly from the tribal artisans/group of artisan. Under this initiative, TRIFED in association with State Govt. /organizations invites tribal artisans to a venue an exhibition area where they display their art and craft items. TRIFED deputes its Merchandising team to these Melas to identify the new artisans and new products which can be marketed through its outlets. This initiative not only augments sourcing of tribal art and craft in its original form but also spread awareness about TRIFED’s activities and ways and means for a tribal to avail of the benefits of TRIFED’s activities.
 The calendar of Aadishilps, Aadichitra and Tribal Artisans Melas has been circulated to all Regional Offices, a copy of which has been given to MIS Division.

TRIFED plans to scale up the Retail Marketing Activities by achieving a procurement goal of Rs.20 Crores and sale of  Rs.40 Crores in the current financial year and procurement goal of 50 Crores and sale goal of Rs.100 Crores by the end of next financial year through sustained efforts to ramp up supply and creation of demand, with a purpose of associating maximum number of tribal artisans through association and expertise of likeminded partners in the various States.

While considering the above, focus areas for revamping and scaling up of Retail Marketing Activities include the following:

Sale goals to be achieved through following ways:
Sale through Franchise Outlets – TRIFED plans to expand its Retail Operations by opening of Franchise Outlets for sale of tribal products. Under this model, TRIFED will get the stocks delivered at the franchisee premise as per the requirement. The Franchisee shall sell the products on the MRP fixed by TRIFED in the brand name of Tribes India with their manpower and other resources. Franchisee shall be paid a commission ranging from 10-25% on net sales and sales proceeds shall be payable once in a month. All the products supplied by TRIFED will carry “Tribal Craft Mark” in form of hologram/ label/tag for its genuineness and authenticity.

       Sale through “Young Entrepreneur Development Programme”: TRIFED plans to expand sale operations by empanelling young and smart sales boys/girls for undertaking house to house campaign for sale of our tribal products. These young sales boys/girls shall be known as “Young Entrepreneurs of TRIFED (YET)”, who shall undertake house to house campaign for sale of our tribal products. The YET shall be provided e-brochure comprising of photographs of products available with complete details and required publicity material for showing to the customers. They shall also be provided with small samples as per their requirement for showing to the customers and in lieu of sales made through them TRIFED shall pay a commission of 10% on net sales to them.
       Sale through e-commerce platforms:  The various e-commerce platforms offers a huge potential for promotion and sale of tribal products. TRIFED is already selling tribal products through and However, TRIFED is also expanding its operations through other e-commerce portals.
       Sale through Tribes India Own Outlets: By consolidating and upgrading the same by improving interiors and exteriors for making more presentable /attractive for visiting customers. The outlets to be fully stocked and staff posted in the Outlets made active and involved in shop operations.
        Sale through Mobile Vans: For reaching to masses at their door steps.
       Festival Offers: Offering of various discounts packages/schemes for promotion of tribal products, liquidation of stocks and enhancing overall sales.

      “Friend of Tribes”: In order to promote tribal products and Tribes India as a brand and also to create a captive customer base, TRIFED is issuing “Friends of Tribes” Loyalty Card, offering discount of 20% on most of the products being sold through Tribes India Outlets located across country. The Card holders shall be also eligible for an additional 10% discount, in case festival/other discount scheme is already existing at the Outlets at that time but not exceeding 40%.
      Special discount scheme for Central/State Government Employees: A special additional discount of 10% on prevailing discounts/offers is being offered to all the Central/State Government Employees at all our Outlets on production of their official Identity Card issued by their department.
      Offer packages: For every purchase of products above Rs. 2,000/-, attractive gifts will be given.
      Festival discount: Festival discount of 10% on Food and Natural products and 15% on all other products are being on specific festive/occasion.
      Upto 40% Discount Scheme Sale: Maximum discount upto 40% are being  offered on select stocks. Offers applicable till stock lasts.
(terms and conditions shall apply)    

       Tribal Craft Mark: For ensuring the authenticity of tribal source, all the products marketed by TRIFED will carry “Tribal Craft Mark” in form of hologram/ label/tag for its genuineness and authenticity.

Procurement goals to be achieved through following ways:
       TRIFED will concentrate in Procurement Operations. Each Regional Office of TRIFED has been assigned a goal for identification and empanelment of additional 100 potential tribal suppliers in each state having tribal population for supply good quality and quality tribal products.
       Enhancing supplier base by leveraging the pool of tribal SHGs associated with Ministry of Rural Development (State Level Aajivika Mission/NRLM), Regional Offices of DC (Handicraft & Handloom), State Forest Departments, State Handicraft/Tribal Department, reputed NGOs etc., by utilising the tribal SHGs formed by them and bringing them in ambit of procurement operations of TRIFED for supply of good quality tribal products.
        Identifying Experts and Master Craftsperson, who can handhold TRIFED in identifying tribal artisans and their products for attaining captive supplier base.
       Involving tribal artisans imparted handicraft training by TRIFED and other agencies for supplying tribal products to TRIFED.
       The tribal artisans imparted training in selected MFP items to be roped in by converting them into tribal SHGs for supply to value-added products like Honey, tamarind, hill broom, etc. to our Retail Outlets.
       Developing linkage between NSTFDC, Banks and other Financial Institutions, who can provide concessional loans to the tribal artisans to support them in making the products for supplying to TRIFED.
       The Regional Offices to have regular meetings/workshops with Tribal Welfare/Rural Development Departments/Agencies, reputed NGOs, experts who works in the tribal areas and take their feedback for improving the procurement operations.
Publicity campaign:
 Publicity campaign for promotion of tribal products would include making use of posters, banners, leaflets, standees, mobile vans, local TV Channels, stickers in cars and walls, Radio jingles, web based portals like youtube, facebook, google, etc. which would reach to the masses and create impact.

The tribal population of the country, as per 2011 census, is around 10.43 crore, constituting 8.6% of the total population, 89.97% of them live in rural areas and 10.03% in urban areas. Thus, there exists a vast potential for harnessing the supply of tribal handicraft products from the 705 Scheduled Tribes ethnic groups of 30 States/UTs in 590 districts across the country.

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