SC Special Development -New Scheme - Guidelines for implementation of Crucial Welfare Fund

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SCHEDULED CASTES DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT – SC Special Development Fund 2018-19 – New Scheme ‘Crucial Welfare Fund’ - Guidelines for implementation of Crucial Welfare Fund – Orders – Issued.


G.O.Rt.No.281, Dated:30.06.2018.

From the Director, Scheduled Castes Development Department, Hyderabad, Lr.No.SCSDF/2280/2018, dt.25.04.2018.



In the reference read above, the Director, Scheduled Castes Development Department, Hyderabad has stated that, Government has introduced new scheme Crucial Welfare Fund and allocated an amount of Rs.62.00 Crores,
under SC Special Development Fund 2018-19. He has submitted the guidelines for implementation of the Scheme, under SC Action Plan.

2. Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Director, Scheduled Castes Development Department, Hyderabad hereby approve the guidelines for crucial welfare with following details:-
Objectives of the Scheme:
The State Government is implementing many schemes for welfare and development of Scheduled Castes. In certain situations, some needy persons/ Institutions may not be covered / benefitted under the ambit of the existing
schemes due to certain rules/ regulations/ guidelines of the scheme. Those SC persons /Institutions who cannot be assisted in the existing schemes in any way will be financially assisted in emergency situations/ conditions. It is proposed to keep the crucial fund at the disposal of District Collectors/ Director/ Government for sanction.
The objective of the scheme is to financially assist the needy and deserving Scheduled Castes persons/Groups/ Institutions in emergency situations in the fields of education and meritorious competitions of national & international sports events & other fields as decided by the Government from time to time. The Financial assistance shall cover the following circumstances (instances).

I. Education :
A) Presentation of research papers/ Attending Seminars by the Research scholars (M.Phil/Ph.D) at National / International Level in Premier & accredited Institutes/ Universities (travel & stay Expenses, including
VISA processing).

B) Awards for Excellence of SC Youth/ Students. (Separately for Men/Women) in different fields at District Level competitions and above.

C) Unforeseen medical expenditure for SC Hostel students (in cases such as snakebite, dog bite, accidents etc.)

D) Emergency repairs pertaining to Water Supply / Sanitation in SC Hostels.

E) Interview expenses, both travelling and stay expenses, for the SC Candidates who have cleared Civil Services main examination. (For those not covered under Study Circles only) 

F) Financial assistance to the students/ youth who attend national and international fellowship programs not exceeding four weeks.

G) Emergency payment in premier institutions of learning who are not covered under any scheme, but eligible. Moreover this can be adjusted later once they enrol in e-pass scheme of Government of Telangana State.

H) Provisions of Laptops and such other aids of education for outstanding/ and eligible students (who are not covered by TSWREIS) who join premier institutions.

II. Sports/ Games
Participation expenses (Travel & Stay) in recognised National level/ International Level sports/ games.

III. Administration (Recurring Expenses)
A) Administrative Legal Expenses in (SLP) cases pertaining to Supreme Court with the permission of the Government.

B) Expenses for conducting workshops/ trainings programmes at District and State Level by District Scheduled Castes Development Officers/ HODs.

C) Expenses related to evaluation/ Survey on implementation of schemes as and when required as entrusted by Government/ Head of the Department.

IV. Any other exigencies with the permission of the Government Sanction that enhance the lives of SCs individually or collectively.

V. Sanction Procedure:
 The sanctioning authority will be the Secretary to Government, Scheduled Castes Development Dept., the Director, SCDD and the District at appropriate levels.

 The income limit for eligibility under the scheme is Rs 5.00 Lakhs (Rupees Five Lakhs only) per annum.
 Upto Rs.2.00 lakhs - District Collector.
 Rs.2.00 to Rs.5.00 Lakhs - Director, SCDD, Hyd.
 Above Rs.5.00 Lakhs - Government

 Quantum of Assistance: Actual amount or Rs. 0 to Rs 2.00 Lakhs (Whichever is less) as one time grant. (for individuals / households).

 For assistance of more than Rs. 2.00 Lakhs, proposals to be submitted to HOD for sanction.

VI. Eligibility and other requirements Income:
SCs whose family income less than Rs.5.00 Lakhs per annum from all sources are eligible. Total income from all sources of the employed candidates or his/her parents/guardians shall not exceed Rs.5.00 Lakhs per annum. In case of employees, salary certificates from the employer are a must. A copy of the latest Tax Assessment as well as the latest monthly salary slip from the employer is also required to be enclosed with the application. 

VII. Mandatory Requirements:
1. He / She should have obtained Invitation / Offer Letter from concerned competent authorities/ Institutions.
2. He / She should possess a valid passport for going abroad.
3. The sanctioned amount shall be returned by the candidate if he/she fails to attend international and National seminars / Sports meet etc.,

4. Previous experience in case of Agencies to be selected to conduct survey / evaluation etc.

VIII. The Candidates shall submit the following Documents:
1. Caste Certificate from Mee Seva
2. Income Certificate from Mee Seva
3. Date of Birth Certificate
4. Aadhar Card
5. Residence / Nativity Certificate
6. Passport Copy
7. Invitation / Offer Letter (or equivalent) from concerned authorities.
8. Copy of the latest Tax Assessment is to be enclosed.
9. Copy of Bank Pass Book of Nationalised Bank.
10. Photo.
11. Previous educational qualifications certificates.
12. Undertaking stating that all details furnished are true and that the sanctioned amount will be utilized for the sanctioned purpose only.
13. Estimates from Engineering Wing for Works

IX. Selection of the candidate:
 A committee comprising Director, SCDD, Secretary, TSWREIS, VC & MD, TSCCDC Ltd., and team experts one from university and other from sports will scrutinise applications and interview the candidates depending the need. At the District Level Committee headed by District Collector, DDSW/DSDO, RCO, Executive Director, SC Corporation and any other invitee i.e. Collector deems fit
for scrutiny. 

X. Utilization Certificate:
Utilization certificate shall be obtained from the candidate for the amount sanctioned along with copy of relevant supporting documents/ certificates (Vouchers / Bills etc.,) issued by competent authorities/ Institutions.

XI. Furnishing / Producing false claims:
Any false claims by the candidate will attract prosecution apart from recovering the amount as per rules and they will barred from any assistance in future.

XII. Drawal of Funds:
District Scheduled Castes Development Officers will draw the funds and Adjust to the account of the individual / office after sanction by Secretary to Government, SCDD / District Collector. 
The Expenditure under this scheme shall be debited to the following Head of Account::

 2225-Welfare of SCs, STs and OBC
 01- Welfare of SCs
 102- Economic Development
 25 - State Sector Schemes (Pragathi Paddu)
 SH (06) - Crucial Welfare Fund
 500 - Other Charges
 503 -Other Expenditure”

3. The Director, Scheduled Castes Development Department, Hyderabad shall take necessary further action accordingly.

4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (SCSDF) Dept., vide their U.O. No. 2376/100/SCSDF/2018, dated: 07.06.2018.


The Director, SC Dev. Department, Hyderabad.
The Vice Chairman and Managing Director,
Telangana Scheduled Castes Cooperative Development
Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad .
All the District Collectors of Telangana State.

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