Draft National Education Policy 2019

Union Human Resource Development Minister holdsa series of meetings with Members of Parliament of South Indian states in connection with draft NEP
The Union Human Resource Development Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ held a series of meetings with Members of Parliament (MPs) from Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Puducherry in the Parliament over the last few days in connection with the draft New Education Policy (NEP). The members discussed the Draft NEP in detail, covering wide range of subjects relating to education. Some of the members also gave their written representation reflecting the educational needs of their respective state/UT to the HRD Minister.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that the collective effort and wide-ranging consultationswill further enrich the policy. He said that the Ministry will examine the suggestions/ recommendations received from all the members and with these suggestions/ recommendations; we will be able to formulate a policy that will transform the education system of the country and pave way for a New India. The Minister also informed that till date we have received over one lakh fifty thousand suggestions from the public.

Some main features of New Education Policy are given below:

National Education Policy 2019 
Main features 
School Education 

Universalisation of pre-primary education by 2025
• Strengthen Anganwadis,
• opening new pre-schools,
• link with primary education
• Expansion of mid-day meal programme

Foundational literacy/numeracy to all by 2025
• Focus on language/mathematics- Quality learning material
• National Tutors Prog
• School preparation module
• Remedial Instructional Aides programme
• Teacher student ration to be below 1:30

New Curricular & Pedagogical Structure
• 5+3+3+4 design (ages 3-18)
• Foundational Stage (Pre-Primary & Grades 1-2)
• Preparatory Stage (Grades 3-5)
• Middle Stage (Grades 6-8)
• Secondary Stage (Grades 9-12)

Transformation of Curriculum &Pedagogy
• Develop language proficiency, scientific temper, aesthetic sense,
ethical reasoning, digital literacy, knowledge of India, current affairs
• National Curriculum Framework to be revised & in all languages
• High quality new textbooks in Indian languages
• Flexible/integrated curriculum and assessment

Equitable & Inclusive Education for Every Child in the Country

Special focus on Under-Represented Groups (URGs) :
• Gender (women and transgenders),
• Socio-cultural(SC, ST, OBCs, Muslims, migrant communities),
• Special needs (learning and physical disabilities), and
• Socio-economic conditions (urban poor)
• Interventions to incentivise Muslims & other educationally underrepresented

 Special Education Zones in disadvantaged regions
 National Scholarships Fund
 Targeted funding and support to identified districts
 URG teachers recruitment
 25:1 pupil-teacher ratio
 inclusive school environments &curriculum
 Madrasas, gurukuls, pathshalas, encouraged to preserve their traditions &
teaching & integrate NCF.
 Focus on urban poor

Universal Access & Retention
100% Gross Enrolment Ratio for all school education by 2030
 Increased intake in existing schools
 New facilities in underserved locations
 School rationalization supported by transport and hostel facilities
 Tracking attendance , drop-outs, out-of-school children and learning
 Programmes for long-term out-of- school adolescents
 Multiple pathways to learning – formal and non-formal modes,
strengthening of open schooling, technology platforms
 Right to Education to be extended up to Grade 12


Children learn languages most quickly between 2-8 years, and multilingualism
has great cognitive benefits for students
• Home language/mother tongue as medium of instruction
• Exposure to three or more languages to students from pre-school and Grade 1
• Flexibility in the three-language formula : students can change one or more of
the three languages in Grade 6 or 7,
• Central and State Govts. to invest in large numbers of regional language teachers.
• Choice of foreign language as elective during secondary school
• Sanskrit can be offered as one of the optional languages
• Teaching of other classical languages and literatures, including Tamil, Telugu,
Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Pali, Persian, and Prakrit in schools

School Complexes
School complex is the minimum viable
unit of school governance
• Cluster of around 30 public schools within
a contiguous geography
• Comprises one Secondary school and
other neighbourhood public schools

Why School Complexes
o Effective administration–No physical
relocation of schools
o Sharing of resources: laboratories, libraries,
sports facilities
o Sharing of teachers, counsellors and social
o Community of teachers to work together
o School Management Committees to take

 Regulation of School Education
 Regulation and operation of schools
to carried out by separate bodies to
eliminate conflicts of interest
 New independent State School
Regulatory Authority(SSRA)- to be
 Directorate of School Education -
handle operations of the public
school system
 SCERT - lead all academic matters
 National Achievement Survey to
continue - States to continue censusbased State Assessment Survey
 Public and private schools
regulated on the same criteria,
benchmarks and processes

Teachers: The Torchbearers of Change 
Practice of ‘para-teachers’ to be stopped by
Adequate physical infrastructure, learning
resources, PTR
Redesigned Teacher Eligibility Test,
interview and demonstration
Teachers recruited to district and appointed
to school complex
Teacher career development: educational
admn. or teacher education
Continuous teacher professional
• Flexible and modular approach
• No centralized determination of
curriculum, training
• High-quality material in Indian languages
• Rejuvenated academic support institutions

Energised, Engaged & Capable Faculty
• Adequate faculty in every institution
• Ad-hoc, contractual appointments
• Faculty recruitment based on
academic expertise, teaching
capacities, dispositions for public
• permanent employment (tenure)
track system
• Continuous Faculty professional
• Faculty recruitment, career
progression :part of Institutional
Development Plan
• Faculty empowered to make
curricular choices; pursue research
with academic freedom

Higher Education 

Institutional Restructuring & Consolidation
Consolidation of 800 universities & 40,000 colleges into around 15,000 large,
multidisciplinary institutions.
Three types of HEIs:
1. Research Universities - equal focus on research and teaching (150–300 nos.)
2. Teaching Universities - primary focus on teaching with research (1000-2000 nos.)
3. Autonomous degree-granting colleges- exclusive focus on teaching ( 5,000–
10,000 nos.)
 All HEIs to become multidisciplinary institutions, with teaching programmes
across disciplines and fields
 High quality institutions in disadvantaged geographies a priority
 Substantial public investment
 Mission Nalanda (MN) and Mission Takshashila(MT)
MN: At least 100 Type 1 and 500 Type 2 HEIs functioning by 2030, with equitable regional distribution
MT: To establish at least one high quality HEI in every district by 2030.

Towards High Quality Liberal Education
Liberal education with broad multidisciplinary exposure
 3-4 year undergraduate degree with multiple exit options
• 4-year programme - Bachelors of Liberal Arts/Education - Major and Minors
• 3-year programme - Bachelors' degree
• Exit with a 2 year advanced diploma or a 1 year certificate
• Both 3 & 4 year programmes - lead to a degree with Honours with research work

 Flexible Masters degree programmes

• 2 years for those with 3 year undergraduate degree
• 1 year for those with 4 year undergraduate degree with honours

 Integrated 5 year programme
• Imaginative and flexible curricular structures
• Creative combinations of disciplines of study
• Multiple exit and entry points
• Masters and doctoral education provide research- based specializations

Higher Education : Governance & Regulation
• Standard setting, funding, accreditation and regulation separated –independent
• ‘light but tight’regulation
• National Higher Education Regulatory Authority (NHERA)
• University Grants Commission – converted to Higher Education Grants Council
• Professional Standard Setting Bodies (PSSBs) -specify standards for professional
practice and education
• General Education Council -develop National Higher Education Qualifications
• Accreditation as basis for regulation - NAAC- oversee and develop an ecosystem
of Accreditation
• State Departments of Higher Education - involved at a policy level
• State Councils of Higher Education - facilitate peer support and best practice
• Common regulatory regime for public and private institutions
• Private philanthropic initiatives encouraged

Autonomy in Higher Education

• All higher education institutions to become autonomous self-governing
• Higher education institutions to be governed by Independent Boards with
complete academic and administrative autonomy
•Elimination of external interference
•Engagement of high-capacity persons with institutional commitment

•All institutions free to start and run programmes, decide curricula, student
capacity and resource requirements, develop internal systems for
governance and people management

• Affiliation to stop - affiliated colleges to develop into autonomous
degree granting colleges;
• Affiliating universities will develop into vibrant multidisciplinary

Integrating Teacher/Professional Edn into Hgr Edn
Teacher Education
•4-year integrated Bachelor of Education at multidisciplinary institutions
• Current two-year B.Ed. program to continue till 2030
• After 2030, only those institutions offering a 4- year teacher education
programme can offer the 2-year programme
• Substandard and dysfunctional teacher education institutes shut down

Professional Education
• Professional education as an integral part of the higher education system
• Stand-alone technical universities, health science universities, legal and
agricultural universities, or institutions in these or other fields, will not be
established in future & discontinued ,if required.
• All institutions offering either professional or general education must
organically evolve into institutions offering both by 2030

Optimal Learning Environments, Student Support, ODL, Internationalization &
Educational Technology

• National Higher Education Qualifications Framework – outcome-based and credit based
• Stimulating learning experiences through effective pedagogical practices
• Students assessed not only on academic aspects but also on broad capacities and
• Academic, financial and emotional support available for students
• Open and distance learning expanded
• Internationalization of education facilitated
• Technology in education for :
• Enhance educational access to disadvantaged groups
• Education planning, administration and management
• National Educational Technology Forum- an autonomous body - Facilitate decision-making
on induction, deployment, use of technology
• National Repository of Educational Data - maintain all records of institutions, teachers and students

National Research Foundation(NRF)
• Autonomous body, set up through an Act of Parliament
• Annual grant of Rs. 20,000 crores - increased progressively over the next
• Scope of work of the Foundation will include:
•Funding research in all disciplines through a competitive, peer-review based process
•Building research capacity at academic institutions across the country
•Encourage and build research capacity at State Universities through seeding research at through Research Mentors; Growing existing research at State
Universities; doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships
• Creating beneficial linkages between researchers, government and industry
• Recognising outstanding research through special prizes and seminars
• NRF will have four major divisions to start with – Sciences, Technology, Social
Sciences, Arts and Humanities

Integration of Vocational Education 
• Vocational education integral part of
liberal education
• Vocational education integrated into
education institutions
• Focus areas - skills gap analysis, local
• teacher preparation will be addressed
• National Committee for the Integration of
Vocational Education (NCIVE) to oversee
the effort
• National Skills Qualifications Framework
to be more detailed
• ‘Lok Vidya’, knowledge developed in
India, made accessible to students through
integration into vocational education

Adult Education
• NCF for Adult Education: Learning
materials, assessment and certification
aligned to NCF
• Cadre of Adult Education Centre
managers and instructors created
through the National Adult Education
Tutors Programme
• Existing mechanisms leveraged to
identify participants, community
volunteers encouraged
• Large scale public awareness generated
• Special emphasis on women’s literacy

Promotion of Indian languages
 Focus on language, literature, scientific vocabulary in Indian languages
 Strong Indian language and literature programmes across the country,
Recruitment of language teachers and faculty,
 Focused research on languages
Existing national institutes for promotion of classical languages and
literature strengthened
 National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit to be set up
 Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI) will be
established to carry out high quality translations of materials of
importance between various Indian languages as well between foreign
languages and Indian languages.
Mandate of the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology
renewed and expanded to include all disciplines and fields, not just the
physical sciences

Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog
 Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog or the National Education Commission - apex
body to be constituted, chaired by the Prime Minister
 MHRD to be redesignated as the Ministry of Education (MoE)
 Union Minister of Education -Vice Chairman with direct responsibilities
in day-to-day matters
 Aayog will comprise eminent educationists, researchers, Union Ministers,
representation of Chief Ministers of States, eminent professionals from
various fields
 All members of the Aayog will be people with high expertise, record of
public contribution in their fields, unimpeachable integrity
 Aayog will work closely with every State to ensure coordination and
 States may set up Rajya Shiksha Aayog or State Education Commission

Financing Education
 Increase in public investment by Central and State Governments to 20% of
overall public expenditure over a 10 year period

Key thrust areas:
• Expansion and improvement of early childhood education
• Ensuring foundational literacy and numeracy
• Adequate and appropriate resourcing of school complexes
• Food and nutrition (breakfast and midday meal)
• Teacher education and continuing professional development of
• Revamping colleges and universities Research
• Rejuvenation, active promotion and support for private philanthropic
 Smooth, timely, appropriate flow of funds, usage with probity
 Clamp down on commercialization of education
 substantial investment in public education

Thank you

In every epoch of humankind, knowledge represents the sum of what is created
by all previous generations, to which the present generation adds its own.

The motif of the Mobius strip symbolizes the perpetual, developing and live
nature of knowledge - that which has no beginning and that which has no end.

This Policy envisages creation, transmission, use and dissemination of

knowledge as a part of this continuum.

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