Gallantry medals to naval personnel on Independence day 2019

Gallantry medals to naval personnel on Independence day 2019 



            The sailor was deployed for Op Rakshak, J&K, since May 18. In two, back to back operations, Op Danna & Shok Baba where eight foreign terrorists were eliminated, the sailor had performed exceptionally well. In Op Danna, he as buddy of Lt Cdr Mahesh Kumar, shot dead one terrorist at extreme close quarters whilst giving cover to the Officer, who shot dead another terrorist. On 20-21 Sep he was involved in Op Shok Baba alongwith 14 RR in a Cordon and Search Operation, where 5-6 terrorists were entrapped in a house at village Shok Baba. Despite firing heavy calibre weapons and grenades, the terrorists remained protected in the mud house/ cow shed. At this juncture, AS Rana and team volunteered to approach the cow shed with a heavy IED to destroy it. As a heavy volume of fire was unleashed by the balance MARCOS, the brave soldier quickly manoeuvred and placed the IED at the cow shed. Whilst manoeuvring in, he was fired upon but came out unscathed backed by close in cover fire by his buddy. The cow shed was blown up by the IED and three terrorists inside were eliminated.

            During deployment for OP Raksak in J&K, the sailor had participated in multiple operations. During two such operations viz. OP Shok Baba and OP Danna, he displayed exemplary courage, tactical acumen and gallantry of very high order and played a vital role in neutralising the terrorists. The sailor was instrumental in placing demolition charges under heavy fire from the terrorists which led to their successful elimination. Further, he played a vital role in engaging terrorists at close range and kept them pinned down to allow the operation to progress further. Indian Army has commended his role during both operations. For his selfless actions in dire circumstances, Amit Singh Rana, LME, 231243-N is recommended for the award of “Shaurya Chakra”.



The officer as Capt of Aircraft of Seaking 42 C, on 25 Jan 19 displayed  exceptional courage in saving the lives of five Indian Coast Guard officers (including one woman officer) and one Indian Army Jawan in the face of extremely rough sea conditions, perilous weather in the pitch dark night conditions after their Seabird class sailing boat had capsized. At about 2140 hrs on     25 Jan 19, Marine Commando Flight at INS Shikra launched SC 555 for Search and Rescue of a  capsized Seabird Class Sailing boat around 3 miles from the coast with six missing service personnel. Despite marginal weather, strong winds and pitch dark night conditions view dark phase of the night, the officer, undertook the mission. Owing to his experience and knowledge, the officer decided to use Night Vision Goggles (despite unsuitable conditions and the risk of getting dazzled) and located the survivors in one and half hour given the extremely strong winds and severe turbulence. Upon locating the survivors, the officer commenced the arduous task of maintaining hover over the cluster of survivors to facilitate speedy recovery of all. The conditions were extremely demanding and required courage, composure with exceptional piloting skills to operate the aircraft closer to its limits. The officer concentrated on maintaining constant situational awareness whilst simultaneously assisting the rear crew during the winching up of all six survivors.  As the captain of the aircraft, the exceptional courage, bravery and fortitude displayed by the officer in the face of extremely dangerous conditions resulted in the successful rescue of 06 service personnel.  Captain Naveen Thapa, NM (03644-F) is recommended for the award of “Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)”.



            The officer was Officer-in-Charge of the team deployed in J&K for ‘Op Rakshak’ from      24 May 18 to 29 Nov 18. In seven months under his leadership,  eight hardcore terrorists were eliminated without own team casualty. On 20 Sep 18, he was Officer-in-Charge of the team which undertook ‘Operation Shok Baba’ which resulted in neutralisation of five hardcore terrorists. He tactically organised his team to provide effective fire on terrorists and also did not let them break cordon and escape. The Officer ensured multidirectional aimed fire at the hiding terrorists to keep them contained. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter cowshed, the team came up with an audacious plan of physically placing an IED into it. Leading his team from the front and executing the bold operation with absolute disregard to own life, the officer displayed immense presence of mind, mental robustness in planning and raw courage under intense enemy fire.  For displaying impeccable leadership, audacious planning and indomitable courage, true grit in face of mortal danger, Lt Commander Ruchir Rakesh Khajuria (06279-W) is recommended for the award of “Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)”




            The sailor was part of MARCOS team deployed for ‘Op Rakshak’ in J&K from 24 May 18 to 29 Nov 18. On 20-21 Sep18, he was part of the assault team that killed five hardcore terrorists in a daring assault at Shok Baba Forest, Bandipore. During the initial contact, the terrorists fired upon the MARCOS team in an attempt to escape from the cordon. The inner cordon comprising of buddy pair TR Singh, POCD and Shaminder Singh LS PT fired on them to prevent their escape thereby neutralizing two out of five terrorists. Subsequently, the balance three terrorists escaped into a nearby cowshed. The sailor along with his buddy reached the cowshed and returned fire pinning down the terrorists. It was evident that the terrorists would not surrender and the sailor volunteered to place an IED near the cow shed. While the terrorist continued to deliver lethal fire, the sailor used innovative technique of two BP shields to provide cover for himself and his buddy while moving from his position to entrance of the cow shed. The sailor placed IED at a suitable location and activated it to successfully neutralize the three remaining terrorists.

            During Op Shok Baba, TR Singh eliminated one terrorist at short range under cover fire by his buddy. He was also instrumental in placing the demolition charge to neutralise the terrorists hiding in the cowshed. His contribution in the entire operation has also been commended by the Indian Army. The conspicuous courage displayed by the sailor demonstrated his strong will and determination which was responsible for successful operations in J & K. For displaying raw courage, resolute bravery, colossal determination, resilient camaraderie towards his team and total disregard for personal safety, Takhellambam Rakhesh Singh, PO CD, 215876-B is strongly recommended for the award of “Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)”



            The sailor was deployed in J&K for ‘Op Rakshak’ from 24 May 18 to 29 Nov 18. On    20 Sep 18, he was part of the team which undertook ‘Operation Shok Baba’. While the team was taking position it was pinned down form intense fire from terrorists. The sailor immediately returned accurate fire which prevented the escape of terrorists and in the process neutralised two of them. The three remaining terrorists took shelter inside a cowshed. The sailor along with his buddy reached the cowshed and returned fire pinning down the terrorists. Further, the sailor volunteered to place an IED near the cow shed and used BP shields to provide cover for himself and his buddy as he moved from his position to the entrance of cow shed. Despite being at point blank range of terrorist fire, he placed the IED at the suitable location and activated it successfully neutralising three remaining terrorists. For displaying indomitable courage and presence of mind with disregard for personal safety in face of mortal danger, Shaminder Singh, PO PTI is recommended for the award of “Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)”.




            The sailor was part of the team that eliminated five hardcore foreign terrorists as a part of ‘OP Shok Baba’ on 20-21 Sep 18 in a Cordon and Search Operation where 5-6 terrorists were entrapped in a house at village Shok Baba. The MARCOS were deployed in the inner cordon at a radius of barely 20m around the target house. The team was tasked with placement and activation of IEDs to demolish the target house in order to eliminate the terrorists holed up inside. On approach of the demolition team, one of the injured terrorists fired onto the demolition in-charge. The sailor, with utter disregard to his personal safety, stepped ahead and fired onto the terrorist, thereby pinning him down and averting fire on to his buddy. During OP Shok Baba, when the terrorists protected themselves in cowshed, the sailor alongwith 03 buddies, approached the target area using BP Shields as cover. He engaged one terrorist to pin him down thus allowing his team members to place the demolition charge. Thereafter he played a critical role in extraction of the team. The conspicuous courage displayed by the sailor demonstrated his strong will, determination and courage for which Shri Niwas, SEA I (UW), 234830-F is recommended for the award of “Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry)”.

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