Cotton Committee

During the Video Conference held on 19-10-2012 by Chief Secretary on MSP operations of cotton for the year 2012- 2013, it was decided to constitute a District Level Committee to monitor and implement Price Support Operations for cotton in the cotton growing districts.
2. Accordingly, Government hereby constitute a District Level Committee with the following members to oversee the MSP Operations of cotton for the cotton season 2012-13 in respect of Adilabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda, Mahabubnagar, Guntur, Prakasam, Krishna, Kurnool, Nellore, Chittoor, Nizamabad and Ranga Reddy Districts.

1. Joint Collector                   - Chairman
2. Asst. Director of Marketing - Convener
3. Joint Director of Agriculture - Member
4. Addl. Superintendent of Police - Member
5. District Fire Officer                   - Member
6. Representative of the CCI (Buyers) - Member
7. Dy. Commissioner, Transport         - Member
8. Representatives of the Cotton trade - Member
9. Superintending Engineer, A.P.TRANSCO,
concerned District                             - Member

3. The functions of the District Level Committee are :-

1. Monitor price movements of cotton
2. Decide number and location of purchase centers of Cotton Corporation of India / NAFED
3. Regulate the arrivals of cotton in market yards by specifying the days for a particular area or assigning a geographical area to the market yard.
4. Design suitable method to identify genuine farmers
5. Assess infrastructure facilities and bridge gaps
6. Ensure prompt payment to farmers
7. Ensure prompt lifting of stock from the market yards
8. Resolve any disputes arising out MSP operations among stake- holders.

4. The committee shall meet once in a fortnight or more frequently based on need.


Accordingly, Government hereby constitute the State Level Committee with the following members to oversee the MSP Operations of cotton for the cotton season 2012-13.

1. Spl.CS/Principal Secretary to Government,
(AM&C) Agriculture & Cooperation Department
                                                             - Chairman
2. Spl.CS/Principal Secretary to Government,
Revenue (Land)Dept.                              - Member
3. Commissioner & Director of Agricultural
Marketing                                               - Convener
4. Commissioner & Director of Agriculture - Member
5. Director General of Fire Services           - Member
6. Dy. General Manager, CCI, Adilabad     - Member
7. Dy. General Manager, CCI, Warangal    - Member
8. Dy. General Manager, CCI, Guntur       - Member
9. A Representative of NAFED                 - Member
10. Managing Director, MARKFED            - Member
11. A Representatives of Spot Exchange  - Member
12. Joint Managing Director, A.P. TRANSCO- Member

3. The functions of the committee are :-

1. Monitor price movements of cotton
2. Liaise with Cotton Corporation of India and NAFED and see that
these agencies enter market to maintain MSP for cotton
3. Issue necessary directions to District Level Committees for smooth conduct of MSP operations and for regulation of arrivals of cotton into market yards.


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