Maximum Sale Price of Cotton Seed for the year 2013-14

Agriculture Department – A.P. Cotton Seeds Act 2007 – Fixation of
Maximum Sale Price of Cotton Seeds for the year 2013-14

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G.O.Rt.No. 457 Dated:07.03.2013.
In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner & Director of
Agriculture, Hyderabad in the reference read above, Government after
careful consideration of the proposal, hereby fix the Maximum Sale Price
(MSP) of following Cotton Seed applicable for the year 2013-14:

I. Price of Bt. Cotton Seeds where non Bt.- Cotton Seed (120 grams) is
used as refuge seed.

(Price in Rs. per packet of 450 grams of Bt. Cotton Seed)
S.No. Component      BG.ITechnologies      BG.IITechnologies
  1. Procurement cost            290.00           290.00
2. Overheads                           490.00           550.00
3. Royalty                                  50.00             90.00
Total                                        830.00            930.00
II. Price of Bt. Cotton Seeds where Redgram seed (150 grams) is used
as refuge seed:

(Price in Rs. per packet of 450 grams of Bt. Cotton Seed)

S.No. Component        BG.ITechnologies      BG.IITechnologies
1. Procurement cost                     290.00         290.00
2. Overheads                              422.00         482.00
3. Royalty                                     50.00          90.00
Total…                                         762.00        862.00

III. Price of non Bt. Cotton Seeds: Rs.500/- for 450 grams packet.

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