A.P. Municipal Town Planning Subordinate Service Rules

Public Services – A.P. Municipal Town Planning Subordinate Service Rules – Amendments
– Issued.

O R D E R :
The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of the
Andhra Pradesh Gazettee dated:22.07.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (2) of Section 80 of the Andhra
Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the
following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning Sub-ordinate
Service Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.568, Municipal Administration and Urban Development
Department, Dated:23.05.1981 as subsequently amended.
In the said rules,
(1) in rule 3,
(i) the existing Categories - 1, 2 and 3 shall be omitted.
(ii) categories -4 and 5 shall be renumbered as Categories – 1 and 2.
(2) for rule 4, the following shall be substituted namely:-
4. Appointment and Method of appointment.
The appointment to the categories in the said sentence shall be made as
Category Method of appointment
1 Town Planning Supervisor
By promotion from the category 2 with not less than three years in the category or by direct recruitment, if no qualified and suitable person is available for appointment
by promotion from category 2.Provided that the holders of the posts of Town Planning Overseers who have put in a minimum period of 10 years of service as T.P. Overseer in the T.P. Section of a Municipality and are qualified for the initial post of T.P.
Overseer at the time their appointment to that category are also eligible even though they do not possess the qualifications prescribed for the post of T.P. Supervisor.

2 Town Planning & Building Overseer
By recruitment by transfer of qualified and suitable person from the post of Town Planning Tracer in Municipalities who have worked for not less than 3 years in that post or by direct recruitment if no qualified and suitable person is available by transfer
from that category.

Note: Promotions to the categories 1,2 shall be made on grounds of merit and ability seniority being considered only merit and ability are approximately equal.

(3) in rule 11, for the expression “categories 1,2,3 and 4” wherever occurs the
expression “category-1” shall be substituted.
(4) in rule 17, for the expression “categories 1 to 6”, the expression “categories 1 and
2” shall be substituted.
(5) in rule 18 in sub-rule (b), for the expression “categories 1 to 6”, wherever it
occurs the expression “categories 1 and 2” shall be substituted.
(6) in the Annexure to rule 8,
(i) the categories 1,2 and 3 and qualifications shall be omitted.
(ii) category-4 and 5 shall be renumbered as Categories -1 and 2.

Public Services – Town and Country Planning - A.P. Municipal Town Planning Service
Rules, 2013 – Issued.
O R D E R:
The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of the
Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:22.07.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 80 of the Andhra
Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 (A.P. Act 6 of 1965), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh
hereby makes the following Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning
Service for the post of Town Planning Officer (TPO):
1. Short title :
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning Service
Rules, 2013 for the post of Town Planning Officer (TPO).
2. Method of Appointment:
a) The method of appointment and appointing authority for the category of post
mentioned in column (2) of the table below shall be as specified in the
corresponding entries in column (3) and column (4) thereof:-
Category Name of the
Post Method of Appointment Appointing
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I Town
1) By appointment by transfer from
the Town Planning Supervisor with
not less than three years of service
in that category, or by direct
recruitment if no qualified and
suitable person is available for
appointment by promotion from the
Town Planning Supervisors.
2) (a) For filling up of these posts, in a
cycle of 9 vacancies, 3rd & 7th
vacancies shall be filled by the
candidate with the qualification of
Post Graduate Degree or Post
Graduate Diploma in Town &
Country Planning from a University
in India established or incorporated
by or under a Central Act., State
Act. Or Provincial Act. Or must
have passed Associate–ship
examination of Institute of Town
Planners of India recognized by the
University Grants Commission.
(b) In the event of suitable
candidates with the mentioned
qualification as at 2 (a) are not
available, the same shall be
considered to others as per the
seniority list of Town Planning
(c) In the event of the 3rd & 7th
vacancies reserved for the
candidates with qualifications
mentioned as at 2 (a) overlap/
coincide with the points reserved to
SC/ST, the points reserved to the
said qualified candidates be shifted
to next point wherever such a
situation occurs, in the event such
qualified SC/ST candidates are not
Director of
Town and
b) Promotion to the category I, shall be made by Selection Committee on the
grounds of merit and ability, seniority being considered only where merit and
ability are approximately equal.
c) The Committee for selection of suitable candidates for promotion to next higher
category posts existing under this service shall be constituted by the Appointing
Authority i.e. the Director of Town & Country Planning, Government of A.P.,
Hyderabad with four (4) Senior Officers of the Department, Two (2) Officers
each from Technical & Administrative wings for selection of eligible candidates
for promotion.
3. Qualifications :
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the category of post in column (2) of
the table by direct recruitment or promotion or appointment by transfer, unless
one possesses the qualifications prescribed in the corresponding entries in column
(3) thereof :
Category Name of the
Qualifications & Experience Prescribed
(1) (2) (3)
Town Planning
By Promotion:
(1) Must possess a minimum qualification of a
Degree in B.Arch. or B.E./B.Tech (Civil) or
B. Planning B.Tech (Planning) from a
University in India established or
incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act or Provincial Act., recognized by
the University Grants Commission
Must possess a minimum qualification of a
Diploma in D.C.E./L.C.E / L.A.A., awarded
by the Andhra Pradesh Board of Technical
(2) Should have completed three (3) years of
service in the category of Town Planning
(3) Must fulfill all the above two (2) conditions.
(4) Promotion to the category I, shall be made by
Selection Committee on the grounds of merit
and ability, seniority being considered only
where merit and ability are approximately
4. Appointing / Disciplinary Authority :
The Appointing/Disciplinary Authority in respect the above category post shall be
the Director of Town & Country Planning, AP, Hyderabad.
5. Reservation of appointments :
Reservation in appointments shall be as per the provisions contained in Rule 22 and
22 (a) (i) (A to E) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996
and subsequent amendments issued from time to time except in so far as it relates
to physically handicapped persons.
6. Age :
The rules governing the minimum and maximum age for direct recruitment in the
government service shall mutatis-mutandis apply to the category of this service.
7. Probation :
Every person appointed to a category in the service shall from the date on which
he joins duty, be on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a
continuous period of three years, if recruited direct; and for a total period of one year
on duty within a continuous period of two years, if appointed by promotion.
8. Tests :
(a) Every person appointed to this service by direct recruitment in the category-
I shall pass the Accounts Test for Local Body employees Paper I & II within
the period of probation.
(b) If any person fails to pass the above test within the period of probation or
within such extended period, he shall be discharged from service by the
appointing authority.
(c)No person shall be eligible for promotion to category-I, unless he pass the test
prescribed in sub-rule (1) under clause 8.
(d) If any person fails to pass the tests as prescribed for the category posts-I in
respect of direct recruitee within the period of probation or within such
extended period, he shall be discharged from service by the Appointing
9. Seniority :
The seniority of the members of the service shall be determined as per Rules 33 to
36 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996.
10. Postings and Transfers :
The authority competent to order postings and transfers in respect of category-I
post in this service including GHMC and all other Corporations shall be the Director
Town & Country Planning, A.P., Hyderabad.
11. Training :
(a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the Category -I post in this
service shall undergo induction training (within a period of three (3) months
from the date of appointment) for such a period as may be prescribed by
Director Town & Country Planning, Government of A.P., Hyderabad.
(b) He/she shall be liable to refund to the Government, the pay and allowances
and any other remuneration received by him/her in addition to the amount
spent by the Government on his/her Training that :
(i) If he/she fails to serve the department for a period of three years after the
completion of Training for any reason; or
(ii) If he/she discontinues the Training or is discharged from Training course for
mis-conduct or any other reason; or
(iii) If he/she secures any other employment elsewhere other than under the
State Government, the instructions issued in G.O.Ms.No.268, Finance &
Planning (Fin.Wing.F.R.I) Department, dated the 8th September, 1990 shall be
scrupulously followed.
(c) The period of Training shall count for the purpose of probation, increments,
leaves and Pension as admissible etc.
(d) A Direct Recruitee during the period of Training shall be eligible for the initial
pay of the post with usual allowances admissible at the place of Training.
(e) There shall be Orientation Training to the members of the service at such
periodic intervals as determined by the Government/Department.
(f) Failure to undergo such Orientation Training whenever summoned will attract
severe disciplinary action by the Appointing Authority.
12. Conditions of Service :
(a) Every person appointed by Direct Recruitment shall execute an Agreement
Bond the he/she will serve the Department for a period of three (3) years,
failing which he/she shall liable for penalty as stipulated under Rule 18, Clause
(b) In matters not covered by these rules, the members of this service shall be
governed by all other rules applicable to Government Servants as prescribed by
Government from time to time.
13. Pay and allowances :
(a) A member of the service shall draw pay and all allowances admissible as per
the orders of the Government issued from time to time.
(b) Expenditure on pay and allowances of the members of the service shall be
made through concerned Treasury as per the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.179,
dated:25.02.2009 of M.A & U.D ( G1) Department and subsequent orders from
time to time.
14. Leave :
(a) The Commissioner/Executive Authority concerned is competent to sanction
casual leave, compensatory leave and optional holiday to all the members of
the service
(b) The Director of Town & Country Planning, A.P., Hyderabad or his nominee is
competent to sanction all leaves other than the leave specified at clause (1)
above to all members of the service within the frame work of leave rules.
15. Leave Salary :
Leave salary of the members of the service shall be paid through concerned
16. Loans and Advances :
The Commissioner/Executive Authority concerned is competent to sanction loans
and advances to the members of service as per rules applicable to government
17. Conduct :
The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 applicable to Government
servants as amended from time to time shall also be applicable to the members of
this service.
18. Discipline and Control :
(a) The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules,
1991 applicable to the government servants shall apply to the members of this
service except to the extent indicated hereunder.
(b) The Director of Town & Country Planning, AP, Hyderabad shall be the
competent authority to place a member of this service under suspension for any
irregularity or any other lapses or who is involved in the criminal complaints or
on filing charge sheet in a court of Law.
(c) (i) The Executive Authority/Commissioner concerned shall report in detail to
disciplinary authority i.e. Director of Town & Country Planning, AP,
Hyderabad regarding any a member of any category of this Service for
suspension pending inquiry into grave charges as per APCS (CCA) Rules,
 (ii) The Disciplinary Authority i.e. Director of Town & Country Planning, AP,
Hyderabad may impose the penalties as specified under Rule 9 of APCS
(CCA) Rules, 1991 based on the gravity of disciplinary case, duly following
the procedure as per APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991.
(d) An appeal against any order passed by the Disciplinary Authority i.e. Director of
Town & Country Planning, AP, Hyderabad shall lie to the Government.
19. Pension:
(a) The existing municipal employees appointed before 1-9-2004 and who are
promoted to this service shall be paid pension through concerned Treasury as
per A.P. Revised Pension Rules 1980.
(b) The existing municipal employees appointed on or after 1-9-2004 and who are
promoted to this service and persons recruited direct to this service shall be
governed under the purview of contributory pension scheme introduced in
G.O.Ms No.653 Finance (Pension.I) Department dated 22-9-2004.
(c) In respect of officers drawn on deputation, the concerned departments shall pay
the pension, as applicable in their parent department.
(d) The Encashment of E.L., FBF/ GIS, GPF/ APGLI etc., of a retired employee or
the deceased employee shall be borne by the concerned Greater Corporations/
Corporations/ ULBs where the employee has retired from service or in the event
of death as the case may be.
20. Repeal and Savings :
(a) Except otherwise specifically stated, all rules applicable to government servants
are applicable to the members of this service.
(b) If there is any difficulty or discrepancy in interpreting the rules, the matter shall
be referred to Government and orders passed thereon are final.

Public Services – A.P. Municipal Town Planning Subordinate Service – Merging of post of
Town Planning Officer (Ordinary Grade) in to Town Planning Officer (Special Grade) and
redesignation as Town Planning Officer and also Declaration of the post of Town
Planning Assistant / Town Planning Officer as Gazetted – Orders – Issued.
O R D E R :
The Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning Technical Officials Association in
the representation 11th read above has submitted detailed representations to the
Government for consideration and to issue orders among other requests (i) to merge the
post of Town Planning Officer into Town Planning Officer (Spl.Gr.) in the A.P. Municipal
Town Planning Subordinate Service (ii) to confer Gazetted status to the post of TPO
2. The Director of Town and Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad in his
letters in the 12th to 14th and 16th read above as reported that the duties and
responsibilities of the Town Planning Officer (Ordinary Grade) and Town Planning
Officer (Special Grade) working in various Urban Local Bodies are almost one and the
same and they were assigned the same pay scales in RPS 2005 i.e., Rs.9285 – 21550. The
qualifications and other Departmental tests prescribed in the Special Rules for
promotion to both these posts are one and the same and as such there will not be any
financial burden on the State exchequer. The Director of Town and Country Planning,
Andhra Pradesh has therefore requested to merge the Town Planning Officer (Ordinary
Grade) and Town Planning Officer (Special Grade) in the Andhra Pradesh Town Planning
Service in order to have better administration.
3. The Director of Town and Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh has further stated
that both the posts of Town Planning Assistant and Town Planning Officer (Spl.Gr) are
the feeder category posts for promotion to the category of A.D.T.P and equally placed
with the same Technical nature of work and hence it is absolutely justified to confer
Gazetted status to both the posts of TPO (Spl.Gr) and TPA. Both the posts are Town
Planning Section Head Posts with enormous responsibilities. Further, the Assistant
Executive Engineers post which is a feeder category post to Deputy Executive Engineer
in all the Engineering Departments of A.P. Engineering Services is a 1st level Gazetted
post which is more or less an equivalent post of TPA and TPO (Spl.Gr) in the Town
Planning Department. He has therefore recommended to confer the Gazetted status to
the feeder category post of A.D.T.P post in A.P.T.P Service as represented by A.P.
Municipal Town Planning Technical Officials Association.
4. Government after careful examination of the matter with reference to the report
of the Director of Town and Country Planning, hereby issue the following orders:
(i) The post of Town Planning Officer (Ordinary Grade) be merged into
Town Planning Officer (Special Grade) and be re-designated as Town
Planning Officer (TPO) in Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning
(ii) The post of Town Planning Assistant / Town Planning Officer be declared
as Gazetted post with the existing scale of pay without changing the
existing service conditions that are attached to the post.
5. The Director of Town and Country Planning, Andhra Pradesh shall take necessary
further action accordingly.
Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh
(i) The post of Town Planning Officer (Ordinary Grade) is merged into Town
Planning Officer (Special Grade) and re-designated as Town Planning
Officer in Andhra Pradesh Municipal Town Planning Service with
immediate effect.
(ii) The post of Town Planning Assistant / Town Planning Officer in A.P. Town
Planning Department is declared as Gazetted with the existing scale of

pay with effect from the date of issue of the notification.

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