Protocol during the functions

PROTOCOL – Observance of Protocol by the Government Officials in dealing with Legislators and other VVIPs during the functions organized by Government / Local Bodies – Orders issued from time to time – Consolidated

In the G.O. first read above, in addition to the earlier instructions issued by Government from time to time, Government have issued orders on observance of protocol by the Government officials in respect of Legislators and other VVIPs during the functions organized by Government / Local Bodies at various levels, based on the recommendations of the Committee of Privileges, as adopted by the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly on 30.03.2002.

2. A statement was issued by way of annexure to the above order showing the functions organized at various levels, the agency to organize the function, the list of invitees and order of the names of the invitees on the invitation card, names to be incorporated on the plaque and seating on the dais for each level of function. A statement showing the order of protocol, Role of Non-officials at functions, order of names in the invitation card / plaque etc., was also annexed to the above orders.

3. Consequent on revival of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council, vide G.Os. second to fifth read above, certain amendments were issued to the orders issued in the G.O. first read above, extending the protocol facilities to
certain dignitaries.

4. Government have examined the recommendations made by the Committee for Privileges in the meeting held on 08.02.2012 on observations of Protocol by the Government Officials and have decided to issue
consolidated instructions duly incorporating the amendments made after issue of G.O. first read above.

5. Accordingly, in addition to the earlier instructions, consolidated instructions on the observance of Protocol issued by the Government from time to time in the form of statement is hereby issued by way of annexure to
this order showing the functions organized at various levels, the agency to organize the function, the list of invitees and order of the names of the invitees on the invitation card, names to be incorporated on the plaque and seating on the dais for each level of function. This statement showing the order of protocol, Role of Non-officials at functions, order of names in the invitation card / plaque etc., as annexed to this order shall be scrupulously followed to avoid complaints on the non-observance of protocol

6. The officers, mentioned in the address entry, shall adhere to the above orders scrupulously in addition to the existing instructions on the subject and not to give any scope for complaints from MPs/MLCs/ MLAs/Local
Bodies Representatives like Chairpersons of Municipal Corporations/ Chairpersons of Zilla Parishads / Presidents of Mandal Praja Parishads etc.

7. Any deviation from the orders issued on observance of protocol shall invite stern disciplinary action against the erring officials concerned.

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