Transfers of employees - lifting ban on transfers up to 30.9.2014 - Instructions/Guidelines


PUBLIC SERVICES - Transfers of employees –Revised instructions and extension
of lifting of Ban on transfers up to 31st  October, 2014 – Orders - Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 196.                               Dated:01-10-2014.

                       Read the following:
 1. G.O.Ms.NO.175, Finance (DCM-II) Department, dt.19-08-2014.
 2. G.O.Ms.NO.176, Finance (DCM-II) Department, dt.21-08-2014.
 3. G.O.Ms.NO.186, Finance (DCM-II) Department, dt.05-09-2014.

      In the G.Os read above orders were issued for relaxation of  till 10th 
October, 2014 subject to conditions laid down therein. 

    The State Government is implementing Janma Bhoomi programme from 2nd 
October to 20th October, 2014. Hence, Government hereby order that there shall not
be any transfers during the above period. If any Officer/employee is under order of
transfer, he/she shall be relieved after 20th  October, 2014 only. The process on
transfers shall resume after Janma Bhoomi viz., after 20.10.2014 and from that date
the relaxation of ban transfers is extended upto 31-10-2014.
 The other instructions issued in the references read above are continued.  


PUBLIC SERVICES - Transfers of employees – Lifting of Ban on transfers up to 30th September,2014 –further Instructions – Issued.

FINANCE (DCM-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 176 Dated:21-08-2014.
Read the following:  G.O.Ms.NO.175, Finance (DCM-II) Department, dt.19-08-2014.
                                                  *** O R D E R:
 In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued relaxing the ban on transfers subject to
certain conditions.

 2. In continuation of the orders issued in the G.O read above, it is hereby instructed that all the Departments shall take adequate care to fill up the vacancies in Rural and Remote areas on priority, while effecting transfers.
PUBLIC SERVICES – Transfers of employees – Lifting of ban on transfers up to  30th September, 2014  – Instructions/ guidelines -  Orders – Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.175                    Dated:  19 .08.2014
                                                   Read the following:-
 1)       G.O.Ms.NO.119,Finance (DCM-III)Dept.,dt.17-5-2013.
2)       Representation of A.P.N.G.O’s Association, dt.5-8-2014
     Received on 16-8-2014.
* * *   


In the reference 1st  read above, orders were issued imposing the ban on transfers except in respect of certain cases referred therein.

2.         The Government after careful consideration hereby relax the ban on transfers immediately, subject to the following conditions.
  i)        The departments are free to transfer all executive functionaries.
  ii) Those Ministerial staff  who have   completed 3 years at a Station  be transferred.  Station means place (City, Town, and Village) of actual working for the purpose of transfers and not office or institution.
       iii) Secretariat staff are  excluded from the above.

       iv) The  transfers of Teachers be done following the method of counselling.

              v) The process of transfers shall be completed                       by 30th September.

   vi)  The ban on transfers will come into force with    effect from 1st October,2014.

3.  This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address


                                                                                                AJEYA KALLAM
                                                                     PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT

      20.                   With reference to the observations of the Hon’ble C.M at pre-page a draft Order lifting the  Ban on transfers immediately is submitted below for kind approval.

    III)         The relaxation of ban applies to School Education and Higher Education   Departments and the detailed guidelines for transfer of Teachers / Lecturers will be issued by the School Education / Higher Education Departments separately. These guidelines should be in consonance with the guidelines in this G.O. A care should be taken not to effect the academic interest i.e, existing vacancy position shall be taken into consideration.

IV)      All the transfers have to be effected by the competent authorities, as per the existing orders, on delegation, subject to the existing Government orders and conditions prescribed herein. The competent authority shall submit the transfer proposals to the next higher authority where transfers are on administrative grounds, who will not approve the transfers unless absolutely necessary and after recording reasons for accepting the proposals (such transfers should also be within the ceiling prescribed herein).

v)                  All transfers other than the transfers for administrative reasons shall be done by counselling.  Counselling will be conducted by asking all the employees seeking for three preferences to transfer and accommodating to the extent possible. When more than one employee opts for a particular place, preference shall be given to the employee who has put in longest service in a particular station, subject to that the employee not having any charges pending against him/her.

vi)                The employees who are retiring before 30th September, 2015 shall not be transferred.  The standing instructions on the transfers of Office Bearers of recognized employees’ unions as issued in Circular Memo No.26135/Ser. Welfare/2002-1 of G.A. (Services) Department, dt.19.6.2002 shall be followed scrupulously.

vii)              While effecting the transfers, the competent authority shall give priority as given below, subject to satisfaction of other condition specified in this G.O.
a.       Long standing employee downwards.
b.      Employee working in “hardship areas”.
c.       Employees with outstanding record on request.
d.      Employees with disabilities of 40% or more as certified by a competent authority as per “Persons with Disabilities (P.W.D) (Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act, 1995. 
e.       Husband and Wife cases (Only one of the spouses shall be shifted following the prescribed procedure).
f.       Employees having mentally retarded children to a place where medical facilities are available.
g.      Cases of compassionate appointment.
h.      Medical grounds for the diseases (either self or spouse or dependent children and dependent parents) of Cancer, Heart Operations, Neurosurgery, Bone TB, Kidney transplantation to places where such facilities are available.

viii)            The transfers shall be effected from local to non-local, non-local to non-local or from non-local to local posts only.  In no case, persons shall be transferred from one local post to another local post.  The local and non-local post shall be as defined by the department concerned.

ix)                The provisions of G.O.Ms.No.610, G.A.(SPF-A) Dept, dt.30.12.1985 will be strictly adhered to and the ratios prescribed maintained.

x)                   The existing instructions on posting of second level and higher level Gazetted Officers to their native districts shall be followed.

xi)                All the transfers effected by following the procedure where employees indicated preference for stations shall be treated as request transfers for the purpose of sanction of T.T.A. and other transfer benefits.

xii)              The competent authority shall be personally responsible for compliance with the guidelines prescribed above and any deviation from the guidelines herein shall be viewed seriously.  The officer immediately superior to competent authority shall ensure that all the transfers are as per the existing government orders and are kept at barest minimum.

xiii)            The transfer policy should be an effective tool in capacity building with departmental employees getting a variety of experience within the department, thus becoming more fit to hold higher responsibilities.

xiv)            The ban on transfers will come into force with effect from 14th August,2014

xv)              No relaxation proposal will be entertained by any department for a period of six months commencing from 30th September, 2014. Thereafter, Secretaries will review department wise, quarterly, and the number of relaxations given within their departments and submit the same to Chief Secretary / Chief Minister for information.

xvi)            Station means place (City, Town, and Village) of actual working for the purpose of transfers and not office or institution.

3.         It is also ordered that the Revenue earning Departments viz. 1) Commercial Taxes Department, 2) Prohibition & Excise Department and 3) Stamps & Registration Departments TR&B Department and also the Forest Department, shall issue separate guidelines, in consonance with the guidelines in this G.O during the above relaxation period.


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