Clarification to Queries on EoI for Surveillance under the Compulsory Registration Order

Clarification to Queries on EoI for Surveillance under the Compulsory Registration Order
EoI No. W-47/3/2014-ESDM-Sep 2014

of Eol
Incorporation: The bidder
agency should be a
company registered under
Indian Companies Act 1956.
The company / agency
should have been in
existence for a period of at
least 5 years on the date of
application as evidenced by
the Certificate of
Incorporation issued by the
Registrar of Companies,
Vincular is a two year old company
and we are dedicated into the
product compliance services with a
team of professional and relevant
industry experience of many
decades. We meet most of the other
selection criteria well, given this fact
should we be considered for this EoI
Vincular Testing Labs
India Pvt. Ltd.
Clause is self explanatory. No
further change is envisaged.
Turnover – The agency
should have a turnover of
not less than Rs. 2 Crore in
the preceding year.
Turnover is defined as sales
proceed as per audited P&L
account of the firm,
submitted for last financial
year. A copy of income tax
return should also be
submitted along with
As mentioned in the above point
Vincular is just a couple of year old
company and did 1.5 Crore revenue
in FY 13-14 but our current year
revenues are good. We can provide
advance tax receipts for FY 2014-15
and audited balance sheet for FY
2013-14 to confirm it.
Vincular Testing Labs
India Pvt. Ltd.
Clause is self explanatory. No
further change is envisaged.
A cost @ 25% of the test
charges on account of
storage charges for storing
the counter samples in an
independent storing facility,
if the manufacturer has no
wish to retain the counter
sample for 2 years from the
date of pickup of sample
Who will pay this cost? DeitY or the
Vincular Testing Labs
India Pvt. Ltd.
If the manufacturer has no wish
to retain the counter sample for 2
years from the date of pickup of
sample, this cost will be borne by
the manufacturer only
7 (iii)
Turnover / 2 Crores
(minimum) for 2012-2013
Is the preceding year 2012-13 or
Aaditech Inspections
& Services Pvt. Ltd.
Point No. (iii) of the table under
clause 7 may be read as “2
crores (minimum) for 2013-14”.
Turnover – The agency
should have a turnover of
not less than Rs. 2 Crore in
the preceding year.
Turnover is defined as sales
proceed as per audited P&L
account of the firm,
submitted for last financial
year. A copy of income tax
return should also be
submitted along with
At point 4 (e), you have mentioned
that you would prefer agencies with
experience as outsourced agency
for BIS product certification
inspections and on the other hand
you are asking that agency should
have turnover of Rs 2 crore in the
preceding year. It may kindly be
noted that outsourced agencies,
which were doing BIS product
certification work may not be able to
meet the requirement of a turnover
of Rs 2 crore, though they are highly
competent with full expertise and
manpower available and are most
suited to handle this kind of work.
This is because most of these
outsourced agencies do inspection
work only and are paid their
inspection fee as their service
charges. They may have carried out
a very high number of inspections
during the year but still may not be
having a turnover of Rs 2 crore as
they are not a manufacturing or
trading company but a service
company, which is not expected to
have a turnover of Rs 2 crore. A
better benchmark to establish the
credentials and assess the
competence of an inspection body
as desired by DEITY in its tender,
may be number of inspections
carried out by them which may be
say 600 -700 minimum during the
year and not turnover in terms of
Rupees, which cannot indicate the  competency, expertise, suitability or
relevance of the inspection body for
the scope of work in this tender.
DEITY may even further stipulate
these inspection bodies to have QCI
accreditation as per ISO 17020 in a
definite time period of 3-6 months,
which is a pertinent barometer to
judge the competency of the
prospective empanelled agency.
The existing conditions in the tender
may result into a situation where a
big multinational company with a
turnover of more than Rs 2 crores
but having zero experience of
handling inspections or picking up
samples, may qualify and the one
with specific experience of several
years in the field of inspections and
samples, particularly as BIS
outsourced agency and even having
QCI Accreditation as per ISO 17020
may be left out, if its turnover is less
than 2 crores. This appears to be an
anomaly and if allowed to remain,
may result in to an erroneous,
unfair, fallacious and discriminate
empanelment of agencies. DEITY
is, therefore, requested to accord
due diligence to our submissions
and take appropriate view and
consider modifying the conditions
Aaditech Inspections
& Services Pvt. Ltd.
Clause is self explanatory. No
further change is envisaged.
Expertise – Agencies with
experience as Outsourced
Agency for BIS product
certification schemes or of
any other inspection /
sample pick up scheme
would be preferred
Aaditech Inspections
& Services Pvt. Ltd.
Clause is self explanatory. No
further change is envisaged.
DeitY shall not be liable for
bad debts incurred on
account of non- reimbursement of legitimate
dues towards the Agency on
account of cost of samples,
test charges, pickup and   other such overheads by the
registered manufacturing
units or such entities except
that it may ask BIS to initiate
appropriate action against
the registration granted to
the unit under the provisions
of the BIS Act
Who will compensate for the
samples and testing charges, if not
received from manufacturing unit.
Since even asking BIS to initiate
appropriate action against
registration holding unit may not
result into any monitory recovery as   BIS does not stipulate such
conditions. At most BIS can cancel
the registration but recovery of
charges incurred by agency may not
be possible. How to compensate the
agency in that case. It is suggested
that the lab may be asked for testing
only after cost of sample and the
testing charges are retrieved from
manufacturing unit. So that even if
manufacturing unit refuses to pay
for the incurred cost of samples and
testing, samples if remain untested
by that time, will be in a condition to
fetch some recoverable cost by the
Aaditech Inspections
& Services Pvt. Ltd.
Overheads @ 25% of test
charges fixed for surveillance
testing has been provisioned to
take care of such bad debts only.
Therefore, no further change in
the clause is envisaged
It may kindly be clarified whether the
four parameters at S.No. i to iv for
which “essential” weightage has
been mentioned are preconditions
for applying even if applicant agency
deserves and qualifies to get 100
marks in parameters from S.No. v
to ix.
Aaditech Inspections
& Services Pvt. Ltd.
Parameters at S. No. (i) to (iv)
are mandatory to qualify for
applying / submitting the EoI,
else submissions will not be

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