APTC Volume II – Forms – Deletion of certain forms

APTC Volume II – Forms – Deletion of certain forms – Amendment – Orders – Issued

G.O.MS.No. 227 Dated: 26 .12.2014
Read the following:-
1. Government Memo.No.1559-A/48/TFR/2014, dated 11.09.2014 of Finance (TFR)
2. From the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P.Hyderabad letter
No.I.1/21333/2009, dated 03.11.2014.
O R D E R :
In the reference 1st read above, Government have been requested the Director of
Treasuries and Accounts, A.P. Hyderabad to examine the existing Forms and to recommend for deletion/omission which are not in operation for the present.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P.
Hyderabad as recommended to continue/omission of certain forms.
3. The following existing provisions of Forms under Volume-II of Andhra Pradesh Treasury
Code have become obsolete:
(1) APTC Form-1:- District Treasury Balance Report -Under Subsidiary Rule 9 of Treasury Rule 4 and Instruction 3 under Treasury Rule 30
(2) APTC Form-11:- Receipt for Excise Revenue paid to a Sub-Treasury/Village Officer - Under Subsidiary Rules 10 (f) and 16 (c)under Treasury Rule 10
(3) APTC Form 16 – Treasurer’s/Shroff’s Amanath Balance Register – Subsidiary Rule 15 and Instruction 24 under Treasury Rule 10
(4) APTC Form-17:- Register of Unshroffed Village Remittances received at Sub-Treasury - Under Instruction 22 under Treasury Rule 10
(5) APTC Form-18:- Register of Unshroffed Treasury and Currency Remittances – Under Instruction 23 under Treasury Rule 11
(6) APTC Form-21:- Receipt for sums realized by cash or by cheque for Service Postage Stamps issued by Treasury - Under S.R. 16 (e) under Treasury Rule 10
(7) APTC Form-25:- Taluk Register of remittances to the Bank - Under Subsidiary Rule 22 under Treasury Rule 10
(8) APTC Form-27:- Shroff’s slip to be placed in each bag of coin - Under Subsidiary Rule 7 (a) under Treasury Rule 11
(9) APTC Form-29:- Memorandum showing contents in coin - Under Subsidiary Rule 7 (g) under Treasury Rule 11
(10) APTC Form-30:- Memorandum showing contents in notes - Under Subsidiary Rule 7 (g) under Treasury Rule 11
(11) APTC Form-31:- Treasurer’s daily balance sheet for Treasuries which do not transact their cash Business through Bank - Under Subsidiary Rule 7 (g) under Treasury Rule 11
(12) APTC Form-32:- Shroff’s Daily Balance Sheet - Under Subsidiary Rule 8 (f) and (h) under Treasury Rule 11
(13) APTC Form-33:- Register showing the cash double lock transactions of the Sub- Treasury Under Subsidiary Rule 8 (g) under Treasury Rule 11
(14) APTC Form-34:- Treasury Pay Office slip for a bundle of notes - Under Instruction 13 (b) under Treasury Rule 11
(15) APTC Form-35:- Treasury Pay Office slip for a bundle of coin - Under Instruction 13 (b) under Treasury Rule 11
(16) APTC Form-36:- Currency Chest Book - Under Para 14(ii) of Central Treasury Rules
(17) APTC Form-37:- Currency Chest Slip - Under Para 14(v) of Central Treasury Rules
(18) APTC Form-37-A:- Bill for withdrawal from Treasury cash balance for deposit into Currency Chest - Under Instruction 13 (A) under T.R. 11/ S.R.3 and S.R.4(1) under TR.30
(19) APTC Form-38:- Verification Statement of Currency Chest Balance - Under Instruction 15 (ii), (iv) and (vi) under Treasury Rule 11)
(20) APTC Form-44:- Application for Passage Overseas - Under Subsidiary Rule 3 (e) and 16 (b) under Treasury Rule 16
(21) APTC Form– 48:- Absentee Statement -Under Subsidiary Rule 11 under Treasury Rule 16 (22) APTC Form-77:- Register of Pension payable by Money Order - Under Subsidiary Rule 77 (1) under Treasury Rule 16
(23) APTC Form-78:- Schedule of Pension paid by Money Order - Under Subsidiary Rule 77 (4) under Treasury Rule 16
(24) APTC Form-82:- Weekly Cash Balance Report - Under Instruction 2 under Treasury Rule 30
(25) APTC Form-83:- Advance Intimation of dispatch of remittance - Under Subsidiary Rule 10 (c) under Treasury Rule 30
(26) APTC Form-84:- Invoice of remittance of coins/notes Under Subsidiary Rule 13 under Treasury Rule 30
(27) APTC Form-85:- Invoice of remittance of uncurrent coin to the mint - Under Subsidiary Rule 15 (ii) under Treasury Rule 30
(28) APTC Form-86:- Certificate to be furnished by the remitting Treasury to clerk/Shroff accompanying a remittance -:- Under Instruction 17 (a) under Treasury Rule 30
(29) APTC Form-87:- Indent for Reserve Bank of India draft forms and other connected forms required for use of the Treasury - Under Instruction 37 (a) under Treasury Rule 30
(30) APTC Form-92:- Register of uncurrent silver coins received at the Treasury
(31) APTC Form-93:- Register of Silver coins cut but not paid for at the Treasury – Instruction 88 in Chapter-II, Part III
(32) APTC Form-94:- Statement of uncurrent silver coins and rupees and half-rupees withdrawn from circulation under special instructions – Inst. 40 in Chapter-II, Part III
(33) APTC Form-95:- Return showing silver coins cut or broken during the year on account of being reduced in weight - Instruction 41 in Chapter-II, Part VI
(34) APTC Form-96:- Return showing counterfeit coins received during the quarter ending - Instruction 41 in Chapter-II, Part III
(35) APTC Form-97:- Advice of currency chest transactions at Sub-Treasuries - Paragraph 5 (b) in Appendix 10
(36) APTC Form-98:- Register of payments of pensions to leper pensioners through village officers during the month of - Paragraph 2 of Appendix 17
(37) APTC Form-105:- Register of payment order issued on the branch of the Bank - Subsidiary Rule 57 (b) under Treasury Rule 16
(38) Discount Bills for Stamps – As Stamps are not being issued by Treasuries to Vendors.

4. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby issue the following
amendments as the above existing APTC Forms have become obsolete.


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