Registration of new Federation- Telangana Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd


Backward Classes Welfare Department – Andhra Pradesh Re-organization Act, 2014 – registration of new Federation in the name of Telangana Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd., along with the Bye-laws as per Section 6 of Cooperative Societies Act,1964 (Act 7 of 1964) – Permission accorded – Orders – Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 1                                                                       Dated:09-01-2015.
                                                                               Read the following:-

1.    G.O.Ms.No.27, Social Welfare (P) Department, Dated: 18.02.1982.
2.    A.P. Re-organization Act 2014.
3.    G.O.Rt.No.223, Industries and Commerce (SR) Department, Dated 30-05-2014.
4.    From the Managing Director (FAC), B.C. Federations,  Hyderabad Lr.No.18/APVCSF/2014, Dated.04.09.2014.
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          In the reference 1st read above, the erstwhile Government of Andhra Pradesh have established Andhra Pradesh Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd., in the year 1982 for the promotion and implementation of specific programmes for the benefit of Washermen.
2.       Government of India enacted the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014.   As per Article 3 of the above Act, on the appointed date i.e., 2.6.2014, there shall be formed a new State to be known as State of Telangana consisting of (10) districts, as notified and the residual State of Andhra Pradesh shall consist of the remaining (13) districts.
3.       As per Section 68 (1) of A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014, the companies and corporations specified in the Ninth Schedule constituted for the existing State of Andhra Pradesh shall, on and from the appointed day, continue to function in those areas in respect of which they were functioning immediately before that day.  The A.P. Washermen Co-operative Societies Federation Ltd., is listed under IX Scheduled at 80th item of the A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014.As per part VII of the said Act, from the appointed day i.e., on 2nd June, 2014, all assets, rights and liabilities of the Federation are to be apportioned between the two successor States in the manner prescribed in the Act.
4.       In the circumstances reported by the Managing Director (FAC),  B.C. Federations, Hyderabad in the reference 4th  read above, the Government, after careful examination of the matter,  hereby accord permission  to  the Managing Director (FAC), Washermen  Cooperative Societies Federation  Ltd., Hyderabad to register a new Federation as per Section 6 of  Cooperative Societies Act,1964  (Act 7 of 1964) in the name of “Telangana Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd.,”  along with existing bye-laws and Service Rules (enclosed).
5.       The Managing Director (FAC), Washermen Co-operative Societies Federation Ltd., Hyderabad, is requested to take necessary further action accordingly in the matter and register the Bye-laws in Telugu language which is predominantly spoken by the people of Telangana State besides being the official language of the State as per existing the Official Languages Act, 1966.  After completion of registration of the said Federation, copies of the registration certificate issued by the Registrar (Functional) of  Co-operative Societies,  bye-laws etc., shall be submitted to the Government.
 6.     The G.O. is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address


                                               PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT

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