2015 (TSSMR-2015) - ORDERS – ISSUED


G.O.MS.NO. 3 DATED:08-01-2015.
G.O.Ms.No.38, Industries & Commerce (Mines.I) Department,
The following Notification shall be published in an Extraordinary Issue of
Telangana State, Gazette dated:08-01-2015.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15(1) of Mines & Minerals
(Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 (Central Act 67 of 1957), the Governor
of Telangana, in supersession of all earlier orders issued in the composite
State and in accordance with the New Sand Mining Policy-2014 for the State of
Telangana as announced in G.O.Ms.No.38, Industries & Commerce (Mines.I)
Department, Dated:12-12-2014, hereby makes the following Rules to regulate
the Mining and Transportation of sand in the State of Telangana and for the
purposes connected therewith, namely:-.
1. Short title and commencement:-
(i) These Rules may be called the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules,
(ii) It extends to the entire State of Telangana.
2. Regulation of extraction/disposal of Stream/River Sand
(i) Sand extraction and sale other than de-casting patta lands and in
respect of I and II order streams, in the State shall be through
Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Limited
(TSMDC) only.
(ii) Regulation of Stream/River sand extraction/disposal from the
areas other than falling in Schedule Areas be done by the
authorities specified under Rule 3(6).
(iii) Allocation of specified sand bearing areas located
partially/fully in Scheduled Areas shall be as per the
Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Rules, 2011 or
any suitable subsequent rules/amendments to be issued by
Government from time to time with Technical and Administrative
support from Integrated Tribal Development Authorities (ITDA)
/Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Limited
(TSMDC Ltd.) under the direct supervision and control of the
Agency Magistrate/District Collector concerned. Operational
guidelines shall be issued by the District Collector from time to
3. Sand extraction in I and II order streams:
Sand extraction shall not be permitted in notified over-exploited areas
except for local use in villages or towns bordering the Streams for bonafide
purposes other than commercial operations/public trading/stocking etc. The
Sand extraction:-
(1) Shall be as per Rule 23-(1) (a) of Water Land and Tree Rules,
2004 or any suitable subsequent rules/amendments to be issued
by Government from time to time.
(2) Shall be for local use:
(a) Free of cost:
(i) For weaker section housing schemes on a certificate issued by
the District Collector or any authorized officer;
(ii) For own use basing on the actual requirement to be certified
by Panchayath Secretary concerned and
(b) For local use of sand in Government works on payment of
seigniorage fee.
(3) The Panchayath Secretary of concerned Gram Panchayath shall
issue way bills as prescribed by the Mandal Authority under
WALTA, 2002 or any suitable subsequent rules/amendments to
be issued by Government from time to time for the purposes
mentioned under sub-rule (2) within the jurisdiction.
(4) Transportation of sand shall be by means of bullock carts/Tractors
only within the jurisdiction.
(5) The District shall be treated as a unit for free movement of sand
within the jurisdiction.
(6) The District Collector shall put in place proper
administrative mechanism for enforcement of extraction and
transportation of sand in I and II order Streams comprising of:
a) Revenue Divisional Officer concerned.
b) Tahsildar concerned
c) Representative of Deputy Director, Ground water
d) Executive Engineer (concerned), RWS/Irrigation Dept.
e) Sub-Divisional Police Officer.
f) Motor Vehicle Inspector (concerned) from Transport Dept.
4. Constitution of Sand Monitoring Committee (SMC)
In partial modification to G.O.Ms.No.38, dated 12.12.2014, the District
Collector & Magistrate shall be the Chairman of the District Level Sand
Committee. There will be a State Level Committee with Chief Secretary
of the State as Chairman.
(1) Constitution of District Level Sand Committee (DLSC)
The identification of sand bearing areas in III, IV and above order
streams/rivers for extraction shall be by the District Level Sand
Committee. The District Collector shall be the Chairman of the District
Level Sand Committee, other members will consist of the following

(a) District Collector : Chairman
(b) Joint Collector : Vice-Chairman
(c)*Project Officer, ITDA concerned. : Member
(d) District Panchayat Officer : Member
(e) Dy. Director, Ground Water Dept. : Member
(f) Executive Engineer, Irrigation/River Conservator. : Member
(g) Executive Engineer, Rural Water Supply : Member
(h) Environmental Engineer, Telangana State Pollution Control Board. Member
(i) Nominee of Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (TSMDC) : Member
(j) Asst. Director of Mines & Geology concerned. : Member-
*In case of sand reaches falling partly or fully in Scheduled Areas.

(i) The District Collector may invite any other officer like the Superintendent of
Police and District Transport Officer as deemed fit.
(ii) The Assistant Director of Mines & Geology concerned shall identify the
potential sand bearing areas on regular basis and place proposals before
District Level Sand Committee.
(iii) The Chairman, District Level Sand Committee shall order for joint
inspection of identified sand bearing areas and obtain reports from the
(a) The Ground Water Department shall issue the feasibility report
under Water, Land and Tree Rules, 2004 or any suitable
subsequent rules/amendments to be issued by Government from
time to time with geo-coordinates of the specified sand bearing
areas, with specific recommendations on the mode of sand
(b) The Executive Engineer/River Conservator shall issue clearance
for the ramps with Geo-coordinates.
(c)The Revenue Department shall demarcate the specified sand
bearing area and furnish plan on village map.
(d) The Assistant Director of Mines & Geology shall arrive at the
quantity of sand basing on the Ground Water Dept., feasibility
(iv) (a) The Collector & Chairman, District Level Sand Committee shall
finalize the specified sand bearing areas as per sub-rule (iii) and
issue in-principle allotment notice to Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation calling for Approved Mining Plan,
Environmental Clearance and Consent for Operation within (3)
On application filed by the Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation, the Chairman DLSC may give a (3)
months extension for submission of Statutory Clearances.
(b) Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation shall obtain
the following statutory clearances:
(i) Approved mining plan from the Deputy Director of Mines &
Geology of the Region concerned.
(ii) Environmental Clearance (EC) from State Environment
Impact Assessment Authority.
(iii) Consent for Establishment (CFE)/Consent for Operation
(CFO) from Telangana State Pollution Control Board.
(c) On submission of Statutory Clearances, the Chairman, District
Level Sand Committee shall allot the specified sand bearing
area to Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation
Limited for extraction of sand.
(d) M/s Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation
Limited shall execute a lease deed in Form-S1 with Assistant
Director of Mines and Geology concerned within (15) days
from the date of allotment order.
On application filed by M/s Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation Limited, the Chairman, District Level
Sand Committee may condone the delay and extend the time for a
period of (15) days for execution of lease deed.
(v) Extraction of sand from specified sand bearing areas:
Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation after
execution of lease deed shall:
(a) Extract sand by engaging a raising contractor from the specified
sand bearing area to an approved stock yard. The raising
contractor will be selected under strict competitive bidding
(b) The sand extraction shall be under electronic surveillance
and electronic documentation linked to a central documentation
monitoring facility to be developed by Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation.
(c) The extraction of sand shall be manual or mechanized as per the
approved mining plan and Environment Clearance.
(d) The extracted sand shall be moved to stock yards and weighed
or by volumetric analysis before unloading at the stockyard.
(e) The purchaser of the sand shall pay the sale price to Telangana
State Mineral Development Corporation and obtain transit pass
/way bill
(f) Loading of sand from the stockyard shall be as per the approved
capacity of the vehicle through weighment.
(g) The transit pass shall have the security seal of Telangana State
Mineral Development Corporation stamp with date, time and
indicate the destination/route for tracking by way of GPS facility
to be developed.
(vi) Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation shall dispose
sand from the stockyard as per the sale price fixed by the
Government from time to time.
(vii) The Member-Convenor shall convene the District Level Sand
Committee (DLSC) meetings frequently to ensure sand availability
in the District.
(viii) The period of allotment for extraction shall be for five (5) years
from the date of agreement subject to:
(a) Assessment of annual replenishment of sand to sustain the
(b) Feasibility report by Ground Water, Irrigation Dept., with
Approved Mining Plan and CFO from TSPCB every year.
(c) The period of sand extraction from the allotted area shall be as
per the local conditions, reflected in the Approved Mining Plan and
(d) During the subsistence of allotment, the DLSC shall review the
status before (30) days from the date of expiry of first
year/subsequent year period or exhaustion of estimated quantity
and order for joint inspection to explore continuation of extraction
after fulfilment of Rule 4(viii)(b).
(e) If the specified sand bearing area is feasible for sand
extraction, the Chairman-DLSC shall call for Mining Plan, CFO and
approve for continuation of extraction.
(f) If the specified sand bearing area is not feasible for sand
extraction, the Chairman-DLSC shall order for stoppage of sand
extraction for a specified period and Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation shall safeguard the area.
(g) Due to any reason, the allottee can surrender the area allotted
by making an application to the Chairman, DLSC through the
(2) Constitution of State Level Committee (SLC):
The State Level Committee shall consists of the following

The State Level Committee shall meet periodically to take up review
of the performance, the matters referred by District Level Sand
Committee for review of any statutory provisions and issue necessary
guidelines for proper implementation of the Rules.
5. Responsibility of the M/s Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation Ltd:
(1) Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation shall:
(a) Enter into an agreement with Assistant Director of Mines and
Geology by furnishing bank guarantee for an amount equivalent to
10% of the total seigniorage fee on assessed quantity as security
(b) Extract sand as per the Approved Mining Plan and other
conditions laid in the clearances issued under the River Conservancy
Act, 1884, the Water Land & Trees Act, 2002 and the Environment
Protection Act, 1986 and Air & Water Pollution Prevention Act, 1974
and amendments thereon or any suitable subsequent
Act/rules/amendments to be issued by Government from time to
(c) No transfer or subletting of the allotted sand bearing area.
(d) Extract and dispatch sand from the allotted sand bearing
area to approved stockyard alongwith the way bill in Form-S2
issued by the Asst. Director of Mines and Geology concerned after
paying the Seigniorage fee and other taxes as per the prevailing
scheduled rate or revised from time to time.
(i) Establish a stockyard near to the lifting point having good
road facilities and also additional stockyards near urban
habitations, especially the Municipal Corporations.
(ii) Shall obtain Mineral Dealer License for the stockyard
under Mineral Dealer Rules, 2000 from the competent
authority. The validity of Mineral Dealer License shall
coterminous with the period of agreement.
(iii) If any sand stocks leftover after the period of agreement,
on representation by the allottee, the validity of Mineral
Dealer License may be extended by the Licensing Authority
after report by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology.
(iv) The period of extension shall be based on verification of
stocks and the previous daily dispatches.
(f) Sand from stockyard shall be dispatched by Telangana State
Mineral Development Corporation with transit pass (Form-E) issued
by Assistant Director of Mines and Geology concerned alongwith the
computerized weighment slip.
(g) The dispatch of sand from the stockyard shall be under
electronic surveillance and electronic documentation linked to a
central documentation monitoring facility.

(h) Use of machinery is permitted for making ramps, pathways and
(i) Extraction of sand from sand bearing area shall be by manual or
mechanized means subject to permission from the District WALTA
Authority on a condition that there is no impact on ground water
(j) (i) Maintain daily production and dispatch register at the
allotted sand bearing area.
(ii) Maintain daily stock and dispatch register at the mineral
Dealer stockyard.
(iii) Shall submit returns under A.P. Minor Mineral Concession
Rules, 1966 and A.P. Mineral Dealer Rules, 2000 or any
suitable subsequent rules/amendments to be issued by
Government from time to time to the Competent
(k) Be penalized for any extraction of sand beyond the
specified area; beyond the specified thickness and for any other
Penalty of Rs.1,00,000/- or Rs.500/- per Cu.Mt. of sand
quarried beyond the specified limits or in excess of thickness
stipulated, whichever is higher.
(2) In the event of contravention of any of these rules and the
conditions specified in Agreement of allotment during extraction of
sand, the allotting authority shall after giving an opportunity,
impose an appropriate penalty.
6. Regulation of Sand extraction in III and above order
(1) The transportation of sand extracted from III and above order
Streams/Rivers shall be utilized anywhere within the State.
(2) The District Collector shall put in place a proper administrative
mechanism for enforcement of extraction and transportation of
sand comprising of:
(a) Joint Collector/Addl. Jt. Collector.
(b) Project Officer, ITDA concerned (in respect of Scheduled areas).
(c) Deputy Transport Commissioner/RTO
(d) Asst. Director of Mines & Geology.
(e) Executive Engineer, Irrigation/River Conservator.
(f) Any other nominee(s) by the District Collector.”
7. De-casting sand from Pattalands:
In case of the sand cast in pattalands, the pattadar shall be allowed
to de-cast sand to make the land fit for agriculture.
To eliminate vested interests, no Agent/GPA/Lease holders other
than the pattadar shall be involved in de-casting process.

(1) De-casting in pattalands abutting the river course:
(a) The pattadar shall apply to the Asst. Director of Mines &
Geology concerned alongwith copy of pattadar pass book
and Title deed book and location of the land on village map.
(b) Asst. Director of Mines & Geology concerned shall take up
joint inspection of the pattaland with the following:
(i) Tahsildar shall identify the pattaland, possessor/
occupier and furnish attested sketch demarcating the
area. The boundaries will then be fixed on ground.
(ii) Mandal Agriculture Officer shall certify that without
de-casting the pattaland is not fit for agriculture.
(iii) The Ground Water Dept. shall record the geocoordinates
of the pattaland as per boundaries fixed by
the Tahsildar, assess the thickness, quantify the sand
to be de-casted and give specific recommendation on
the mode of de-casting i.e. manual or mechanized.
(iv) Asst. Director of Mines & Geology shall certify the
suitability of sand for construction.
(v) Executive Engineer, Irrigation Dept., concerned shall
report on the location of patta land with reference to river
(2) After receipt of joint inspection report, the Asst. Director of Mines &
Geology shall submit the proposals duly stipulating the period of
de-casting to the District Collector.
(3) District Collector after scrutiny shall submit proposal to the Govt.
(4) After receipt of orders from the Govt. the Asst. Director of Mines &
Geology concerned shall collect the seigniorage fee for the entire
assessed sand quantity in advance, security deposit in the form of
Bank Guarantee in favour of Asst. Director of Mines & Geology
equivalent to seigniorage fee on the assessed sand quantity and
enter into an agreement in Form-S5 before issue of dispatch
permits in Form-S3.
If Ad valorem rate of seigniorage fee is imposed, the
Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation rate will be the
bench mark for payment of seigniorage fee for de-casting sand
from pattalands.
(5) Responsibilities of the pattadar:
(a) Shall extract sand from the pattaland by
manual/mechanized means as recommended by Ground
Water Department and transport to the stockyard by
tractors capacity not more than 3 cu. mt. alongwith transit
form issued by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology.
(b) Shall establish a stockyard by obtaining registration under
MDR, 2000 or any suitable subsequent rules/amendments
to be issued by Government from time to time from the
Competent Authority at a location having proper road connectivity.
(c) Shall dispatch sand from the stockyard to the consumers
with Transit Pass in Form-E issued by Asst. Director of
Mines & Geology concerned under MDR, 2000 or any
suitable subsequent rules/amendments to be issued by
Government from time to time.
(d) Shall dispose sand from the stockyard as per the sale price
fixed by the Government from time to time.
(e) Loading of sand from the stockyard shall be as per the
approved capacity of the vehicle with transit pass duly
indicating the destination, date and time.
(f) Any contravention by the pattadar during the de-casting,
the Chairman, DLSC may order for collection of:
(i) Rs.1,00,000/- or Rs.500/- per whichever is
higher shall be collected as penalty on de-casting of sand
beyond the specified limits or in excess of permitted depth.
(ii) Repeated violations will result in cancellation of
permission and forfeiture of security deposit.
(iii) Penalty of Rs.10,000/- per ton on vehicles carrying
more than the permitted capacity from the stockyard
(6) To prevent indiscriminate removal of sand from pattalands abutting
the Riverbed, more rigorous vigilance and inspections shall be
taken up.
(7) The District Level Sand Committee shall issue operational
guidelines for de-casting sand from pattalands abutting river bed.
(8) The pattalands located in the midst of the river course/bed:
In case of pattalands located in the midst of the river
bed/course, the pattadar shall enter into an agreement for removal
of sand by Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.
The Chairman, District Level Sand Committee shall allot the
pattalands located in the midst of the river course/bed to
Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Limited as per
Rule 2(i) readwith Rule 4 (iv) (c).
8. Applicability of these Rules on sand sourced in the process of
The Superintending Engineer, Irrigation & Command Area
Development Department concerned shall:
(a) Obtain the administrative approval from the Competent Authority
for de-siltation of Reservoirs and Tanks as defined by the Irrigation
& Command Area Development Department, to enhance the
storage capacity of the reservoirs and augment Ground Water
recharge in Command Areas.
(b) With approval of District Level Sand Committee shall notify the
reservoirs proposed for de-siltation in March every year.
(c) All the notified reservoirs and tanks shall be handed over to the
Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. for
(i) The disposal of sand out of de-siltation of Reservoirs and
Tanks shall be in accordance with the procedures under
these TSSM Rules, 2015 or any amendments issued from
time to time.
(ii) Sand de-silted shall be dispatched to the stock yard
registered under A.P. Mineral Dealer Rules, 2000 by
competent authority with Form-S4 issued by the Asst.
Director of Mines & Geology concerned.
(iii) Sand shall be disposed from the stockyard as per the sale
price fixed by the Govt. from time to time with Transit Passes
in Form-E issued by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology
(d) Sand sourced out of de-silting operations shall be utilized from the
stock yards for various civil works with preference to Govt. Depts.,
(e) The orders issued earlier for continuation of 2nd or subsequent year
if any, after payment of required fees or upset price to Government
allotted to any agency on nomination basis or by other means shall
be seized after completion of its allotted/to be allotted period.
9. Crushed Stone Sand as alternative to natural sand:
Alternate to River sand in the form of Crushed Stone Sand
(Manufactured Sand) shall be encouraged from the conservation point of
view to River bed/in-Stream sand quarrying operations at affordable cost
be made available to meet the requirement of bulk consumers by
(i) By according industry status as long as the unit manufactures
100% sand for availment of VAT and power subsidy prospectively.
(ii) Regular incentives will be extended for new units.
(iii) Preference in quarry lease allotment
(iv) Existing Stone Crushers will be accorded ancillary status subject to
crushed stone sand certified by ISO/NAC/NCCBM
(v) The Government Departments shall be mandated to use at least
50% of manufactured sand in Government constructions.
10. Fixation/Revision of rates of sand and seigniorage fee:
(i) The Government shall fix the rates and revise the rates of
seigniorage fee as per the situation/demand warrants.
If ad-valorem rate of seigniorage fee is imposed, Telangana State
Mineral Development Corporation rate will be the Bench mark for
collection of seigniorage charges on sand from de-casting as well as desilting.
(ii) The price of sale of sand per Cu.Mt./Ton shall be determined by
the respective District Level Sand Committee keeping in view of the
prevailing cost of production and logistics therein and submit to the Govt.
for approval.
11. Apportionment of Seigniorage Fee to Zilla Parishad General
100% Seigniorage Fee shall be remitted to the General Funds under the
Head of Account of Zilla Parishad concerned. The same shall be
apportioned in the ratio of 25:50:25 among Zilla Parishad, Mandal
Parishad and Gram Panchayat respectively.
12. Ban on sand transportation across border:
No transportation of sand from the State shall be made across the
border to other States.
13. Offences:
Any sand lorry found without valid waybill issued by Telangana State
Mineral Development Corporation or by the pattadar (de-casting) will be
deemed illegal and the vehicle shall be seized.
(1) Any machinery and vehicles used for extraction and transportation
of sand in contravention to these rules shall be seized.
(2) The following officers in the State are authorized under these rules
to seize a machinery or vehicle involved in illegal sand extraction
and transportation.
a) Sub-Collector/Revenue Divisional Officer (concerned).
b) Tahsildar (concerned) Mandal.
c) Sub-Divisional Police Officer (concerned).
d) Station House Officer (concerned).
e) District/Divisional Panchayat Officer
f) Asst. Director of Mines & Geology (concerned).
g) Any other officer nominated by the Dist. Collector
(3) An officer authorized to seize any machinery/vehicle as per subrule
(1) shall keep machinery/vehicle with Station House Officer
concerned or Tahsildar concerned for safe custody and shall submit
a report of such seizure to the Competent Court of Law.
(4) An authorized officer who seizes any machinery/vehicle shall order
confiscation of the machinery/vehicle so seized.
(5) No order of confiscation of any machinery/vehicle shall be made
under sub-rule (4) unless the person from whom the
machinery/vehicle is seized is given:-
(a) A notice in writing informing the person of the grounds on
which it is proposed to confiscate such property.
(b) An opportunity of making a representation in writing within
such time as may be specified in the notice against the
grounds for confiscation; and
(c) A reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter.
(6) Officers seized the vehicle shall issue order of confiscation of
machinery/vehicle. The confiscated machinery or vehicle shall be
disposed in public auction.
14. Disposal of seized sand:
The Tahsildar (or) the officers nominated by Tahsildar at
Mandal Level; Sub-Collector/Revenue Divisional Officer (or) the
officers nominated by the Sub-Collector/Revenue Divisional Officer
at Divisional Level; the Joint Collector/the District Collector (or) the
Officers nominated by the Joint Collector/the District Collector at
District Level shall seize illegal sand stocks. Such seized sand shall
be kept under safe custody of concerned Tahsildar and the same
shall be disposed through Telangana State Mineral Development
15. Appeal and Revision:
(i) In case of I and II order streams:
(a) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the Mandal
Authority/ may prefer the appeal before the Joint Collector
within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such
(b) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Joint Collector
may prefer revision before the District Collector within
fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such order.
(ii) In case of III and above order streams/rivers.
Any order passed by the Chairman, DLSC, Deputy Director of
Mines & Geology or Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, the allottee
may prefer an appeal to the Govt. within (30) days from the date
of receipt of such order.
16. Restriction on issue of licence for stocking /storing /trading of
sand :
No other person or agency other than Telangana State Mineral
Development Corporation and a pattadar having permission for de-casting
of sand from his /her patta land from the competent authority for the
specified area mentioned therein shall be issued licence for stocking
/storing /processing /trading of sand including manufactured sand under
AP Mineral Dealer Rules, 2000 or under any suitable subsequent rules
/amendments to be issued by the Government from time to time.
17. Powers to Issue Orders/Clarifications/Guidelines:
The Government shall be the Authority to issue clarifications;
guidelines or relaxation orders from time to time, in implementation of
these rules.
18. Saving Clause:
(1) Leases which have not yet started shall be continued by the terms
and conditions of the grant until expiry of lease except in those
cases wherein the Government in the public interest decides
(2) Leases under operation shall be continued by the terms and
conditions of the grant until expiry of lease except in those cases
wherein the Government in the public interest decides otherwise.
19. Applicability of General Provisions:
The General provisions of Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 or
any suitable subsequent rules/amendments to be issued by Government or
the orders, guidelines, clarifications issued by Government in this regard
from time to time shall apply for cases which are not explicitly mentioned

Agreement of Allotment of Specified Sand Bearing Area.
[See Rule 4(iv)(d)]
This agreement entered into on this _ day of ________ , 20___
between Asst. Director of Mines & Geology __________________ District on behalf
of Government of Telangana State, referred to as the Allotter, which expression
shall unless repugnant to the subject or context mean and include its successors,
assignees and representatives etc., on one part.
M/s ___________________, Rep. by ______________________ located at
_______________ (hereinafter referred to as the Allottee) which expression shall
include its successors in interest, legal representatives etc. on other part.
Whereas, the Joint Collector vide order No.________ dated ______ allotted the
specified sand bearing area for extraction and transportation of sand to the stockyard
situated between the following geo-coordinates:

This contract is subject to the extent, terms and conditions of order, Approved
Mining Plan, A.P. WALT Rules, 2004, Environmental Clearance and Telangana State
Sand Mining Rules, 2015 or any suitable Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt.
from time to time.
(i) The Allottee shall extract sand from the specified sand bearing
area situated at _ Village, _ Mandal, ___ District.
(ii) Transport the extracted sand to the specified stockyard by tractors
having capacity not more than 3 Cu.Mt. and
(iii) Dispose sand from the specified stockyard under Electronic
Surveillance (CCTV).

ADM&G                                                                                  ALLOTTEE
                                                                                                 TSMDC LTD.

(i) The agreement shall be inforce with effect from _ to .
(ii) The period of agreement may be extended subject to annual
replenishment of sand for a maximum period of five years.
(iii) The agreement is not transferable.
(i) Extract sand as per the quantity indicated from the specified
sand bearing area as estimated, during the period of agreement in
consonance with Approved Mining Plan/Environment Clearance/
Consent for Operation.
(ii) While extracting sand shall confine to the thickness specified in
the Approved Mining Plan and to the boundaries
(iii) Extract indicated quantity of sand during the period of
agreement and transport to specified stockyard duly paying
Seigniorage Fee in advance as per the prevailing rates or revised
rates from time to time.
(iv) Obtain Mineral Dealer License as per A.P. Mineral Dealer Rules,
2000 or any suitable Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt. from
time to time for stocking of sand from the specified sand bearing
(v) Dispatch sand from the specified stockyard after obtaining Transit
Passes in Form-E from the competent authority.
(vi) Maintain records of dispatch of sand from the specified sand
bearing area to the specified stockyard and shall file monthly
returns on the quantity of sand extracted to the Asst. Director
of Mines & Geology & Deputy Director of Mines & Geology
(vii) Maintain records of dispatch of sand from the specified stockyard
and file returns to the competent authority as per A.P. Mineral
Dealer Rules, 2000 or any suitable Rules/Amendments to be issued
by Govt. from time to time.
The Allottee shall pay Seigniorage Fee in advance before dispatch of sand from
the specified sand bearing area to the authorized stockyard as per the prevailing
scheduled rates or revised from time to time in the Zilla Parishad General Funds and
furnish challan to the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology for obtaining waybills.
5. CONDITIONS: The Allottee shall:
(1) Abide by the conditions and the rules made under River Conservancy
Act, 1884, Andhra Pradesh Water Land & Trees Act 2002 or any suitable
Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt. from time to time and
Environment Protection Act 1986 and subsequent amendments issued
by the State and Central Governments from time to time.

ADM&G                                                        ALLOTTEE
                                                                         TSMDC LTD.

(2) Pay the Seigniorage fee and obtain way bills in Form S-2 from the
Asst. Director of Mines & Geology concerned and dispatch sand from
the specified area to specified stock yard.
(3) Maintain daily production and dispatch register and statutory
returns/clearances prescribed under various statutes at the specified
(4) Extract sand from the specified sand bearing area in a systematic
manner as per approved mining plan and Environment Clearance issued
by Ministry of Environment and Forests.
(5) Not use Tractors more than 3 Cu. Mt. capacity for transportation of
sand from specified sand bearing area to stock yard.
(6) Use the ramp and pathways permitted by the Executive
Engineer/ River Conservator.
(7) Not allow tractors carrying sand to ply over the flood banks except at
approved ramp points.
(8) Use the paths authorized by the Tahsildar concerned to approach the
specified sand bearing area.
(9) Transportation of sand from specified sand bearing area to the
stockyard shall be through designated route only.
(10) Not extract sand more than the permitted quantity and beyond the
specified thickness. Sand extracted beyond the specified boundaries
or in excess of permitted thickness shall be treated as unauthorized
sand extraction and liable for penalization.
(11) Extraction of sand from the specified sand bearing area shall be by
manual means and no machinery is permitted except in specific sand
bearing areas where there is no impact on Ground Water table and with
the prior approval of District Collector/District WALTA Authority.
(12) Erect and maintain at his own expense, boundary pillars at each corner
or angle in the line of boundary of the Specified Sand Bearing Area
(13) Install at their expense:
(i) CCTVs at both the specified sand bearing area as well as
(ii) Computerized weigh bridge at stockyard.
6. Any other specific condition deemed fit in the opinion of the confirmation
authority on a case–to–case basis as per local conditions (to be

ADM&G                                                                              ALLOTTEE
                                                                                            TSMDC LTD.

Government of Telangana
Sand Way Bill Form for specified sand bearing area
[See Rule 5(1)(d)]

Signature of the Allottee.
Authorized representative                                                       Signature
                                                                                                 of the Issuing Authority


1. Overwriting in any form in the way bills makes it invalid.
2. The driver shall carry the duplicate stamped copy of the way bill and
handover it to the authorized person of the allottee at the designated
3. The original Transit Form shall be surrendered to the issuing authority
concerned within 15 days from the date of dispatch and the duplicate
form shall be retained by the allottee to obtain transit passes.
4. The tractor driver shall produce the way bill to any authorized
authority for checking purpose.

Conditions :
1. Overwriting in any form in the way bills makes it invalid.
2. The dr iver shall carry the duplicate stamped copy of the way bill and hand
over it at stockyard.
3. The original Transit Form shall be surrendered by the pattadar to the issuing
4. The tractor driver shall produce the way bill to any authorized authority for
checking purpose.

Government of Telangana
Form – S4
Way Bill Form for De-silted Sand
(See Rule 8(c)(ii)

1. Name of the Reservoir/Tank :
2. Order No. & Date of permission of Engg-in-
Chief/Chief Engg, I&CAD Dept  :
3. Details of de-silting area :
a) Village
b) Mandal
c) District

4. Date & Time of issue :
5. Vehicle No. :
6. Quantity :
7. Location of the stockyard :

a) Sy.No.
b) Village.
c) Mandal.
d) District

Signature of the Allottee/Authorized
                                                                                    Signature and Seal of the
                                                                                          Issuing Authority

1. Overwriting in any form in the way bills makes it invalid.
2. The driver shall carry the duplicate stamped copy of the way bill and handover it
at stockyard.
3. The original Transit Form shall be hold with the Issuing Authority.

3. QUANTITY OF SAND TO BE DE-CASTED; The Pattadar shall:
(i) De-cast sand as per the quantity indicated in the order of
confirmation from the specified pattaland as estimated by the
Ground Water Department during joint inspection.
(ii) While de-casting of sand shall confine to the thickness
specified by the Ground Water Department from the pattaland
having the boundaries fixed.
(iii) Pay Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee in favour of
the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology concerned equivalent to
the Seigniorage Fee on the assessed sand quantity for de-casting
as per the prevailing rates or revised from time to time.
(iv) Transport the de-casted quantity of sand during the period of
agreement to the specified stockyard after payment of
Seigniorage Fee in advance in lump sum as per the prevailing
rates or revised from time to time.
(v) Obtain Mineral Dealer License as per A.P. Mineral Dealer Rules,
2000 or any suitable Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt.
from time to time for stocking of sand from the specified
(vi) Dispatch de-casted sand from the specified stockyard after
obtaining Transit Passes in Form-E from the competent authority.
(vii) Maintain records of dispatch of de-casted sand from the
specified pattaland to the specified stockyard and shall file
monthly returns on the quantity of sand de-casted to the Asst.
Director of Mines & Geology & Deputy Director of Mines & Geology
(viii) Maintain records of dispatched de-casted sand from the
specified stockyard and file returns to the competent authority
as per A.P. Mineral Dealer Rules, 2000 or any suitable
Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt. from time to time.
The Pattadar shall pay Seigniorage Fee in full in advance for the total
quantity of sand to be de-casted before de-casting sand from the specified
pattaland to the authorized stockyard as per the prevailing scheduled rates or
revised from time to time in the Zilla Parishad General Funds and furnish challan
to the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology for obtaining waybills.
5. CONDITIONS: The Pattadar shall:
(1) Abide by the conditions and the rules made under River Conservancy
Act, 1884, Andhra Pradesh Water Land & Trees Act 2002 or any
suitable Rules/Amendments to be issued by Govt. from time to time
and Environment Protection Act 1986 and subsequent amendments
issued by the State and Central Governments from time to time.

ADM&G                                                                                PATTADAR

(2) Obtain way bills in Form S-2 from the Asst. Director of Mines &
Geology concerned and dispatch de-casted sand from the specified
pattaland to specified stock yard.
(3) Maintain daily production and dispatch register & statutory
returns/clearances prescribed under various statutes at the specified
(4) De-cast sand from the specified pattaland in a systematic
manner as per the guidelines issued by the District Collector from
time to time.
(5) Not use Tractors more than 3 Cu. Mt. capacity for transportation
of sand de-casted from specified pattaland to stock yard.
(6) Not allow tractors carrying sand to ply over the flood banks.
(7) Use the paths authorized by the Tahsildar concerned to approach
the specified pattaland.
(8) Transportation of de-casted sand from specified pattaland to the
stockyard shall be through designated route only.
(9) Not to de-cast sand more than the permitted quantity and beyond the
specified thickness. Sand de-casted beyond the specified boundaries
or in excess of permitted thickness shall be treated as unauthorized
de-casting and liable for penalization.
(10) De-casting of sand from the specified pattaland shall be by
manual means and no machinery is permitted except in specific
pattalands where there is no impact on Ground Water table and with
the prior approval of District Collector/District WALTA Authority.
(11) Erect and maintain at his own expense, boundary pillars at each
corner or angle in the line of boundary of the Specified pattaland for
de-casting sand.
6. Any other specific condition deemed fit in the opinion of the confirmation
authority on a case–to–case basis as per local conditions (to be

ADM&G                                                                         PATTADAR

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