Constitution of District Level and State Level Forest Protection Committees

Forest Department – Forest Protection – Constitution of District Level Forest
Protection Committees under the Chairmanship of District Collector for
Protection of Forests and Wildlife – Orders – issued.

G.O.RT.No. 33. Dated:14.02.2015
Read the following:-
From the Prl. CCF (HoFF), T.S., Hyderabad, Rc. No.6334/2014/ Vig.5,
O R D E R:
The State of Telangana is endowed with rich flora and fauna. About
25% of the geographical area of the State is covered with forests of various
types. The forests of the state are subjected to immense biotic pressure
leading to their degradation. Protection of this rich bio-diversity is of utmost
importance. Therefore, there is an urgent need to conserve and develop the
forest areas as per the scientific management principles in order to improve
the tree cover to achieve the 33% of the geographical area under tree cover
as envisaged in the National Forest Policy. In the reviews conducted by the
Government on conservation of Forests and Wildlife, it is observed that
coordination among various departments viz., Forest, Police, Revenue and
Tribal Welfare is necessary for better protection of this valuable resources.
2.  In his letter read above, the Prl. CCF, Telangana, Hyderabad has
requested the Government to issue necessary orders constituting the District
Level Committee for protection of forests and wildlife.
3.  After careful consideration of the proposal, the Government decided to
constitute the District Level Committee under the Chairmanship of District
Collector in each of the Districts with the other district level officials as
members to review and monitor protection of forests and wildlife.
4. Further, Government after examining the desirability to induct some
Non–Official members also in the Committee for better and effective
protection of forests and wildlife, decided to include two such members in the
District Level Forest Protection Committee.
5. Government, hereby constitute the District Level Forest Protection
Committee under the Chairmanship of the District Collectors. The Divisional
Forest Officer (Territorial) at District Head Quarters will be the Member
convener. The following is the composition of the District Level Forest
Protection Committee:

1  District Collector  : Chairman
2  Joint Collector  : Member
3  Superintendent of Police : Member
4  Divisional Forest Officer/s (Territorial) : Member
5  Project Officer, ITDA  : Member
6  Divisional Forest Officer at District Headquarters : Member - Convener
7  Conservator  of  Forests/DIG  of  Police concerned : Special invitees
8  Non-Official Members (2) (To be nominated by the District Collector) : Members

6. The terms of the reference of the above committee are as follows:-
(i)  The Committee will meet every month at a convenient date to
review the problems of Forests & Wildlife Protection in the
(ii)  The Committee will review the status of Beat inspections carried
out during the previous month, destruction enumerated, cases
booked against timber smuggling and wildlife poaching, cases
booked against encroachments, proposals sent by Divisional
Forest Officers under P.D. Act, sanction of illegal pattas, if any,
law and order situation in the extremist prone areas vis-a-vis
forest protection etc. and take suitable measures for improving
the protection of forests and wildlife in the District.
(iii)  The Committee will review the raids conducted in vulnerable
areas by the forest Department with the help / coordination of
Police Department in the District.
(iv)  The Committee will over see the coordination between the
Forest, Police, Tribal Welfare and Revenue Departments in the
Districts and ensure better coordination.
(v)  The committee will ensure the Government machinery in the
districts have adequate man power and infrastructure facilities
like  vehicles,  wireless/telephone  communications,
accommodation, arms and ammunition etc., and adequate
budget provision for forest protection, controlling of timber
smuggling and poaching activity totally.
(vi)  The committee will also examine other means for improving the
protection of forests and wildlife and take necessary action
accordingly and suggest suitable measures for improving the
(vii)  A Non-official Member shall hold his office for a period of two (2)
years. A Non-official Member shall cease to hold office, if he
fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the Committee without
any sufficient cause or reasons. The District Collector is vested
with the powers to remove any Non-official Member from the
Committee, without giving any reasons.
7. The District Collectors of the concerned Districts shall take necessary
action to nominate 2 non-official members from the District who have
rendered services for a considerable period of time in environment, forest
and wildlife areas to the said committee.


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