Deaths in Road Accidents

Deaths in Road Accidents
In spite of a rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the road, the numbers of road accidents and related fatality have shown a decline during the last three consecutive calendar years for which data has been published is as under:-

Total Number  of Road Accidents
Total Number of persons killed

The total number of accidents, persons killed and injured in the country due to defect in road condition during the last three consecutive calendar years for which data has been published is as under:           
Number of Road Accidents
Number of Persons Killed
Number of Persons Injured

Swedish experience and knowledge in respect of ‘Vision Zero’ initiatives have been taken into account while formulating the multi-pronged strategy for improving road safety in the country. 


Construction of Express Highways
The Government has approved a plan for construction of about 1000 km Expressways at an estimated cost of Rs.16,680 crores on  Design Build Finance Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) mode under NHDP Phase VI. Based on the traffic intensity and commercial potential, the project shall be prioritized. The following corridors for development of Expressways has been approved for consideration:

(i)         Delhi-Chandigarh (249 km) on NH-1 and NH-22,
(ii)        Bangalore-Chennai (334 km) on NH-4,
(iii)       Delhi-Jaipur (261 km) on NH-8,
(iv)       Delhi-Meerut (66 km) on NH-58,      
(v)        Kolkata-Dhanbad (277 km) on NH-2,
(vi)       Delhi-Agra (200 km) on NH-2,         
(vii)      Vadodara-Mumbai (400 km).

In addition to above, Government has approved to take up one more Expressway namely Eastern Peripheral Expressway (EPE) with cement concrete pavement having a length of 135 km with estimated cost of Rs 5,763.10 crores .


Deaths Due to Road Accidents

Transport Research Wing (TRW) of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways compiles the road accidents data from the states and publish on annual basis. As per the latest publication of TRW, the number of persons killed per day in the country due to road accidents during last three calendar years i.e. 2011, 2012 and 2013 are as under:

Total Number of Persons Killed in Road Accidents
Persons Killed in Road Accidents per Day

           According to the latest publication of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 1,41,526 persons were killed in road accidents during the calendar year 2014.

           According to the latest data released by NCRB, over speeding and dangerous / careless driving or overtaking caused 47.9% (48,654 out of 1,42,362) and 41.5% (42,127 out of 1,42,362) respectively of total road fatalities during 2014.

            The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken a number of steps to prevent such road accidents as per details mentioned under:
(i)         The Government has approved a National Road Safety Policy.  This Policy outlines various policy measures such as promoting awareness, establishing road safety information data base, encouraging safer road infrastructure including application of intelligent transport, enforcement of safety laws etc.
(ii)        The Government has constituted the National Road Safety Council as the apex body to take policy decisions in matters of road safety. 
(iii)       The Ministry has requested all States/UTs for setting up of State Road Safety Council and District Road Safety Committees, and to hold their meetings regularly.
(iv)       The Ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on 4 ‘E’s viz. Education, Engineering (both of roads and vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care.
(v)        Road safety has been made an integral part of road design at planning stage.  
(vi)       Road Safety Audit of selected stretches of National Highways.
(vii)      Setting up of model driving training institutes in States and refresher training to drivers of Heavy Motor Vehicle in the unorganized sector.
(viii)     Advocacy/Publicity campaign on road safety through the electronic and print media.
(ix)       Tightening of safety standards for vehicles like Seat Belts, Power-steering, anti-lock braking system etc.
(x)        Providing cranes and ambulances to various State Governments under the National Highway Accident Relief Service Scheme for development on National Highways. National Highways Authority of India also provides ambulances at a distance of 50 Km. on each of its completed stretches of National Highways under its Operation & Maintenance contracts.
(xi)       Identification and rectification of black spots (accident prone spots)
(xii)      Launch of pilot projects for providing cashless treatment of road accident victims on Gurgaon – Jaipur, Vadodara – Mumbai stretch of National Highways No. 8 and Ranchi – Rargaon - Mahulia stretch of National Highway No. 33.


Improvement in Connectivity to Naxal Affected Areas

            The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways is primarily responsible for development and maintenance of National Highways in the country. In addition, this Ministry is implementing the first phase of Road Requirement Plan (RRP-I) for improvement of 5477 Km roads to two lane in 34 districts of 8 states affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE). Original target for completion of RRP-I was March 2015. Primarily, security related issues are hampering the progress of the works. The delay in completion of works is due to frequent call of bandhs, burning of plants and machinery of contractors, delay in granting forest permission and mining permits by the State Governments and in some cases poor performance of contractors. RRP–I is likely to be substantially completed by March 2016 except about 500 km, which are yet to be awarded in the States of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. State wise details of RRP-I are as under:

Length of Road
(in km)
Sanctioned Cost
(Rs.  in crore)
Length completed upto 31.07.2015
(in km)
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh


Changes in the Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015
The draft Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015 is still in consultation stage. The latest version of the draft Bill has been sent to State Governments/Union Territory Administrations for their comments/suggestions. The Bill will be sent to the Cabinet Secretariat for introduction in the Parliament as soon as comments/suggestions from State Governments/Union Territory Administrations have been received.

The draft Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015 inter-alia includes a clause namely, “Recall of Vehicles”, wherein it is proposed that a manufacturer may be directed to recall motor vehicles of a particular type or its variants, if a defect in that particular type of motor vehicle may cause harm to the driver or occupants of such motor vehicle or other road users or a defect in that particular type of motor vehicle has been reported by such percentage of owners as the Central Government, may by notification, specify, and such defect may cause harm to the driver or occupants of such motor vehicle or to other road users.

The Bill has been drafted with the objective of having a better implementation tools and procedures. 


Work Undertaken by NHIDCL
During the Financial Year 2014-15, NHIDCL entered into tripartite agreements between NHIDCL, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and Contractors; in respect of eighteen projects covering 597kms to be completed in the North-Eastern States at the cost of Rs.6,446 Crore. During the current Financial Year i.e. 2015-16 NHIDCL proposes to award 27 projects covering 1386 kms at an estimated cost of Rs.17,050 crore.

NHIDCL makes constant efforts through its Branch Offices and regular interaction with the State Governments for expediting activities like Land Acquisition, Forest Clearance and Utility Shifting. NHIDCL follows e-tendering procedures for award of all civil and consultancy Contracts and does regular monitoring of projects using various online and offline tools. 


Agency for Road Safety and Traffic Management
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has drafted a new Road Transport & Safety Bill incorporating the global best practices in the sector. The Bill provides for the creation of a National Road Safety & Traffic Management Authority (NRSTMA) to look after all issues related to vehicle regulation and road safety. It envisages inter-alia to utilize technological intervention and information technology based systems to ensure efficient and safe transport systems in the country.

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has sent a draft curriculum to National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for its inclusion in the text books of Class VI to Class XII. This Ministry has also issued advisories to State Governments/UT to consider introduction of road safety education in the school curriculum. 

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