Family members of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose call on PM

Family members of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose call on PM

PM: I see no reason to strangle history. The process of declassification of files relating to Netaji will begin on January 23rd, Netaji's birthday

PM to family members of Netaji – I will take your suggestions forward

PM: Will take up the matter with other nations also, beginning with Russia in December

35 family members of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose today called on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at his residence, 7 Race Course Road.

During the hour-long interaction, the family members requested for declassification of the files relating to Netaji, available with the Government of India. They suggested that the Government of India initiate the process to get the files on Netaji available with foreign Governments to also be declassified.

The Prime Minister said that he finds the suggestions of the family members of Netaji to be similar to his own thinking and the view of the Union Government. He said he sees no reason to strangle history. He declared that the process of declassification of files will begin on January 23rd, 2016, the birthday of Netaji.

The Prime Minister also agreed to take up the suggestion to request foreign Governments to declassify files on Netaji available with them. He said he would not only write to them, but also take up the matter during his meetings with foreign leaders, beginning with Russia in December.

The Prime Minister said that those nations who forget history also lose the power to create it. He also shared with the family members some instances of how he had recalled Netaji during his term as the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

"Consider me a part of your family," the Prime Minister said to the family members of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Union Ministers Shri Rajnath Singh, Smt. Sushma Swaraj, and Union MoS Shri Babul Supriyo were present on the occasion. 


Highlights of the Niti Aayog Chief Minister’s Sub Group Report on Swachh Bharat 
The Niti Aayog Chief Minister’s sub group on Swachh Bharat chaired by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Shri Chandra Babu Naidu submitted its report to Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi today.

Following are the Highlights of the reports: 

• Toilet construction and Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) have to be given an equal priority as the success of an ODF programme will ideally be measured against the increase in toilet usage.

• A professional agency needs to be involved both at the Central and State level to design the strategy, mode of implementation and to monitor and evaluate the progress of the campaign.

• The proportion of funds for BCC may be increased uniformly to about 25% of total funds, both in urban and rural areas, entirely funded by the Central Government.

• Involve political and social/thought leaders and celebrities on pro bono basis in conveying the message of sanitation.

• A chapter on sanitation practices should be included in school curriculum from the first standard itself. In each school and college, a team of students called the ‘Swachhta Senani’ may be formed to spread awareness about sanitation and cleanliness.

• Skill Development courses/ Diploma courses may be introduced in State ITIs and polytechnics/ colleges. This may also be integrated with the on-going programme for Skill Development.

• Centres of Excellence may be set up in the Institutes of Higher learning to promote research in the specialized fields of sanitation & waste management for producing quality doctoral and post-doctoral level researchers.

• The sharing pattern of funds for this programme between Centre and States may be in the ratio of 75:25, while for hilly States it may be kept at 90:10. A Swachh Bharat Cess may be levied by the Central Government on petrol, diesel, telecom services and also on accumulated waste produced by mineral waste generation plants like coal, aluminum, and iron ore. A State Level Swachh Bharat Kosh may be set up on the lines of the Swachh Bharat Kosh constituted at the Central level.

• A certain part of the CSR contributions by PSUs/Companies may be spent in the States where they are located.

• The first charge on the expenditure on 14th Finance Commission grants to Local Bodies may be given to the activities undertaken under Swachh Bharat Mission. Further, Government of India may consider releasing grants to States in rural areas in some of the North-Eastern States which are not covered under the 14th Finance Commission recommendations.

• The Centre and State Government may issue Swachh Bharat bonds.

• A dedicated Mission for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan may be set up both at National and State Level for coordination, guidance, support and monitoring of the programme.

• A National Technical Board may be set up to provide knowledge and handholding to State Governments and local bodies in the entire process from identification to final procurement of technology.

• Reputed research institutions, both at Central and State level, may be made technical partners for evolving cost effective waste management technologies.

• Tariff policy for power generated from waste to energy plants may be formulated by Ministry of Power and tariff for power from these plants may be fixed by the Electricity Regulatory Commission in a manner that such projects are viable. Also, the State Electricity Boards or Distribution companies may be mandated to compulsorily buy the power generated from the waste to energy plants.

• Output based subsidy may be provided to the private sector for sale of by-products like compost. The subsidy on chemical fertilizers may be reduced and correspondingly subsidy on compost may be increased to promote the use of compost.

• Provision of tax exemptions by the Centre and the State Governments to the private sector for setting up waste processing facilities to make waste processing a viable activity.

• Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation may work out the indicative cost for procuring equipment for Solid and Liquid Waste Management projects. A model procurement policy may be devised.

• Liquid Waste Management projects may be undertaken through PPP mode. There is a need to locate bulk users of treated water like industries.

• Waste to Energy plants may be set up on PPP mode and the PPP framework may specify the responsibilities of the local body and PPP partner.

• Bio-Toilets may be provided where toilets constructed in slum areas cannot be connected to sewer lines.

• Operation & Maintenance of Community and Public Toilets in Rural and Urban areas need different approach; in rural areas O&M of public toilets may be done by Gram Panchayats while in urban areas pay and use system would be more feasible.

• Capacity building of local bodies and Government officials at all levels is required by regular training and updation of skills.

• Anybody contesting an election for local bodies must have an individual household toilet.

• Review all laws and rules on waste management for strict enforcement and penal provisions like bio-medical waste and e-waste including municipal laws etc.

• Mainstreaming of rag pickers in waste management activities.

• Eradication of manual scavenging activity through strict enforcement of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act, 2013.

• Swachh Bharat Grading/Rating may be done for all Gram Panchayats, Municipalities, Blocks, Districts and States every year to promote competition among them.

• Assign one day each month and one week each year (culminating with 2nd October) for the activities of the SBA and to reward best performing Gram Panchayat, Block, ULB, District and State as per the ratings. This programme may include Prime Minister and Chief Ministers to give the awards.

• Dysfunctional toilets constructed under Total Sanitation Campaign to be treated as no toilets and therefore should be made eligible for fresh one time financial assistance.

• Incentive amount for construction of one unit of IHHL in urban and rural areas should be equal and enhanced to Rs 15,000/- in both urban and rural areas.

• NITI Aayog may provide a common platform for resolution of inter-sectoral and inter-departmental issues. NITI Aayog should develop, in consultation with Ministries and State Governments, an objective assessment framework for (i) assessing ODF and (ii) assessing ODF plus, that is, cleanliness. Further, it shall evolve verification protocol and National level guidelines to ensure that uniform procedure is followed in evaluating the ODF status by States. 


Report of the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan submitted to PM

The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Chandrababu Naidu, the Chief Minister of Haryana, Shri Manohar Lal, and the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Harish Rawat, today called on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, and submitted the final report of the sub-group of Chief Ministers on Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.

The Prime Minister complimented the Chief Ministers for their efforts. He said that the task of accomplishing Swachh Bharat, though difficult, is not impossible to achieve.

The Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan was constituted on March 24, 2015 pursuant to the decision taken in the first Governing Council Meeting of the NITI Aayog held on February 8, 2015. The Sub-Group consisted of Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Sikkim, Uttarakhand and West Bengal as Members with Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh as the Convener of the Sub-Group. The Sub-Group met four times at New Delhi, Chandigarh and Bengaluru where intense deliberations on the subject were held.

The Terms of Reference of the Sub-Group included the following (i) To examine financial requirements for comprehensive implementation of the Swachh Bharat Mission and suggest measures for meeting budgetary needs; (ii) To recommend robust institutional mechanisms for effective implementation; (iii) To recommend measures for technological support for different components of SBM, including solid and liquid waste management in rural and urban areas; (iv) To examine models for private sector participation in the Swachh Bharat Mission and to suggest ways for substantial improvement in participation of private sector and civil society organisations for effective implementation; (v) To recommend ways to make the SBM sustainable; and (vi) Any other measures.

The main recommendations of the report include bringing the behavior change and encouraging positive habits related to sanitation and cleanliness among the people. To bring about this transformation, a professionally driven behaviour change communication strategy and increasing the funding for the Information, Education and Communication (IEC) component of the Mission, has been suggested. Including sanitation and cleanliness in school curriculum and formation of a team of students to be called as ‘Swachhta Senani’ in schools and colleges have been proposed to spread awareness about sanitation and cleanliness.

Given the scale and importance of the programme, it has been suggested that the sharing pattern of funds for this programme between Centre and States may be in the ratio of 75:25, while for hilly States it may be kept at 90:10. To raise resources for the programme, Swachh Bharat bonds may be issued and a Swachh Bharat cess may be levied by the Central Government on petrol, diesel, telecom services and also on accumulated waste produced by plants generating mineral waste like coal, aluminum, and iron ore.

To provide guidance, support and monitoring of the programme, the report recommends setting up of a dedicated Mission for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, both at National and State Level. A National Technical Board has been recommended to handhold the States and Local Bodies in identification, evaluation, selection and procurement of technologies. It has been recommended to reduce the subsidy on chemical fertilizer and increase the subsidy on compost to encourage its use. In order to improve the viability of waste management activities, the report proposes provision of tax exemptions by the Centre and the State Government to the private sector.

The report recommends certain measures to attract private sector participation and Public Private Partnership (PPP). It has been recommended that waste to energy plants may be set up on PPP mode in bigger municipalities and cluster of municipalities, whereas, composting method may be adopted for smaller towns and villages.

Measures for operation and maintenance of community and public toilets have been proposed, including different measures for rural and urban areas. To resolve inter-sectoral and inter-departmental issues, a common platform may be provided by NITI Aayog. It is proposed that NITI Aayog may develop an objective assessment framework for assessing Open Defecation Free (ODF) and ODF plus.

Incentive measures have been proposed such as Swachh Bharat Grading/Rating for all Gram Panchayats, Municipalities, Blocks, Districts and States, each year to promote competition among them. Further, it has been recommended that one day in each month and one week each year (culminating with 2nd October) may be assigned for the activities of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and to reward best performing Gram Panchayat, Block, ULB, District and State as per the ratings. The report proposes to enhance the assistance for construction of one unit of individual household toilet in both urban and rural areas to Rs. 15,000/-.

The report recommends integration of rag pickers into the waste management system so that their livelihood is not adversely affected. Further, both Centre and States should make efforts towards eradication of manual scavenging activity through strict enforcement of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act, 2013. All laws and rules on waste management need to be reviewed for ensuring their strict enforcement. 

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