Speech by Honourable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the banquet hosted by the President of Israel October 14, 2015

Speech by Honourable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the banquet hosted by the President of Israel 
October 14, 2015

Your Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin, President of the State of Israel,

Mrs. Rivlin,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. It is indeed a privilege for me to make the first ever State Visit by an Indian President to Israel. The Nobel Laureate, Shai Agnon once said "if we breathe the scent of goodly grass, the fragrances of spices, the aroma of good fruits, we pronounce a blessing over the pleasure". I wish to begin by thanking you, Mr. President for the warmth of the welcome that I have received, the graciousness of your hospitality and the friendship of your people.

2. Mr. President, we, in India, know you as a man of courage and conviction. You lead a country that has faced many trials and tribulations throughout its history but whose people have always risen to the challenges that have confronted them. Israel’s leaders have guided their countrymen on a path of hard work, innovation and rapid progress. Their efforts have made them what they are today – a proud, confident and self reliant people.


3. My visit is taking place at a time when our bilateral relations can be described as excellent. In fact, the linkages between India and Israel date back many centuries. According to records, the people of India first welcomed members of the lost tribes of Israel around 175 BC – more than 2000 years ago. They were followed by different groups who were similarly integrated into the Indian society. It was not long before their religious traditions also became a part of India's composite culture. Hebrew has been taught as a subject in our educational system much before the State of Israel was established. Our society was enriched by the contributions of the Indian Jews, who became famous poets, actors, teachers, industrialists and even generals in the Indian army.

4. In the 20th century, our two nations came into being through the trauma of conflict, division and human suffering. We weathered many challenges but our leaders kept their faith in democracy. They believed in the transformative power of education and science in building a strong nation. Today, our strong and vibrant democracies are committed to the vision of our Founding Fathers. Both our countries have invested in building knowledge economies. India’s economy is presently on a fast trajectory of growth. In Israel, the innovation and enterprising spirit of your people have transformed Israel into a hi-tech powerhouse that has many remarkable achievements to its credit.


5. I see a very promising future for our bilateral relations. In the twenty years since we normalized our relations, we have learned to do business with each other and have developed a substantial bilateral agenda. The time is opportune for us to further strengthen our economic cooperation and intensify our collaborations in science and technology. We believe that robust academic exchanges will help us build a rewarding partnership in areas of advanced technology.

Mr. President,

6. The challenges of the 21st century have been rapidly unfolding before us. Our future generations will have to deal with a variety of these including the globalization of extremism, the severe impact of climate change and the scarcity of water. Governments will be hard pressed to meet the rising aspirations of their people. Democracies will have to respond to the needs of increasing diversities and pluralities in their social fabric. The international community must work together now, with wisdom, to create tolerance and understanding for addressing the complex issues confronting mankind. In this scenario, Mr President, the sanskrit shloka, “Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” comes to mind. It is found in the Maha Upanishad and is meant to convey that the whole world is one family, interconnected and interdependent. I would add that although this is an ancient Vedic philosophy, it is more relevant in today’s globalised world than ever before.

7. With these words, Excellency, I take this opportunity to most cordially reiterate my invitation to you to visit India. I thank you, once again, and look forward to the pleasure of receiving you in New Delhi.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I invite you to join me in raising a toast :

• To the health and well-being of President Rivlin and Mrs. Rivlin

• To the enduring friendship between India and Israel

• To peace in this region and the continued progress and prosperity of the people of Israel.


International community must work together to create tolerance and understanding for addressing the complex issues confronting mankind, says President

Mr. Reuven Rivlin, the President of Israel hosted a Banquet in honour of President Pranab Mukherjee in Jerusalem today (October 14, 2015).

In his banquet speech, President Mukherjee said the challenges of the 21st century have been rapidly unfolding before us. Our future generations will have to deal with a variety of these including the globalization of extremism, the severe impact of climate change and the scarcity of water. Governments will be hard pressed to meet the rising aspirations of their people. Democracies will have to respond to the needs of increasing diversities and pluralities in their social fabric. The international community must work together now, with wisdom, to create tolerance and understanding for addressing the complex issues confronting mankind.

The President said future for bilateral relations between India and Israel is promising. In the twenty years since we normalized our relations, we have learned to do business with each other and have developed a substantial bilateral agenda. The time is opportune for us to further strengthen our economic cooperation and intensify our collaborations in science and technology. We believe that robust academic exchanges will help us build a rewarding partnership in areas of advanced technology. 

Opening remarks by the president of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee to the press and the delegation immediately after the ceremonial reception 
1. I am very happy to be here today. This is a historic first State Visit to Israel by an Indian President. I thank President Reuven Rivlin and the Government and people of Israel for the warm reception and gracious hospitality extended to me and to my delegation.

2. Soon after my arrival I visited Yad Varshem and offered prayers in memory of all the men, women and children commemorated here.

3. I am accompanied by H’ble Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Mr. Taawar Chand Gehlot, and a delegation of Members of Parliament representing many different political parties and regions of India. A group of eminent educationists is also accompanying me.

4. I greatly look forward to my discussions with His Excellency, the President of Israel, H’ble Prime Minister and other political leaders. We will engage on a wide range of issues of shared interest. My officials and the senior educationists in my delegation will meet their counterparts to take forward our bilateral agenda and explore new avenues of co-operation and partnership. I will meet His Excellency, H’ble Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Issac Herzog and greatly look forward to visiting the Knesset.

5. India attaches high importance to its relationship with Israel. Relations between India and Israel have taken great strides in the last few years. We are cooperating and collaborating in a range of areas from defence and agriculture to science, research and innovation. We are also discovering and identifying new areas of complementarities where there is significant potential to be realized. We agree that there are tremendous opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration. As two leading knowledge economies of Asia and the world, India and Israel have many strengths and much to learn from each other’s experiences.

6. President Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and I will also take this opportunity to discuss the many global challenges that our two countries face today - including the growing menace of terrorism and extremism, our common concerns about climate change and the urgent need for reform of global governance architecture. We are distressed at the recent violence. India condemns all forms of terrorism. We have always advocated a peaceful resolution of all disputes.I will seek the assessment of the Israeli leadership about the recent developments in this region which have caused concern all over the world and have direct implications for India.

7. My visit is intended to further strengthen the excellent relations between our two countries and increase our friendship, mutual trust and understanding. India looks forward to enhancing our close co-operation with Israel for the progress of our respective peoples and peace in this part of the world.

Thank you. 

India and Israel are separated by two seas but joined by their common belief in the power of diversity and democracy, says President 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee said India and Israel are separated by two seas but joined by their common belief in the power of diversity and democracy. He was addressing the members of Knesset today (October 14, 2015) in Jerusalem, Israel.

The President said the Indian people have, nonetheless, always appreciated Israeli innovations in the field of agriculture, the kibbutz system and the remarkable achievements of their scientists and engineers. We admire the will and resolve with which the Jewish people have risen from the depths of unspeakable suffering and deprivation with a strong spirit and built their nation to make it what it is today - a thriving, progressive and prosperous society that leads the world in so many fields. India remembers the help that the Israeli Government provided in rushing critical defence supplies to India when it required them most urgently in 1999. India also appreciates the support that it has received from Israel for its rightful claim to a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

The President said India has been a strong voice of developing countries in the UN and other multilateral organizations. We see that the administrative architecture of international bodies is not effective enough in enforcing their decisions. The United Nations was established at the end of the Second World War. Today its organizations need to be more responsive to the challenges that the world faces – and its structure as well as administrative and financial architecture need reform to make them more reflective of the changed world.

The President said to stimulate India’s domestic manufacturing sector, Government of India has launched “Make in India” campaign. Israeli innovation and technology can combine with Indian engineering and scale to manufacture in India. Such a partnership, particularly in the defence sector, has the potential of creating new markets and generating more jobs - both in India and Israel.

The President invited members of Knesset to visit India to further engage with their parliamentary counterparts and contribute to the enrichment of the bilateral discourse. 

India looks forward to enhancing close co-operation with Israel, says President 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee said India looks forward to enhancing its close co-operation with Israel for the progress of our respective peoples and peace in this part of the world. The President said it in his opening remarks to the press and the delegation made immediately after the ceremonial reception in his honour today (October 14, 2015) in Jerusalem, Israel.

The President said India attaches high importance to its relationship with Israel. Relations between India and Israel have taken great strides in the last few years. We are cooperating and collaborating in a range of areas from defence and agriculture to science, research and innovation. We are also discovering and identifying new areas of complementarities where there is significant potential to be realized. There are tremendous opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration. As two leading knowledge economies of Asia and the world, India and Israel have many strengths and much to learn from each other’s experiences.

The President said the he will discuss the many global challenges that India and Israel face today - including the growing menace of terrorism and extremism, common concerns about climate change and the urgent need for reform of global governance architecture with Israeli leadership during his visit. The President said India is distressed at the recent violence. India condemns all forms of terrorism. We have always advocated a peaceful resolution of all disputes. He will seek the assessment of the Israeli leadership about the recent developments in this region which have caused concern all over the world and have direct implications for India. 


Address by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee to the Knesset 
Shalom & Namaste.
H’ble Mr. Yuli Edelstein, Speaker of the Knesset,
Members of the Knesset,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. I feel deeply honoured to be the first Indian President to make a State Visit to Israel. Since I arrived here yesterday, I have been touched by the warmth of the reception and the gracious hospitality that has been accorded to me and to my delegation. It is indeed an honour to be invited to the Knesset to address the distinguished representatives of the people of Israel. I bring to you the warm greetings and goodwill of the people of India.

Distinguished Members of the Knesset,

2. Having participated intensely in the deliberations of the Indian Parliament since I was first elected to the Upper House in 1969, I feel very much at home when I visit other great Parliaments of the world.And this is one such occasion. The Knesset, with its unicameral structure and responsibilities of making the Basic Laws that substitute a written Constitution, has proved the power of parliamentary discussion and debate. Having been a Parliamentarian and public servant for over fifty years, I am , today, more convinced than ever , that a thorough deliberation - with due consideration of all shades of opinion - is the key to good policy making.

3. I am accompanied today by the Honourable Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot and a delegation of Members of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament including H’ble Prof. K.V. Thomas of the Indian National Congress, Mrs. Meenakshi Lekhi, Prof. Dr. Subhash Bhamre, Shri Prathap Simha and Shri Vinod Chavda of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Prof. Dr. Anupam Hazra of the Trinamool Congress. They represent different political parties and constituencies across the length and breadth of India. In fact, the Indian Parliament is a microcosm of the Indian sub-continent and it symbolizes, in every sense, the unity, strength and diversity of the Indian people. As you are doubtless aware, the general elections which took place in India last year was the largest democratic exercise of the right to vote in living history. The turnout was unprecedented – and the outcome historic: for the first time in 30 years, the Indian electorate had voted for a majority Government. I am happy to say that as President of India voted to office at the time of the previous Government, I had the satisfaction of presiding over a very smooth transition - from one democratically elected Government to another. Like the Knesset, the Indian Parliament has all the important functions of a legislative branch that checks the Executive branch of the Indian Government, questions its actions and thoroughly examines its policies. It makes laws and has wide financial powers. No tax can be levied without its approval and no expenditure can be incurred without its authorisation and sanction.

Excellency, Honourable Members of the Knesset,

4. My State Visit to Israel is taking place at a time when relations between our two Governments and our people are on a very positive trajectory. India and Israel, as fellow democracies, share many commonalities. The linkages between our peoples date back to ancient times. The first group of persecuted Jews who came to India landed on her western coast more than two thousand years ago. Throughout their long history, the Jewish communities in India have maintained, developed and enriched their traditions with many Indian additions to their unique heritage. The Jewish people have been - and will always be - an integral part of India’s composite society.

H’ble Mr. Speaker,

5. Both India and Israel made parallel struggles against British rule. Our leaders adopted different methods but were inspired by the same human values and ideals. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Mahatma Gandhi is the only world leader whose photograph had been kept by former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in his desert home.

6. In the period after independence, our countries travelled different paths. The Indian people have, nonetheless, always appreciated Israeli innovations in the field of agriculture, the kibbutzsystem and the remarkable achievements of your scientists and engineers. We admire the will and resolve with which the Jewish people have risen from the depths of unspeakable suffering and deprivation with a strong spirit and built their nation to make it what it is today - a thriving, progressive and prosperous society that leads the world in so many fields. Whenever the Nobel Prizes are announced, we often see names of scientists who have studied in the Hebrew University or Technion. As friends of Israel, we rejoice in your success.

7. Our two countries established full diplomatic relations in 1992. Since then, our co-operation in different fields has grown steadily. India remembers, with gratitude, the help that the Israeli Government provided in rushing critical defence supplies to India when we required them most urgently in 1999. We also appreciate the support that we have received from Israel for India’s rightful claim to a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. India has been a strong voice of developing countries in the UN and other multilateral organisations. India believes that there is no better option than to resolve issues through negotiations and peaceful dialogue. We see that the administrative architecture of international bodies is not effective enough in enforcing their decisions. The United Nations was established at the end of the Second World War. Today its organisations need to be more responsive to the challenges that the world faces – and its structure as well as administrative and financial architecture need reform to make them more reflective of the changed world.

8. India’s consistent policy has been to build a strong, substantive and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel. We will continue to do so through high-level visits and exchanges so that India-Israel relations are accorded the utmost priority. As we approach the 25th anniversary of the establishment of full diplomatic relations, we both seek to expand the vision of our future partnership.

9. The Government of India has taken some new initiatives in economic policies and has been emphasising innovation, research and technological development to accelerate India’s social and economic transformation. These policies are aimed at raising India’s agricultural productivity, promoting manufacturing for employment generation and boosting the services industry. India and Israel can work together in each of these areas.
10. Excellencies, Agriculture is the mainstay of the Indian economy . In this vital sector, our Government’s policy has been to grow more crop-per-drop. Our farmers face the challenges of uneven distribution of water - we often have floods in one part of the country while there is drought in another. Our scientists should collaborate to deal with these challenges. We also seek assistance to clean our rivers, particularly the holy Ganga.

11. To stimulate our domestic manufacturing sector, Government of India has launched an ambitious "Make in India” campaign. Israeli innovation and technology can combine with Indian engineering and scale to manufacture in India. Such a partnership, particularly in the defence sector, has the potential of creating new markets and generating more jobs - both in India and Israel.

12. In both our countries, the service sector is growing fast. This is another area where we have complementary strengths. India is one of the largest exporters of software in the world. Every year more than 400,000 English-speaking engineers graduate from Indian universities. The number of start-ups in India is expected to cross 10,000 in the next two years. I am happy that the Israeli Government has opened a Consulate in Bangalore, India’s ‘Silicon Plateau’.

13. As Visitor of 114 institutions of higher learning in India, I have personally placed a great deal of emphasis on developing educational linkages between Indian institutions and universities abroad. India produces first rate managers and engineers who are highly regarded by global companies. The current CEOs of both Microsoft and Google are graduates of Indian engineering colleges. In the coming decade, the emphasis in our educational institutions will be to strengthen innovation and research. A delegation of Vice Chancellors of Indian universities and scientific institutions is accompanying me on this visit. I am confident that their contacts with Israeli counterparts will result in a variety of partnerships in a range of areas - from space and cyber security to the building of ‘smart’ cities.

Ladies and gentlemen,

14. India is delighted that Israeli citizens, particularly the younger generation, enjoy travelling to India. They rightly see India as a safe and welcoming destination where they always feel at home. I am told that Hebrew is spoken in some villages in northern India, whose populations also enjoy hummus.

15. The Jewish community in India has always been an integral part of India’s social, economic and cultural mosaic. Recently local authorities have renovated the synagogues of Peravoor and Chennamangalam near Cochin in Kerala. These institutions are a proud testimony to the Indian Jewish tradition. I was told by one of the Indian Jews in Israel that his village in Cochin is , perhaps, the only place in the world where a synagogue, a mosque, a temple and a church co-exist peacefully on the same street. The Jews of Mumbai have left their mark on the architectural heritage of the city, its banking world, its literary scene and even Bollywood.

H’ble Members of the Knesset,

16. India and Israel are separated by two seas but joined by their common belief in the power of diversity and democracy. The Knesset has, this year, entered the 50th year of its existence in this magnificent, "green’’ building. As I extend my felicitations to the H’ble Members of the Knesset, I once again thank you for the honour of addressing you. I invite you all to visit India to further engage with your parliamentary counterparts and contribute to the enrichment of our bilateral discourse.

Jai Hind

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