Member Mechanical Railway Board Describes this Monitoring System as Important Measure for Safety in Train Operations

Member Mechanical Railway Board Describes this Monitoring System as Important Measure for Safety in Train Operations
A Locomotive Capable of Running both on Electricity as well as Diesel is Under Development
Member Mechanical holds Press Conference to list out new Initiatives of Railway’s Mechanical Directorate

Member Mechanical, Railway Board Shri Hemant Kumar today held a press conference to list out new recent initiatives taken by Railway’s Mechanical directorate. Shri Hemant Kumar said that the Railways is planning to introduce condition based monitoring system for timely detection of abnormality build up in rolling stock as well as for  localized monitoring of track. Shri Hemant Kumar also gave details about two recently held events namely International Conference on Rail Interiors and International Railway Equipment Exhibition (IREE). Shri Hemant Kumar also informed that a locomotive capable of running both on electricity as well as diesel is under development at Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi. This loco will not only make operations more flexible thereby increasing the throughput, but will also result in saving of fuel. Following is the brief summary of points mentioned by Member Mechanical, Railway Board Shri Hemant Kumar :-

1.     Recent Events

a.     International Conference on Rail Interiors – was held on  9th and 10th  October, 2015 to share and explore new concepts and technologies in coach interiors aimed towards better comfort, safety and security of passengers.
b.     International Railway Equipment Exhibition (IREE) – was held from 14th to 16th October 2015 in association with Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) . Japan was the partner country for the IREE.  Exhibitors and representatives from 20 countries participated and set up appx. 400 stalls displaying the latest technology related to the railways.
 In the above two events the following items for coach interiors were identified for further evaluation, implementation, development of vendors etc.:

i)        New furnishing materials like long lasting and fire-retardant  cushions
ii)                Ergonomically designed seats and berths
iii)              Fire detection and suppression systems
iv)              New material and design concepts for coach partitions and walls
v)                Scratch resistant coatings
vi)              Thermal and sound insulating materials and paints
vii)           Dirt resistant and long lasting materials for bed linen
viii)         Infotainment systems
ix)              Security systems
x)                Light weight materials like composites

The items to be pursued further, and their implementation plan, will be decided within a month.

2.     Condition Based Monitoring System

The Railways is planning to introduce condition based monitoring system for timely detection of abnormality build up in rolling stock as well as for  localized monitoring of track. The system will consist of two sub-systems – onboard system and roadside system. The onboard system will detect abnormalities related to roller bearings, coach suspension and localized track and the roadside system will detect wheel defects, hanging parts, broken springs etc.
It is planned to provide water level indicators in coach water tanks so that filling can be done in time to avoid inconvenience to passengers. This will also reduce wastage of water while filling the tanks.

3.     Other measures for passenger Comfort

i)       Cleanliness measures being taken on trains:
·        On Board House Keeping Services
A total of 571 trains have been provided with this facility including 46 in 2015-16. 140 trains have been further identified to cover total 711 trains. Criterion for provision of OBHS has been recently revised to cover all important trains now. This would facilitate around 414 more trains to be provided with this facility taking the total to 1125 trains by 2016-17.
·        Clean Train Station Scheme:

There are 37 CTSs functional across Indian Railways  out of identified 43 locations and for the remaining tenders are being processed.

·        Provision of garbage disposable bags on trains:
a.     Budget announced item, pilot trials have already started on Central and Northern Railway. Trials on other railways on few trains are also planned.
b.     Linen bags have been redesigned to serve the dual purpose.
c.      Positive feedback has been received from the passengers.

·        Laundries:
a.     38 laundries are already set up. This year around 10 laundries are expected to be further added up. Total 64 laundries have been planned to be commissioned in next two years.
b.     Work is in advanced stage at Mysore, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Varanasi, Dibrugarh, Amritsar and Tirupati.

ii)    Provision of Bio-toilets in coaches: So far 25,500 bio-toilets have been fitted in 8700 coaches of which 5700 toilets have been fitted this year up to September.   Integral Coach Factory and Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala are now turning out all coaches with bio-toilets only.

iii)  Manufacture of Anubhuti  Coach: Budget announced Anubhuti Class coach (prototype) has been planned to be manufactured in the current year at ICF, Chennai. This rake will have upgraded interiors with all modern amenities such as wifi, infotainment system etc.

iv)  Model Rake with improved interiors : First model rake with improved amenities shall also be turned out from BPL workshop after mid-life rehabilitation in the current year.

v)    DEMU with air-conditioned coach:  In this year ICF has commenced manufacture of DEMU rakes with an air-conditioned coach.

vi)  Migration to 1600 HP indigenously developed 3-Phase AC-AC DEMU having 1 (DPC)+ 4 (TC) configuration:  as against 1+3 of 1400 HP DC-DC DEMU the last of which was turned out this month.

vii)           Prototype of coach fit to run at 200 kmph: is under development at RCF and will be turned out this year.

4.     Steps for Environment Conservation

1.            Bio-diesel: 5% Bio-diesel blending implemented. Orders placed by 13 Railways for 6200 Kl, of which 1200 Kl supplied.
2.            Use of Solar Energy:  Indian Railways has taken the initiative of establishing solar plants on rooftops of railway workshops/production units. A solar power plant of 1.8 MW will be set up at Diesel Modernisation Works, Patiala. All new workshops/factories including Wagon POH workshop at Badnera, Vishakapatnam & Traction Alternator Factory at Vidisha are also being planned with Solar PV panels on shed roofs.
3.            Accreditation for Energy Management Systems: Three PUs and one workshop were directed to take up work for accreditation on Energy Management System ISO-50001, on pilot basis.  ICF has obtained the ENMS accreditation during September, 2015.
4.            Water Recycling Plants: Upto 2014-15, Water Recycling Plants were provided at 29 locations resulting in savings of 12 million litre of water per day.  Sanction for water recycling plants at 10 major depots and 32 major stations has been provided in 2015-16. Water recycling plants recently established in two coaching depots namely, BBQ/SR and GSN/SR, of capacity 10 lakh and 2.2 lakh litres/per day respectively and two more are under commissioning.
5.            Waste to energy conversion plants: Project Management work for setting up two pilot plants at New Delhi and Jaipur entrusted to RITES. The technology and methodology in the Draft report submitted by RITES is being studied and discussed with Municipal Solid Waste management expert at MoUD.

6.     Dual Mode locomotive: A locomotive capable of running both on electricity as well as diesel is under development at Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi. This loco will not only make operations more flexible thereby increasing the throughput, but will also result in saving of fuel.

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