Minister for Science & Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan to Release Assessment Tools for Dyslexia – ‘A Learning Disorder’ in Indian Languages

Minister for Science & Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan to Release Assessment Tools for Dyslexia – ‘A Learning Disorder’ in Indian Languages 
Minister for Science & Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan is to release assessment tools for dyslexia – ‘a learning disorder’ in Indian Languages. He will also release a book on Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) at a function in New Delhi tomorrow.

Learning disability refers to a cluster of symptoms which indicate difficulties in acquiring language skills such as reading, spelling, writing, comprehension during conventional classroom instruction. It is currently attributed to differences in brain structure and wiring. Learning disability makes it very difficult for a student to succeed academically in the normal instructional environment and in its severe form, qualify a student for special education or extra support services.

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability, and nearly 70%-80% of students diagnosed with LD have deficits in reading. It is characterized by a core deficit in reading that manifests despite normal intelligence, equal opportunity and adequate instruction. It has a worldwide incidence of 5-20%. The incidence of dyslexia in India is believed to be 15%. According to the Times of India, Jan 22, 2013, there are 228,994,454 students enrolled in recognized schools, which brings our count of dyslexic Indian children to nearly 35 million.

According to a recent ruling of the Delhi High Court (5th September 2012) all government, private and public schools are mandated to equip themselves to handle children with various disabilities including learning disability. In addition, Specific Learning Disability or SLD has been recently included in the Person with Disabilities Act and DSM V.

The assessment of Dyslexia is carried out using a series of age appropriate, culturally valid psychological tests on the child in the native language. Two primary reasons why dyslexia remains undiagnosed in India are:

1. Lack of sufficient awareness amongst school teachers and parents

2. Absence of appropriate standardized screening and assessment tools in Indian languages.

We have developed the Dyslexia Assessment for Languages of India (DALI) to address both these problems.

Since dyslexia is a learning disability, the teacher is the best person to identify it. DALI is a comprehensive screening and assessment battery for children with or at risk for dyslexia, between the classes of 1 to 5.

Two screening tools for dyslexia for school teachers have been developed

• JST (Junior Screening Tool) – classes (1-2) (5 to 7 years).

• MST (Middle Screening Tool) - classes (3-5) (8 to10 years).

• Eight Assessment Batteries also in four languages Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and English for Psychologists. The students screened by the teachers are comprehensively assessed by these batteries

DALI was developed at the National Brain Research Centre (PI: Nandini Chatterjee Singh) in India, under the age is of a project supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. It was standardized and validated across four languages (Hindi, Marathi, Kannada and English) across schools at five centres (4840 children from classes 1-5),Or kids Centre for Learning Disabilities (Co-PI, Geet Oberoi),Delhi, Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (Co-PI, Bhoomika Rastogi Kar), University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Maharshtra Dyslexia Association (Co-PI, Kate Currawala), Mumbai, Dr.Shanta Vaidya Memorial Foundation (Co-PI, Kshipra Vaidya), Pune, and All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (Co-PI, Prema Rao), Mysore. Details of the validation and standardization are provided in the assessment manual.

The Screening Tool used by school teachers on has been validated by Clinical Psychologists in 4840 children across five cities – Allahabad, Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Pune and Mysore. This is the largest such project to have been undertaken in India. Statistics show that the JST and MST both have sensitivity greater than 70% in all languages, meaning that they are able to detect dyslexia-related problems in children. This is a pioneering development and would considerably facilitate the diagnosis and subsequent amelioration of dyslexia. According to 2011 Census, the rural to urban population distribution of India is 69% 31%. Given that learning in rural populations is primarily in the native language we think this will be most beneficial to the rural population. The next step is to extend this effort to other Indian languages.

Climate Change Special – A Science Express is to Be Flagged off Tomorrow 
Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan will flag off “Science Express Climate Action Special” along with the Railway Minister Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu and the Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change Shri Prakash Javadekar at an event tomorrow.

The Science Express is an innovative science exhibition mounted on a 16 coach AC train which has been custom-built for Department of Science & Technology (DST) by the Indian Railways (IR). This unique mobile exposition was initially launched on 30 October 2007 by DST, in collaboration with German Government and Max Planck Society and it travelled across India in 4 phases of 6-7 months duration each. In 2011, as a joint initiative of DST and then Ministry of Environment & Forests, Science Express was rolled out as ‘Biodiversity Special’ which showcased the myriad ‘Biodiversity of India’ and it traversed the length of breadth of India in 3 runs. During 7 successful tours spanning 1,20,000 kms across India, Science Express received overwhelming response at 391 halts, usually of 3-4 days duration each. So far, in 1404 exhibition days more than 1.33 crore (13.3 million) people, primarily students & teachers, have visited it. It has thus become the largest, longest running and most visited mobile science exhibition and created several records in its wake, including six entries in the Limca Book of Records.

Science Express is now being redesigned on the theme ‘Climate Change’. From October 2015, it is planned to run it as 'Science Express–Climate Change Special (SECCS)'. It is a unique collaborative initiative of Department of Science & Technology and Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), and Ministry of Railway, Government of India.

Climate Change is the most important environmental issue, with short term as well as long term and large scale impact. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are not just global in scope and unprecedented in scale but more severely affect poor & marginalized people. However, there is very little understanding about Climate Change and its impacts.

For Climate Change, 2015 could be a decisive year, when leaders of 190 nations gather in Paris to discuss a new global agreement on Climate Change during 21st session of Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties (CMP 11) to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Thus it was rational to shift the focus of Science Express to the theme ‘Climate Change’ as it will affect the biodiversity of not just India but the entire globe as well.

The state-of-the-art exhibition aboard SECCS aims to create awareness among various sections of the society, especially the students, about various issues & challenges associated with Climate Change and how it can be combated through mitigation and adaptation. SECCS will travel across India, initially for about 7 months, halting at 64 locations spread over 20 States, covering about 18,000 km. The exhibition will convey a strong message on Climate Change and will also be a good opportunity to generate dialogue and discussion.

Of the 16 coaches of SECCS, exhibition in 8 coaches will be exclusively devoted to information, case studies and material related to various aspect of Climate change, the underlying science, impacts, adaptation activities, mitigation solutions and policy approaches in a manner that is easy to understand and interesting for not just school students but also the masses. The broad theme covered in each coach is as follows:

Coach 1 – Understanding Climate Change: The physical science of climate system, climate change- its causes & history- and industrial revolution & concept that all systems are connected.

Coach 2 – Impact of Climate Change: Introduction to concept of ecosystem services, Climate Change impacts on selected ecosystems and sectors and also how to reduce it..

Coach 3 – Adaptation-concepts: Concepts of adaptation and example form day to day life, adaptation strategies and stories from field.

Coach 4 – Adaptation-India’s action: Various national, state and local level action and adaptation programmes and their links with national strategies and international actions.

Coach 5 – Mitigation-concepts: Concept and definition with examples from everyday life, emphasis on restoring balance, enhancing sinks (carbon stores) and reducing emission through renewable energy (RE) technologies.

Coach 6 – Mitigation- India’s action: Various national, state and local level action and adaptation programme implemented by India and how those are linked with national strategies and international actions. Low carbon strategies, ambitious goal to increase RE.

Coach 7 – International negotiation on Climate Change: Introduction to UNFCCC, IPCC and internationally agreed action & targets. Explaining concept of equity and common but differential responsibility, Polluter pays, Kyoto protocol and other key outcomes of major COP, etc. Introduction to Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC).

Coach 8 – Handprint: What can one do at school, on roads, at home and in offices and focus on concept of lifestyle choices?

The rest of the rake will have exhibits on themes like Wildlife and Nature Conservation work being carried out by different research institutions across India with focus on Tigers, Turtles, Coral Reefs, Amphibians, etc. besides development in field of Biotechnology, Innovations in S&T, Science Education, Schemes of DST, Careers in S&T, and so on. While a Kids Zone has been created in a coach to indulge young ones them in fun-filled activities, games and puzzles in science, mathematics and environment, the popular Joy of Science (JOS) Hands-on Lab is once again put up in another coach where students are encouraged to perform experiments & activities to understand concepts in environment, science and mathematics in an interesting manner. A Discussion centre-cum-training facility is also provided in a coach for orientation of teachers.

At each halt of SECCS, activities are planned in advance to engage visitors across different age groups to reinforce various messages that the train conveys. An exciting and much sought-after Outreach Programme will also be conducted in local schools/institutions along with interesting activities on the railway platforms where it is parked. In addition, informative & appealing take-away material is made available for wider distribution amongst schools and other visitors. 

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