PM in Kuala Lumpur, Engagements and Highlights (21 Nov 2015)

PM in Kuala Lumpur, Engagements and Highlights (21 Nov 2015)

• Addresses ASEAN-India Summit

•Meets Japanese PM, Chinese Premier

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today addressed the ASEAN-India Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

“We meet at a time of multiple global challenges: economic uncertainties, political turmoil and security threats. In this difficult moment, India and ASEAN are two bright spots of optimism,” the Prime Minister said in his opening statement at the summit.

“The scale of transformation in India is vast; so, the size of economic opportunities in India are huge. And, we now have environment that is open and welcoming. This is reflected in the sharp jump in India’s ranking in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business. And, we will continue with our reforms with speed and boldness. ASEAN’s economy continues to forge ahead with dynamism and energy. I have no doubt that we will reinforce prosperity for our 1.9 billion people,” the Prime Minister said.

“Connectivity is the pathway to shared prosperity. The Trilateral Highway project is making good progress and should be completed by 2018,” the Prime Minister said.

“We will enlarge the ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund from the current one million U.S. dollars to 5 million U.S. dollars. We also intend to set up an ASEAN-India Innovation Platform to facilitate commercialization of low cost technologies, technology transfer and collaborative R&D projects,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister met the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Li Keqiang, on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit.

Both sides reviewed the global scenario with regard to the economic slowdown, climate change and international terrorism. The Chinese Premier observed that India had maintained its growth momentum despite the slowdown. Both sides reviewed the preparations for the CoP-21 conference in Paris. Shri Narendra Modi briefed the Chinese Premier on the solar alliance initiative, and invited China to join it. Both sides agreed that terrorism is the biggest challenge, and the international community must come together to counter it.

Bilaterally, both sides discussed trade and investment, with the Prime Minister once again reiterating the concern over India’s large trade deficit with China. Cooperation in the area of skill development was discussed. The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe, hosted Prime Minister Narendra Modi over lunch. Mr. Shinzo Abe reiterated that the India-Japan bilateral relationship has the greatest potential of any bilateral relationship across the world. The Prime Minister acknowledged the Japanese Prime Minister’s vision for the bilateral relationship, and said he looks forward to the visit of Mr. Shinzo Abe to India. The Prime Minister said that Japan was partnering India in a number of initiatives such as the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), which had transformative potential. Regional connectivity, maritime security, the upcoming CoP-21 conference, reform of the UN Security Council, and the issue of terrorism were some of the other subjects that came up for discussion. 

PM’s bilateral engagements on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today met the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Li Keqiang, on the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

Both sides reviewed the global scenario with regard to the economic slowdown, climate change and international terrorism. The Chinese Premier observed that India had maintained its growth momentum despite the slowdown. Both sides reviewed the preparations for the CoP-21 conference in Paris. Shri Narendra Modi briefed the Chinese Premier on the solar alliance initiative, and invited China to join it. Both sides agreed that terrorism is the biggest challenge, and the international community must come together to counter it.

Bilaterally, both sides discussed trade and investment, with the Prime Minister once again reiterating the concern over India’s large trade deficit with China. Cooperation in the area of skill development was discussed.

The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe, hosted Prime Minister Narendra Modi over lunch. Mr. Shinzo Abe reiterated that the India-Japan bilateral relationship has the greatest potential of any bilateral relationship across the world. The Prime Minister acknowledged the Japanese Prime Minister’s vision for the bilateral relationship, and said he looks forward to the visit of Mr. Shinzo Abe to India. The Prime Minister said that Japan was partnering India in a number of initiatives such as the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), which had transformative potential. Regional connectivity, maritime security, the upcoming CoP-21 conference, reform of the UN Security Council, and the issue of terrorism were some of the other subjects that came up for discussion. 

Text of the Opening Statement by the PM at the ASEAN-India Summit

Your Excellency Prime Minister Dato Sri Mohammad Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak,


Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for hosting this Summit. I convey our deepest appreciation for the excellent arrangements and hospitality; and, for your leadership of ASEAN and East Asia Summit.

Rising from a double tragedy, Malaysia has demonstrated its resilience and resolve.

Kuala Lumpur is a symbol of Asian resurgence and of the region’s promising future.

Congratulations on a historic milestone – the birth of the ASEAN Community.

As always, ASEAN is providing both inspiration and leadership for regional cooperation and integration. And, from India’s perspective, ASEAN values and leadership will remain central to integration across Asia and Pacific.

Excellencies, I am delighted to return for my second ASEAN-India Summit. At the last Summit at Nay Pyi Taw, I saw the strength of our relationship and the potential of our partnership; and, even more important, the commitment and confidence that you showed for the India-ASEAN Strategic Partnership.

We meet at a time of multiple global challenges: economic uncertainties, political turmoil and security threats.

In this difficult moment, India and ASEAN are two bright spots of optimism.

India is today the fastest growing major economy in the world. The growth rate is touching 7.5 %, and is likely to go higher. Our inflation is down as also our fiscal and external deficits. And, business and international confidence has increased sharply.

The scale of transformation in India is vast; so, the size of economic opportunities in India are huge.

And, we now have environment that is open and welcoming. This is reflected in the sharp jump in India’s ranking in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business. And, we will continue with our reforms with speed and boldness.

ASEAN’s economy continues to forge ahead with dynamism and energy.

I have no doubt that we will reinforce prosperity for our 1.9 billion people.


I am pleased that after a temporary decline, our trade increased to about 76.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2014-15; and, so has investment in both directions. ASEAN remains the largest investment partner – both for inward and outward flows.

Much of the potential for economic partnership remains untapped. I am confident that our trade and investment will expand, as our economies grow.


We can also draw confidence from the progress in our framework of cooperation. The entry into force of our Trade in Services and Investment Agreements in July 2015 is a major step forward.

We also look forward to progress in negotiations for a balanced and ambitious Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement that covers goods and services as well as investments.

Connectivity is the pathway to shared prosperity. The Trilateral Highway project is making good progress and should be completed by 2018.

We also propose to commit a Line of Credit of 1.0 billion U.S. dollars to promote projects that support physical and digital connectivity between India and ASEAN.

As in the past, we place special emphasis on our partnership with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Our partnership with them in capacity building projects will expand. In addition, we intend to create a Project Development Fund to develop manufacturing hubs in CLMV countries.

Excellencies, science, technology and innovation constitute a vital pillar of our cooperation and support our economic partnership. We will enlarge the ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund from the current one million U.S. dollars to 5 million U.S. dollars.

We also intend to set up an ASEAN-India Innovation Platform to facilitate commercialization of low cost technologies, technology transfer and collaborative R&D projects.

Our cooperative project in Space, to be located in Vietnam, is now making concrete progress. I assure you of its early completion.

India also offers ASEAN our indigenously developed GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation or GAGAN services, which provides advanced navigation and location assistance and information facilities.

I also propose that we cooperate in sustainable development of Ocean or Blue Economy. This will be an increasingly important driver of our future economy, and a source of food security, medicines and clean energy. India has entered into collaboration with a number of ocean states.

Excellencies, our research and innovation efforts must cover a range of common challenges – massive urbanization and mega cities; skills for the future; food security; water; and, affordable healthcare.

An issue of global concern is climate change. India has ambitious clean energy plans: 175 GW of additional capacity of renewable energy by 2022; and, 40% of energy through non-fossil fuel by 2030.

Excellencies, we would also be happy to offer over 100 training slots in renewable energy in our institutions.

I have also proposed an international solar alliance of 122 solar-rich countries, which French President Hollande and I will launch in Paris on November 30. We look forward to your participation in the launch and the alliance.


I deeply value our collective efforts to revive the cultural pillar of our relations. An international conference on ASEAN-India Cultural Links was held in New Delhi in July. We are proposing to open an ASEAN Studies Centre in our North-Eastern Hill University in Shillong, which is our Gateway to the East.

I am delighted that the first recipient of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations Distinguished Alumni Award instituted this year is H.E. Le Luong Minh, Secretary General of ASEAN.

India will soon extend electronic-visa facility to all 10 ASEAN countries.


Our future prosperity rests on the foundation of security and stability in our region and the oceans, outer space and cyber world.

The first ASEAN-India Cyber Security Conference we hosted in January 2015 should be the springboard for greater cooperation in this area.

India shares with ASEAN a commitment to freedom of navigation, over flight and unimpeded commerce, in accordance with accepted principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Territorial disputes must be settled through peaceful means.

India hopes that all parties to the disputes in the South China Sea will abide by the guidelines on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and redouble efforts for early adoption of a Code of Conduct on the basis of consensus.

We should evolve specific plans of cooperation in maritime security, counter-piracy and humanitarian and disaster relief.

Terrorism has emerged as a major global challenge that affects us all here. We have excellent bilateral cooperation with ASEAN members. And, we should see how we can enhance our cooperation at the regional and international level, including through support for adoption of Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

Excellencies, as our rapidly transforming region navigates its way through uncertain times to a peaceful and prosperous future, we look forward to ASEAN leading the way in defining the regional architecture.

Let me conclude by thanking Your Excellencies for your presence and by reaffirming that India attaches the highest priority to this partnership. In recognition of that, we have opened a permanent mission to ASEAN in Jakarta.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how we can further develop our collaborative agenda.

Thank you. 

Text of Prime Minister’s Address at ASEAN Business and Investment Summit

Tan Sri Dato Dr Mohd Munir Abdul Majid, Chairman of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council,

Dato Ramesh Koddamal, Co-Chair of the ASEAN-India Business Council,

Business Leaders of ASEAN,

Members of the ASEAN Business Community,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am very happy to be here with you. I feel honoured to address this privileged gathering of the leaders who have transformed South East Asia into one of the most dynamic regions of the world. I congratulate you for this achievement. I also congratulate you on the creation of One ASEAN Community which you are going to sign off tomorrow.

India and ASEAN are natural partners. Our ties date back to ancient times. They continue to serve as a bridge between our countries and regions.

Friends! I have been saying that the 21st century belongs to Asia. I say this because of the track record of the ASEAN countries. Together, ASEAN’s ten member countries form an economic powerhouse. ASEAN has emerged as one of the largest economic zones in the world. Last fifteen years have seen your rapid and yet stable growth. Your Macro-economic stability has been the main reason for growth and stability in South East Asia. With good governance, futuristic infrastructure and focus on new age technologies, you have created excellence.

In simple things like tourism, you have done miracles. Once again, I compliment the leadership and people of ASEAN countries for what they have achieved.

When I analyse the Asian miracle, I find that small countries of ASEAN and a big country like China, both have done well. This shows that growth depends more on the spirit of people rather than the size of population. I have had personal relations with many leaders of this region. I have also visited a number of places a number of times. Even as Prime Minister, my engagements with the Asian leadership started as soon as I took over. I met a number of ASEAN leaders in the last Summit too.

My government took office nearly 18 months ago. The Indian economy faced serious challenges. A high fiscal deficit, a high current account deficit, a large number of stalled infrastructure projects and persistent inflation were among them.

It was obvious that reforms were needed. We asked ourselves the question – Reforms for what? What is the aim of reform? Is it just to increase the measured rate of GDP growth? Or is it to bring about a transformation in society? My answer is clear: we must REFORM TO TRANSFORM.

In short, reform is not an end in itself. Reform for me is just a way station on the long journey to the destination. The destination is the transformation of India. We have to take the fruits of development to the margins of our geography and to the bottom of our demography. We have to touch lives, while reaching for the sky.

By almost every major economic indicator, India is doing better than when we took office 18 months ago.

• GDP growth is up and inflation is down

• Foreign investment is up and the Current Account Deficit is down.

• Tax revenues are up and interest rates are down.

• The fiscal deficit is down and the rupee is stable.

Obviously, this did not happen by accident. And the world economy is not exactly doing well. This success is the result of a series of concerted policies. We have embarked on a course of fiscal consolidation. We have entered, for the first time, into a monetary framework agreement with the Reserve Bank to curb inflation.

Even while cutting the fiscal deficit, we have substantially increased productive public investment. This has been made possible in two ways. Firstly, we have imposed carbon taxes on fossil fuels. We have taken the bold step of de-controlling diesel prices and thereby eliminated energy subsidies, and have in fact imposed taxes on fossil fuels. We have increased the cess on coal by 300%. Globally, there is much talk of carbon taxes. We have actually acted. Secondly, we have reduced wasteful expenditure through innovative methods including targeting subsidies to the deserving through technology.

Overall, there is increased confidence within and outside the country. The IMF and World Bank have expressed even better hope for our economy this year and after. The Economist magazine this week stated that “India is in healthier shape than any other big emerging economy.”

However, as I said, our aim is not mere reform, but “reform to transform”. Macro-economic stability is good. But to transform India, much more needs to be done. We have begun a series of concerted steps. These include structural and institutional reforms.

Agriculture remains India’s mainstay in terms of providing livelihood. We have introduced a series of simple but powerful structural reforms. There was a tendency to divert subsidised fertiliser for the production of chemicals. We have found a simple but very effective solution: by neem-coating the fertiliser, it becomes unsuitable for diversion. We are now moving towards universal neem-coating. This has already saved billions of rupees of diverted farm subsidies.

We have also introduced Soil Health Card. This tells every farmer the condition of his or her soil and then enables him to choose the right crop, best quantity and mix of inputs.

We have launched a housing for all program, one of the most ambitious in the world. It involves building 20 million urban houses and 29.5 million rural houses, totalling nearly 50 million. While the programme will make sure no Indian is houseless, it will also generate a large amount of employment - that too, mainly for the unskilled, the semi-skilled and the poor.

We have undertaken major improvements in the transport sector. Our major ports witnessed a 4.65% growth in traffic and an 11.2% increase in operating income, in 2014-15 despite a global contraction in trade volume.

The pace of award of new highway works has increased from 9 km/day in 2013-14 to 23 km/day currently. These will have large multiplier effects throughout the economy.

We were committed to restore credibility in the process of allocation of natural resources. My government has intervened with legislative and administrative measures to improve the supply of critical inputs and raw materials. They include Coal, other minerals and spectrum. The hallmark of this intervention is allocation through transparent auction.

We started the Jan Dhan Yojana. In less than a year, we opened 190 million new bank accounts. On Social security front, we have launched innovative and attractive schemes for insurance and pension. We have also set up MUDRA Bank to fund the small traders who were unfunded so far. More than six million small traders have already availed the loans.

While expanding the banking services, we are also taking steps to strengthen the Banking system. Credible and capable bankers have been appointed to head banks. For the first time since banks were nationalised 46 years ago, private sector professionals have been appointed in key positions. We have taken concerted action to revive stalled infrastructure projects – We have started a major revamp of the power sector. These measures will also benefit our banks.

Let me now turn to issues of investment, which may be of more direct relevance to you.

In a break with over 65 years of tradition, we have involved India’s States in foreign policy. The Ministry of External Affairs has been asked to work with the States. When I visited China, a state-to-state summit was also held. And states have been asked to createexport promotion councils. Making the States think globally is yet another reform with potential to transform.

Our aim is to create jobs for more than a billion young hands. To provide this, the share of manufacturing must reach around 25% in our GDP. We have launched a campaign called ‘Make in India’ and aggressively worked on the front of Ease of doing business. Reducing complicated procedures, making them available at one platform- preferably online, simplifying the forms and formats has been taken up on war footing. That is how we have jumped up by 12 ranks in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Report of 2016. Industry is realizing the benefits of these changes. Index of Industrial Production in the current year shows a distinct improvement over the previous year. We are working in all ways to make India a global manufacturing hub. 

World Class Infrastructure has remained a dream for India. Hence, our maximum focus is on building futuristic infrastructure. By exercising tight control over unproductive expenditure, we have greatly increased capital investment by the Public Sector. To further augment such investments, we are encouraging the PPP model. We are also setting up National Investment and Infrastructure Fund which will help us leverage public investments. We are also coming up with Tax Free Infrastructure Bonds with a view to broaden the corporate bond market and to provide long term finance for infrastructure. We are eager to work with Malaysia, Singapore and other ASEAN countries in this regard.

As a result of our initiatives,

• The sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment have turned positive. Foreign investment is up 40%.

• India has been consistently ranked as the most attractive investment destination by several global agencies and institutions.

• India has also improved its UNCTAD ranking of investment attractiveness. Against 15th so far, now we are at 9th place.

• India has also jumped 16 places on the World Economic Forum’s global competitive index after five years of decline in the list.

MOODY’s have upgraded the outlook for India.

Campaigns like Digital India and Skill India are designed to prepare the people to take part in this process. We have witnessed exponential growth in the number of start-ups in the recent past. To tap this energy fully, we have launched the Start up IndiaCampaign.

We are aware of the interest of the Global investor community in the potential that India has. In recent months, this interest has gone up. Therefore, to re-vitalize the flow of investments, we have launched the second wave of structural and financial reforms. We are trying to further open up the economy and introduce an element of predictability and stability in taxation system.

To give you some examples:

• We have allowed and enhanced FDI levels in key sectors including Insurance, Defence and Railways.

• Now, most of these FDI sectors have been put on automatic approval route.

• We have also rationalised FDI policies in many sectors, including construction, plantation and medical devices.

• We have now allowed composite caps for Foreign portfolio investors in all sectors where FDI is allowed. Earlier, portfolio investments had a separate cap.

• We have greatly liberalised the licensing regime; to give you one example - we have taken out almost 60% of Defence items out of the licensing process.

• We have ended retrospective taxation.

• We have notified the regulations for the Alternative Investment Funds.

• We have rationalized capital gains tax for Real Estate Investment Trusts.

• We have also decided to defer the implementation of General Anti Avoidance Rules.

• We have introduced the Goods & Services Tax Bill in Parliament. We are hopeful of rolling it out in 2016. This will create a unified system of taxation across the country.

• We have drafted a new bankruptcy code. Formation of the Company Law Tribunal to expedite cases is on the way.

These are just a few examples. Almost on a daily basis, we are trying to remove the bottlenecks that were affecting our growth process. Even early this month, we have taken very dynamic steps to further open up the economy for FDI. With this round of reforms, we are among the most open economies in the world.

Going further, I want to assure you that India is committed to protect Intellectual Property Rights of all innovators. We have taken several initiatives for transparency and online processing in IP administration. A comprehensive National IPR policy is expected by the end of the year. We are moving fast to make sure that our tax regime is transparent and predictable. We are also keen to see that genuine investors and honest tax payers get quick and fair decisions on tax matters.

Friends, India is a land of immense opportunities. To give you some examples: our fifty cities are ready for putting up Metro Rail Systems. We have to build 50 million affordable houses. The requirement of road, rail and waterways is enormous. We have decided to go for renewable energy in a big way - 175 GW. We have to do all this in a short span of time. Our democratic values and an alert judicial system ensure the safety of your investments. We have set the tone of Governance with a long term vision and an open mind. We are particularly working to make India the easiest place to do business.

Friends, Most of the ASEAN economies have done their bit for Asia’s resurgence. Now, it is India’s turn. And we know that our time has come. We are at a take-off stage. I invite you to come and see the winds of change in India. Winds do take time to cross the borders. That is why; I am personally here to invite you. When you come, you will get the wings of a new business environment. And once you are there, I assure you of my full co-operation.

Thank You. 

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