Highlights of Agriculture Census 2010-11

Highlights of Agriculture Census 2010-11 

Department of Agriculture, Cooperation& Farmers Welfare has released Agriculture Census 2010-11(Phase-II).  Highlights of the Census are:


As per Agriculture Census 2010-11,
·         Total number of operational holdings were estimated as 138.35 million.
·         The total operated area was 159.59 million hectare.
·         The average size of the holding has been estimated as 1.15 hectare. The average size of holdings has shown a steady declining trend over various Agriculture Censuses since, 1970-71.
·         The Size Group wise percentage of number and area of operational holdings are given in the following table.

Percentage of number of operational holdings to total
Percentage of area operated to total
Marginal (below 1.00 ha.)
Small (1.00 - 2.00 ha.)
Semi-medium (2.00 - 4.00 ha.)
Medium (4.00 - 10.00 ha.)
Large (10.00 ha. & above)

·         The Gross Cropped Area (GCA) was estimated at 193.76 million hectare.
·         The nine States, viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and West Bengal together account for about 78 per cent of the Gross Cropped Area in the country.
·         Out of the total 64.57 million hectare Net Irrigated Area, 48.16 percent is accounted by Small and Marginal holdings, 43.77 percent by Semi-medium & Medium holdings and 8.07 percent by Large holdings.
·         The Cropping Intensity as per Agriculture Census 2010-11 works out to 1.37.
·         For 96.95 per cent of operational holdings, entire operated area was located within the village of residence.
·         Among various sources of irrigation, Tube-wells was main source of irrigation followed by canals.
All India level, during 2010-11, the proportion of net irrigated area to net area sown was 45.70 percent.
Agriculture Census in India is conducted at five yearly intervals for collection of information about structural aspects of agricultural holdings in the country. The basic statistical unit for data collection is ‘Operational Holding’. The reference year for the present Census was Agriculture Year 2010-11 (July-June). Agriculture Census data is collected in three phases. During Phase-I, data is collected on primary characteristics such as number and area of operational holdings. In Phase-II, detailed data is collected on sample basis from 20 per cent villages covering characteristics such as tenancy, land use, irrigation, cropping pattern, dispersal of holding etc. During Phase-III, generally referred to as Input Survey, data is collected on pattern of use of inputs.
            The concept of agricultural operational holdings does not include those holdings which are not operating any agricultural land and are engaged exclusively in livestock, poultry and fishing etc. On the basis of operated area, operational holdings in Agriculture Census are categorized as follows:-

Operated Area
Marginal holdings
Below 1.00 hectare
Small holdings
1.00 – 2.00 hectares
Semi-Medium holdings
2.00 – 4.00 hectares
Medium holdings
4.00 – 10.00 hectares
Large holdings
10.00 hectares and above

            The results of Phase-I and Phase-II of Agriculture Census 2010-11 have already been finalized and released. The detailed data /tables of Agriculture Census are available in the website of the Department at http://agcensus.nic.in. The All India Report of Agriculture Census 2010-11 is based on the data collected during Phase-II of the Census.
Long term measures to increase production of pulses and for creation of buffer stock of pulses 
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for creation of buffer stock of pulses. The buffer stock will be created in current year itself. It has approved procurement of about 50,000 ton pulses from the kharif crop 2015-16 and one lakh ton out of arrivals of rabi crop of 2015-16. Procurement of pulses will be done at market prices through Food Corporation of India (FCI), National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED), Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) and any other agency as may be decided. SFAC will undertake procurement through Farmer Producer Organisations. The procurement in kharif and rabi 2015-16 will be done at market price above Minimum Support Price (MSP) out of the Price Stabilisation Fund.

The CCEA also decided to import pulses, if necessity arises, through a public sector enterprise of Ministry of Commerce. In case the prices fall below MSP, pulses for buffer stock will be procured at MSP under Price Support Scheme of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare.

The decision to create a buffer stock of pulses to deal with wide fluctuation in prices is an important step for checking food inflation. This will also encourage farmers to take up pulses production on a larger scale and will enable India to help achieve self-sufficiency in pulses in a few years.

Pulses production is dependent on rainfall as pulses are mostly grown in rainfed areas. Pulses witness huge fluctuations in prices depending upon rainfall. It is necessary to create a buffer stock of pulses to reduce price fluctuations. This will also help in providing remunerative prices to farmers in times of excess production.

The Ministry of Agriculture has identified gaps in the present strategy to increase production of pulses and has identified lack of availability of new varieties of seeds as an important hindrance in increasing productivity of pulses. In addition, more focus has to be given on Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest Management and Farm Mechanisation. Steps will be taken to expand the scope of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) from 2016-17 so that additional interventions for increasing production of pulses may be initiated.


Although India is the highest producer of pulses in the world, its domestic demand outstrips domestic production. The shortfall is met from imports. Long-term solution to meet demand for pulses lies in increasing pulses production in the country. The government promotes cultivation of pulses mainly through NFSM which covers 622 districts in 27 states for Pulses. Around 50% allocation of NFSM is made for pulses. Under NFSM financial assistance is given for various interventions like demonstration of improved technology, distribution of quality seeds of new varieties, integrated pest management, water saving devices and capacity building of farmers.

The following steps have been taken to promote cultivation of pulses in rabi 2015-16 and summer 2016-17 such as:

a) allocation of additional Rs.440 crore for rabi and summer pulses;

b) inclusion of cluster demonstrations in rice fallows for pulses cultivation in rabi season from 2015-16 under BGREI (Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India) scheme in order to increase production of pulses in Eastern India in states of Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Eastern U.P. and West Bengal;

c) a special programme for demonstration of new varieties of pulses through Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) has been taken up from Rabi 2015-16 in order to increase availability of seeds of new varieties of pulses and promote adoption of new varieties;

d) substantial increase in the MSP for gram from Rs.3175 to Rs.3425 and for lentil (Masur) from Rs.3075 to Rs.3325 for the rabi marketing season 2016-17. 
Improved Post Harvest Handling and Processing of Agriculture Produce should be given Priority-Radha Mohan Singh 
Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh has said that While increased productivity is an essential component of a vibrant Agricultural sector, improved post harvest handling and processing is essential to ensure value addition, reduction in wastage and transporting good quality products to markets. He was addressing the meeting of General Council of National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) here today. Shri Radha Mohan Singh that agricultural cooperatives have a very important role to play in furthering the development of cooperatives in the larger interest of the farmers and rural populace.

Full text of Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare speech:

It gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to the 78th meeting of the General Council of National Cooperative Development Corporation. All of us are well aware of the mandate of this Corporation and its role and functions in promoting cooperative development in our country, through financial assistance schemes covering farm and non-farm sectors, industrial and service cooperatives. NCDC has completed over five decades of service to the cooperatives and as a vibrant organization, continues to strive for sustained promotion and development of the cooperatives.

At the outset, I would like to congratulate NCDC and its team of dedicated officers for their excellent performance in the fiscal year 2014-15. While financial sanctions of the order of Rs.7160 crore were made, the disbursements stood at Rs.5736 crore, exceeding the target of Rs.4800 crore. NCDC has posted a profit of Rs.169.30 crore. Net NPA of the Corporation was maintained at ‘Zero’ and recovery rate was 99.89%. I am sure that NCDC will achieve ever greater heights and higher standards in the years to come.

For recognisation of meritorious work NCDC has instituted awards. The 7th NCDC Biennial Award for Cooperative excellence 2014 was held on 29.04.2015. Shri Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundaiya, Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare presented the awards. Three National Level Awards were given to one Cooperative each from cooperatively least developed, underdeveloped and developed States and 28 State Level Awards to one Primary Cooperative Society of each State/U.T.

We are particularly giving special attention to development of cooperatives in the North Eastern States. Towards this end NCDC organized a Cooperative Summit on 21st August, 2015 at Shillong for cooperatives in the States of North Eastern region. The Summit was chaired by Dr. Mukul M. Sangma Chief Minister of Meghalaya. Shri Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs graced the occasion as Special Guest of Honour and Shri Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariya, Union Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare was the Chief Guest. Ministers of Cooperation of Meghalyay, Mizoram, Nagaland &Tripura were guests of Honour. Other Participants included Secretaries in charge of cooperation, Registrars of Cooperatives Societies, CEO’s of Cooperative Banks & Societies in NER. Four members of Board of Management of NCDC also graced the Summit. The Summit was addressed by the Ministers who appreciated the efforts of NCDC for organizing such an event. States of NER made presentations & flagged issues which were deliberated upon.

The main agenda of today’s meeting are perusal and consideration of Annual Report and Annual Accounts of NCDC for the year 2014-15. The Annual Report and Audited Annual Accounts are required to be placed on the Table of both Houses of Parliament in the Winter Session.

Most of the suggestions made by this august body at different points of time have been suitably addressed. However, development is a continuous process and efforts are on to make NCDC’s assistance more attractive and affordable.

I seek your wholehearted support in our endeavour to accelerate the growth of cooperative movement, as always. 

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