President of India receives first copies of books ‘Selected Speeches of the President’ and ‘Presidential Retreats’

President of India receives first copies of books ‘Selected Speeches of the President’ and ‘Presidential Retreats’ 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee received first copies of the books ‘Selected Speeches of the President’ Vol. III and ‘Presidential Retreats’ at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (December 11, 2015) from the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi who formally released them. 

‘Selected Speeches of the President’ - Vol. III is third in a series of volumes containing important speeches of the President. Speeches in this volume have been segregated into three themes, namely, Award Functions, Important Days and Events and Conferences. These speeches reflect the President’s deep understanding and appreciation of the subjects and his vision of where he wants to see our country to be in these sectors. The book has been published by Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.

‘The Presidential Retreats of India’ has been prepared by Sahapediaunder commission from the President’s Secretariat and Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA). This book, published by the Publications Division covers “The Retreat” at Mashobra and “Rashtrapati Nilayam” at Secunderabad. Both these are 19th century heritage buildings. In this volume, a team of authors led by Gillian Wright trace the history of grand city residences and rural retreats from the time of construction of Government House, Kolkata (now Raj Bhawan) and the riverside retreat of Barrackpur. The authors look afresh at the Presidential Retreats’ imposing partner buildings―Shimla’s Viceregal Lodge (later the Rashtrapati Niwas and then, the Indian Institute of Advanced Study) and the Residency, Hyderabad. They throw new light on the context of the Retreats by analyzing the development of hill stations and the evolution of Hyderabad’s military cantonments. For the first time, they bring to the public eye, the Retreats themselves, their architecture and interiors. Through first-hand accounts, they describe life as it was and as it is lived at the Retreats, where Presidents have traditionally come both to relax and, more importantly, to meet and make themselves accessible to the people of India. 

President of India inaugurates Children’s Section of the website of the President of India 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated a Children’s Section of the website of the President of India ( today (December 11, 2015) at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Speaking on the occasion, the President said the launch of Children’s Section of the website is yet another step in the opening of Rashtrapati Bhavan to the people of India. He hoped it will encourage more and more children visit this heritage building. 

The President said the future of our nation depends on our children. When provided adequate opportunity and guidance, they have immense potential to contribute to society and humanity. In the age of internet and technology, young children should be informed and educated through this media so that they move ahead on the path of discovery and explore their maximum potential. He expressed hope that the format of the website willengage children with its fun facts and activities. It will also help them know more about the role of the President and life in Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The Children’s Section has been created for young children of age 7 to 15 years.  It will educate them in simple language and with photos and video footage on various aspects of Rashtrapati Bhavan and the President.  It will include the story of building of Rashtrapati Bhavan, role of President, highlights of President Pranab Mukherjee’s Presidency, information on Presidents since Independence, Banquets and Kitchen of Rashtrapati Bhavan, President’s Bodyguard, Garden Trail, Life in Rashtrapati Bhavan and Museums of Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Address by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee on the occasion of inauguration of Festival of Energy ‘Umang 2015’

11 December, 2015 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, President’s Estate 
I am happy to be amongst all of you today in this energetic and vibrant atmosphere generated by your overwhelming participation in this Festival of Energy ‘Umang 2015’. At the outset, I compliment the Education Department of Govt. of Delhi, TATA Group of Companies and President’s Secretariat for this innovative programme.

The Festival of Energy ‘Umang 2015’ with the theme - “Nayi Zindagi ki Umang, Swachh Urja ke Sang” - is a very timely theme, particularly when the whole world is brainstorming to halt the global warming, before the world becomes 2 degrees hotter than it was in the pre-industrial days. This is really a big global challenge for sustaining the habitation ecosystem. In the “2015 Paris Climate Conference”, leaders from all over the world have called upon to cut the carbon emissions and move towards sustainable living through sustainable energy. The energy production contributes to 35% of the global green-house gas emission, followed by industrial production 18%, agriculture 14%, transport 14%, deforestation 10%, construction 10%, waste and water treatment 6%. Today’s event addresses the most important component of green-house gas emission that is energy production. Domestically, if we can switch to clean energy to the maximum extent possible by utilizing the renewable energy potential in India, which is 8,89,508 Mega Watt, then it will be our single most contribution to a “clean and green” planet.

Energy consumption is one of the important parameters for measuring Development Index of society. In spite of rapid development in India since independence, India continues to be the low per capita energy consuming country. This is primarily because of the reason that the installed capacity and availability of power is not keeping pace with the energy demand of the society and secondly, our energy eco-system is considered to be inefficient because of losses in transmission and distribution system and also because of use of low efficiency equipment in the country.

India supports around 17% of the world’s population, but its energy and electricity consumption is just around 5% of the world consumption. It’s per capita consumption of energy and electricity is less than one third of the world average. In order to sustain a growth rate of over 8% through the next two decades, India will need to grow its primary energy supply by 3 to 4 times and electricity supply by at least 5 to 7 times of its current consumption. Therefore, we as a country, have a huge responsibility and challenge to meet our developmental requirements and at the same time ensure that we remain committed to clean energy. Through the contribution of each individual, we can achieve this task, which appears to be, if not impossible, but difficult.

Climate change is now considered to be one of the most critical issues for the existence of natural eco-system and is also intrinsically linked to the sustenance of existing human civilization. Energy and environment are inter-related and at the same time their balanced co-existence is essential for society and civilization. India has been traditionally a fossil fuel driven energy economy. In future, this trend is likely to change with our emphasis on solar energy and wind energy. In this context, this Festival of Energy ‘Umang 2015’ is a laudable initiative to educate our future citizens as ‘Energy Ambassadors’ and it should be replicated all over the country.

Today, the whole world has become inter-connected and we are citizens of a global village. What happens in one part of the world, impacts the citizens in other parts of the world. The success of inter-connectivity of communication and internet offers a possibility of connecting the whole world through Energy Grids to optimize the natural resources, time zones and habits of the people. We need to find innovative ways and means to create such a world based on “Energy Justice”.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We must remember that if we are educating one child for energy related issues, then we are educating an entire family of 4 to 5 people. I will like to compliment the organizers for selecting this theme. The Smart Phone App ‘Sajag’ on Energy Education launched today, intended for educating the school children, is a unique initiative for empowering our younger generation. I have carefully noted the Pledge on the ‘Sajag’ App. This is a powerful way to imbibe sense of belongingness towards Mother Nature and commitment to preserve, nurture and care the ecosystem. An important decision tool like this App, which enables the young minds to measure their efforts, will definitely lead to a truly empowered generation. Each unit of energy saved is energy generated. To that extent, this initiative will really help in augmenting the capacity building in the country through education and empowerment.

Today, I am also happy to see this school going ‘green’ through the initiative of Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd. This school will now have its energy needs met from solar power. I will like to see in future many more government schools going ‘green through solar power’ and contributing to the clean energy movements in the country. I hope the Education Department of Government of Delhi will take this initiative forward and make Delhi a Clean and Green City.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In today’s exhibition, I have seen many innovative concepts brought in by young minds relating to energy. The setting up of ‘Energy Club’ in the school using the concepts and ideas generated from the minds of these youngsters will be a game changer in energy movement in the country. I hope that the vitality and constructive outcome of the Energy Club will really galvanize the energy scenario of the country and in the near future India will definitely move a step forward in achieving energy security.

I would like to congratulate all the winners who have displayed their innovative ideas, projects and artworks. I am sure this will motivate others to think ‘out of the box’ and contribute to the clean energy movement. I would also like to convey my sincere appreciation to the senior management of the Tata Group for their visionary approach in dealing with the most relevant and important issue of Energy and collaborating with President’s Secretariat.

My best wishes to the Festival of Energy ‘Umang 2015’ and to all the participants.

Thank you. 
President of India Inaugurates ‘Umang-2015’ 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated ‘Umang-2015’,a Festival of Energy at the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarvodaya Vidyalaya School in President’s Estate today (December 11, 2015). He declared the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarvodaya Vidyalaya School a solar powered green school and also launched Sajag - a Smartphone App on energy education.

Speaking on the occasion, the President said that the theme “Nayi Zindagi ki Umang, Swachh Urja ke Sang” of ‘Umang 2015’ is very timely, particularly when the whole world is brainstorming to halt global warming. Leaders from all over the world have called in the “2015 Paris Climate Conference” for a cut in carbon emissions and movement towards sustainable living.

The President said India supports around 17% of the world’s population, but its energy and electricity consumption is just around 5% of the world consumption. It’s per capita consumption of energy and electricity is less than one third of the world average. In order to sustain a growth rate of over 8% through the next two decades, India will need to grow its primary energy supply by 3 to 4 times and electricity supply by at least 5 to 7 times of its current consumption. Therefore, we as a country, have a huge responsibility and challenge to meet our developmental requirements. We must at the same time, ensure that we remain committed to clean energy.

The President said he would like to see in future many more government schools going ‘green through solar power’ and contributing to the clean energy movements in the country. He expressed hope that the Education Department of Government of Delhi will take this initiative forward and make Delhi a Clean and Green City. 
President of India to visit West Bengal from December 12 TO 14 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee will visit West Bengal from December 12 to 14, 2015.

On December 12, 2015, the President will inaugurate the 185th Anniversary of Calcutta Chamber of Commerce in Kolkata. He will also inaugurate an exhibition of Shri Shahbuddin Ahmed organized by Ganges Art Gallery at ICCR, Kolkata on the same day.

On December 13, 2015, the President will deliver the Debranjan Mukherji Memorial Lecture at Raj Bhavan, Kolkata and inaugurate the statue of Lord Shiva at Seth Banshidhar Jalan Smriti Mandir, Howrah. On the same day, he will also inaugurate the closing ceremony of the Bicentenary Celebrations of the Diocese of Calcutta at St. Paul Cathedral, Kolkata and attend the concluding function of 125th Birth Anniversary of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru organized by the Bidhan Memorial Trust in Kolkata.

On December 14, 2015, the President will deliver the Indira Gandhi Memorial Lecture organized by the Asiatic Society in Kolkata. He will also be the chief guest at the final match and prize distribution ceremony of the 6th Edition of KKM Memorial Gold Cup-Rural Football Tournament at Jangipur before returning to New Delhi. 

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