Proposal for Enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of SAAP – Agreed

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YAT&C (Sports & YS) Dept. – SAAP - Estt. - Proposal for Enhancement of age of
superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of SAAP – Agreed -
Orders – Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 25  Dated: 29-11-2017
                            Read the following :
1. G.O.Ms.No.102, Finance (HR.IVFR) Depart ment , Dt :27.06.2017.
2. G.O.Ms.No.138, Finance (HR-IV-FR) Depart ment, , Dt : 08.08.2017.
3. Resolution of the 73rd Meeting of the Board of SAAP held on 09.08.2017.
4. From the VC&MD, SAAP, Lr.No.SAAP/A1/186/2014, Dt.11.09..2017.

  In the G.O.Ms.No.102, Finance (HR.IVFR) Depart ment, Dt:27.06.2017
the Government have accorded principle approval to enhance the age of
superannuation of employees working in the institutions listed in IX and X Schedule
Institutions and in the G.O.Ms.No.138, Dt : 08.08.2017 of Finance (HR-IV-FR)
Department, the Government have issued amendment to the para No.5 of
G.O.Ms.No.102, Dt: 27.06.2017 as these orders shall come into force with effect
from 02.06.2014. The Companies/ Corporations/ Societies shall amend their
relevant regulations/ bye laws accordingly. In the reference 3rd read above the
SAAP Board have taken decision as per the Resolution of the 73rd Meeting of the
Board of SAAP held on 09.08.2017, at Agenda No.4 as to recommend the
Government to increase the retirement age of the employees of Sports Authority of
Andhra Pradesh from the existing 58 years to 60 years as per the Government orders.

2) In the reference 4th read above, the Vice Chairman & Managing Director,
Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada has reported that the SAAP has
been established under the Act. 4 of 1988 and come into existence with effect from
01.11.1987 and functioning as per service rules of G.O.M.S.No 25, Dt: 04.05.1993
of Employment Generation and Youth Services (YSS) Department i.e., of SAAP. In
the service rules of SAAP, it was mentioned that the orders and decisions issued by
the State Govt., from time to time shall also be applicable mutatis mutandis to
employees of SAAP. The SAAP comes under IXth Schedule institutions of A.P.
Reorganization Act, 2014 and it is a Grant-In- Aid Institution (Non-Plan). He also
reported that as per the Resolution of the 73rd Meeting of the Board of SAAP held on
09.08.2017, the SAAP Board have taken decision at Agenda No.4 as follows :

Agenda :
Extension of retirement age from 58 to 60 years to the employees in SAAP for approval.

Resolution :
Further resolved that after thorough deliberations it has been decided to recommend the Government to increase the retirement age of the employees of Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh from the existing 58 years to 60 years as per the Government orders.

3) To implement the New Sports activities, Government of India schemes from
time to time and to create new infrastructure at Head Quarters, Districts & Mandals
there is a dire need of senior staff in SAAP. It is also submitted that most of the
experienced staff worked in Head Quarters, Hyderabad were allotted to SATS, only
a few members of senior employees allotted to SAAP after the bifurcation. Presently
the SAAP is functioning with the employees worked at Districts. The VC&MD, SAAP
has requested the Government to issue orders for enhancement of retirement age
from 58 years to 60 years to the SAAP employees in accordance with the provisions
of the G.O.Ms.No.102, Finance (HR.IV-FR) Dept., dt:27.06.2017, G.O.Ms.No.138,
Finance (HRIV-FR) Dept., Dt: .08.08.2017 and on the basis of Resolution of the
73rd Meeting of the Board of SAAP held on 09.08.2017.

4) After careful examination of the matter and in pursuance of the orders issued
in the G.O.s 1st and 2nd read above, Government hereby extend the benefit of the
enhancement of age of superannuation from (58) to (60) years to the employees of
the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh working in entire Andhra Pradesh state.

5) The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh,
Vijayawada shall take further necessary action accordingly.


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