Agricultural Produce & Livestock Markets Rules

Agricultural Marketing Department – Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Rules, 1969 – Amendments - Final Notification – Orders – Issued.
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G.O.Ms.No. 18 Dated: 04-02-2013
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.1990, Food & Agri. (Legislation) Dept., dated 17.10.1969.
2) Act No.12 of 2011 published in the A.P.Gazette Part IV-B Extraordinary, Dt.18.04.2011.
3) G.O.Ms.No.207 Agri. & Coop. (A.M.IV) Dept, dated 17.08.2011.
4) Govt.Memo.No.13588/A.M.IV/2007, dated 30.06.2011 of Agri. & Coop. Department.
5) From the Commissioner and Director of Agricultural Marketing,
Lr.No.Projects/14954/2005, dated 28.07.2011.
6) Govt.Memo.No.9987/A.M.IV/2011-2, Dt.02.02.2012 of Agri. & Coop.
7) G.O.Ms.No.128, Agri. & Co-Op (AM.IV) Dept., dated18.06.2012.

                                  * * *
Whereas, the Government have provisionally decided to make certain amendments to the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Live Stock)   Markets Rules, 1969 issued in G.O.Ms.No.1990, Food & Agriculture
(Legislation), dated 17-10-1969 and published in issue No.27 of Rules Supplement to Part-II, Extraordinary of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated

2. And whereas, as required under sub section (4) of section 33 of the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Live Stock) Markets Act, 1966 (Act 16
of 1966), a Preliminary Notification has been issued in the G.O.7th read above and published in issue No.43 of Rules Supplement to Part-I, Extraordinary of the
Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 30-11-2012 inviting objections / suggestions within thirty days from the date of publication of the said Notification for
consideration of the Government;
3. And whereas, no objections / suggestions were received in the matter;
4. Now, therefore, the following notification will be published in the next extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 05-02-2013.
                   FINAL NOTIFICATION
In exercise of the powers conferred under Sub-Section (1) read with sub- section (2)(iv) of section 33 of the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce
& Livestock) Markets Act, 1966 (Act No.16 of 1966), the Government hereby makes the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Rules, 1969 issued in G.O.Ms.No.1990, Food & Agriculture (Legislation), dated 17-10-1969 published in issue No.27 of Rules
Supplement to Part-II, Extraordinary of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 21-10-1969 and as subsequently amended from time to time.
In the said rules, -
after rule 53 –A, the following shall be inserted, namely,-
“53-B:- Grant of License under sub-section (8) of section 7 of the Act and fees chargeable thereof.
(1) Any person desiring to establish a E-market under the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Act, 1966 in a notified area within
the State shall make  an application to the Government through the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing in Form 7-C for grant of
license along with documents mentioned in the form subject to the conditions as specified below:-
The above License will be in addition to any other license or clearances that may be required by the E-market.
(i) The applicant shall specify the place, location of proposed establishment of E-market, the commodities and respective delivery centers in which it proposes to launch e-trading/ spot trading.
(ii) The applicant shall submit a detailed project report of the E-market which comprises of the amount proposed to be spent for the project, operational
and working guidelines as to how the E-market will be conducted, controlled and operated, the details of settlement guarantee fund to provide guarantee
performance of all contracts executed on the E-market platform, facilities proposed to be provided, financial status and resources along with supportive
documents, viz. bank statements and income tax returns, list of permanent assets and liabilities, and other documents showing the credibility for
establishment of a E-market. (iii) The applicant shall submit bank guarantee as prescribed by the
Government from time to time subject to a minimum of Rs.25.00 lakhs (Rupees Twenty five lakhs only) along with application.
(iv) Preference shall be given for issue of e-trading license to those who are having experience of conducting e-trading in different States in India.
(v)The applicant shall have minimum net worth of Rs.10 crores (Rupees Ten crores only) on the date of application.
(2) Every such application for grant of license for each E-market shall be accompanied with a license fee of Rs.50,000/-(Rupees fifty thousand only) paid
to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing. The amount is refundable only if the license is not granted for reasons other than noncompliance
of requirement of the conditions under the Act duly retaining 5% of the fee paid towards processing cost.
(3) The Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing after satisfying himself about the arrangements made in the E-market for conducting electronic spot trading in notified agricultural produce may recommend the Government for issue
of license.
(4) On receipt of proposal from the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing, Government may issue, letter of intent, for commencement of the
project based on such evaluation.
(5) On completion of the project, the applicant shall give intimation to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing. The Commissioner & Director
of Agricultural Marketing on receipt of intimation from the applicant shall authorize an officer to inspect, who shall satisfy himself about the completion of
the project with all facilities as per the project report and shall submit report to the Commissioner& Director of Agricultural Marketing.

(6) On receipt of the report about completion of the project from the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing, the Government may grant
licence in Form 7-D for establishment of E-market in Andhra Pradesh for a period of 5 (Five) years.
(7) The Government may after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to grant the license to the
applicant who is either not solvent or otherwise disqualified under the Act and Rules:
Provided that no order of refusal under this sub-rule shall be made unless a reasonable opportunity of being heard is given to the applicant.
(8) The bank guarantee deposited by the E-market licensee shall be recorded and maintained by the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing.
(9) The Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing shall have the power to invoke the bank guarantee furnished by the licensee, in the event of failure to pay the sale proceeds to the agriculturists or sellers or person operating in the Emarket for which they are liable to pay to the sellers or any other dues by the Emarket licensee.
(10) The Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing shall have the right to forfeit the whole amount of bank guarantee in default to pay the dues by the licensee to the agriculturists, or producer seller if the value is more than fifty percent of the bank guarantee or if the licensee is continuously in default for more than three times in making payments or if the dues are more than ten percent of the value of commodities purchased in a month.
(11) The bank guarantee furnished by the licensee shall be unconditional and the amount guaranteed by the bank or part thereof shall be payable to the
Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing on demand. No other kind of bank guarantee shall be accepted.
(12) Subject to the provisions of the Act and Rules, the bank guarantee furnished by the licensee to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing shall be refundable to him on ceasing to be licensee, if the Government or the Officer authorized by the Government is satisfied that there are no liabilities, dues by the licensee either to the agriculturists, producer-seller, market committee or any
other person in respect of the transactions for which the bank guarantee is furnished on receipt of report from the concerned officer.
(13) The bank guarantee furnished shall be deemed to be held in trust for the purposes for which it is made and shall not be used for or utilized for any other
purposes, nor shall it be liable to attachment in any execution by any court or other authority for any other purposes.
(14) The licensee shall recoup the bank guarantee within a period of 7 (seven) days from the date of such forfeiture under sub-rule (10), failing which the license shall be cancelled.
(15) The licensee shall obtain permission from the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing about the opening of additional centers in the State.
(16) The Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing or the officers not below the rank of Assistant Director of Marketing or the concerned Agricultural Market Committee Secretary shall have power to inspect the E-market.

53-C Renewal & Cancellation of E-market licence:-

(i) An application to the Government through Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing for renewal of licence shall be made in form7-C at least
thirty days before the date on which the licence is due to expire along with renewal licence fee Rs. 50,000/-(Rupees fifty thousand only).
Provided that the authority competent to renew a licence may, on the payment of a penalty of Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand), by the applicant
entertain an application for renewal made after the expiry of the licence within a period of one month.
(ii) On receipt of the renewal proposal from the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing, the Government may renew the licence for a further
period of 5 (Five) years.
(iii)The licence so granted under sub-section (8) of section 7 of the Act shall be suspended or cancelled for violation of any provisions of the Andhra
Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Live Stock) Markets Act, 1966 and the Rules made thereunder.
53-D. Duties and responsibilities of E-market licensee.- (1) The E-market licensee shall:
(a) have online trading and clearing system with national reach;
(b) ensure efficient clearing, settlement and guarantee system;
(c) ensure transparency in operations and decision making related to entire operations;
(d) provide for delivery of underlying commodity backed by a warehouse receipt system;
(e) provide the following services:
(i) electronic spot trading facility in notified agricultural produce.
(ii) grading, quality certification and standardization of
(iii) facilitating collateral financing and borrowing against warehouse receipts;
(iv) customized service relating to storage, transportation,
logistics, handling and shipment;
(v) procurement and disposal of commodities through online trading system with national reach.
(vi) market intelligence reports.
(f) furnish all the necessary information to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing or the Officers authorized by him and to the concerned market committee, as he may require in this behalf.
(g) the E-market licensee shall also be responsible for:
(i) Keeping a copy of the operation and working guidelines open to inspection at its office by the Officers of the Department of Agricultural Marketing at all reasonable times.
(ii) Maintain records electronically and in a register showing the fees and all other charges collected by them from the sellers and buyers.

(iii) Submission of periodical reports and annual reports containing such information to concerned Agricultural Market Committee Secretary or the Officer authorized by the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing.
(iv) It shall have transparency in operations and decision making related to entire operations.
(v) It shall have system of well organized and capitalized brokerage houses, where members/ brokers with reasonable capital adequacy can participate.
(vi) The management running the E-market shall be reliable effective and impartial and also with experience in handling commodity markets. The ownership / management and members/brokers of E-market shall be separate persons/bodies.
(2) every price quotation made by a trader, buyer or agent in respect of any notified agricultural produce on E-market shall always be as per the contract specification notified by the E-market in advance.
(3) the E-market licensee shall keep regular and proper accounts of every e-trading transactions of agricultural produce in an electronic form and
in a register. 
Explanation: Making entries collectively relating to more than one transaction shall not be deemed to be keeping regular and proper accounts within the
meaning of this sub-rule.
(4) The E-market licensee shall arrange for the storage of agricultural produce brought by the agriculturist, seller when it is not sold or when the Agriculturist or seller desires to store the agricultural produce till he obtains better price, in their godowns. The E-market may fix the charges for such storages. However no storage charges up to 7 days.
(5) The E-market licensee shall declare the details of address of warehouses, godowns, and storage places where agricultural produce have been stocked/stored and shall submit monthly returns to the concerned Agricultural Market Committee or the Officer authorized by Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing.
(6) The E-market licensee shall not involve in any misconduct or buying selling of notified agricultural produce on its own account. It shall provide periodical statement regarding total stock of various produce
lying in its warehouses located in the State, so that the Government may check and monitor any intention to create artificial scarcity to be involved in any act of misconduct or failure in giving details, the Government shall take immediate legal action for suspending or canceling the license.
(7) It shall ensure delivery of commodities sold by the agriculturists only after full payment by the buyers.
(8) Seller shall give physical delivery at the E-market designated warehouse, or the godowns of the farmers which are approved by the E-market licensee where grading and quality certification will be done
and warehouse receipt will be issued to the farmer/seller. After obtaining warehouse receipt, he can sell the same on E-market platform or store his produce.
(9) The prices quoted by the buyer shall be net payable to the farmer excluding the market fee and other charges. The transport cost and other miscellaneous costs delivered at warehouses shall be on the account of seller (prior to sale) and such charges after transaction shall be borne by the buyer and the buyer shall quote only the net payable
price to the farmer.
(10) The E-market licensee shall grant registration to its members, subbrokers, franchisees and clients and other market functionaries, which will enable them to deal in agricultural produce at E-market. If such
members or clients wish to participate in concerned market committee auction or to buy produce outside the e-market platform, they have to take relevant license from concerned market committee.
(11) The licensee shall be at liberty to frame its internal rules, appoint members, allow sub–brokers, franchise to operate under such members and collect charges from their respective members for its
establishment expenditure, VSAT(Very-small-aperture terminal) charges, admission fee, annual subscription, transaction fee etc., such members, sub-brokers, franchise and clients need not have any Agricultural Produce Market Committee license to trade in notified
agricultural produce on electronic platform of the licensee , provided that they shall not be entitled to buy from the farmers directly other than through such platform.
(12) It shall not be a mandatory for any agriculturist to be a member to sell his produce on the e-market platform.
(13) The E-market licensee shall conduct delivery based spot trading in commodities and shall not indulge into speculative or futures trading .in
order to prevent speculation in physical market of farm produce and to maintain clear distribution between these markets, the licensee shall not be subsidiary of a future exchange licensed under the Forward Contract (Regulation) Act, 1952.Further, no such recognized futures exchange shall hold any share in the equity share capital of the licensee.
(14) The licensee shall display the open, high, low close, average traded price, last traded price, volume of trading, value of trading, previous day’s close price, current buy price, current sale price and all other
relevant market information on real-time basis on its computer terminal as well as website.
(15) The licensee shall not permit any trade allowances to be recovered by its members except the premium/discount based on the quality/quantity delivered by the seller or such other parameters as
may be defined in a contract and notified in advance.
(16) The licensee shall ensure declaration of pay out for all materials sold and delivered on its platform strictly as per the pay out schedule notified by it in advance.
(17) The E-market licensee is responsible to realize market fee as specified under section 12 of the Act from the buyers of agricultural produce in the E-market and shall remit the same to the concerned
market Committee within the period as specified in the Bye-Laws of the concerned Agricultural Market Committee.
(a) When a farmer sells his produce on E-market platform, it shall be the responsibility of the E-market to collect market fee from the buyer and to
remit the same to the Market Committee.
(b) When a trader sells his stock on E-market, E-market shall insist to fill and furnish the specified form, in Form No.7-E, to be signed by a trader
holding concerned Market Committee license and the E-market shall maintain a book of forms 7-E which are numbered serially and submit copies of these forms and such records of stock on which market fee was
paid earlier/will be paid to the concerned Market Committee.
(c) E-market will issue a certificate as per Form No.7-F about payment of market fee on such commodities at the time of discharge of produce from its warehouse. Such certificate shall be kept in the vehicle carrying the commodities in the market area. E-market shall maintain complete record relating to issue of such certificate and the supporting evidence, which can be verified by the officials of concerned Agricultural Market Committee or the Officer not below the rank of Asst. Director of Marketing. Such
certificates shall be numbered serially and original shall be issued to retain with the vehicle, duplicate to the buyer, triplicate shall be furnished to the
officials of the concerned Agricultural Market Committee and fourth copy shall be retained with E-market for necessary verification. Such Certificate
shall be sufficient proof of compliance with market fee, so far as the market committees or authorities are concerned. 53-E Powers of the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing to make enquiry and inspections :- (1) The Commissioner & Director of
Agricultural Marketing shall have the power to enquire and inspect the affairs of E-market license and may authorize any of his subordinate Officers not
below the Assistant Director of Marketing for such enquiry or inspection. An order authorizing inquiry or inspection by the Commissioner & Director of
Agricultural Marketing or the Officer authorized by him shall, amongst other contain the following.
(i) the name of the persons authorized to conduct the inquiry or inspection.
(ii) the name of the E-market license whose affairs are to be inquired into or whose accounts and records are to be inspected.
(iii) the specific point or points on which an enquiry or inspections is to be made, the period within which the inquiry or inspection is to be completed and report submitted to the Commissioner & Director of
Agricultural Marketing.
(iv) any other matter relating to the inquiry or inspection of the offices or any person operating in E-market.
(2) If the inquiry or inspection cannot be completed within the period specified in the order referred to in sub-rule(1), the person conducting the inquiry or inspection shall submit an interim report stating the reasons for not completing inquiry or inspection in time and the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing may grant such extension of time for the
completion of inquiry or inspection, as he may deemed necessary or may withdraw the inquiry or inspection from the person to whom it is entrusted
and hold the inquiry or inspection himself or entrust it to such other person as he deems fit.
(3) On receipt of the order referred to in sub-rule (1), the person authorized to conduct the enquiry or inspection shall proceed to examine the relevant books of accounts and other documents in possession of the E-market license or any of its Officers, members agents or servants or any person operating therein and obtain such information or explanation from any such persons in regard to the transactions and working of the respective markets, centers as he deems necessary for the conduct of such inquiry or inspection.
(4) The person authorized to conduct the inquiry or inspection shall submit the report to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing, on all the points mentioned in the order referred to in sub rule (1) and the report shall contain his finding and the reasons therefore supported by such
documentary or other evidence as recorded by him during the course of his inquiry or inspection. The Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing may pass orders of suspension or may recommend to the Government for cancellation of license as he may consider just and proper, after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard.
53-F ::Redressel of disputes:- (1) (a) Dispute redressal shall be done at the Emarket level through administrative process or through the process of conciliation and arbitration within fifteen days.
(b) If any dispute is not redressed at E-market level, the party aggrieved may appeal within thirty days to the disputes committee constituted comprising Joint
Director of Marketing, Deputy Director of Marketing, Assistant Director of Marketing and Secretary of the concerned Agricultural Marketing Committee.
(c) If any dispute is not redressed at dispute committee level, the party aggrieved may prefer an appeal against such decision to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing and the decision of the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing in this regard shall be final 53-G:: Bar of jurisdiction on Civil Courts:- No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to settle, decide or deal with any question or
to determine any matter pertains to E-market which is by or under this Act required to be settled, decided or dealt with. 53-H ::Cognizance of Offence:-
No court shall take cognizance of an offence except upon a complaint by the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing or any Officer authorized by
him. 53-I:: Penalty for contravention of sub section (8) of section 7 read with rules 53-B &53-D:-
Penalties shall be imposed for contravention of sub-section (8) of section 7 read with rules 53-B & 53-D as per the provisions made under section 23 of the
Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Act,1966”.

[Under Rule 53 (B)]
Application for grant of license/ Renewal of license for establishment of E-market

 Application for license under sub-section (8) of Section 7 of the Andhra Pradesh (Agriculture Produce & Live Stock)Markets Act, 1966. 

Text Box: Photo

(1) Name of the applicant                                     
(2) Address: with identity.

The Secretary to the Government,
Agril. & Co-op Department,
Government of A.P., Hyderabad.

(Through the Commissioner & Director of Agril. Marketing, Hyderabad.)

I/We the undersigned hereby apply for the issue of license under subsection (8) of Section 7 of the Andhra Pradesh (Agriculture Produce & Live
Stock) Markets Act, 1966 to establish a E-market for e-trading at………………………(centers) in Andhra Pradesh in the notified area of Agricultural Market Committees ………………………… respectively to facilitate
for purchase and sale and purchase of  …………………..... (notified Commodities) as detailed in the project report enclosed for the area.

I/We abide by all the provisions of the said Act and relevant Rules made there under from time to time.
I/We have remitted fee for Rs.__________/- (Rupees __________only) for issue of the license and receipt of the same is enclosed.

Date: Signature of the Applicant.
Documents submitted with this application.
(1) Certificate of incorporation or Registration in respect of Company, Co-operative Society/Institution, Trust, Corporation, Partnership etc.,
(2) Memorandum of Associations/Articles of Association, etc., 
(3) Names and full address and telephone numbers of all the Directors and owners and partners with address proof, etc.(They shall immediately inform subsequent changes if any).
(4) Detailed project-report of the proposed E-market, amount proposed to be sent for the Project, operational and working guidelines as to how the E-market will be conducted, controlled and operated, the details of settlement guarantee fund to provide guarantee performance of all contracts executed on the E-market platform and the facilities proposed to be provided, financial status and resources with supportive documents, three years bank statements
and income-tax returns, list of permanent assets and liabilities, memorandum and articles of association of the company and other documents showing the credibility of the applicant for establishment
of a E-market as per the following table:
Sl.No. Type of Infrastructure Estimated Cost (Rs.)

(5) Financial status of the applicant with supportive document such as bank statements, Income-tax returns, PAN, Assets and Liability statement and its valuation certificate issued by a recognized
chartered accountant.
(6) Demand Draft in support of having paid the license fee.
(7) An undertaking and affidavit to the effect that the applicant shall abide by all the provisions of the Act and rules made there under and in case of violation he/they shall be liable for legal action including cancellation of license and recovery of all dues.
(8) Applicant shall specify the agricultural produce, intended for marketing in the E-market.
(9) Bank guarantee.
(10) Any other relevant information/documents that the applicant desires to furnish.


[ Under Rule 53-B]
Grant of License/Renewal of license for establishment of
Licence No:                             Issued By:
Under sub-section 8 of Section 7 of Andhra Pradesh (Agril.Produce & Live Stock) Markets Act, 1966, License is hereby granted to …………….. (Name)
………………. (Address) ……………….. Phone No………………..(hereinafter referred to as the licensee) on payment of fee of Rs. ………….. for establishment
of E-market in the said premises along with the centers described in the schedule below/ over leaf situated in the notified area concerned Agricultural Market Committees in the State of Andhra Pradesh notified under section 3 and 4 of said Act for facilitating the purchase and sale of Agricultural produce/ products of live stock/ Live stock for the period commencing from …………… to …………….
on the following terms and conditions:---
Terms and Conditions

(1) The license shall abide by the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Act, 1966 and rules made there under.
(2) This license is not transferable.
(3) This license may be suspended or cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the said Act and the rules made there under and if the licensee commits any act or abstains from carrying out his normal
business in the market/yard with the intention of willfully obstructing, suspending or stopping the marketing of agricultural produce in the market
(4) The licensee shall help and comply the directions issued by the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing in preventing evasion of market fees.
(5) The licensee after grant of license by Government shall within a period of seven days inform the Commissioner & Director and the market
Committees concerned about the authorized representative of the licensee who shall be responsible of his behalf.
(6) The licensee shall maintain books, registers and records in respect of the e-trading of the agricultural produce in the manner, required by the Commr. & Director of Agril.Marketing.
(7) The license shall furnish information and returns to the Commissioner & Director of Agricultural Marketing or the Officer authorized by him from time to time.
(8) The licensee shall not solicit or receive any fees or recover any charges other than those which he is entitled to receive or recover in accordance
with the provisions of the Act and the rules.
(9) The licensee shall provide for authorized weights and measures.
(10) The licensee shall inform the Commr. & Director of Agril.Marketing any change in the constitutions of the licensee.
(11) Redressal of dispute shall be in accordance with, Rule 53-E of the rules.
(12) The E-market licensee shall,-
(a) have online trading and clearing system with national reach;
(b) ensure efficient clearing, settlement and guarantee system;
(c) ensure transparency in operations and decision making related to entire operations;
(d) provide for delivery of underlying commodity backed by a warehouse receipt system;
(e) provide the following services:
(i) electronic spot trading facility in notified agricultural
(ii) grading, quality certification and standardization of
(iii) facilitating collateral financing and borrowing against warehouse receipts;
(iv) customized service relating to storage, transportation, logistics, handling and shipment;
(v) procurement and disposal of commodities through
online trading system with national reach.
(vi) market intelligence reports.

Date: Issuing Authority

[Under Rule 53-D]
Certificate to be given in case a trader delivers Market Fee Paid
commodities to E-market warehouse
Name of the E-market center: Serial No……
Name of the /Trader AMC License No.

Name of the
Details of Market
fee payment

(a) In case of farmer purchase (original procurement by the trader).
I hereby solemnly declare and undertake that I have delivered the above mentioned commodities on which, the requisite market fees and other charges as
applicable under the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce & Livestock) Markets Act, 1966 and the Rules made thereunder have been deposited with the
concerned market committee/will be deposited with the concerned market committee on the due date and payment of sale proceeds has been made to the
agriculturists seller.
The above mentioned sale is against the following purchase from farmer:
Date of purchase from the Farmer.
Market fee applicable on such purchase:
(b) In case of purchase from concerned market committee licensed trader.
I hereby solemnly declare and undertake that I have delivered the above mentioned commodities, which were procured by me from a registered AMC
Trader as detailed below and I have complete record of such purchase along with the relevant Bill of purchase in my record.

Bill Number:
Date of purchase from licensed concerned market committee trader. License No. of concerned market committee trader from whom such commodities were purchased.
I further certify that both the purchase and sale stated above, form part of my purchase and sales records and books of accounts.

                                       Signature of the Trader

[Under Rule 53-D]
(To be issued by E-market)
Delivery Center

                                          Serial No………..
Name of Selling Member:
Registration/License No.:

Name of Buying Member:
Registration/License No.:
Date of transaction (online):

We hereby certify that the following deliveries have been lifted from our warehouse located at………..., which is in ………………, Market area, and the
complete details of payment of market fee and name of the original trader along with his license number, who has delivered originally and is responsible for
payment of market fee on such commodities are maintained with us, which can be verified from our records. We have delivered the below mentioned
commodities to the person named below:

Name of the
Name of the person
to whom delivery has
been given

Date:               Signature of the Warehouse Manager
                           Name of the E-market
                           Phone No:

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