Appointment of Finance Officer in Universities

UNIVERSITIES – Appointment of Finance Officer in Universities
– Rules relating to the appointment of Finance Officers – Revised Notification – Published.
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G.O.Ms.No.22                                            Dated: 04-04-2013
Read the following:-

1) G.O.Ms.No.122, Higher Education (UE.I) Department, dated 05.10.2011.
2) G.O.Ms.No.2, Higher Education (UE.I) Department, dated 11.01.2012.
3) From the Secretary, APSCHE, Lr.No.UM-781/FO.Uni. Selection-Panel/2012, dated 31.12.2012.

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O R D E R:

       In supersession of orders issued in the G.Os. 1st and 2nd read above, the following Notification shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette:


       In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 16 of the Andhra Pradesh Universities Act,1991 (Act No.4 of 1991), Sub-Section (1) of Section 13 of the Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University Act 1982 (Act 11 of 1982), Sub-Section (1) of Section 13 of Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam Act, 1983 (Act 16 of 1983), sub-section (1) of section 13 of the Telugu University Act, 1985 (Act 27 of 1985), Sub-Section (1) of Section 14 of the Dravidian University Act 1997 (Act 17 of 1997), Item 3 of Schedule I of the J.N.T.U. Act, 2008(Act 30 of 2008) and item 3 of the Schedule of Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts Universities Act, 2008 (Act 31 of 2008), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules for appointment to the post of Finance Officers in all the Universities in the State under the control of Higher Education Department.

1. Short Title: These rules are called as Andhra Pradesh Universities Finance Officers Rules, 2013.

2. Applicability: These rules shall be applicable for appointment of Finance Officers in all the Universities of the State.

3. Definition: Finance Officer means the Finance Officer of the respective University.

4. Appointing Authority:

The University shall be the competent authority to appoint the Finance Officer from out of the panel obtained from the Government in Education   Department.
       5. Eligibility for appointment:
  Officers of the following Departments who have put in two years of service in the categories shall be considered for appointment to the post of Finance Officer of the University:-

(a) Deputy Director of Treasuries & Accounts Service.
   (b) Deputy Director of State Audit Department.
   (c)  Dy. Pay & Accounts Officer of Pay & Accounts Office.
   (d) Pay and Accounts Officer of Works Accounts Service.
          (e) Deputy Registrars in the Universities.
  (f) Officers of any other Department who have officiated for more than three years in the rank of Dy. Director and have at least five years experience of working as Accounts Officer/Audit Officers in a Government.

Note (1) Officers with one step down in the eligible categories as mentioned in point (5) of the G.O. in the respective Departments shall also be considered for appointment to the post of Finance Officer of the University if there are no sufficient number of candidates available for Universities with 10 yrs. or less of standing.

Note (2) Officers with one step above in the eligible categories as mentioned in point (5) of the G.O. in the respective Departments shall also be considered for appointment to the post of Finance Officer of the University, for those Universities with more than 10 years of standing.

Note (3) Officers of the eligible categories in the G.O. from Govt. of India Institutions who have accounting experience and belong to this State shall also be considered for appointment to the post of Finance Officer of the University; if sufficient candidates are not available in the State Government Departments.  The contents in point (1 & 2) above are also applicable to the Officers of Govt. of India Institutions.

Note (4) To consider candidates with 2 years or more of service left for retirement for selection of Finance Officers.

6. Method of Appointment:
The Screening Committee consisting of the following shall recommend a panel of three names to the Higher Education Department in the Government for inturn suggesting to the University concerned:

              Secretary/Prl.Secretary, Education        …     Member
                  dealing with Higher Education.

Secretary/Prl.Secretary, Finance           …     Member

              Chairman, A.P.State Council of Higher
                                   Education                    …     Member
              Secretary, A.P.S.C.H.E.             …    Member Convenor

7. Tenure of Office:

Officer Selected as Finance Officer shall be appointed on a tenure basis initially for a period of three years extendable upto six years.

2.    Nothing in rule 7, shall prevent the appointing authority from repatriating the Finance Officer to his/her parent Department before completion of three years term on administrative reasons or of his/her own request.


          AJAY MISRA

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