GENCO for Telangana

Creation of GENCO for Telangana in accordance with provisions of AP reorganization Act,
2014- Guidelines issued.
GO Ms No. 25 Dated :29-05-2014
In pursuance of the section 53 of the AP Reorganisation Act 2014, separate GENCO has
been created for Telangana State and existing AP GENCO will continue for residuary AP State.
Accordingly, Functions, Assets & Liabilities, Posts and Staff is to be transferred to the newly
created Telangana GENCO. In order to implement the provisions of the said Act, the following
guidelines are issued:

1. Effective Date for Transfer of Functions, Assets, Liabilities, Posts and Staff:
Effective date shall be the date on which date TG GENCO comes in to operation.
2. Transfer of functions to TG GENCO: From the effective date all the functions
presently being carried out by APGENCO in the area of Telangana State shall stand
transferred to TG GENCO.
3. Transfer of Power Plants to TG GENCO: As per clause C1 of Twelfth Schedule read
with Section 92 of Reorganization Act 2014, all the Plants (Thermal, Hydel and Solar)
located in Telangana Region shall be transferred to Telangana GENCO on as is where is
basis as listed in Annexure-A.
4. Allocation of sanctioned posts to various Projects has to be allocated on “as-iswhere-
is” basis.
5. The sanctioned Technical posts at Headquarters among Thermal and Hydel shall be
divided as per original sanction of posts in APGENCO.
6. Transfer of posts to TG GENCO: All sanctioned posts for Telangana Region Projects
located in Telangana State shall stand transferred to TG GENCO with effect from
Effective date. Posts at AP GENCO Head Quarter shall be divided between two
GENCOs based on the principles described as follows:
a. Allocation of sanctioned technical posts at Head Quarters: A ratio will be
worked out by dividing the existing thermal capacity of Andhra region including
the projects under construction by the total installed thermal capacity of the State
and projects under construction. A ratio will be worked out by dividing the
existing thermal capacity of Telangana region including the projects under
construction by the total installed thermal capacity of the State and projects under
construction. Similarly, a ratio will be worked out by dividing the existing Hydel
capacity of Andhra Region including Projects under Construction by the total
installed Hydel capacity of the State and Projects under Construction. A ratio will
be worked out by dividing the existing Hydel capacity of Telangana Region
including the Projects under Construction by the total installed Hydel capacity of
the State and Projects under Construction.
b. Allocation of sanctioned Common Services Posts at Head Quarters
i. A ratio for allotment of common services staff for
ANDHRA/TELANGANA, will be worked out by dividing the
“Sanctioned Strength in the Region” with the “Total Sanctioned Strength
of APGENCO excluding Head Quarters”.

ii. Based on this principle, head quarter posts transferred to both GENCOs
are listed in Annexure-B
7. Transfer of employees between two GENCOs: The guidelines meant for Government
employees shall be followed for permanent transfer of employees between two GENCOs.
Pending such transfer of employees, all staff working at various Plants/Locations and
Training Institute at Dr.NTTPS as on effective date shall continue to work there and draw
their salaries accordingly. Staff working at Head Quarter, to the extent of posts in TG
GENCO, shall be permanently transferred to TG GENCO as on effective date duly
following the Government guidelines issued for allotment of staff.
8. Upon such transfer/allocation of personnel shall hold office or service under the
transferee company on terms & conditions that may be determined in accordance with the
transfer scheme. Provided that such terms & conditions on the transfer shall not in any
way be less favourable than those which would have been applicable to them if they had
been no such vesting.
9. Training Centre at Dr.NTTPS, Vijayawada: TI/Dr.NTTPS along with posts shall stand
transferred to APGENCO. However TI/Dr.NTTPS shall continue to provide services to
TG GENCO on cost basis as per request made by TG GENCO.
10. SRISAILAM: Srisailam Chief Engineer’s office is presently located at Srisailam Left
Bank Hydro Electric Station, where as Chief Engineer’s post and his office staff are on
the strength of Srisailam Right Bank Hydro Electric Station. It is proposed to shift the
Chief Engineer’s office to Right Bank.
Three (3) Nos. suites in Krishnaveni Guest House and 12 rooms in Project Hostel of
SLBHES are to be allotted for the use of SRBHES for a maximum period of 5 years and
necessary rental charges as per G.O.Ms.No.63, dated18.4.2011 shall be paid by
11. NSHES COMPLEX: The Chief Engineer/NSHES Complex Head Quarters shall be
shifted to Srisailam. The following Power Houses will be under the control of Chief
Engineer/ O&M/NSHES.
a. SSLM Left Bank Power House.
b. Nagarjuna Sagar Power House.
c. Nagarjuna Sagar Left Canal Power House.
d. Pulichintala Hydro Electric Scheme(O&M)
e. Priyadarshini Jurala Hydro Electric Scheme.
f. Lower Jurala Hydro Electric Scheme (O&M)
g. All the Power Houses under the control of SE/MHS/ Pochampad except PABR.
h. AMRPLIS/Puttamgandi.
i. Solar Power Plant (1.0 MW) at PJHES.
Six (6) rooms in the 24 room project Hostel (Vidyut Sadan) will be allotted for the use of
NSRCPH for a maximum period of five (5) years on rental basis. Rental charges to be paid
as per G.O.Ms. No.63, dated 18.4.2011.
12. Nagarjunasagar Tail Pond Dam and Power House (2x25 MW): Power house, staff
colony, stores, office buildings and guest houses are situated in Guntur District and hence
comes under residual Andhra Pradesh. Dam is across the river connecting the banks of
both states i.e., left bank Telangana and right bank Andhra Pradesh. The project is under
construction. About 90% of the work is completed so far and is likely to be completed by
13. The dam is purely for pumped storage operation and power generation at NS Tail Pond
Dam Power House.
14. As there is no irrigation component, no day-to-day operations are involved. Hence the
operation and maintenance of the dam shall be under the control of NS Tail Pond Dam

Power House for better coordination. However, as the cost of the dam is chargeable to
NSPH necessary O&M charges of the same shall be reimbursed by NSPH to NSTPD.
Machkund Power House with an installed capacity of 120 MW is a joint project with
Orissa and Andhra Pradesh with 30%:70% shares respectively. The Power house is
situated in Orissa State. The assets of A.P. Government in this project will be transferred
to the Government of residual Andhra Pradesh. However, power of AP share shall be
shared between AP & TG States as per AP Re-organisation Act, 2014.
The Power House is situated in Orissa. The project construction is held up since 1992
and is proposed to be executed jointly with Government of Orissa on 50:50 basis. This
project stands transferred to the residual State of Andhra Pradesh. However, power of AP
share shall be shared between AP & TG States as per AP Re-organisation Act, 2014.
TB Dam Power House Complex consisting of Dam Power House (4x9 MW) and Hampi
Power House (4x9 MW) is a joint project between Government of Karnataka and Govt.
of Andhra Pradesh with 20%:80% shares respectively. The assets of this project may be
transferred to Govt. of residual Andhra Pradesh. However, power of AP share shall be
shared between AP & TG States as per AP Re-organisation Act, 2014.
18. General Assets/Liabilities: Special tools and equipments, material handling equipments,
earth movers, bulldozers, concrete mixtures, cranes, trailers, heavy and light vehicles,
furniture, fixtures, office equipments, air conditioners, refrigerators, computers and signal
systems, spares, consumables, raw materials, lands and civil works installations including
roads, buildings, schools, dispensaries, testing laboratories and equipments, training
centers, workshops, works in progress, machineries and equipments set for repairs, scraps
and obsolete shall be shared on ‘as-is-where-is’ basis except at head quarters. At head
quarters movable assets shall be divided as per the government guidelines.
The Equity of APGENCO and Government of Andhra Pradesh shall be retained by
Andhra Pradesh (Residual). 17.45% of APCPDCL share of equity will be transferred to
APSPDCL in accordance with GO Ms NO 20 of Energy Department dated 08-05-2014
due to transfer of 2 Districts of Ananthapur and Kurnool to APSPDCL . The plant is
located in the District of Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Nellore and it is in the geographical area of
the residual state of Andhra Pradesh and hence, as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation
Act, 2014 the Assets and Liabilities of SDSTPS will be retained by Andhra
Pradesh (Residual). The remaining assets and liabilities of APPDCL Head Quarters will
be distributed among Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the population ratio.
Man Power of APPDCL: Sanctioned posts of SDSTPS will go to Andhra Pradesh
(Residual) as these posts are exclusively sanctioned for SDSTPS. There are no posts
sanctioned at head quarters either for SDSTPS or head quarter of APPDCL.
Disinvestments by certain DISCOMs: In case of any disinvestment of APPDCL equity
by CPDCL and NPDCL the first right of refusal should be given to the residual state of
Andhra Pradesh or its nominees/assignees.
Management of APPDCL: The management of APPDCL will be in the hands of the
residual State of Andhra Pradesh in view of its share holding (residual State of Andhra
Pradesh and its concerns). The two distribution companies i.e., CPDCL and NPDCL may
nominate its nominees as Directors on the Board of APPDCL as long as the above two
companies continues as share holders by having more than 10% equity.

20. ALLOTMENT OF COAL BLOCKS- It has been done after taking into account end
use projects.

Sl.No Name of coal block Mineable Reserves End Use Projects Reserves for
                                                                             State of Andhra Pradesh  State of Telangana
1Suliyari Belwar 150 1X800 MW Unit at Dr.NTTPS,1X800 MWunit atKTPS.
                                                                                                       75                             75
2Tadicherla-        I45 1X600 MW unit at Kakatiya Thermal Power Project
                                                                                                       Nil                            45
3 SARPALNAUPARA 280 1X800 MW unit at Srikakulam and 1X800 MW unit at Kakatiya
                                              Thermal Power Project, Stage-III   140                         140
              Total             475                                                            215                         260
Nuagon Telishhi: Mineable Reserves are 450 million tonnes and end use projects are
identified as 3x800 MW Units at Srikakulam and 5x800 MW Units at Vodarevu at the
time of allocation. The said units are not yet grounded and hence, the mineable reserves
may be allocated to both the States as per the ratio 58.32:41.68 to APGENCO & TG
GENCO to both the States and necessary request may be made to the Ministry of Coal,
Government of India for change of end use projects by the successor entities.
The office space at head quarters between APGENCO & Telangana GENCO shall be
shared in the ratio of 58.32:41.68.
21. IT Infrastructure and ERP Software: IT infrastructure, System software, General
software and ERP software at Head Quarter will be used jointly by both GENCOs till
both GENCOs create their own IT Infrastructure and software. Operation and
maintenance cost of such common infrastructure shall be shared by both GENCOs on
installed capacity of power stations in both the Regions. For the purpose of operational
convenience, Operation and Maintenance will be handled by AP GENCO as all the
licenses for System Software and ERP etc are in the name of APGENCO. On creation of
separate IT infrastructure by both GENCOs, IT hardware shall be divided between two
GENCOs based on installed capacity of power stations in the both the Regions. All
software which are licensed in the name of APGENCO will be retained by APGENCO as
same cannot be transferred to TG GENCO.
22. Contracts under progress: As per section 60(1) (a) of the Act, All the contracts which
cover works exclusively for Telangana Region Plants, shall get transferred to TG
GENCO along with corresponding liability. Contracts which cover works spread over
both the states (for example suplly of coal, oil, and any other centralised items), shall be
executed by APGENCO and allocated based on the installed capacity to both the Region
Plants/successors entities till the contract are completed or foreclosed.

23. Rights and obligations of third parties restricted: Upon the transfer being effected in
accordance with the provisions of the Act and these rules, the rights and obligations of all
persons shall be restricted to the Transferee to whom they are assigned to and
notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any deed, documents, instruments,
agreements or arrangements which such person has with the Board, he shall not claim
any right or interest against the transferor company or any other transferee company.
24. Pending suits, Proceedings etc.: All Proceedings of whatever nature by or against the
company pending on the date of these rules shall not abate or discontinue or otherwise in
anyway prejudicial be affected by reason of the transfer scheme mentioned in the Act and
in these rules but the Proceedings may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or
against the Government or after the transfer of the Undertakings, by or against the
notified transferee to whom the same are assigned in accordance with the transfer scheme
only and nobody else. Such Proceedings may be continued in the same manner and to the
same extent as it would or might have been continued, prosecuted and enforced by or
against the Board if the transfers specified in these rules had not been made.
25. Balance Sheet of TG GENCO and APGENCO: APGENCO assets and liabilities shall
be transferred to TG GENCO & APGENCO as per format given in Annexure-C.
26. Any other issue: Any issue not covered above shall be decided by both GENCOs in
accordance with the principles laid down in the Reorganization Act 2014.
02 MD, APGENCO shall take further necessary action for transfer of functions, assets,
liabilities posts and employees to TG GENCO accordingly.


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