Apportionment of GPF Liabilities- Procedure to be adoptedin the Payment of GPF authorisations

PROVIDENT FUND – A.P.State Re-organisation Act, 2014 – Apportionment
of GPF Liabilities – Procedure to be adoptedin the Payment of GPF
Authorisations – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 137 Dt:-31/05/2014
Read thefollowing:
1) Lr.No.Book.I/SRAP/2014-15/162, dt:-24/04/2014 from Deputy
Accountant General (A/cs & VLC), O/o Principal Accountant
General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad.
2) Lr.No.M3/3806/2014, dt:-12/05/2014 from the Director of
Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad.
3) Lr.No.AG(A&E)/FM/Gl.II/2014-15/381, dt:-15/05/2014 from
Deputy Accountant General (A/cs & VLC), O/o Principal
Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad.
4) Government in this department’s
Lr.No.1257/43/A2/Pen.II/2014, dt:-24/05/2014.
5) Lr.No.M3/3806/2014, dt:-27/05/2014 from the Director of
Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad.
6) Lr.No.AG(A&E)/FM/Gl.II/2014-15/490, dt:-29/05/2014 from
Deputy Accountant General (A/cs & VLC), O/o Principal
Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad
The Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad in the
reference first, third and sixth read above has suggested the following
procedurein case of GPF liabilities of employees of composite State:
(1) GPF final payments authorisations: Authorisations already
issued/continues to be issued by the Principal Accountant General (A&E),
A.P., Hyderabad in respect of subscribers whose date of retirement is
after 2nd June, 2014, the authorities concerned have to honour all such
authorisations and make payment during the currency of authorisations.
In respect of the subscribers whose date of retirement is after 2nd June,
2014, but no authorisations for payment of final GPF is issued, the
Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P. and Telangana at Hyderabad will
issue authorisations after the appointed date.
(2) GPF payment liability of composite State: The payment liabilities
of employees who have quit the service before 02/06/2014 but whose
payments (including residual balances) are made on or after 02/06/2014
will be apportioned as per the population ratio duly following the
procedure given below:
“In the State S1 (Telangana):
Drawing and Disbursing Officer: In the sanction order, the
A.G./DTO/PAO divides the amount into A.P. Share and Telangana Share
basing on population ratio i.e., 58.32% and 41.68% If not given, the DDO
divides the authorized amount into 58.32% and 41.68%.
A Single bill has to be prepared by the DDO duly indicating
the share of each State and the heads of account. The share of Telangana
should be debited to the regular GPF head of account and the share of
Andhra Pradesh will be as follows:
Major Head: 8793 – ISS
Minor Head: 129 - Andhra Pradesh
Treasury/PAO:-The Treasury Officer/PAOpasses the GPF bill
submitted by the DDO duly making entries in fly leaf register and
credits the amount to employee’s S.B.Account.
“The DTO/PAO/DWA, whoever operates MH 8793-ISS has to furnish
all supporting documents for the amounts booked under 8793 along with
the Sub Account No.SA115.
The A.G. prepares the outward Account and forwards the same to
his counterpart for further accounting.”
AG (A&E) State S1 (Telangana): Basing on figures in monthly
account, he sends advice of final GPF payment to RBI for claiming
reimbursement of share of State S2 (Andhra Pradesh). It is expected that
reimbursement will be obtained within 2-3 months. By special
arrangement with RBI, the process can be speeded up.
AG (A&E) State S2 (A.P.State): The A.G. takes the follow-up
action for adjusting the amount booked by State S1under MH 8793 to the
final head of accounts of S2.
The same procedure shall apply to both the successor States”.
(3) The GPF payments authorized in respect of the subscribers
quitting service on or after 2 June, 2014 in the Successor States will have
to be paid by the authorities concerned in the respective States.
(4) GPF payment liability of employees provisionally allotted to one
State on 02/06/2014 but subsequently allotted permanently to another
State and quit service before implementation: In all such cases, the
payment will be initially made by the State to which the official is
provisionally allotted. The liability will be allocated by the O/o the
Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad to the State to which
the official is permanently allotted through operation of 8793 ISS
whenever such a claim is received.
(5) Last Grade Service GPF: As in the case of GPF regular, in
respect of the GPF of Last Grade Service employees, who retire upto
01/06/2014, payment liabilities of composite State has to be borne by the
Successor States on population ratio basis when such payments are made
by the Successor States after the appointed date. The Treasury
Officers/PAOs are required to operate MH 8793 ISS for all such payments
as narrated at point no. (2).
2. The Government after careful examination, agrees to the procedure
suggested by the Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P., Hyderabad. All
theDrawing and Disbursing Officers/Heads of Departments and
Departments in the Secretariat are requested to follow the above
procedure and take necessary action as per the procedure indicated at
para 1 above.
3. The G.O. is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address


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