Revised procedure for allocation of Inter-State Transmission Project(s) under TBCB

Government    of India
Ministry    of Power
Shram  Shakti  Bhawan,  Rafi Marg, New  Delhi -  110001
Tele  Fax 01123730264
New Delhi, dated 161h   July '2014
Subject: Revised procedure for allocation of Inter-State Transmission Project(s) under  Tariff  Based 
Competitive Bidding (TBCB)- regarding.

The  undersigned is  directed  to  convey the  approval of the Minister of  Power to  delegate the power to approve the Transmission Schemes under the TBCB framework  on the  recommendations  of Empowered Committee and allocate the same to respective BPCs with a view for compressing the time schedule of implementation  of transmission  schemes through tariff based competitive bidding (TBCB) to Chairperson, Central Electricity Authority.

2.The revised procedure for procurement  of Transmission Service under tariff  based competitive bidding is annexed.

Ajay Joshi                               
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Tariff  based Competitive-bidding Guidelines for TransmissionService (Proposed for revision)

Bid Process Coordinator (BPC}

A Bid Process Coordinator, herein after  referred  to  as BPC,  would  be responsible  for coordinating  the bid process for  procurement of required  transmission services for  each inter state   Transmission   Project  to  be  implemented   under  tariff-based   competitive   bidding   in accordance with these guidelines.

For procurement  of  transmission services,  required  for  any inter-state  Transmission Project,   the   Central  ,Electricity  Authority    shall   allocate   the   Projects  to   BPCs on   the recommendations of Empowered Committee. It will be open for Ministry of Powerto  review the  nomination of BPC at any time.

For  procurement   of  transmission services  required  for  intra-state  transmission,  the appropriate   State Government  may notify  any  Organization/State Public Sector Undertaking especially engaged for this purpose by the appropriate  state government  or BPC notified  by the Central Government  to be the BPC for the state.

All the expenditure  incurred by the BP.C in the  process of selection of the investor  in accordance with the provisions of  these guidelines shall be recovered from the developer who is finally  identified  and assigned the  task of developing  that  project. The amount to be recovered shall be indicated  in the RFP document so that  bidders can take that amount into consideration in the tariff  to be quoted by them.

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