Expenditure Management Commission

Government of India (Bharat Sarkar).
Ministry of Finance (Vitta Mantralaya)
Department of Expenditure (Vyaya Vibhag)

New Delhi, the 4th September, 2014.
No. 7(2)/E. Coord/2014. - The Government has decided to constitute an
Expenditure Management Commission comprising of the following:-
Chairman (Part Time) Dr. Bimal Jalan,
Eminent Economist/
Public Policy Expert
Member (Full Time)
Shri Sumit Bose
Former Union Finance Secretary
Member (Part Time) Dr. Subir Gokam
Economist/Public Finance Expert
Ex-Officio Member
Additional Secretary (Expenditure)
(Full time)
(To be notified separately)
Chairman, Expenditure Management Commission will have the status of
Union Cabinet Minister.
2. The Terms of Reference of the Expenditure Management
Commission will be as follows:-
i.. Review the major areas of Central Government
expenditure, and to suggest ways. of creating fiscal space
required to meet developmental expenditure needs, without
compromising the commitment to fiscal discipline;
ii. Review the institutional arrangement, including budgeting
process and FRBM rules, for enforcing aggregate fiscal
discipline and suggest improvements therein;
in. Suggest measures to improve allocative efficiencies in the
existing expenditure classification system, including focus
on capital expenditure;
iv. Design a framework to improve operational efficiency of
expenditures through focus on utilization, targets and
v. Suggest an effective strategy for meeting reasonable
proportion of expenditure on services through user charges;
vi. Suggest measures to achieve reduction in financial costs
through better Cash Management System;
VIL Suggest greater use of IT tools for expenditure
vin. Suggest improved financial reporting systems in terms of
accounting, budgeting, etc., and;
IX. Consider any other relevant issue concerning Public
Expenditure Management in Central Government and make
suitable recommendations.
3. The Commission will devise its own procedures and may appoint
such Advisors, Institutional Consultants and Experts, as necessary, for any
particular purpose. It may call for such information and take such evidence
as it may consider necessary. Ministries and Departments of the
Government of India will furnish such information and documents and
render such assistance as may be required by the Commission. The
Government of India trusts the State Governments and others concerned
will extend to the Commission full cooperation and assistance.
4. The Commission will have its Headquarters in Delhi.
5. The Commission will submit its interim report before the Budget
of2015-16 and its final report before the Budget of 2016-l 7.

(Ratan P. Watal)
Secretary to the Government of India
Ordered that the Resolution be published in the Gazette of India
(Extraordinary Part-I Section-I).
Ordered also that a copy of the Resolution be communicated to
the Ministries I Departments of the Government of India, State
Governments I Administrations of Union Territories and all others
(Ratan P Watal)
Secretary to the Government of India

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