SSP verification and BPL households survey in Andhra Pradesh

Rural Development Department – Social Security Pensions (SSP) – Verification of Pensioners with Aadhaar Details – Guidelines – Orders – Issued. 

G.O.MS.No. 135 Dated:17.09.2014.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.113, PR & RD (RD.I) Dept, Dt:19.06.2014. 
2. From the CEO, SERP, A.P., Hyderabad, Lr.No.182/SERP/SSP/2014, Dt:13.09.2014. 
3. Govt. Memo.No.15170/RD.I/A1/2014-1, Dt:15.09.2014. 

 Government is committed to secure dignified life to all the poor and vulnerable, particularly the old and infirm and to support their minimum needs to bring happiness in their lives. In pursuit of this overarching goal, inspite of the 
challenging financial conditions, orders were issued in the reference first read above enhancing the Social Security Pension amount from Rs.200/- to Rs.1000/- per month to Old Age, Widow, Weavers, Toddy Tappers and AIDS patients and from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- per month to People With Disabilities (PWD) having 40% to 79% degree of disability and Rs.1500/- per month for PWDs having 80% and above 
degree of disability, and that the above enhanced scale of pension will come into effect from September, 2014, to be paid on 2nd October, 2014 and onwards.

2. The Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, A.P., Hyderabad vide the letter second read above has stated that the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the Performance Audit of Implementation of Social 
Security Pension Schemes AP, 2013, identified that in respect of 32% of beneficiaries, the age indicated in the ration card did not match with that of the one mentioned in the acquittances/database; that 19% of beneficiaries stated that their pension was sanctioned after multiple attempts; that 16% of beneficiaries stated that there were delays in payment of pension. The CAG recommended for cleansing the pensioners database to bring in better targeting of the poor and requested to issue necessary guidelines for verification of pensioners with pension and Aadhar details with a view to regulate the distribution of pensions in an effective manner. 

3. Keeping in view the report of the CEO, SERP, and, the observations made by the CAG in their report, Government have decided to provide pensions to all eligible persons, duly eliminating the ineligible cases, and decided to invoke linkage of 100% Aadhaar authenticated disbursement from 2nd October 2014 and to launch a verification campaign in every Gram Panchayat / Municipal Ward from 19.09.2014 
to 21.09.2014 through Gram Panchayat / Municipal /Corporation Committees. 

4. The CEO, SERP shall communicate to the Districts the list of GPs where there are disproportionate number of Pensioners with respect to the population and the Dt Collectors will nominate a Senior Officer to supervise the verification process to weed out all the ineligible cases. 

5. Government have also decided to ensure the 100% field level verification of eligibility of existing pensioners, and it is also to receive new applications for sanction of pensions. 

6. To achieve the above objective goal, the following procedure is prescribed: 

Procedure for verification of eligibility of existing pensioners and collection of application for new pensions:

Government have decided to set up Gram Panchayat/ Mandal/Municipality Pension Committees to conduct the process of verification of existing pensions, and collection and finalisation of the new pension applications as follows, with the composition of members, mentioned here under: 

The Gram Panchayat level Committee can scrutinize about 200 pensioners status per day. Therefore in 2 days 400 pensioners can be scrutinized. Therefore GPs having more than 400 pensioners need to have another Committee. The 
additional Committees to be appointed by the District Pensions Committee with a Special Officer as the President and the Village Revenue Officer/Teachers to function as the Member-Convener. The nominated members remain the same as in the GP Pensions Committee notified above. 

Grampanchayat, Municipal Ward & Municipal Corporation Division Pensions Committee (Including (1)BC, (1)SC and (1)ST in each committee) 

Municipal Ward Pensions
Municipal Corporation
Division Pensions
Sarpanch - President
Ward Member - President
Corporator - President
MPTC - Member
SHG members – 2 Members
SHG Members – 2 Members

SHG Members – 2 - Members
Social Activists – 3 members
Social Activists – 3 members

Social Activists – 2 Members
Bill Collector – Member

Bill Collector – member

Gram Panchayat Secretary –
Member Convener 


Mandal & Municipality Pensions Committee (Including (1)BC, (1)SC and (1) ST in each Committee 

Mandal Pensions

Municipality Pensions

Municipal Corporation
Pensions Committee

MPP - President
Municipal Chairperson – President
Mayor – President
ZPTC - Member
Ward member – 1 member
Corporator – 1 Member

MPTC – 2 Members
Social Activists – 3 members
Social Activists – 4 members

Sarpanches – 2 members
Municipal Commissioner –
Member Convener
Commissioner Municipal
Corporation – Member Convener

MPDO – Member Convener


District Pensions Committee: 

   1. District Minister (s) – Chairperson 
   2. District Collector – Member 
   3. Project Director, DRDA – Member Convener. 

The Self Help Group Members, and Group Social Activists mentioned in the above Committees will be nominated by the concerned, District Minister (s) and the nomination process shall be completed immediately. 

Role of Gram Panchayat / Ward Pension Committee: 

This Committee shall collect GP-wise/Ward-wise printed pensioners details from MPDO/Municipal Commissioner and verify the pensioners details thoroughly for their eligibility, write the findings in appropriate box, sign and handover at MPDO’s  /Municipal Commissioner’s Office. The verification of the eligibility of existing Pensioners shall be done on 19.09.14 and 20.09.14, and collection of applications for new pensions from the eligible poor people on 21.09.2014

Role of Mandal / Municipal Pensions Committee:

This Committee shall receive the appeals, if any, from the pensioners identified as ineligible by the Gram Panchayat / Ward Committee and dispose them on merits. The Committee shall also scrutinise the new applications forwarded by the Gram Panchayat / Ward Pensions Committees, and after a thorough verification recommend/ reject such applications. The recommended applications shall be uploaded by the MPDO/Municipal Commissioner through their logins. 

Proposed process of verification of eligibility of pensioners 

PD, DRDA shall download the mandal-wise, and the GP-wise Aadhaar seeded data from SSP website and handover the printed copies to MPDOs / Municipal Commissioners concerned for onward distribution to Gram Panchayats / 
Wards on or before 18.9.2014 for field verification. 

MPDO / Municipal Commissioner shall organise Mandal / Municipality level meeting with all members of Mandal / Municipal Pensions Committee and Gram Panchayat / Ward Pensions Committees immediately and explain the process of verification and collection of applications from eligible poor persons for new pensions. MPDO/Municipal Commissioner shall collect GP/Ward wise filled- in, and 
the signed verification reports after completion of the verification process and enter the findings in their Logins on 21.09.14 and 22.09.14 and preserve the reports. Similarly they shall enter the eligible applications for new pensions on 22.09.14 and 23.09.14. 

Eligibility Criteria for determination of BPL households:

The fundamental criterion to get eligibility for pension being the Below Poverty Line (BPL) status, Government have decided to examine the following factors for exclusion and inclusion of pensions for effective implementation of the 

Exclusion factors:

1. State/Central Government and PSU Employees
2. Government employee pensioners (including PSU, Central Govt etc)
3. Income tax payers
4. Land owners having more than 2.5 Acres of wet and 5 Acres Dry or both wet and dry together more than 5 Acres (except ST in scheduled areas in ITDAs)
5. Outsourced Employees 
6. Private salaried (monthly salaried) 
7. Owner of car 
8. Freedom Fighter pension holders

Priority shall be given to: 

1. ST households particularly PVTG Households in Agency areas 
2. SC households 
3. Practicing Artisans (Weavers, Toddy Tappers, Barbers, Washer men, Potters, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Cobbler, Animal herder, Village Artistes etc) and other Back ward Classes 
4. Daily labourers (Daily wage labourers, Agricultural Labourers, Migrated labourers) 
5. Nomadic Tribes having no permanent residence 
6. Households with destitute/orphans 
7. Households with Disabled 
8. Households of Manual Scavengers 
9. Other poor Households 

The GP/Ward level Committee will first apply the exclusion factors and eliminate all the households in their Gram Panchayat that fall within that ambit and then apply the priority list to arrive at the eligible households. From this list of households, the existing pensioners shall be scrutinized and fresh applications be considered. 

“Pensions Mahotsavalu” with Health Camps, Veterinary Camps and dissemination of Government Flagship programmes and 5 Campaigns 

 Government have decided that the “Pension Mahotsavalu” shall be launched on 02.10.2014 in the entire State and the celebrations shall continue till Diwali Oct 23rd 2014. The Pensions Mahotsavalu shall be accompanied by the Health camps and Veterinary camps at Cluster level organized in a befitting manner by the Health Medical and Family Welfare Department, and the Animal Husbandry Department 
respectively. The Mahotsavalu shall also be used for disseminating information to the Public on the five campaigns in Sanitation particularly on construction and usage of Individual Sanitary Latrines (Details on Campaigns will be issued separately). 

7. The Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, A.P., Hyderabad shall monitor the scheme as per the above guidelines to ensure it’s effective implementation. 

8. A copy of this order is available on the Internet and can be accessed at the address: and 


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