Sri H. Arun Kumar, IAS (2004), appointed as Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP)


I.A.S. – Sri H. Arun Kumar, IAS (2004), Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) – Terms and conditions - Issued.

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G.O.Rt.No. 3751                            Dated:17 .10-2014,
G.O.Rt.No.3227, General Administration (SC.A) Department, Dated:23.09.2014.

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O R D E R:
          In the G.O. read above, on transfer, the services of Sri H. Arun Kumar, IAS (2004) has been placed at the disposal of Panchayat Raj & Rural Development for appointment as Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP).

2.       The above deputation of the Member of Service shall be governed by the terms and conditions annexed to this order.

DT.17 .11.2014

The terms and conditions of deputation of Sri H. Arun Kumar,  IAS (2004)

          PAY AND ALLOWANCES:-  The Officer shall be paid his grade pay in the Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) Scale  of  the Indian Administrative Service, admissible to him from time to time in the State Government.

          Under Rule 9 of the I.A.S.(Pay)Rules, 1954, it is hereby certified that the deputation post of the Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, Hyderabad be treated as equivalent in status and responsibilities to the cadre post of  joint  Secretary to Government, included in the I.A.S. cadre of Andhra Pradesh. He shall be paid deputation allowance of 5% of the basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.2,000/- in case of deputation within the same station and at the rate of 10% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.4,000/- for other places. (vide G.O.Rt.No. 1095, G.A (Spl.A) Department, dt. 14.3.2011)

2.       TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE:- He will be entitled to Traveling Allowance as on transfer under the A.P. Travelling Allowance Rules in respect of journeys performed by the Government Servant, for joining the post in the foreign service and on reversion therefrom.  In respect of the journey performed during the period of foreign service, the foreign employer shall allow T.A. and D.A. as admissible to Officer of his status under the Government or in accordance with the orders issued in G.O.Rt.No.875, G.A. (Special. A) Department, dated:3-6-1968.  The T.A. Rules of the Corporation/Undertakings may be made applicable to him if they are advantageous.

3.       CONVEYANCE:- The Officer will be allowed free use of the car of the Corporation / Undertaking purely for official purposes.  He will also be eligible for using the car of the Corporation / Undertaking for private purposes, provided that he pays Rs.250/- p.m. for cars of 16 H.P. upto a distance of 500 Kms.  in a month (G.O.Ms.No.456, GA(OP.II)Dept., dated 8-11-2002).  Any distance covered in excess of this limit shall be paid by the Officer at the appropriate kilometer rate fixed by the Corporation / Undertaking concerned.  When the Officer pays a fixed amount per men sum, to the Corporation / Undertaking as indicated above, he will be allowed free use of the car for journeys from residence to office and back.

4.       JOINING TIME AND JOINING TIME PAY:-        The foreign employer shall allow the Government Servant joining time, as admissible under F.Rs. for joining the post in foreign service and on reversion therefrom and shall also allow pay during such period at the rate admissible under Fundamental Rules.

5.       LEAVE:- During the period of foreign service, the Government Servant shall be subject to the leave rules by which he is governed in Government service viz., the A.I.S.(Leave)Rules.

6.       LEAVE SALARY AND PENSION CONTRIBUTION:- The foreign employer shall pay to Government, leave salary at 11% of pay drawn in foreign service and pension contribution as fixed by the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh.  The foreign employer should remit to the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, the above contributions, which should be borne by the foreign employer.
7.       DISABILITY LEAVE:- The foreign employer shall bear the charge for the leave salary in respect of disability leave, if any, granted to the Government Servant on account of any disability incurred in or through the foreign service even if such a disability manifests itself after the termination of foreign service.

8.       EXTRAORDINARY PENSION OR GRATUITY:- The foreign employer shall be liable to pay any gratuity or pension that may be admissible under the rules applicable to the Government Servant, if any injury sustained or death occurs during foreign service which (injury or death) is attributable directly due to or in consequence of the performance of his duties in foreign service.

9.       COMPENSATORY ALLOWANCE DURING LEAVE:- The foreign employer shall pay compensatory allowance, if any, for the period of leave taken by the  Government Servant in or at the end of foreign service.

          The foreign employer shall pay compensatory allowance, if any, to the officer at the rates admissible to officers of similar status borne on the cadre of the Corporation / Undertaking.
10.     MEDICAL CONCESSIONS:- The foreign employer shall provide the Government Servant, the medical concessions and facilities on a scale not inferior to what would have been admissible to him in the Government Service.

11.     LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION:- The foreign employer shall allow the Government Servant the leave travel concession as admissible to All India Service Officers.


1.    The Officer will be eligible to House Rent Allowance at eligible rate of actual basic pay.
2.    He can draw House Rent Allowance even when he occupies his own house.
3.    He will not be eligible for any Company requisitioned accommodation in case he has a house of his own in Hyderabad.
4.    The Company may requisition a house for the Addl. CEO, SERP, Hyderabad who is on deputation with them subject to what is indicated in sub-clause (3) above and subject to recovery of rent from the officer being limited to 10% of pay as in the case of officers serving in Government Department; and
5.    The limit for rent for such requisitioned accommodation may be Rs.15000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand only) p.m. or a plinth area of 2000 Sq.ft., whichever is less, subject to recovery of rent at the rate of 10% of basic pay of the officer concerned (G.O.Ms.No.237, G.A.(Spl.A)Dept., dated: 15.6.2005).
6.    The officer will be allowed to continue in the Company / Corporation requisitioned accommodation for a period of 3 months from date of his relinquishing charge in the Company / Corporation at subsidized rates of rent and thereafter, the entire house rent has to be borne by the officer if he continues in the requisitioned accommodation.
7.    The borrowing authority / foreign employer shall effect the recovery of subscription under Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 and credit the same into the relevant head of account.

13.     PAYMENT OF BONUS:- The Officer shall be eligible for bonus as declared and paid by the Corporation / Undertaking concerned to the Officers of equivalent status of the Corporation / Undertaking subject to the general conditions laid down by the Government of India in regard to the payment of bonus from time to time.

14.     GENERAL:- The foreign employer shall pay the arrear claims, if any, that may be pointed out by the Government or the Accountant General on account of the Government Servant owing to revision of pay and allowances while on foreign service.

15.     PERIOD OF DEPUTATION:- The period of deputation will be one year in the first instance, the period being reckoned from the date of relief under this Government   to the date on which he takes charge of a post under this Government on reversion from the foreign service. The Government reserves the right to withdraw the officer earlier after giving due notice to the Corporation / Undertaking.

16.     OTHER BENEFITS:- The Officer shall also be eligible to get the benefits that would ordinarily be available to service Officer.

17.     RECOVERY OF EXCESS DRAWALS:-  If it is eventually found that the deputationist has drawn from the Corporation / Undertaking emoluments in excess of what are strictly admissible to him as per terms of deputation, such excess amount drawn shall be recovered from the death-cum-retirement gratuity that may be sanctioned to the Government servant on his retirement.

18.     CONSENT FOR RECOVERY OF EXCESS AMOUNT DRAWN:- The deputationist should convey his consent for the term No.17 immediately after assumption of charge of the post of the Corporation / Undertaking.

19.     The Officer shall not, during the period of foreign service, accept from the Corporation / Undertaking any additional allowance or perquisites not specifically provided for in the above terms of deputation except with prior sanction of the Government.



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