Agricultural Debt Redemption scheme 2014: Guidelines for Implementation

Agricultural Debt Redemption scheme 2014: Guidelines for Implementation of the scheme
Constitution of Mandal Level /Divisional Level Grievances Redressal Committees-issued:
G.O.MS.No. 220  Dated: 11.12.2014.
Read the following:-
1.  G.O.Ms.No.174 Finance (IF) Department, dt.14.08.2014.
2.  G.O.Ms.No.218 Finance (IF) Department, dt.04.12.2014.
3.  G.O.Ms.No.2583 Finance (EBS-II-A&C) Department, dt.18.10.2014.
4.  G.O.Ms.No.2584 Finance (EBS-II-A&C) Department, dt.18.10.2014.
In partial modification of the GOs cited, the following modifications have been
In the reference 1 st read above, the Government issued operational guidelines for
implementing the debt redemption scheme to farmers of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly,
collection of data in 34 columns Template from Banks /RRB’s/DCCB’s etc; has since been
completed and the 1 st phase of list containing 22.79 lakh eligible farmers for providing
relief, is made available to the bank-branches / concerned Mandal Revenue Officer and the
beneficiary-farmers. W.e.f. from 10.12.2014.
2.  The farmer’s accounts that could not be processed /cleared during the 1 st phase for
want of details of documents such as Ration Card, Aadhaar etc; are being given another
opportunity for verification/submission of the required details in the 2 nd phase. National
Information Center (NIC) will publish the list of such loan accounts in their portal. This list of
will be made available to the bank-branches and placed in public domain for rectification
and reprocessing w.e.f. 10.12.2014.
3.  On page 4 of GO 2 nd read above, against item 18, details with regard to submission
of online grievance and Mandal Level Grievance Redressal Committee have been
furnished. In partial modification of these guidelines, the Government has now decided to
keep in place a three-tier grievance redressal mechanism to deal with grievance effectively,
details of which are as follows:
i.  A Mandal-Level Committee where the Mandal Revenue Officer will be the
Nodal Officer / convener. The concerned Branch Manager and Agriculture
Officer of the Mandal will be the other members of the Committee.
ii.  Revenue Divisional Officer of the concerned Revenue Division will be the
appellate authority for the grievances which could not be resolved by the
Mandal Revenue Officer –Committee mentioned above.
iii.  The final level is the District Level Grievance Redressal Committee.
15. The format for on-line accessing for filing of grievances is available at http://
5.  The grievances/complaints can be filed On-line. The aggrieved person can
approach the branch from where he/ she availed his/her loan or MRO Office or MEE SEVA
Centre or any other agency which can provide internet facility, to file on-line representation
in the NIC portal.
6.  2 nd  phase list forwarded by NIC will contain remarks/reasons for the pendency of the
relief in each case, based on which the farmer can file his/her online grievance, if any.
7.  Farmers can submit their grievances On-line, giving reasons for reconsideration of
their claim for relief and the same will be available on line to the Branch Manager and the
Mandal Revenue Officer. Subsequently, the farmer shall furnish the supporting documents
to the MRO –Committee for considering the relief / redemption amount.
8.  Procedure to be followed:
I. Mandal Level Committee:
The Nodal Officer (MRO) will view the grievance of each farmer. Information will also
be available to the bank-branch, to which the account belongs. The issue will be discussed
by the committee of Mandal Revenue Officer, concerned Branch Manager and Agriculture
Officer by verifying the supporting loan documents / records / other documents submitted by the aggrieved farmer.
The committee will address the grievance of the farmer taking in to account the
guidelines issued vide GO cited against reference 1 and subsequent clarifications given on
the subject. In case of any doubt, clarification may be obtained from Finance Department.
It is to be ensured that the decision of the Committee is uploaded / ported to NIC site
from time to time. The concerned branch will immediately initiate the follow-up action by
furnishing the details collected, in the 34 column template, for further processing. The MRO
committee is also permitted to take assistance of the Village Level Janmabhoomi
Committee, if felt necessary, in resolving the issues and to take a decision.
II. Revenue Divisional Level Appellate Authority:
If the farmer is not satisfied with decision of the MRO committee, the grievance can
be scaled up to the RDO, the appellate authority. The matter will be re-examined by the
RDO with the help of MRO committee and if necessary an independent enquiry can also be
done for gathering the factual position and a final view can be taken and recorded.
III. District Level Committee:
The final decision lies with the District Level committee.
The District Committee consists of Collector/Joint Collector, Lead District Manager,
Joint Director Agriculture and the Controller/District coordinator of the bank concerned.
The District Level Grievances Committee will take a holistic view of the issue and record its
final decision in the matter.
In this connection, Government will establish Call Centers for assisting and guiding
the aggrieved farmers on matters with whom they have to approach, the reasons for not
considering in the 1 st phase, documents to be furnished in support of their claim etc.
10.  A check-list of anticipated Grievances and suggestive-approach to address the same
is annexed, along with all the instructions/clarifications issued subsequent to the GO
reference (1) cited. In any case the process of addressing the grievances of the
farmers shall be completed by 09.01.2015 positively.
11.  Also enclosed is the format of application cum affidavit to be obtained from each
beneficiary-family as stated in page 3 at item 12 of GO, cited at reference 2 nd above.
12.  This G.O. is available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website HYPERLINK
“” .


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