Guidelines for Condemnation and Disposal of the Equipment and Replacement in Hospitals

Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department – New Initiatives of the Government - Guidelines for Condemnation and Disposal of the Equipment and Replacement in
Government Medical Colleges / Teaching Hospitals, District Hospitals / Area Hospitals /Community Hospitals / Primary Health Centres Dispensaries & Government Offices etc., - Orders - Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 152. Dated:08.12.2014.
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.874 HM & FW (D1) Dept., Dated 27.12.2006.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held in the Conference hall of HM & FW Dept.,Secretariat, Hyderabad on 07.04.2011.
3. Weekly Review Meetings held by the Principal Secretary to Govt. with all HoDs.
O R D E R :
In the G.O 1 st read above, the Government have issued orders to the Government Hospitals / Institutions / Hospital Development Societies for effective functioning wherein the powers were given to Hospital Development Societies that the Condemnation and Auction of condemned / obsolete / unserviceable material, equipment, furniture etc. Disposal of condemned equipments costing more than Rs.2.00 lakhs must however be certified by the Bio-Medical Engineer of APHMHIDC before the disposal and approved by the development society by not less than 60% of members.

2.  During the Review meeting on Sanitation policy it was decided that the Auction to be conducted for broken Chairs, broken Furniture etc., by the Andhra Pradesh Medical
Services and Infrastructure Development Corporation authorities. 25% of the money to be taken by the Andhra Pradesh Medical Services and Infracture Development
Corporation the balance 75% to be handed over to the Head of the Departments.

3.  The HoDs have stated that a lot of condemnable material is available in the hospitals and is occupying lot of space as the institutional heads are not aware of the procedure to be adopted in disposal of condemned material and requested the Govt. to issue suitable guidelines on this.

4.  Government have examined the points raised by the HoDs during the review meeting on the above subject matter. Government after careful examination, in supersession of earlier orders, raised in their matter hereby issue the following guidelines for condemnation and disposal of the equipment and replacement in Government Medical Colleges / Teaching Hospitals, District Hospitals/Area Hospitals /
Community Hospitals / Primary Health Centres and Dispensaries and all Offices in this department.

A.  Condemnation Committee with the following members shall be formed in each hospital:- (5 Members)
i. Hospital Superintendent / Chief Medical Officer of the institution

ii. Resident Medical Officer.

iii. Nursing Superintendent / Senior most Nursing Staff of the institution (in the case of condemnation of linen items only)

iv. Technical professional concerned with the machinery / accessories etc., i.e., Biomedical Engineers / HOD of the Department / suppliers / service agency/ etc.,
If it is not possible to co-opt any of the Technical Professional persons, an Inspection report on the irreparable state of the item may be obtained and the same may be considered by the condemnation committee.

v. Assistant Director/Administrative Officer/Junior Administrative Officer [Senior most Ministerial Staff].

5. The constitution of the Committee with the above members in a Hospital may vary subject to the availability of respective posts, which may be decided by the head of the institution. In smaller institution where a condemnation Committee cannot be constituted, the head of the institution is permitted to inspect the articles and approve the condemnation, subject to obtaining the inspection report on the irreparable state of the articles from the technical expert as mentioned above.

6.  The Condemnation Committee shall meet annually once and complete the condemnation of all the unused items.

7. Wherever buy-back policy for equipment is offered, the committee shall consider the same before approving the condemnation.

8. All stores including steel items, empty containers of drugs and dressings that are found to be unserviceable inwards / Theatres / Department / Nurses Quarters etc., should be returned to the main stores. The officer-in-charge of main stores (Medical Stores Officer /Chief Pharmacist / Assistant) should take steps to condemn them which are beyond repairs.

9. Linen items which are worn out due to wear and tear in the wards, theatres and department shall be listed out and consolidated by the Nursing Superintendent and should be placed before the condemnation committee for its approval.

B. Parameters to be considered by the Condemnation Committee:
i. Life of the equipments as per manufacturers description.
ii. Uneconomical repairable condition of the equipment certified by the Service Agency.
iii. Disposable value of the items proposed for condemnation. The limit to be considered for disposal of condemned items may be fixed as up to Rs.5.00 lakhs of original cost of each item of equipment / machinery. For items of value of more
than Rs.5.00 lakhs respective Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs to take final Decision after recommendation of the Condemnation Committee.
iv. Committee is fully empowered to condemn the items up to Rs.5.00 lakhs for each item and to recommend to Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs
for more than Rs.5.00 lakhs for each item and shall record the reasons for condemnation specifically for each item whenever necessary and the members shall sign thereto.

C.  Procedure for disposal of condemned items:-
i.  All the items condemned should be brought to the general disposal register The entries in the general disposal register should tally with the items condemned and reduced in the main stock register of instruments, accessories, furniture etc.,. The stock in the general disposal register shall be reduced as and when such items are disposed.
ii. Limited tender System shall be adopted if the earning revenue value is more than Rs.25,000/- and less than Rs.1,00,000/- and the Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs shall themselves finalize the Limited tender. As regards rare cases where, the earning revenue value is
expected to exceed Rs.1 lakh The Andhra Pradesh Tender Act will be followed and respective Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs to finalize and dispose the tender.
iii. Public Auction shall be conducted if the earning revenue value is less than Rs.25,000/- in each hospital and the Medical Officer can conduct the Public auction. The Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs
himself can post-approve the auction sale.
iv. Upset price for disposal of the condemned items shall be Fixed locally by the Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs except in respect of empty saline bottles / pouches..

D. Disposal of used & X-ray film / Waste Hypo solution:-
The rate for the disposal of the above items may be fixed by the. Principals / Superintendents / DCHS / DM & HOs for the institutions under their control every year by assessing the sale price by a committee constituted at his level.
E. Disposal of empty saline pouches:-
To be disposed to the Common Treatment Facility operator as a Bio Medical Waste.
F. Condemnation and disposal of X-ray machine in the Institutions:- (3 Members)
A committee of the following members shall be Constituted for condemnation of X-ray plants.
1.  Principal / Superintendent / DCHS / DM & HOs of
the Districts. :  Chairman
2.  One of the Civil Surgeon. :  Member
2.1. One of the Chief X-ray Technicians available either
in the Headquarters Hospital or nearby Medical
Institution  under  the  control  of  Principal  /Superintendent of the same District. :  Member
10.  The Principals of concerned Medical Colleges / Superintendents of the Teaching Hospitals / District Co-ordinator of Health Services of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Hospitals / Medical Officers shall take necessary action for Condemnation and Disposal of the Equipment and Replacement in Government Medical Colleges /Teaching Hospitals, District Hospitals / Area Hospitals / Community Hospitals / Primary Health Centres and Dispensaries etc.,
11.  The orders issued with the concurrence of Finance Department, vide their
U.O.No.5344/323/A1/EBS.V/2014, dated:26.11.2014.


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