Andhra Pradesh Wind Power Policy, 2015

of Wind Power in Andhra Pradesh – Andhra Pradesh Wind Power Policy, 2015 -
Orders – Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 9 Dated:13.02.2015
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.48, Energy (Res) Deptt., dated 11.04.2008.
2. G.O.Ms.No.99, Energy (Res) Deptt., dated 09.08.2008.
3. From the VC&MD, NREDCAP, Hyderabad Lr.No.NREDCAP /
WE/Govt./2014, dated 25.09.2014.
In order to promote Wind Power Projects, the Government of Andhra
Pradesh have issued orders formulating Andhra Pradesh Wind Power Policy,
2012 vide references 1 st and 2 nd read above. The operative period of policy
was 5 years and it expired in April, 2013, Considering, the good wind power
potential existing in the State and to achieve 4000 MW capacity addition through
wind power during the next 5 years period, there is a need to bring out
comprehensive wind power policy.

2.  Government, after detailed discussions on the proposal vide reference 3 rd
cited with various stakeholders viz., APTRANSCO., APDISCOMs, NREDCAP
Wind Power Developers and Associations etc., hereby issue the Wind Power
Policy, 2015 as mentioned below:


India is amongst the largest wind power markets in the world. Wind power is
already economical in comparison to conventional power sources and Andhra
Pradesh has a huge wind power potential that is yet to be harnessed. The wind
power potential in the combined state of Andhra Pradesh as estimated by the
National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) , formerly known as Centre for Wind
Energy Technology (C-WET) is around14,497 MW at 80 m level with maximum
potential existing in the districts of Ananthapur, Kadapa, Kurnool, Chittoor and
Nellore districts.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has earlier issued “Wind Power Policy”, vide
G.O.Ms.No.48 dated 11.04.2008 and G.O.Ms.No.99 dated 09.09.2008, to
promote wind power projects. Since the policy operative period was for five (5)
years, the policy expired in April, 2013. Taking into consideration the rising power
requirements of the State post bifurcation and clean energy considerations, the
government of Andhra Pradesh is keen to promote wind power generation in a
big way.


1. To encourage, develop and promote wind power generation in the State
with a view to meet the growing demand for power in an environmentally
and economically sustainable manner.

2. To attract private investment to the State for the establishment of large
wind power projects.

3. To promote investments for setting up manufacturing facilities in the State,
which can generate gainful local employment.

1 Operative Period

The policy shall come into operation with effect from the date of issuance and
shall remain applicable for a period of five (5) years and/ or shall remain in force
till such time a new policy is issued.

Wind power projects that are commissioned during the operative period shall be
eligible for the incentives declared under this policy, for a period of ten (10) years
from the date of commissioning – unless the period is specifically mentioned for
any incentive.

2 Eligible Developers

All registered companies, Joint Venture Companies, Central and State power
generation/ distribution companies and public / private sector wind power
developers will be eligible for setting up of wind power projects, either for the
purpose of captive/group captive use and/or for selling of electricity to the utilities
or third parties, in accordance with the Electricity Act-2003, as amended from
time to time.

The entity desiring to set up wind power project(s), either for sale of power and/
or for captive use/group captive use of power within or outside the State, shall
inform the Nodal Agency as per the para (9) of this policy.

3 Category of Wind Power Projects

Category I: Projects set up in government / revenue lands or forest areas
or assigned lands and also in private lands selling power within the State
Power generated from the wind power projects installed entirely or partly on
government/ revenue land or forest areas shall be for sale within the State only.

The Govt. of A.P. may consider proposals for allotment of revenue land if available - at
the wind power potential areas on first come first serve basis- based on recommendation
of NREDCAP, as per the provisions of New Land Allotment Policy announced by the
Government vide G.O. Ms. No: 571, Dt: 14-09-2012 of Revenue (Assignment-I) Dept.
To facilitate faster execution of projects, the district collector shall handover
advance possession of land including pathways to NREDCAP and the land shall
be allotted in the joint name of NREDCAP and the Developer. The concerned
district collector after taking into account all the necessary undertakings of land
proposal shall permit the developer to start the construction. NREDCAP shall
withdraw its rights from the land once the project gets commissioned.

In case of forest areas, the developers shall submit the application through the
Nodal Agency to the forest department, to consider for allotment as per the
guidelines/regulations laid down by the forest department from time to time.

If the wind farm is set up in private land then the Eligible Developer shall procure
the land from the landholder on their own.

Category II: Captive use or group captive use /direct sale to 3rd party sale
within the State/States other than A.P. State

The State will promote wind power producers to set up wind power projects with
no cap on capacity for captive use/group captive or sale of power to 3 rd party
within the State/States other than Andhra Pradesh. These projects will also
qualify for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) subject to applicable
regulations/ guidelines issued by the appropriate commission.

Category III: Projects under Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism
The State will promote wind power producers to set up wind power projects with
no cap on capacity for sale through Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)
mechanism. The wind power producers will be required to apply for accreditation
to the State Accreditation Agency and thereafter to Central Agency for
registration and issuance of RE certificate under REC mechanism as per
order/regulations of the appropriate commission. The power generated from
these power projects shall be purchased by APDiscoms at pooled cost of power
purchase as determined by APERC from time to time.

4 Capacity Allotment

The wind power projects shall be allowed in the areas notified by MNRE or in the
areas  where  wind  monitoring  studies  have  been  undertaken  by
MNRE/NIWE/NREDCAP/GoAP. In case wind resource assessment studies are
proposed to be undertaken by the private developers, the capacity allotment will
be considered only on submission of the wind data validation report of NIWE.
The area applied for development of wind farm shall be clearly marked on a topo-
sheet and google Map with the proposed capacity to be developed in that area.
NREDCAP shall be responsible for capacity allotment for upto 40 MW and to
recommend capacity allotment beyond 40 MW to Government of AP.
5 Wind Resource Assessment studies in Private Sector
Permission for carrying out Wind Resource Assessment (WRA)and subsequent
development at self-identified locations by the private entities will be given by the
Nodal Agency on a first come first serve basis and will be governed by MNRE
circular no. 51/9/2007-WE dated 20.06.2008 for wind measurement &
subsequent development by private sector.

The applicant needs to clearly demarcate the project boundaries in a topo-sheet
(scale 1:50000) where it is proposed to conduct the WRA study. All applications
received will be scrutinised to ensure that the site identified has not been allotted
to any other entity for WRA study as on the application date or is not within 5km
radius from NIWE/NREDCAP proven or on-going wind masts as on the
application date. Such WRA studies shall be completed within 24 months from
date of signing of MoU with NREDCAP.

After completion of wind monitoring exercise, the applicant will be provided an
exclusive period of 180 days from the expiry date of MOU to get the data
authenticated by NIWE and make an application for capacity allotment. If the
project is not applied for capacity allotment, the permission granted for private
WRA study shall be cancelled. The applicant is also required to provide an
undertaking to NREDCAP, with a copy to NIWE, indicating that NIWE can share
the data to NREDCAP for subsequent/additional capacity allotments in the
proposed (or balance) area.

6 Solar and Wind Hybrid Power Projects

To enable better utilization of common infrastructure and related facilities, solar
and wind hybrid power projects shall be encouraged in the State. The tariff for
such solar projects shall be as determined by APERC.

7 Repowering

The wind power developers will be encouraged to install higher capacity and
improved technology Wind Electric Generators (WEGs) by undertaking
appropriate micro-siting studies in order to optimally utilize the available wind
resource potential at the project sites.

In respect of projects where lower capacity and lower hub height WEGs were
installed and which have completed more than 15 years of life, proposals will be
considered for replacing older turbines with higher capacity WEGs. In such
cases, approval will be granted - subject to amendment of Power Purchase
Agreement (PPA) with extension of time period for another 25 years.

The tariff payable for energy corresponding to the additional capacity available
due to repowering of such projects shall be as per the applicable tariff
determined by APERC from time to time.

8 GoAP Incentives

To enable wind power capacity addition in the State, following incentives shall be
provided for Eligible Developers for those projects setting during the operative
period mentioned in the para one (1).

a) Power Evacuation

i. The Eligible Developer shall bear the entire cost of power evacuation
facilities for interconnecting the wind farm with the grid.

ii. The Eligible Developer shall abide by the orders, rules, regulations and
terms and conditions as approved by APERC from time to time for
operation of wind farms, power evacuation, transmission and wheeling
of energy.

iii. Wind power projects will be exempted from paying the supervision
charges to APTransco/Discom towards the internal evacuation
infrastructure within the wind farm site and upto pooling sub-station. All
electrical installations within wind farm site and upto pooling sub-station
shall be as per the statutory requirements and shall be certified by the
Chief Electrical Inspector General (CEIG) or any other statutory

iv.  APTransco/Discom will dispose the proposals for the technical
feasibility for evacuation within 14 days from the date of receipt of
application. Any upstream system strengthening requirement shall be
borne by APTransco/Discom on a priority basis.

b) Transmission and Distribution charges for wheeling of power
There will be no Transmission and Distribution charges for wheeling of
power generated from wind power projects, to the desired location/s for
captive use/third party sale within the State through grid. However, the
Transmission and Distribution charges for wheeling of power generated
from the wind power projects for sale outside the State shall be as per
regulations of APERC.

The 3 rd party sale by Eligible Developers under this policy will be permitted
only to HT – I category consumers as categorized in Tariff Orders and as
per the regulations issued by APERC from time to time.

c) Energy Banking

Banking of 100% of energy shall be permitted during all 12 months of the
year. Banking charges shall be adjusted in kind @ 2% of the energy
delivered at the point of drawal. The banking year shall be from April to

Drawals from banked energy shall not be permitted during five (5) month
period from 1 st April to 30 th June and 1 st February to 31 st March of each
financial year. In addition, drawls of banked energy during the Time of the
Day (ToD) applicable during the peak hours, as specified in the respective
Retail Supply Tariff Order, shall also not be permitted throughout the year.
However, the provisions on banking pertaining to drawal restrictions shall
be reviewed based on the power supply position in the State.

Energy injected into the grid from date of synchronization to Commercial
Operation Date (COD) will be considered as deemed energy banking.
The unutilized banked energy shall be considered as deemed purchase by
Discoms at the pooled power purchase cost as determined by the APERC
for the applicable year. Energy settlement shall be done on monthly basis.

d) Open Access

Intra-state Open Access clearance for the whole tenure of the project or
25 years whichever is earlier will be granted as per the APERC
Regulations amended from time to time. In absence of any response or
intimation from the Nodal Agency to the generator within 21 days, then
such application shall be considered to be deemed open access.

e) Electricity Duty

All wind power projects are exempted from paying Electricity Duty in case
of sale of power to APDiscom.

f) Deemed Public Private Partnership (PPP) Status

Deemed PPP status shall be provided for projects coming up under
Category I and have entered into a PPA with APDiscom for sale of power.

g) Non Agriculture Status

Deemed Non-Agricultural (NA) status for the land where wind power
projects will be accorded, on payment of applicable statutory fees.

h) Deemed Industry Status

Generation of electricity from wind power projects shall be treated as
eligible industry under the schemes administered by the Industries
Department and incentives available to industrial units under such
schemes shall be available to the wind power producers.

i) Must run status

Injection from wind power projects shall be considered to be deemed
scheduled subject to prevailing regulations/grid code of appropriate

j) Pollution Clearance

Wind power projects will be exempted from obtaining any NOC/Consent
for establishment under pollution control laws from AP Pollution Control

9 Nodal Agency

New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of A.P. Ltd (NREDCAP)
shall act as a Nodal Agency under this policy and as decided by the government
from time to time.

The Nodal Agency and/or designated offices by the Nodal Agency shall be
responsible for facilitating single window clearance of the projects for the
following activities:

a) Registration of projects
b) Allotment of capacity of projects
c) Processing of proposals for allotment of revenue land or Forest land.
d) Arranging approval for power evacuation plan and open access.
e) Arranging other statutory clearances/approvals if any.
f) Co-ordination with MNRE/SECI/APTransco/APDiscoms and other central
and state agencies.

An online system will be established by the Nodal Agency for acceptance of
applications and for providing status updates. The developers will be given a
login access for tracking the status updates. All approvals/clearances shall be
disposed within 30 days from the date of registration.

10 Time Lines for Project Completion

The Eligible Developers should enter into a project agreement along with the
applicable fees and bank guarantees with the Nodal Agency within two (2)
months from the date of sanction of the capacity allotment.

In case of wind power projects allotted in revenue lands, the project shall be
commissioned within 18 months from the date of possession of revenue lands
and/ or issue of power evacuation clearance, whichever is later. In case of wind
power projects allotted in private lands, the projects shall be commissioned within
18 months from the date of issue of power evacuation clearance.

In case of revenue and private lands, if there is no development at the site, even
after three (3) years from the date of sanction, the site may be offered to any
other developer by the Nodal Agency. The Nodal Agency would be at liberty to
invite bids for setting up wind power projects in such sites, where no
development is taken up within prescribed period. In such cases, the
Government may resume the lands so allotted or acquire the land purchased by
the developers at the same price at which the sale deeds were registered and
offer the lands to other developers by inviting bids.

11 Manufacturing

The Government intends to promote wind turbine manufacturing facilities that
can contribute towards wind sector development in the State. The following
incentives shall be applicable for new manufacturing facilities and equipment’s,
ancillaries related to wind power projects only.

•  Priority allotment of Government land on long term lease basis
•  Exemption from electricity duty for a period of ten (10) years for consumption
of electricity from the first year of operation.

12 Applicability of this Policy for wind power projects approved under
earlier Policy

This policy is applicable in respect of all wind power projects which are not
commissioned as on date of notification of this policy in the State of Andhra

13 Project Monitoring

A “High Level Committee” constituted with the following members will monitor the
progress of implementation of the Wind Power Policy:

1. Secretary, Energy Department
2. Chairman and Managing Director, APTRANSCO
4. V.C.& Managing Director, NREDCAP( Member-Convener)
5. Representative  of  Indian  Wind  Turbine  Manufacturers
Association (IWTMA)
6. Representative of Indian Wind Power Association (IWPA)

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to this policy, the High Level Committee is
authorized to issue clarification as well as interpretation to such provisions, as
may appear to be necessary for removing the difficultly either on its own motion
or after hearing those parties who have represented.

14 Mid-term Review

State Govt. may undertake a Mid-term Review of this policy after a period of two
years or as and when need arises in view of any technological breakthrough or to
remove any inconsistency with Electricity Act 2003, rules and regulations made
there under or any Govt. of India policy.

15 Power to remove difficulties

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to this policy, energy department is
authorized to issue clarification as well as interpretation to such provisions, as
may appear to be necessary for removing the difficulty either on its own motion
or after hearing those parties who have represented for change in any provision.


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