Constitution of Committees for various sectors of Government to make recommendations


SLBC Meetings - Constitution of Committees for various sectors of Government to make recommendations - Orders - Issued.

                                                FINANCE (IF) DEPARTMENT
G.O.Rt.No.278                                     Dated: 13.02.2015.                                                                                           Read the following.

1.      G.O.MS. No. 20 of Planning (VII) department dated 27.09.2014.
2.    Minutes of 188th State Level bankers Committee(SLBC) held on 30.12.2014

In the reference 1st read above,  the Government of A.P. has a vision to be among the three best States in India by 2022 when India celebrates its 75th years of Independence and to achieve the status of a developed State by 2029. As a part of this, several measures have been taken to achieve the goal. One of the measure is to constitute committees for each identified sector to study in depth and make recommendations to the Government.

2.      In  the reference 2nd   read above, the Hon’ble Chief Minister while addressing the SLBC  held on 30.12.2014 has suggested forming committees with senior level participation in Government, banking and other experts to suggest for improvement in the  sectors like Agriculture, Tourism, Industry and Skill Development areas etc , this would help the state for  improving the economy.

3       In pursuance of the above suggestion, the State Government decide to constitute     seven separate committees with   senior Government officials, Bankers and experts on the subject in respect of the sectors mentioned below. Accordingly, the Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh has accorded approval for constitution of the following   committees.   

Agriculture, Horticulture development.                                       

    1.        Principal Secretary, Agriculture & Cooperation Department.
   2.         Commissioner and Director Agriculture.
   3.         Commissioner and Ex-officio Secretary Horticulture.
   4.         Commissioner and Director of agricultural Marketing.
   5.         General Manager, Andhra Bank (dealing with Agriculture segment).
    6.        General Manager, NABARD.
   7.         Field General Manager, Syndicate Bank, Zonal Office.
   8.         Managing Director, APCOB.
   9.         Commissioner Cooperation for and Registrar of Co-operatives.
Animal Husbandry and Allied Activities.

    1.        Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Director of Animal Husbandry.
   2.         Commissioner, Fisheries.
   3.         Managing Director, AP Sheep and Goat Development Federation.
   4.         VC&MD, Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative             
   5.       Chief Executive Officer, Livestock Development Agency.
   6.       Zonal Head, Bank of India. Zonal Office
   7.       General Manager, Canara Bank, Circle Office.
   8.       General Manager, NABARD.
   9.       Managing Director, APCOB.
Dry land development, Micro (Drip/Sprinkler) Irrigation.

    1.        Principal Secretary, Agriculture & Cooperation Department.
   2.        Commissioner and Ex-officio Secretary Horticulture.
   3.        Commissioner, Rural Development.
   4.        Commissioner and Director Agriculture.
   5.        Managing Director, Irrigation Development Corporation.
   6.        Director, NREGS.
   7.        Project Officer, Andhra Pradesh Micro Irrigation Project.
   8.        Additional Director, Agriculture Department.
   9.        Special Secretary, Irrigation Department.
10.        General Manager, Indian Bank, Zonal Office.
11.        Managing Director, APCOB.
Agro processing, Textiles and Apparel.

    1.        Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce Commissioner, Industries.
   2.        CEO, AP Food Processing.
   3.        VC &MD, AP State Agro Industries Development Corporation.
   4.        Director, Handlooms and Textiles.
   5.        VC & MD, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation.
   6.        VC&MD, OILFED.
   7.        General Manager, (MSME) SBI.
   8.        General Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, Zonal Office.


Use of Chemicals and Mineral wealth

   1.       Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce (convenor).
   2.        Commissioner, Industries.
   3.        VC & MD, AP Mineral Development Corporation.
   4.        Director, Mines and Geology.
   5.        General Manager (Corporate Banking) SBH.
   6.        Zonal Manager, Union Bank of India, Zonal Office.

1.             Principal Secretary, Tourism and Culture.
2.       VC, AP Tourism Development Corporation.
3.       VC & MD, APSRTC.
4.       Principal Secretary, Higher Education.
5.        Principal Secretary, Health, Medical and Family Welfare.
6.       General Manager, Central Bank of India.
7.        Senior Executive (Govt and New Business) SBH.
Skill Development and Upgradation

    1.        MD & CEO, AP Skill Development Corporation.
   2.        Secretary, Information Technology and Communication Department.
   3.        Principal Secretary, Women and Child Welfare Department.
   4.        Principal Secretary, Rural Development.
   5.        Principal Secretary, MA & Urban Development.
   6.        Principal Secretary, Labour, Employment, Training & Factories.
   7.        Secretary, Minority Welfare.
   8.        Secretary, Social Welfare.
   9.        Secretary, Tribal Welfare Dept.
10.        Secretary, BC Welfare Dept.
11.        CEO, Employment Generation and Marketing Mission.
12.        CEO, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP).
13.        Commissioner, Rural Development.
14.        Commissioner, Employment and Training.
15.        Commissioner, Technical Education.
16.        General Manager, (Corporate and Industrial Finance) Andhra Bank.
17.        Senior Executive (Corporate Credit) SBI.
18.        Director, AP BIRED.

4.      Upon constitution of the above committees the Chief Secretary Government of Andhra Pradesh had a meeting with convenors and the senior bankers on 09.02.2015 and directed that the Committees shall submit its report to the Government within a period of one month.    On receipt of respective committees reports/recommendations the convenor State Level Bankers Committee shall hold a special SLBC meeting to discuss the findings. Convenor will organise presentation in the meeting.

5.       The Government authorize the convenors of the above respective committees to                   co-opt experts in the relevant field to assists the committee.

6.      The Committees shall make in depth study and make its recommendations to the Government for improvement in the sectors allotted and to improve the economy of the State.

7.       This GO is available in Andhra Pradesh Government Website


                                                                        I.Y.R.KRISHNA RAO

                                              CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT  

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